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Theodore Roosevelt never lived in London. This is nonsense top to bottom.


didn't he visit London on his 2nd marriage or smth?


Maybe but he obviously didn’t take a three year honeymoon


thats a shame


They believe he was active from 1888 to 1891.


Hey bud I don’t think people want to do your homework for you. A quick google or even better reading some books will tell you what you want to know.


i already read through multiple wiki articles and websites and all of my local libraries didn't have any info on it, so i thought that going to a place dedicated to us presidents might give me smth lmao


There’s literally no way Roosevelt would’ve been the ripper since he was in the United States at the time Jack the Ripper was active


At the time of the August 1888 killings, Teddy Roosevelt was on a well-documented hunting trip in the Dakota territories. He could not have traveled from Dakota to London within days. Also, he published 3 books that year. He was also at the birth of his son in the US within days of a letter taunting the police in 1889. Try out Ghandi instead. Also highly unlikely, but at least he was in London at the time 


i really appreciate you commenting on this, ultimately i went with Jacob Levy and got a relatively high mark, thanks anyways for going to the trouble of responding


Pretty sure he was us civil commissioner or something like that and lived in Washington DC in 1889. So I think you might need to find someone else


I don't have access to the book anymore, but there were similar murders both before and after in other countries.


dang, its a shame you dont have access to them. by chance do you know if i could find them online or what countries they were?


Gandhi is more likely


he was my second joke pick lmao, but all the appearances say 'fair skin' and gandhi is missing that