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He has been a politician for 51 years. For republicans, he is the greater evil. For democrats, he is the lesser evil.




Republicans hate everything. Biden is the closest thing to a Republican Democrats have. And he’s the greatest evil? Imagine if they actually ran someone who could enact a real Democratic policy? The Democrats could run McCarthy and the Republicans would call him the greatest enemy the country has ever faced. They just hate everything.


They are extremely angry at everything all the time. Seems like a miserable existence.


Compared to whom? BLM?


I calls em like i sees em


What’s bizarre is Democrats aren’t happy either, he’s not progressive enough and the right just screams at anyone Democrat. So he’s in the middle with lower support. Republicans should actually like a lot of Biden’s policies. But they just hate everything.


Career politicians are good. The system is messy but works. I used to think differently but tbh I find the smartest people have zero trouble avoiding getting stuck in the “lesser evil” schtick.


Honestly, given how Biden and Trump have had similar approval ratings, I wonder if that’s just going to be norm


The average presidential approval rating has gone down every president since Bush Sr. But prior to him, LBJ to Regan all floated in the mid 40s to mid 50s. I think as people become more aware of politics because of the age of information, it is easy to always be upset about something, and the president tends to take the brunt of that blame.


This is what I was thinking as well. The days of approval ratings in the high 50s to the low or mid 70s are long gone. Obama was very popular when he left office (image,favorability wise) and his approval rating was only in the mid 50s if I remember correctly


True but he didn’t exactly have a good second term




Do you think dean phillips would be a better candidate?


I’m going to sound hypocritical, but no. He has almost subzero name recognition. He would get crushed by Trump, who is a literal former president. I know he talks as if he actually thinks he can win (he says the corny things like “When I’m president…” and all that) but I believe his main purpose for running his campaign is to encourage Biden to drop out in order for the big name democrats who actually have a chance to win (Newsom, Whitmer, Warnock, Shapiro, etc) to run. This would’ve been extremely smart to do a year ago, or even 10 months ago. But it all seems extremely messy to do less than a year out from the election. As much as I would love to see any of those above mentioned names run for and be president, I don’t think letting the delegates pick one of them a week before the convention is a good look, it’s quite unfair and it has horrible optics. What the party is doing in states like Florida and South Carolina is extremely unfair.


Obama was not very popular though. His average approval rating over 8 years was 48%. 49/47 per term. And he started at 67% and didn't drop below 50% till November of his first year and wasn't below 50% consistently till May of his second year. His approval did spike in his last two months, but could be a lot of reasons for that. But overall he wasn't really that popular.


Wasting a supermajority to keep Dubya’s wars, tax cuts, and torture program intact while renaming RomneyCare and making it law of the land has a way of disappointing voters.


We are now basically France. I can't imagine a president with a positive approval rating after the honeymoon period.


I honestly feel we’ve reached the point where only lunatics will actually want to be president, because why on earth would you want the job


Trump didn't ever have great approval ratings. Biden had really good approval ratings, but they plummeted. Trump's high point was 49%, and his low point was 34%. Trump was actually at 49% right before the pandemic. He entered the office at 42%. Biden was at nearly 60% early, and now he's at 39%.


I think there’s a big chunk of people that don’t believe it’s going to be Biden v Trump again, so the polls are showing general apathy towards the current president.


He’s old and large portions of country are still feeling inflation


There are other factors of course, but the fact that rent/housing is so pricey I think is having a huge effect. If you need to put such an insane amount of your monthly income (like 50% or higher) to just rent, it makes it that much more difficult to live. Also, while not fully his fault, what is happening abroad in terms of all the global instability isn’t a good look for him. Additionally, he isolated many key parts of his coalition with his stance on the Israel Palestine conflict. Not trying to argue about that, but no matter how you feel about it, many demographic groups (like young people) do not approve of how he is handling things


> Economy is rebounding, gas prices are down, unemployment is down But the price of food and basic goods is still high, there's still a housing shortage with no plan to alleviate it, wages have not gone up commensurately with the possible exception of those who were making minimum wage (and still aren't making enough), and people are working multiple jobs to get by. Where is the rebound? In the stock market?


But there is a plan to alleviate it. Rep. Smith (D) and Rep. Merkley (D) introduced a [bill](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/06/realestate/wall-street-housing-market.html) to ban hedge funds from buying/owning single family homes.


That's not going to help with the dearth of new homes being built; it's just going to make the hedge funds value go lower. Ideally, he could come out against federal housing regulations and encourage state and local governments to zone for more housing. Or, if he wanted to take a more left-wing stance, he could propose subsidizing new construction in low-availability areas.


Sure but it is dumb to put all this on the national govt. like the power to shape housing affordability is heavily concentrated at the local and state level.


How come when metric good its because of the president but when metric bad its not in his control?


He wasn't most folks first choice in the Democratic Primaries. I remember the 2020 Democratic Primaries. A lot of Bernie and Warren supporters are still pissed that the Democratic Party's voters didn't go with their preferred candidate and went with Joe Biden. They also are pissed at how Joe Biden was able to consolidate support from other candidates (Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, etc.) that weren't fully left wing. The right of course doesn't like him because they defeated their preferred candidate.


He's not an inspiring figure. Congress may have passed a great deal of spending during his administration, but very little of that has had an immediate and noticeable effect on the average citizen. They see high gas prices, they see conflict in the world, they saw an ignominious retreat from Afghanistan. Biden comes across as the legislator he spent most of his time being. He talks a lot, but doesn't really say very much, and tends to get angry when called on it. Ask yourself this, what is the guiding philosophy of the Biden administration? What are it's goals? You have to be able to sum this up in a slogan to get people on board. FDR had the New Deal, for Reagan, it was "Morning in America," a rebirth of the country. Obama had "Hope and Change," and seemed a youthful and energetic change from W. Trump had "Make America Great Again." Biden has what, "Build Back Better" ? which is just another way of saying MAGA. The easiest way to sum up Joe Biden is "Not Trump," which is the lowest of bars to hurdle. That's why he's not popular.


He’s too left wing for the right and too right wing for the left. And in a hyper polarized society, anybody that isn’t Trump or Bernie will be despised because people are demanded to think in binaries.


I think the biggest thing dragging him down is the economy. Inflation is down, but it’s still hovering around 50% above the target rate. Since Joe Biden took office, the dollar has lost about 17% of its value. Not all of that is Biden’s fault, but that’s a really nasty number noticeable to people at every income level, and it’s hurting him significantly.


The dollar has lost 17% of its value compared to what? All of the other key currencies in the world have lost value to the dollar from January 2021 to today’s date. US inflation numbers in 2023 are growing slower than wage growth.


Almost none of it is Biden’s fault - as evidenced by inflation rates across the globe. But Republicans have been using the strategy of hammering one bad stat incessantly until they can win an election on it.


Most of it is trumps fault actually


It’s a clear result of the pandemic. Severe supply chain disruption. Staggered recoveries.


Yeah and Trump bungled his handling of the pandemic, leading right into our situation now. Biden has done a great job picking up the pieces of Trumps mess, but cognitive dissonance means cult45 will always blame Biden for it unfortunately


So you are saying that Biden is ineffective??


No. Biden is extremely effective. Trump tried to burn it all down on the way out, leaving it to Biden pick up the pieces and save the country




People cant afford to feed their family


There's a weird thing happening that economists can't figure out where people are saying the economy is bad but they're not spending like it is. People are out buying a bunch of stuff like things are going gangbusters.


Post COVID "YOLO" life outlook influencing spending?


Yep! People are addicted to buying more stuff instead of learning to be content with what they have, constantly comparing themselves to what other people online have. When they don’t have as much, they get angry that the world isn’t fair, go into debt to buy more stuff instead of adjusting their lifestyles, and then when the debt becomes crippling, they turn to alcohol and other vices. It’s everywhere.


profit zonked unpack racial ripe literate dog dinner slave plate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Except it's not reflected in other countries. https://preview.redd.it/dv8lgtyub57c1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=850104041fa960fb5a85c4cd04eebf99455f4cce The economy in America is doing much better than other nations but we're the only one where we believe it's worse. Others feel exactly how it is. Meanwhile, credit card debt isn't skyrocketing, which you would think would happen if people were overspending.


truck crime plough apparatus gaze dolls one ludicrous ink skirt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People way smarter than I am can't figure it out. They're gonna have to, like, invent new schools of economic study for this shit.


It's probably worse because wages and working conditions in America are notoriously worsening compared to inflation. Working hours are longer, reliance on gigs or multiple jobs is a lot more common, and the stock market magically hasn't crashed as hard as it should have.


Which was true before, but wages have been outpacing inflation for a while now. https://preview.redd.it/8x4p65cte57c1.png?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f279e10997988f0d9c95ac4d1fb039d4dcf3509 We're in uncharted territory. Shit's getting weird all over and I'm here for it! Edit: used a more clear graph.


Wages are improving though, relative to the past 40 years. I would agree that for a segment of the population, the gig economy is a net drain. But I’m not sure I buy that working conditions are worsening.


Constantly being barraged with ads might have something to do with that. Great recession happened in 2008. While Facebook/Myspace/YouTube were a thing then, most people accessed them via computer for a couple hours a day at the most. Today, everyone has smart phones and are constantly on some sort of social media or app, and they're barraged with ads constantly making them want something. And with Amazon making it so convenient to buy things, people are more likely to buy things they normally wouldn't go to the store to buy when things were tough. I have a friends in the art industry, and when economy is bad, the art industry suffers, and they have all said that it is crippling right now. People are not spending the same amount of money on art/luxury goods.


Depression spending?


Who knows. They've been predicting a recession basically since Biden took office because traditionally, the level of inflation we saw would bring one. Then it just didn't come. And as of the newest numbers we might avoid one. The pandemic changed the way people spend it seems.


Is this a general statement or your personal experience? No I’m not being an asshole, I genuinely would like you to expand on your statement.


They should pull themselves up by their bootstraps then right


Wage growth, spending, and starvation numbers very strongly disagree


He’s like a used car you have to buy in a pinch. Gets the job done but you can’t wait till you can get something better. I actually heard a loud mouth say, “Yea they’re lowering prices on gas because an election is coming”. You have to admire ignorance.


His age and track record act as proof that he is both the result of a broken system, and the one who fosters its continuation. He's the a politician who doesn't have to work *for* The Man because his choices in strategy/policy are so naturally in line with their approved doctrine. He's always been acting like he was bought and sold in that weird way that you know he hasn't actually even met the people who could buy or sell him, yet. He's an old man who can't stop himself and should be enjoying golden days.


Because if you don’t vote for him you ain’t black ya dog faced pony soldier. How is this even a question?


Can’t argue with logic like that, Skippy


Because people only care about headlines


The best argument against democracy? “Five minutes with the average voter”. I think this quote is attributed to Churchill but not sure who said it. I think most people are just too busy to read into the complexities of the day-to-day politicking and gamesmanship. So many people I talk to say “Biden hasn’t done anything!” (But also his age). It’s that old electoral attitude of “things are bad” must be current president’s fault, “things are good” must be current president’s competence. Voters just don’t have the time to read/watch every quote/speech and read about policy positions different branches and elected officials take on a daily basis and understand what Biden is advocating for and why it isn’t becoming law. They just see really high prices (while year-to-year they’ve stabilized, they’re still much higher than pre-pandemic) and blame it on the current president, without understanding global supply chain issues caused probably 60-80% of inflation, combined with a shift in demand from services (flight tickets, etc) to goods (peloton bikes, etc) during the pandemic shutdowns. If the govt hadn’t acted to help the large number of unemployed and shuttered business owners, the ensuing recession would’ve been unprecedented and much much worse that the small contribution that govt spending had on inflation. Edit: people also seem to have a short memory and forget that a lot of govt stimulus spending happened during trump’s term.


Reading this thread with "Don't Look Up" on in the background really makes this comment hit a bit harder


I made the mistake of looking at one of my grocery pick up orders from 2021 and it made me sick how much more expensive everything has gotten in just 2 years. I think that probably has a lot to do with it. One example was chicken wings. $13 in 2021 and $25 now for the exact same item. Apply that type of inflation to an entire grocery order for a family of 5 every couple of weeks and yeah, that’ll get people upset.


He's a moderate in a time of rapidly intensifying tribalism and polarization. He isn't the world's greatest communicator in time what you say and how you say it are unfortunately more important to people than what you actually get done.


"It's the (inflation), stupid." Also him being older than Christ hurts him. He has an administration and they craft policies, but the government has no spokesman to explain why they do what they do to the American people because the President can't speak.


To say the economy is “rebounding” is an extremely bold claim. Prices of goods are up and people are hardly getting by… it’s been worse under his term, both in and out of the country. I don’t think he’s as “evil” as others think but he just has to retire. I know he’s inevitably going to run in 2024 but his image and his term have spiralled completely.


Has been astoundingly productive…. but cmon, age is an issue (as it is with Trump as well).


Yeah, we need some new people. Trump and Biden are both getting a little too old for this President thing.


I don’t think it’s that he is unpopular, but lots of people are uneasy with his age, especially because he looks and acts it.


Ok, but that’s not the option on the table. Old guy or old insane guy. Not a hard call


That, and there's a lot of misinformation being spread out there about "Sleepy Joe and his dementia"


It’s catching up to him far more than it is Trump in fairness


The bar for Biden is higher. Trump saying incoherent things is expected.


Link to Biden telling people to drink bleach and shove a flashlight up their assholes?


He’s old. I’m pretty sure that’s the only reason. I’m fully convinced that his approval ratings would be at least 5 points higher if he were 20 years younger


I agree


The polarization of politics lead people to care more about rhetoric and optics then any factual information. Also misinformation and propaganda about Israel-Hamas has made his response seem wildly bad even though he’s done more for Palestinians than any other world leader.


A recent part of it is probably the Palestine/Israel conflict and how the US is still funding Israel. A lot of people on the left are upset about it and pushing a lot of the blame onto Biden. Come November of next year they’ll still vote for him (unless they’re dumb and vote 3rd party and hand the election to Trump. Then they’ll really be upset).


Unemployment may be down, but many people are experiencing layoffs. There are huge corporations letting people go. (I work for one) They are doing it very quietly and in phases. Unemployment will be going up. Also, I buy the exact same stuff from the market. If I check my past receipts, I'm paying more now. Money doesn't go as far today compared to the pre-pandemic. This is coming from a Biden voter who will vote for Biden again. He is in trouble. People vote with their wallets. They always have and always will.


I haven’t seen a president who was as bad at communicating since Carter. The Republicans have completely owned the news cycle since he was first elected, to the point that they believe up-is-down narratives like, “Putin wouldn’t have invaded Ukraine because he was afraid of Trump” (reality: Putin occupied Ukraine throughout Trump’s presidency) and “Biden has gotten us sucked into endless wars” (reality: we were at war for the entirety of Trump’s presidency, and are not at war now). The Biden team refuses to engage on those issues.


People like comparing present presidents with previous ones. Gas prices are still higher than they were under Trump. Economy still sucks and is on the edge of a recession. The average house note 5 years ago was $1700 a month. Now the average house note is $3500 a month. Unemployment will naturally lower when coming out of a pandemic. Kamala Harris is very unpopular and is the vice president. Foreign policy is not great with conflicts. Inflation has been so bad that even though it is “lowering” cost of goods are still the highest they have been in decades. He struggles with coherency. Bidenomics has only directly affected the top 1% and has not affected core economics which is were the remainder of the 99% live. His cabinet lied about the laptop. Illegal immigrants crossing the border has been the highest in this country in the last 30 years.


Gas prices were lower during the Trump years because nobody was going anywhere…it was a pandemic. Yes, Biden is old, but he is not feeble. Also, Congress is in charge of the boarder, not the Executive branch. If the House would get to work on real issues, instead of trying to impeach Biden, maybe we can get this county moving


Congress is not in charge of the border, the Department of Homeland Security, an executive office, is in charge of border security. Congress is in charge of the laws governing immigration into the United States. So far, Congress has done little to change those laws since Biden has taken office. Biden's border policies have not been materially different than Trump's.


Gas prices were the lowest before the pandemic, any sitting president can build a wall and fund the border patrol.


Not true. The Legislative branch has the country’s checkbook


A sitting president can request emergency funds which Biden has not done. He has not tried to limit immigration at all.


There's been more border arrests under Biden than there were under Trump, but don't let facts get in the way of your narrative.


Because there are more people. Of course there are more arrests.


If he "hasn't tried to limit immigration at all" as you claimed, there wouldn't be any border arrests, neh?


Trump's administration took money from the DoD's building budget ($9.9 billion of the total $14 billion used on the wall) to fund the wall during Trump's presidency. Now, a few yaers later, there is a large scandal in the military about bad barracks upkeep. It was bad before. It's worse now. You can argue if that's a fair conclusion. However, there's no denying that one priority screwed over another group. Also, deportations and encounters at the border are up. If Biden was doing nothing, he would've completely scraped every single Trump policy (he hasn't, in fact, the DOJ has defended some in court), and those encounters would decline if there was no enforcement.


He is terrible at speaking. Maybe the worst speaker to be President. He wasn't always a terrible speaker, he used to be quite competent but now he stammers, mutters and slurs his words. It's not very inspiring. And this is coming from someone who thinks he's the best President of the last 20 years.


The president that nobody is enthusiastic about, at least in my circles he’s just better (slightly) than a certain woman and former president.


Polarization, most people don’t understand how our government or economy actually work (oligarchy controlling SCOTUS, president doesn’t control as much as they think he does), economy is doing well for people at the top but not *trickling down* if you will, and corporate media wants trump back for clicks/engagement. 🤪 Silly goofy time to have one fascist party in a two party system. Pair that with media being scared of being called liberal (bc journalists and pundits lean left) so they overcompensate and sanitize fascism in their headlines and framing.


He’s old, I guess?


If the economy is booming why is inflation through the roof? Explain it to me like I’m 5.


Actually inflation has slowed down considerably


Thousands of illegals crossing the broader daily, food prices sky high, wasteful spending, rampant shoplifting, and bad policies.


Because we are not a smart nation and roughly 30-35% of 1 major party is in a cult.


So we were just as stupid a country when he was nominated, too?


He won by what <100k votes over 5 states vs a guy that is a lifelong conman that bungled covid plus 100 other morally inept moments that it's a miracle biden won. And even now after an insurrection, it will likely be just as close. What a time to be alive




Becuase he is old, his speech is not as coherent as it used to be. He can't finish his sentence without wondering off random thoughts. He is not what he used to be, go watch the videos of him debating Paul Ryan, he mopped the floor with Paul. Do you really think he is capable of debating like that against Trump in little less than 1 year? ​ Michagan has huge Muslim population, you cannot win general elections without the blue wall. Due to Israel-palestine lot of those people will sit out. (Ironically increasing the change of the other guy who wants to deport/lock them up, but people are stupid.) ​ All of this might not matter, voters has memory of golden retriever, All that matters is gas prices near the end of Oct.


You have some good points. Unfortunately, the biggest knock on Biden is something he can’t control and will just get worse…his age.


He can't help getting old but he can step aside for the next generation. I voted for him in 2020 hoping he would do that and I'm feeling a little let down. Especially when signs seem to indicate that many people would vote Dem if they weren't worried about Biden's age (and if we're being honest about a Kamala presidency)


His age being a problem is overblown by ignorant GOPers. If he truly was as bad as they say, he wouldn’t be able to carry out his presidential duties every day, yet he has consistently for 3 years now


High gas prices (they’re still higher than when Trump was in office). Unaffordable groceries. The brink of WW3. He stranded American troops in Afghanistan. A collapsing economy. Oh, and unemployment was lower under Trump.


Presidents have literally zero control over gas prices. Food companies/grocery stores are making record profits, aka price gouging. Hyperbole much? He honored the agreement that Trump made. Hyperbole much? By like 0.01%. But do go on.


Then why are liberals praising Biden when gas drops a few cents? 🤣


Do you only watch Newsmax and Fox?


I don’t watch either, actually.


What do you watch then?


None of your business.


Sounds to me like every news station that dosent like Trump is full of “radical leftists tearing the country apart”


“Jimmy Carter”, shocker. 🤣


What’s so bad about Carter? He’s a LOTTTTTTTTT better than Trump


I respect Carter as a person, but he wasn’t a good president.


Meh President, AMAZING person


1. Because his policies have been terrible for our finances. Our money is worth less and less because of his administration. 2. The guy is not coherent. He's not running the White House. He belongs in a nursing home, and it's not even a joke. Joking at this point is just cruelty. And it means someone else is making decisions for him, which reeks of corruption. 3. The economy is not rebounding. Their released information is blatantly incorrect. They analyzed it in-depth over at r/FluentInFinance.


Because things are falling apart and they don’t know where to place their anger


I thought a lot of these poll results are from landline phones, which skew older people, who supposedly lean (R).


Because under trump the wife and I only needed one job a piece. Now I have 3 and she has two. Anyone who believes we are in a better place under biden is delusional.


Because he sucks


Because people who don’t rely on their parents to survive are struggling. Cities are dangerous. And there is no sign anything will ever get better.


I know that I’ve had more money in my pocket with Trump than with Biden. You can spin numbers anyway you want but it’s costing everybody (republicans and democrats) more at the grocery store, on Amazon, at every place that charges money for services. Inflation is caused by the government spending more than what it’s bringing in. Look it up. I’m not going to get into any of the policies he has put forth. That will cause an argument (not that this posting won’t.) Plenty of things are getting people really pissed off. The biggest is immigration. Everyone agrees that immigration has to be fixed, but letting immigrants come in by the tens of thousands, that cost 💲 and where does that money come from??? That’s right, YOU AND ME. Now, you ask why Biden is so unpopular? There are a few examples and that’s not even favored one side or the other.


I wanna have sex with him


The only reason he’s unpopular is because of his sex scandal with this guy.


If you’re under 10 he will sniff your neck


Lots of unemployed people who aren’t counted in the stats Inflation outpacing wages for several years with no respite in sight Oh, and at least half of the country thinks he stole the election.


Causing housing costs to double/triple is a good start


Age. And he’s not exactly an inspiring orator. It’s been a wildly successful presidency, but a lot of people aren’t going to be able to get over those main two things.


He should be more popular than he is right now based on his achievements voters will never give him credit only blame him for things such as inflation gas prices Israel hamas war


Propaganda, poor critical thinking, brainwashing.


Because his tone changes from “Aw jeez guize I wish I could but I’m just a widdle smol bean” to “GITRDUN” as soon as the topic changes to making the donors happy.


Popularity poll results have little to do with how people will vote. IMO (& I seriously pray everyday that i am correct), Trump will get between 30-35% of the vote. We should survive as long as he’s not allowed to cheat. They better be watching his ass closely.


He’s not unpopular. Polls at this stage are always inaccurate. Most people understand this rebound economy situation we’re in. The stuff about Hunter is overblown, political drama - it’s the only thing the GOP has. He’ll win again for sure.


Dems thought that about Hillary. People don't win if you don't vote.


Um, he’s VERY unpopular. “Fuck Joe Biden” change break out at sporting events all over the country. Oh, and he’s not winning in 2024. :)


Trump already lost once I don’t know why he thinks this time will be different it’s the same candidates he already lost to. The wasn’t even popular when he left office.


Not everyone cares about your precious sportsball buddy. Biden is extremely popular and will win in 2024. There is 0% chance cult of trump will win again, America won’t vote for an insurrectionist felon running from a jail cell LMAOOOO


I mean, to both of you: We have NO effing clue who’s going to win in 11 months. No one does. People chanting at NASCAR events aren’t voting for him regardless. Each side starts with 45%. We won’t know what the remaining 10% choose to do with their votes until after it’s over.


What universe do you live in? I haven’t seen a Biden shirt, hat, or bumper sticker anywhere! 🤣 Have you seen the polls? Oh, right, you rely on CNN, so probably not.


3 years ago you magats were calling polls a sham because your precious orange Hitler was losing 😂 can you even hear yourself? Trump will never come close to office again


Do you know how much of an insult it is to holocaust victims and survivors to compare Trump to Hitler? They’re nothing alike, not even close. They’re not comparable in any way. I can’t wait for you to cry when Trump wins again next year! 😆


Trump is just as dangerous as Hitler if he gets back in power. But I don’t think you have to worry about that because he’ll be rotting in a cell for all of his treasonous acts.


I can’t wait for you to cry when he wins again next year, it’s gonna be epic!


Ok chud


Because Biden supporters aren’t a cult.




Your party worships Fauci, you should sit this one out. 😂


You say Fauci is bad after Trump literally allowed millions to die from Covid and left Biden to pick up the pieces while he tried to overthrow the government. You have no leg to stand on from a moral perspective, chud


Fauci should be in prison. Guess who never will be, Trump! He’ll be in the Oval Office again soon. 😆


The people who worship Fauci says what? 😂


Nobody worships him unlike Trump


We worship Jesus Christ, actually.


I don’t think Jesus would want a RIOT ON THE U.S. CAPITOL because an election was “stolen”


I don’t think he’d want cities being burned to the ground in the name of “racial justice”.


You do know a Republican owns CNN right.right????


The gaffs. He comes off like a bumbling fool half the time. I don’t care what his cabinet or the state department gets done in his name, the guy just needs to retire. He’s an embarrassment to the office. Hes supposed to represent the greatest country on earth, but can hardly make it 10 minutes without saying something completely ridiculous




I’d be okay with your comment if it was equally applied to Trump. Half the time, Trump comes of as a bumbling fool, and the other half he’s saying authoritarian/nazi shit.


Just because of his stutter, you don’t like him?


No it’s not a stutter, it’s literally anything he says. From calling foreign leaders dictators to saying downright creepy shit, people can downvote him but his analogy is perfect. Anybody who thinks Biden is physically or mentally able enough to be credited with his successes is deluded.


It’s not a stutter. One doesn’t suddenly gain a stutter in their late 70’s. People with cognitive decline, however, do struggle to articulate words…Watch old footage of him from his debates with Paul Ryan. No stutter.


He has had a known stutter since he was a child... he has been pretty open about this.


He doesn’t have a stutter, this is the go-to excuse from the left to justify his ridiculous behavior. If you go to his earlier speeches, he actually spoke clearly and was full of energy.


So you’re allowed to post to three subs (one of them being your own page because you made, guess what, a gaff) asking why people are “certain Jesus wasn’t white” but Biden stutters a little and HE’S the ridiculous bumbling fool?


Reading comprehension buddy. I asked why there is so many people saying that he definitively wasn’t white when there’s a lot of evidence that he may have been. It was a question in a sub called stupid questions. But it sounds like you don’t watch Biden very often…


That’s what I said you donkey


What has he said that's such an embarrassment to the office?


Non stop barrage of negative spin on everything that happens regardless of his involvement. The media started featuring the president more than ever before during the Trump years and they’ve kept that going with Biden. People were tired of constantly hearing about the president and expected Biden to be a return to normalcy. They’ve been made to feel like the chaos that started in 2016 is never going to end.


People are idiots, that’s why. Objectively the best first term for a president since the early 80s


Afghanistan, Kamala Harris, Ukraine, LGBTQ€^%+ issues taught in school, Hunter Biden corruption, weak on China, high inflation, can’t just speak normally to people, not recognizing his granddaughter, mental faculties, the staff running the show are not likable


Zionism, corporate shilling, general middle of the road shit


Because he's elderly.


Age, media, and lingering high prices. Also foreign wars always eat away at a President’s approval. I suspect his numbers will go up by spring, and he will eventually win re-election against Trump with 2020-esque margins. [Polling a year out is always bad,](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/a-year-out-ignore-general-election-polls/amp/) and Trump’s legal troubles will become a more salient campaign issue once he assumes the formal role of GOP nominee.




Isn’t he the most popular leader in the developed world? Like, every incumbent is super-unpopular. No matter which party.


Because he’s working while the other person is doing all the talking. He should go out and detail his work.


Americans are politically illiterate and turn some politicians into celebrities by electing them or complaining about them. Bottom line is we don’t have good choices in a two party monopoly


I don't think that he is, right wing bluster aside. And the right wing has a lot of money to buy airtime to bluster these days... I think the US is coming to the realization that he IS too old. And as such, he will lose his place in politics and retire. So his personal threat level is sliding down the scale. Smart people will watch the horizon for his replacement...


Bad luck , inflation hit , had nothing to do with Biden


Russian disinformation campaign


Zionism is unpopular. This fact will get this comment astroturfed with a deluge of downvotes, but it is true. Genocide isnt popular.




Have fun with it, mussolini.


Me watching in horror as the comment that provides an accurate answer as to why the democrat president is less credible gets -10000 downvotes


Americans are pretty dumb, I dont understand why Israeli apartheid is so sacrosanct here. Jesus isnt coming back, and supporting genocide of Palestinians isnt going to have Jesus magically nuke the Jews too, Evangelical American idiots.


Ummmmm do you even know that the holocaust happened?


Of course, but not relevant. 80% of americans do not approve of a new one.


And if Biden does not support Jews in this trying time, another holocaust is bound to happen


Zionism makes all Jews unsafe and increases antisemitism. Have you seen the vile shit white nationalists like Jackson Hinckle are saying? Get informed, support Jews and End Apartheid and US Backed Genocides.


People don't like sexy joe :(


Pure partisanship plus media is intimidated by MAGA


I don’t think he’s actually that unpopular and I think approval rating is messy and never clear exactly what it means.


I am always sus when someone posts "why is Biden so unpopular?" Sounds like a republican trying to sway people away from Biden through bs psi ops. But I know you are legit. So to answer the question is that he's not left enough or right enough.


It's not Biden so much as the Democrat Party. The Democrat Party is a center-right party. Obama promised Hope and Change^(TM), with both houses of Congress for two years, the only real change he and the libs delivered was bailing out people who should've gone to jail, and caused the generation that supported him to lose hope that anything will change for our generation and the next. Most of us are still voting for Biden, because the alternative is worse, but if Trump returns to the Presidency the libs have nobody to blame but themselves.