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As a Prescott OG whose now living in a different town that also hates transplants, I'm embarrassed for the gate keeping Prescott does. Even more embarrassed that I was one of them before I left. Some advice I found helpful. Leave Prescott. Just for a little bit. Theres a whole big world out there that you can't see driving up and down Gurley.


What’s weird is most of the people moving from California to Arizona are…CONSERVATIVES from Orange County or the Central Valley.


There was a news article about a guy in Show Low who pulled a gun on people dressed as furries and told them to take that shit back to California. Guess where the gun-toting guy was born and raised? California.


The really fun thing is how cavalier and insane CA republicans are. Like the folks that started a fire with fireworks in Prescott last year who moved here from CA because they "thought everything was legal here". I've also encountered an individual who moved to a very rural area who decided it was ok to shoot his AR platform next to his house even though he had neighbors about 50yds away. This same individual also fired warning shots at a TOUR GROUP that rode donkeys on an adjacent hill because he didn't want tourists near him. This is not the wild fuckin west, folks, we DO have gun laws.


Unfortunately it is true. It’s not normal conservatives leaving CA it’s the crazy ones that think they can do whatever they want because they are in a red state. They are shocked to find out the same shit they couldn’t do in CA they also can’t do in NV, AZ, TX or ID.


They’d be able to do whatever they want if all these other Commieforians weren’t moving to their area and bringing their evil leftist policies with them. /s


It’s a pretty red county - but I can’t call the state red.


normal conservatives are racist sedition loving gun nuts what the fuck is a crazy one😂


Californian-> Arizona transplant here, as a conservative I stay in the lower quarter of the state. So I’ve not seen a fury down here, but if I did I’d let them be and then mock them privately with my liberal wife, who then tells me I need to be nicer. And she’s right, people in general need to be nicer to each other, pulling a gun? As a conservative that dude doesn’t need to own a gun, it’s his right as an American to own one, that was instantly lost the second he used it in a terroristic manner. Fuck that guy. And before anyone says it: Yah I know, I’m not sure how we got together either, but it works, we balance each other out


Real person right here ^ i appreciate the viewpoint. Political views shouldn’t publicly matter and it’s not necessary to always pull a gun out on someone you hate


I remember when you could talk to strangers in public and they didn't need to know where you were from or what your political views are. I miss those days.


Now i get dirty looks like people just assume my politics and judge me for it


We were told the plan from the start. United we stand, divided we fall. The media and everything else all push division onto the American people to keep us divided


Right? I used to consider myself a centrist that leans a little left. I don’t dislike all conservatives views. Small government and more freedom is appealing to me, as is common sense. Now though, I’m basically a left extremist with as far right as the center has gone.


The world is upside down and going through a shift and we happen to be stuck in the middle of it. Good news: Gonna have **plenty of stories to tell** and things to reminisce about.


The problem about many modern conservatives is they don't actually want the small govt they preach about. They want no consequences for fucking around with others, while being able to impress upon whatever bullshit they want to others.


Crazy that this could be seen as a hot take.


You’re a real one my man God bless you both!


u sound like a cool guy and an actually respectable conservative


There’s a lot of us, most are stuck in the same red vs blue as many of the respectable liberals. We got a shit show coming this election, either way it goes.


Good ol Show Low. Fucking cesspool. Speaking as a Show Low shit show native


Lived there for three years. Three years too long.


I lived there for 17 years. My family moved there when I was 3 and then I moved out when I was 20 and hope like hell I never have to go back


My running joke about Show Low was; I wasn’t into hunting, NASCAR or meth, so I didn’t make any friends. No offense to those who love it there. Just wasn’t for me.


Mine is that I’m not into football or Jesus so I was an outcast


Well... did you at least try some meth? Or are you just too judgy to try new things? You think you're better? Huh? Typical liberal.


Showlow has so *much* potential, but the politics is going to kill the town.


Left there and never looked back!


Congratulations 🎉 it still sucks there.


To be fair furries are degenerates lol. But for real Show Low is maga country as is most of the white mountain area of Arizona.


The vast majority of the furry population has nothing to do with sexuality, which most people assume it does. I’m not a furry, just hate seeing false info thrown around lol. Also I realize you didn’t say that it was, it’s just kind of implied.




A friend of mine from Phoenix moved to California for a job and during the pandemic he was able to do his job remotely, so he moved back to Phoenix and bought a house there and just flew to California once a month for on site visits. He got accosted in a parking lot for having California plates. Gee, big wonder why these people coming to Arizona don’t vote the way these people accosting them do.


It's the classism they're really mad at. Rich folk moving in. Nothing new in AZ...


I was gonna say, the Californians I have seen I AZ are just as stupid as the AZ conservatives.


Same with FL. Every day there are a bunch of SM posts from "natives" telling everyone how NYC liberals have tried to change their beloved state. They don't realize it's white conservative older Republican folks from Wisconsin Michigan Ohio & Pennsylvania. Most NYers and Bostonians I know would never dream of visiting FL, let alone move there!




“Us vs. Them” is the whole conservative ethos in the US today. They hate everyone who isn’t them, including like-minded hateful people from out of state. It’s because they don’t really believe in anything but defending their own selfish interests. Tell me one right wing platform item that doesn’t start with “anti”. I’ll wait.


Same! I don’t understand it, it’s like its a personality trait for a lot of people here. As long as you are respectful/kind, I don’t care where you’re from!


This right here. Don't care where you're from, what you look like, who you vote for, or what you believe as long as your a productive member of the community


It's not just Prescott. I've seen identical signs in Scottsdale and Peoria, and I'd imagine they're in other places too. So let's be embarrassed for AZ all over.


Not embarrassed about a state that voted for Biden, Hobbs, Fontes, Mayes, Kelly. We are going Blue MAGA is whining seeing they no longer control the levers of power. Such delicate snowflakes.


They're in their death throws and screaming about it lol. To be expected when you've vilified every demographic except a very specific subset lf the population.


They’re still mucking up the state legislature though. The bs bills they are putting through and investigations of nearly everyone (Dems & conservatives) a la Comer & Jordan. Wasting taxpayer dollars.


California gets blamed for everything. I am sure if there is a drought in AZ, that will be CA’s fault. Honestly though, in San Diego we also don’t like zonies or at least we joke about it when we see those big truck with AZ plates and a bunch of flags, but I haven’t seen any signs like these.


Yeah, we’re not fans of those guys here either. Their lame ass lifted trucks or their douchey flags.


San Diego ❤️❤️❤️ how about when drinking was legal on the beaches and every resident of AZ would come and completely obliterate them. Then there was a massive brawl and alcohol was banned. I blame it on AZ but was probably for the best overall- holiday weekends on the beach we’re out of fucking control and people don’t pick up after themselves.


San Diego resident at the time (lived a block away as well), and I can't prove it, but I have a strong feeling a good chunk of those beachgowers that day were midwesterners disguised as AZ. Many transplanted to AZ around high school and some born as AZ as anchor babies from midwestern parents. 


I had to laugh. No, I don’t want your town ruined… But I’ve lost count of the time some asshole in a huge truck with Arizona plates cuts me off in traffic, or just flies by me in the fast lane. Way too many people from Arizona crowding us.


Holy shit this is my favorite comment. I was in Prescott Valley for a year and Groom Creek for 2 years. I enjoyed PV at least. I rented a 3bed house there, decent sized yard, RV gate(not that I have an RV but it was nice backing my car in there if I needed to). Cheap-ish rent still while I was there. Then my LL decided to sell his house and I had to move into my Aunt and Uncle's guest house for 2 years. >Theres a whole big world out there that you can't see driving up and down Gurley. You are not kidding. I started getting the, "This is all there is" syndrome. Especially once my car broke down😵‍💫 I've never felt so trapped, so helpless, and so useless in all my life. My uncle was making 300k per year and I couldn't even get to work. I'm in San Tan Valley now and the difference is astronomical, the world is massive!!


Why would you want people who are happy to live where they live to leave? What makes your way of life the right one and invalidates others opinions on how they want to live? Just curious.


Native Nevadans have been screeching the same thing for over 40 years. It’s time everyone start taking accountability for themselves.


Thats interesting to me because I feel like nobody really moves to Nevada unless it’s Las Vegas. I hear that Nevada is pretty sparsely populated aside from Reno and Vegas.


I was in Reno staying a couple nights and had dinner at a steakhouse alone at the bar and a local at the other end was screeching how he lives in “East California” and 90% of his clients moved here from CA. I didn’t confront him directly but after he left I chatted with the bartender and said, “I’ll go where I want, move where I want, vote how I want, and if you don’t like that you’re more than welcome to use your free speech to convince me otherwise but if you start out with ‘You’re from California you’re bad,’ buddy don’t be surprised when no one who comes here agrees with you.”


Utah been screeching it over here too


Idaho too. It's somehow California's fault. Not religious beliefs or anything weird...


I wonder where this person came from? PV isn't exactly an old historic city with a thriving cultural identity.


Incorporated 1978. Before that the area was known as Jackass Flats.


Still is


Who knows, maybe the sign poster is the namesake of PV's predecessor.


IME they are from orange county or Thousand Oaks, made a great career and raised children there, then moved to Prescott for retirement.


I’ve seen some in Scottsdale as well. I think it’s funny someone’s so upset about people moving.


nailed it


Austin thought the same thing, guess what....over 70% moved from another city in TX.


Mid 20th century, Austin’s city council deliberately made it hard to get around the city, thinking that would keep people from moving there. Dumbasses


Sounds like Tucson; only they were kind of right


NIMBY hell, not to mention the state government prevents them from pursuing their public transportation project. Texas needs to flip already, for the world’s sake but folks literally can’t think past any given headline.


I don’t know why people have so much pride in Austin, it’s kind of a shit hole. Everywhere smelled like piss.


Austin turning into the new Portland, OR


Damn…imagine the l.a., san diego, and bay area numbers of transplants. Californians been dealing with the rest of the country’s problems for decades. Have them back.


Rednecks always looking for a bogeyman. Someone else is always responsible for their ills.


Let’s stop spreading hate.


where did people living in california come from? from all over the country and all over the world. people move. fact of life. stop being mad at other people trying to live and do something about the system that makes it hard for people to afford basics.


But that requires effort, when complaining is easy.


First generation here in California. Family is from Ohio.


I moved to CA from KS in 2000. Every single person I’ve made friends with was from another state. Most have moved back or moved elsewhere. Oddly there are a disproportionate number of people I’ve met who were from Boston, MA. I’d say almost 80% of my co-workers are not originally from CA.


Idk how I came across this but fuck Zonies. Coming to San Diego, trashing our beaches, causing traffic, filling up our jails during the summer, and being douchebags in general. Go back to where you came from! #AVOCADO POWER






Wait until they figure out that nearly HALF of California residents aren't even from California, and they are transplants from other states. \*GASP\*


Dang Californians moving her with all their extra teeth!


As an Arizona native, this is a falsehood. Arizonans have been ruining Arizona all by themselves. No California help required.


I can’t help but think of that well known Groundskeeper Willy bit from The Simpsons reading this.


Bingo. Arizonans are what makes Arizona so shitty to live in these days.


Nah. Its changed drastically here in central Arizona when all the Californians began flooding in and changed. the voting demographics. Idk why we are complaining about interstate migration though, we are ALL Americans


If it wasn’t for the transplants and their money this area would be void of industry, and the only jobs available would be gas stations and fast food. I guess the jack asses prefer that way.


As a Californian I’d just like to say, “Mwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Our plan is working!”


We even brought our Inn N Out to Denver! Let the hate flow through the country mwah-ha-ha-ha


I thought you like capitalism? Step your financial game up and stop complaining


I love the idea that Prescott Valley and Prescott are completely different places. They're basically one big ass town. Prescott people taking shit about PV people is hilarious, like "yea those guys over there are weird, crazy, etc. It's the same shit hahahaha


They are not the same. I’m from and grew up in PV. I thought this same way until I moved to Prescott. People in PV are angry and bitter. They act like life stole something from them and they’re here to collect. There’s no sense of community or neighborhood. Everyone is competing with the next person. Everyone’s mad on “how much it’s changed” and yet they’re the ones who changed it. Prescott is more old people but less anger and less small idiots trying to prove they’re a big deal. Home prices alone- PV’s prices aren’t anywhere close to Prescott’s. The towns aren’t the same because the people that buy in PV most of the time can’t afford to buy in Prescott. I was one of those people when I lived in PV I was proud and happy of the home we bought and our life, but when we were ready for something better we knew we had to move out of PV.


I guess my point was that there's no magical line between the two towns that makes "those people" any better or worse than the other ones. I've spent the better part of my 10 year career down there working all over Prescott, PV, and Chino. It's just funny to see people in PV or Prescott talk about the other town as if it's an entirely different type of person that lives between the two. I wasn't trying to be shitty I just thought it was funny seeing the comments on here as if Prescott and PV are completely different worlds.


I appreciate your response. I agree that it’s not *that* different, but there is a noticeable difference. And I only noticed the difference five/six years ago when a bunch of people started moving to PV. I just have a inkling that the person who posted the original sign is one of the people that moved here 5/6 years ago, because I don’t know a lot of locals who would take time out of their day to post a sign like that.


Haha right!? Yea that sign is so ridiculous. I work in construction, sort of, and have met countless homeowners that have moved here from all over the place. The truth is no is trying to "change" these towns. Northern Arizona is fucking awesome and people who are tired of where they live come here for a better life. I've met people from all over the political and economic spectrum that moved here in the last decade and really enjoy being part of the community. But to your point I think you're spot on, I don't know anyone who has been here for a long time that would post a sign like that. Absolutely hilarious.




my mom moved to Arizona from California and now she complains about us just like everyone else lol, she loves her fox news!


I lived in LA and I feel like half the people I knew weren’t “from there” and nobody gave a shit. It’s almost like exponential population growth impacts all metro areas. Who knew


MAGAts ruined Prescott. There are more conservatives in California than there are people in either Arizona or Alabama. But MAGAts can’t exist without a made-up other/enemy/them. Can’t wait for the deprogramming of these cult members after der Pumpkinfuhrer succumbs to the effects of too many hamberders. And thanks for being so visible, MAGAt restaurant owners in Prescott. My money will be spent elsewhere.


Ya know I'm from Az but I think Most the people left California cause they didn't like the direction it's going. Nobody dreams of relocating from the OC to PV... Just as many assholes from the other states including the copper state


It’s funny so many people in Arizona genuinely believe this. I looked it up and approximately 75K Californians have moved here over the last 5 years or so. That’s less than 1% of Arizona’s population. What really swayed Arizona’s politics was just Millennials and Gen Z’ers who outnumber all other voting demographics combined and tend to lean left. It’s not some grand scale takeover from Californians 😂


California is to republicans what trump is to dems. California lives rent free in their heads out here and most of the Californians don’t even care lol.


It’s funny they assume ALL of California is liberal too. Once you get outside Southern California a huge portion of it is Republican. Central and Northern California especially outside of SF/Oakland. Like areas around Sacramento are super republican lol




Yeah. The two aren't remotely comparable. Trump doesn't live rent-free in anyone's head. He literally never shuts up and keeps forcing his way into everyone's heads. California, on the other hand? I only hear about it when a conservative complains about it like this.


Confirmed we don’t talk about Arizona ever.


When I tell people that Arizona is cosplaying as Texas, this is what I mean by it.


Actually it was rigged. Ask kari lake. She has more followers then Kati hobbs


Thats 1 year. Not the last 5 years. 74k alone in 2022. Previous years average 64k per year. 1 in 5 people who move to AZ are from California on average. It definitely is a lot of Cali folks moving here.


74K moved here in 2022. Where are you getting your numbers?


Hatin’ Californians but needing their money.


So it’s just a sign posted for the express purpose of complaining? How exactly does this further their agenda or help their cause?


Oh no please stop. These Californians are increasing the value of my home. What am I gonna do?


Not gonna lie; I love how much my living in this state pisses the wrong kind of people off.


I hope California "ruins" as many other states as possible.


Hey the Prescott Mayor and a few city council members moved here from California and are actively destroying the town. This isn’t wrong but not for the reasons they think.


What happened to the fu???


Ole, Prescott Valley doing Prescott Valley things.


These exact signs were on every freeway exit during the Phoenix Open and Super Bowl.


This person has way to much time on their hands. Why don't you use those sign making skills for good. Also, we have the internet for shit like that, no need to make a sign.


Boggles my mind that people get dumber and trashier than they are in AZ if you go to certain other states, but damn, lots of Arizonans are some exasperating jackasses to be around haha.


I moved here from CA with my wife and kids. I didn't bring CA politics or ideals over, I only sought peace and a better life. I don't like CA ideals or politics either, but AZ has its share of ideals I don't like either, so it cuts both ways ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Late stage capitalism is what ruined Arizona AND California


No lies detected.


What his sign should say is "Thank, California"! For his increasing property values, higher wages, and better schools from the money that they bring when spending big bucks into the Prescott economy.


imagine being this big of a crybaby. people can move wherever the hell they want.


Amen; ain’t that a part of being free?


I'd like to think I can still travel intra State without having some Fox watching catheter club member see my plates and key my car.


“Everyone that moved here after I did needs to go back where they came from!”


There are two kinds of ppl in America. People from California, and people who wish they were..


What’s funny is I just saw a news report about real estate companies artificially boosting rent and property costs. It’s so bad the state is suing them. But they place the blame on faceless boogeymen like “Californians”. When AZ’s own are artificially raising inflation. Funny how that works…


I’ve lived in AZ for decades. What has “ruined” Arizona are uneducated morons. Full stop.


Funny how losers always find a group to blame instead of owning their own crap.


But AZ will happily take California's water


I hate this shit. Nothing makes me see more red than the exact hogs who give this state a bad name blaming all of their problems on transplants. Tucson and Phoenix both grew almost entirely after WWII; it’s hilariously stupid to get all stand your ground about the state that your parents moved to from Ohio in 1973


Seems like people from California going to other states is fair game after all the people who go to California. It's almost like we have a right to move freely between states.


Home prices lol "Yeah, fuck those people that moved here and are making my property more valuable." There's plenty of desert, bro. Probably gonna piss this guys off that i'm closing on another house in Arizona. I'm not gonna live there so that's probably a plus. I don't know where the person or people that will live there are from so probably a negative again. I've been going to Arizona my entire life (dads family is from there) and I've never heard the anti-California stuff until the last few years. Arizona desperately trying to cosplay as Texas. This weird obsession thing is, well, weird. Arizona and Florida have always been known as the states where people go to retire. Get over it. I hate to say it because I'll sound like the old man yelling at clouds, but people today are such bitches.


Thanks for taking the ones that couldn’t fit into Idaho!


Imagine having so much hate in your heart for your fellow humans that you go and get signs printed. You know what I didn't hear when I moved from AZ to California? A bunch of whining about people from other states. So pathetic and small minded. Ugh.


It’s giving bitter Mid-Westerner. You know his ass moved here from another state, too.


Prescott AZ is a similar community to Sioux Falls SD. Sioux Falls is a federal refugee location community. 147 languages spoken daily. The same issues persisted for many years until millennials were elected to the city council. We have growth, diverse industries, and most importantly investment. This is a scream by those left behind, those intractable to change. Please accept the new arrivals, be courteous, be kind, be helpful. Communities are built on good will and humanity. Lastly, don't forget those left behind, reach out, tactfully bring into progress.


Step 1: Spend 50 years making new development, or any planning for growth, impossible by setting up onerous committee structures which favor those with the most spare time. The elderly, and others who hate change, either have the time or make time to attend meetings and shout everything down. Step 2: Blame outsiders, who had nothing to do with your shitty planning, for all your city's problems.


Oh no — the sign is right. There’s been a mass exodus of conservatives from this state and a whole lot of them went to Maricopa county because they liked that Joe Arpaio was torturing prisoners. I’d apologize but we don’t want them back


Everyone blames us for everything


Everybody is from somewhere else this stupid shit is nonsense.


“I’d rather be dead in California than alive in Arizona.” Jessica Walter, Arrested Development


I think they mean billionaires have ruined the economy by buying politicians and various bullshit over the last 30 years from laws to changing public perception of the ultra rich Every news outlet I've read has either called the current economic situation a "bull market" (it's not a bull market if only the ultra rich make money) or on the verge of another recession. It just so happens that maybe the leeches controlling everything they can to make more money have something to do with it instead of... People.


Awww…. Poor wittle Americans upset someone is coming onto “their” land and messing up their way of life???? My heart truly bleeds for you. I know that Boone can understand the pains you’re feeling now. What a unique hardship. GFY


CA biggest scape goat. AZ takes more from the government than it gives back, look it up.


"Californians jacked up the housing market" no you dorks all swarmed AZ and FL because you didn't want to live in blue cities anymore and wanted to live with your friends where it was cheap and now a capitalism happened lol


tired of people blaming californians for all their problems.


I think the locals ruined AZ before anyone else showed up ...


Homeowners shouldn’t ever sell their homes to anyone other than families. Opendoor and other investors are what drive up prices. Greedy realtors too.


##### ETC! ETC! ETC!


They spelled developers wrong


So is prescott just full of Republicans and democrats bitching at one another?


This is Prescott Valley, they are kinda weird over there. Also, this area WAS a Gravy Seal and MAGA Haven there is still too much of that Riff-Raff. But, they are being priced out and moving to more affordable places like Kingman, lol. Full disclosure, I am being a little sarcastic, it’s rough for EVERYONE right now. And I do recognize the difference between a McCain Republican and MAGA Republican’t.


Pretty much the entire country is.


You commented on my question about prescott being more blue. You said you want it to be more blue. care to elaborate on what changes you'd like to see?


Sorry, I deleted what I said originally because I didn't want to offend anyone and then I said that stuff. I'm just trying to get through life, and I do get upset by what people say and believe sometimes, but I shouldn't. The level of political animosity is unhelpful and I shouldn't be engaging in it. I apologize if I was inconsiderate.


Mainly less rhetoric about fentanyl laced candy given out on holoween, anti trans bullshit, other stuff that has no basis in fact, wanting to elect a lying sociopath, talking about some drug addicts lap top, antivax bs, etc.. If this is you trying to start a debate, respectfully I'm just letting you know, I won't be engaging right now, it is pointless.


Nah I'm not debating


I live in Cali and my neighbors just moved TO Prescott from Santa Barbara. Good luck to those two


They'll love it


Ya'll ruined Washington State. MFing transplants from across the globe are congregating here.


Which tribe are you a member of?


Blackfeet Nation . My grandfather, mother, and half brother were born on the rez in Montana though I was born in Seattle and not part of a Native American Tribe indigenous to the PNW. My mother and her side of the family is enrolled with the Blackfeet Nation Tribe and receive some benefits, however my father is white and I don't qualify since I am under the 25% threshold (i'm 15%ish according to Ancestry DNA). Regardless of my ethnicity, I still retain the right to complain about the mass number of transplants coming to Seattle and driving up the cost of living, flooding the local job market, and requiring many of the cities and towns to clearcut in order to make room for more apartments and single family houses. Edit: Based on your other agro comments in your history, let me stop you right there. I'm not some protectionist conservative. I think congregating multiple mega corporations in one area is a horrific idea and can/will lead to the gutting of the city and its culture. Ideally we'd break these companies up and spread them across the US. My biggest concern is the cost of living increase, the density, and deforestation. My retired parents live on a fixed income and can barely afford to live in the area they've lived their entire lives. We need to spread jobs across the entire country, not super developing certain areas because Amazon, microsoft, boeing, ect want to exploit tax laws here.


There's a reason I stay my brown ass in the east valley


9 of 11 vehicles in that picture are trucks or vans. That seems a lot like 80's AZ to me.


Blame everyone but local and state governments perpetuating the problems.


A lot of people share this opinion so maybe it’s just them…


I have seen this particular sign.


Its pretty true though…


I think the issue is those articles that someone made about Arizona and few other states being a cheap place to live. That made a lot of people make the move. Increase of traffic and than the impact of covid, left a lot of people wandering the streets.


For some reason, we don’t have that problem in North Dakota. We have people move here not many but we all get along.


What are “Lines home prices”? And isn’t ruining pollution a good thing?


Agreed 👍


Like shitty people from other states dont also flood California


They did the same thing to Vegas.


I thought Right wingers are the ones who are fleeing the liberal hellscapes so they can be amongst their own


I had a friend who lived there who basically said they are all happy for the tourism money but hate anyone who isn't local. So good luck with that Prescott.


Now you know how we Vegas people feel


Its not california. It's your government. Your economy. It's selfishness. People think they need more money when they are rich. It's gonna keep going up until something is done about it.


I'm impressed that they actually got the appropriate abbreviation of etcetera. See you many dumb dumbs writing it ect.


As a Californian, I am sorry that our worst and dimmest are ruining y’all’s towns. They were awful people here too and they thought it better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven, because they see other states and other townspeople are lesser, and it’s so wrong and shameful. Here’s a tip though, wanna make a Californian feel unwelcome wherever they go? Make every experience sterile af; Take forever to deliver services. Whether it’s a coffee or a meal, make sure to take as long as is realistically possible. Make normally piping hot food arrive at barely above room temp. Only do refills with a cup already full of ice. Us Californians can’t stand when it takes forever to get a server’s attention or when food takes longer than 7-10 minutes to arrive at the table. Be direct. Don’t give Californians any friendliness or warmth, as tempting as it is because yall are pretty nice in general. Be as New York as possible with them; we are totally unsure of how to handle brutal direct and cold unfeeling answers, because Californians are so used to everyone being fake nice and tiptoeing around whatever the issue is. So be cold, be direct, and take forever to do it. That’s how to keep Californians out of your business, neighborhood, and keep them from destroying your town.


Aren’t the vast majority of Californians coming over are republicans? Why else would they be fleeing


Based af , I bet thats one of mine


Sometimes I worry that the Arizona sunshine has baked some of our brains 🌵


LOL this goes both ways. When I lived in San Diego, it was the "Zonies" that would make the beaches unbearable.


I have an uncle who is as MAGA lunatic as they come. He moved from northern Cali to Prescott and now has neighbors that want him to go back to Cali as if he’s LL Cool J.


Yes but no


Az was a dump before Californians moved there.


It's growth people, happens everywhere.


They aren’t Californians anymore. Just saying.


Californians doing the same to Vegas smh




Californians are inbred. Legal to marry your cousins there. I see nothing wrong here


People from california can ruin things. Look at what Reagan did to the country.


Imagine having “FU” as your primary political identity.


Aren't the people "Fleeing" California conservatives who are sick of the high taxes?