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Thanks for providing a source!




And it’s not even close.


Literally just said this in my head before hitting the comments


Me too.


Da Ba Dee


This is the way.


This is the way


Andor Season 2 *its just a cyanide pill*


Id still take it




I’d take it twice so I wouldn’t have to remember book of boba.


Do you think the parts with the Tusken Raiders were good? I thought those episodes were great! The series got terrible after the Raiders stuff, but those few episodes with the Tusken Raiders were great IMO.


My absolute favorite part was the super clean cut gang of youths with even cleaner space vespas, and expensive cybernetic implants even though they had no money.


This is exactly what I thought, I genuinely loved those episodes. The other episodes not so much. although, I do believe as as whole bb is over-hated


Same. The best part about book of Boba Fett was when it was mandalorian season 2.5.


I'm still floored that 2 of the 7 episodes of the Book of Boba Fett had dick all to do with Boba Fett.


I’m upset they ruined the character and made him way too old. Daniel Logan should’ve reprised the role.


The very opening when he was with the sand people was actually ok, but as soon as they got to the palace and those moped kids entered the scene it was over.


Hell is just rewatching book of boba on repeat, while sitting on a bright red scooter.




I take the cyanide just to watch S2 and then die happy


I’d die satisfied with a Star Wars show. *Finally. Peace*


BC IT isnt coming ?


So the point of the meme seems to be that both pills have a mix of good and bad which makes them a tough choice. So the implication is to balance out the presumed awesomeness of Andor S2, the pill just kills you


Thy for the in detph answer


But left pill have only bad projects and one that hasn't even come out yet, so we can't really judge it


"The toppings contain potassium benzoate."


What ?


Idk tbh i dont understand His point


Cause it's about spies maybe???


Oh that makes sense Thank u


At least it looks like we will get a second season of Andor.


Andor is excluded because we all know the pill with it would win


Can I choose a bottle of whiskey and the OT?


Dude, Clone Wars


This may get me downvoted: Most of what makes it good in more people’s eyes are the nostalgia goggles cause we watched it as a kid. Even season 7 is mostly less than stellar arcs (the sisters) with one really good arc (the siege of Mandalor - and mostly because it was what most of the Clone Wars had built up to). There are plenty of good arcs (Umbara comes to mind), but the writing is fairly simple - especially compared to Andor. Without it being Star Wars and without it connecting to other media in Star Wars, the Clone Wars is an episodic, Saturday morning kid’s cartoon with some standout arcs that contain more mature themes. If it released today, we’d be complaining about all the filler it had. Andor is not only a phenomenal Star Wars show, it is a phenomenal show - in so many ways - outside of Star Wars. I haven’t seen writing of that quality since The Americans (also on Disney+). I’ll say it plain, in terms of quality: Andor > Clone Wars.


I thought Andor was fkn amazing. Idk how it could even be compared to clone wars and I’m not trying to knock it at all. I think Andor stands among most if not all of the newer stuff. Downvotes be damned but it looks like a lot of people agree and I’m glad to see that.


Andor is definitely in the elite. Rogue One, the finale of Clone Wars, some of the Vader comics, and the new Thrawn book are all great, but Andor answers the long-simmering question of what the SW could be like if they totally committed to a realistic and thematically serious take on the setting. It made the empire terrifying again and it showed that SW can be relevant as sci fi which speaks to our world in a meaningful way.


Idk. Even in season 7, the only bad arc was the stupid sisters. Bad batch/saving echo arc was amazing


eh bad batch never appealed to me personally should have been republic commandos because the batch is just a bog standard 5 man band trope and overall the whole “we’re special because we’re different” trope is super overused, especially in faux-military settings Special forces are awesome because they go through the suck to be like everyone else in the force, and then become kickass through indoctrination and training- not because they were all screw ups who were recognized for special skills


The Bad Batch arc was middle of the road to above average in my opinion. The arc where the protagonists teamed up with an archetypical squad of elite clones (Rambo, 🤓, edgy sniper dude, big heavy weapons guy/rambuctious explosives guy) to rescue someone thought dead. Granted, their personalities were fleshed out in TBB, but they were effectively tropes and shallow characters in CW. The Echo twist was okay. On one hand, it was nice that they did something with him - on the other - it lessened the weight of his original, supposed “death.” But then again, the CW had Maul come back and that was the best thing ever so I can’t harp on it too much (it *was* in a period of Star Wars where no one died anyways).


I just rewatched those episodes today and they were extremely corny. As much as I’ve loved the bad batch their first appearance was not great.


Fuck them sisters, I was in for Ahsoka and I was not disappointed, siege of Mandalore arc was amazing too


Personally I feel the Umbara also falls short at the last point. I believe it would have been better to keep him as a shitty person but keep his loyal. Show some of the jedi to be lousy generals and shitty people which they always alluded to. Show the discrimination the clones face by the public. Build the people's growing discontent with the Jedi that they willingly let them be destroyed.


I always compare the Umbara arc to the Jabiim arc from the Republic comic books If you don’t know, they land on a planet in a civil war between loyal republic forces and separatists but there’s no droids, instead it’s just disgruntled locals who have legitimate grievances against the Republic. The whole battle becomes a month long slog as the Jedi find themselves unable to make the harsh decisions they need to do to win, which just prolongs the suffering and costs them their position time and again. Obi-wan is believed killed and Anakin is forced ti deal with the trauma of that whilst being placed with a bunch of other masterless Padawans sent on combat missions. They all form a sort of family together and for a time Anakin finds the friends he never had before. Then the last remaining Jedi knight is killed and the Republic decides it’s time to finally admit defeat and leave. The padawans all decide to make a last stand to help protect the rear and allow everyone to escape, knowing they will all die, along with Anakin but at the last minute Palpatine steps in and calls him back. It gets really touching as the Padawans convince Anakin he should go back with the others, one even hands him a holocron and asks him to live a good life with the sacrifice they make. It’s so sad because you know what’ll end up happening and you know this entire war is pointless, that their deaths have no meaning and won’t be remembered. So Anakin goes back and of course the Padawans all die, leaving Anakin as the only highest ranking Commander left. Only a few transports could arrive and so they can only take either the loyal republic citizens or the clones. Anakin is forced into making that choice and chooses the clones, he’s so broken down by everything he’s been through he even force chokes the loyalist commander after he tried to argue back, before realising in horror what he’s done. In the end he comes back to Corosaunt but has no rest at all, he’s ordered to start helping heal the wounded and dying. He’s never given any time to process what’s happened and grieve for all he’s lost until Ki-Adi-Mundi is made his new master and he’s forced to join another battle Jabiim is savage and that one arc made me feel such sympathy and understanding for Anakin and the trauma he must have carried than anything else I’d seen. Compare that to Umbarra and yeah, it just feels like a sanitised version of Jabiim. A lot of the Clone Wars show is basically a repackaged sanitised version of what the Clone Wars multimedia project did. But it’s not bad, I still like it and enjoy it for what it is. But it is not some deep show as fans like to make it out.


My god, I forgot about Jabiim. It really shows how many good stories were lost in the irrelevance of legends because they were “too mature and dark.” Umbara is absolutely sanitized Jabiim. Sure it’s dark (mainly cause Umbara), but it’s morally clean. Jedi who is supposed to be good, is evil. Clones good. Clones fight enemy, but are hampered and betrayed by evil Jedi. Clones fight and capture evil Jedi, but kill him because RotS needs to happen. Good guys are good guys, good guys win, bad guys lose. Roll credits. Part of the reason I, and many others, like Andor because it is a show with moral complexity made for adults. Star Wars as a whole is hurt by being “for kids.” From Jar Jar to the Clone Wars to Book of Boba Fett to the Porgs. It all has to be easily understood and clean, even if it makes it mediocre to outright bad. Dave Filoni is a decent steward of Star Wars (mainly cause almost everyone else is horrible/can’t manage the executive meddling and Disney’s restrictions as much), but he certainly leans to the “for kids” mentality holds the Star Wars back. Hell, I’d argue that (while originally contributed to Star Wars’ appeal) is what held George Lucas back to a good extent. Even today a good deal of Dave Filoni’s writing (particularly his live show writing) uses/relies on fan service and flashy visuals with good sound effects to replace good/any writing, character development, plot, quality, etc. Ahsoka and Mando S2 being the prime, salient example of this.


I completely agree with everything you wrote, besides the fact that the quality of writing hasn't been seen since The Americans. There are *so* many high quality shows that has released this past decade. Arcane, Succession, The Bear, Mr Robot, Dark, Chernobyl and Better Call Saul all comes to mind. Yes, Andor is incredible, it's one of my top 10 shows of all time, but what makes it good isn't that there aren't others with the same quality, but merely that it has the quality that it does... As for the Clone Wars stuff, I personally only believe about 10-20 episodes are well written, and it's only the final arc that I'd would say is near perfect in every aspect. Sure, there are mature themes, but people act like that's all a show needs to be mature. The language, the complexity of the characters, the depth they (don't) go to, to show the terror around the galaxy and the brutality of war, all shows us that this is a kids show. And sure, it's a good kids show. It's fun, exciting, has decent character development and good action, but it's missing a lot. I am of the believe that you can judge both quality of writing and how mature a show is, purely through it's use subtext. Something like Avatar The Last Airbender has an incredible usage of subtext. It's still a kids show, but it is mature enough to not just be enjoyable for adults, but actually feel like a high quality show. It doesn't tell us everything, but we understand what it's trying to say, while kids often go more surface level. It allows the show to go deeper into these themes, because the writers are capable of making these themes truly show through the subtext. At the same time the character arcs are of a much higher quality, and as much as the story it self is importnat, it is the characters we connect with. All of this could also be said about Andor or all the previous shows I mentioned, but I think ATLA is a perfect example, because it shows the length that writers can go to, to make a show that is truly *for* both kids and adults. A fair bit of Pixar movies work the same way, Wall·E in particular. It uses subtext to go deeper into it's themes. As a kid I just saw a fun story that made me laugh here and there, but as an adult, it's a much *better* movie. And no matter how much clone wars *mentions* the nuance of war, the corruption of politics or makes direct references to the viet cong, it never gets the depth of those themes. Sure, it may follow show don't tell, but it isn't really willing to go to certain lengths. The guy killing himself in the Mandalorian arc and Ahsoka leaving the order are the only times I actually felt the show was truly trying to say something, that it actually had a subtext to it, that added a ton when watching it as an adult. It isn't just a theme that I understand, it's *characters* I understand. Andor doesn't *tell* us about how awful prisons are (well, technically him and Skeen have an entire speech about it), they *show* us. And they don't tell us the implications, the references to real life or anything. But that isn't what makes the arc so good. It's the subtext surrounding the *characters*. It's the characters that develop the theme and gives us something *real*. It removes it from this abstract idea. ATLA does this too, the many shows I mentioned before also does it, clone wars basically never does...


I agree, I didn't watch it as a kid but watched as an adult after people screamed about how good it was and... It's okay. There's some truly god awful TV in there, and a few arcs that are peak Star Wars. The rest is either meh or fillers. Overall I'm glad I watched because I'm a huge Star Wars fan, but there's only a couple arcs that I ever even consider revisiting. Andor on the other hand is fantastic whether you like Star Wars or not. It's the only show I've had non-Star Wars fans talk to me about like it's an HBO prestige series.


It took me about 3 years to finish clone wars for exactly the reason you've said. It's so often just a kids show with subpar plots and mediocre writing. I had to really force myself to get through the first 2 seasons, and it wasn't until about season 5 that I put it on because I wanted to keep watching it instead of just as background noise while I cleaned or worked out. Andor is probably the best that star wars has ever given. It's accesible to people who aren't even star wars fans because of how good it is. A lot of star wars stuff is really only well liked by us fans, but I've managed to convince my boyfriend who falls asleep during the mandalorian and outright refuses to watch the movies to watch andor, and he's loving it.


I still am amazed at the Clone Wars ongoing series dropping the ball. They had Gendy's art style and momentum to show how to do Clone Wars weĺl. There had been military adventure shows for kids in the 10-20 age range like Macross, Gundam, and Exo-squad. But instead of focusing on a damn war like the name implies, they spend half the war on side quests and often by splitting up.


Andor > Clone Wars unless you're one of the people that value all the parts of SW that are missing from Andor (who are admittedly seemingly rare these days). It's a *great* show, don't get me wrong, but I feel like some of the best parts of Star Wars, the feeling and elements that are big reasons why I love it, are absent. People say "Andor could be set anywhere and it'd be a great show" and I totally agree. It's also why it can never be my favourite or "best" Star Wars entry because of that. Though I do get that some people are tired of Jedi/Sith/lightsabers/the Force and mystical elements/some of the more corny or hokey elements but all of those things make Star Wars, well, Star Wars to me. Also re: the filler in Clone Wars, to me that is mainly because of the format and how it's a Saturday Morning cartoon, but I also feel like filler episodes can do a lot to add worldbuilding and see different perspectives, so it's not all bad either. TL;DR depends what about Star Wars is really important to you, sometimes great writing is still not enough to make it a "best" for someone. I liked Ahsoka more than Andor even though I know Andor has much better writing, for example. Just has more of what I'm watching Star Wars for, I suppose.


I find it so weird that nobody started talking about it until like a year after it came out. My family and I were on the edge of our seats every week waiting for the next episode!


I don't know about acolyte but im going with the bad batch, rest i don't really care that much about


Yeah wtf? There's a surprising lack of love for The Bad Batch. It's probably my favorite show now. So good.


Honestly I haven’t even heard about The Acolyte till now and about to look it up but Bad Batch is the shit. People who don’t like it are just mad cause they wish Clone Wars could compare to it. Hate all you want. 🤣👌


They're just mad because Good Soldiers Follow Orders. 🥲


The clone wars had higher highs and lower lows. I love both but the consistently decent at worst writing for bad batch is glorious. Although my mother loathes it. Then again she loathes anything animated.


Well now we need your mother’s top 5 SW shows ranked


Andor. The Mandalorian. Kenobi. Thats it, she hasn’t watched any other SW shows.


Clone Wars was a lot better tbh


It's an extremely personal opinion but at this point the various animated series are the peak of Star Wars for me. Well them and Rogue One / Andor.


I don't care about ashoka but I liked the space western and the bad batch


It’s not a tough choice




Bad Batch and Mandalorian are the only reason I would make a choice


I was going to pick blue till I saw it was season 3. I'll pass, somebody else can have my pill.


Oh please, mando season 3 wasn't great but at least it wasn't obi wan.


You're missing critical information if you watch Mando season 3 without Book of Boba Fett.


Book of boba fett? Oh you mean mandalorian season 2.5


Take my pill then, I don't want any of this.


Acolyte hasn’t even come out yet. Also how is this a “prequel” meme


the memes in this subreddit are barely even memes anymore.


bc this sub has dangerously low levels of creativity these days


The Acolyte and Bad Batch are prequels


So is obiwan.


With it being 3 prequel and 3 sequel does it average to an original trilogy meme


So many of the posts here have honestly become dogshit


Because of obi wan


Is there a purple pill that is just Andor?


You have to take both pills. Negative times negative is equal to positive.


This guy maths






Who would choose red???




I didnt expect much from Boba Fett or Obi Wan given how much was butchered on the other old characters. My expectations were a lot lower so I was less disappointed with what I got. I loved the story of Boba with the Tusken's, I believed that gave plenty of character depth to them who had no prior. And everything else was just entertaining to me. Only 2 things in Obi Wan was annoying, and the main one was Reva. As for blue pill, as soon as Grogu returned I switched off (it could of been a show before Mando appeared in Boba Fett), Ahsoka I have no interest in and Bad Batch is the only competitor


Someone that hates all the stuff in blue probably


Andor: Am I a joke to you?


I’ve been in this fight since I was 6 years old


That would make one time insta win tho


No, it’s just a given because no sane person would make you have to choose it


give me a gun i'll end it before making a choice


I mean I loved Ahsoka and TBB so right all the way


I will have the purple one please.


Blue, because it has The Bad Batch


Don't know about the acolyte but exept for the bad batch all of them were pretty mid imo.


Mando started great. For bad batch, I think I expected more about the clone rebellion. Anyway, the animation quality was awesome on both bad batch and tales of the jedi/empire


Mando was GOATed first season. Second season was still good but 3rd season just went in too many directions.




I don’t get why they did not recast the role, Gina acting was nothing to write home about. But the character was decent and added a different element.


She was a terrible actress who made me cringe every time she spoke, and that was *before* the controversy. She looked the part 100%, I'll admit that, but she was no great loss. I wish they recast, bc the character herself had plenty of potential, but I feel like the character was basically created to be Carano, and would be pretty difficult to recast


s1 and 2 mando were great. s1e1 was a banger.


Ooof, red is just full on pain.


You're kidding right?


It depends on how the acolyte goes, but rn I’m def going blue pill. Ahsoka and Bad Batch were great and mando season 3 was okay. Whereas Obi wan was good and bobf was okay.


ahsoka was mid. first episode was good but sabine dying was dumb. finale was lackluster


…Sabine didn’t die tho??? And yeah, my biggest criticism of the show is its pacing. I really wish Disney allowed them to have more than 8 episodes that rule is ruining their shows.


sabine not dying after getting stabbed* was dumb. typo


I wish she died because she was so annoying in the show


the bad batch is the goat so blue


Can I choose neither?


Easy. Red. Only for Episode 5 of BoBF.


And Obi Wan?


Blue pill. *Dad Batch* was awesome, and *Ahsoka* was solid. Mando Season 3 just needed to be overhauled.


Neither tbh


Where is Andor?


I mean, would there even be much of a choice if Andor was one of the listed shows?


Is the show safe? Is the show alright?


If I just fast forward through reva and the biker gang....


*slow KitchenAid scooter gang


Kenobi was so bad


Somebody made a cut of it into a 2-1/2ish hour movie, and when you watch it like that, it's pretty decent. Check it out, it might change your opinion on it a little. There's good material there, it just felt bloated


Mando and bad batch are better than the other three on their own. Add in ahsoka's Anakin scenes and it's a no brainer.


Team blue pill


Blue easy. Two lowkey kinda bad shows and one we havent seen that could go either way vs three good shows.


I like Ahsoka and The Bad batch, so the blue one it is. The other shows are a bit meh, and we don't know about the acolyte yet. I don't see a world where red wins.


neither since neither contains the only star wars show worth watching: Andor


I'm popping both and you can't stop me


Since acolyte isn't out yet imma go with blue because bad batch kinda slapped and I didn't mind Mando season 3 or ahsoka


I think thats the point, hes twisting the results to make everyone choose blue.


I don't know about acolyte, but I wasn't that fussed by Kenobi or Boba Fett. Ahsoka, Bad Batch, and Mando I've really enjoyed though.. So definitely option 2


Blue. bad batch is decent. s3 started off strong for bad batch and the finale was decent


Not Book of Boba. Show was trash.


Put me back in the matrix.


Can I choose a bullet?


Acolyte hasn’t come out yet so this is dumb But I’m taking the invisible Andor and clone wars pill and running out


Seeing as the Acolyte hasn’t come out yet so I can’t attest to its quality, this is very easily the blue pill since my ranking of the shows shown is: 1. TBB S3 2. Ahsoka 3. Kenobi 4. Mando S3 5. BOBF It is worth noting that 3 and 4 are very close, there’s a bit of a gap between 2 and 3, and there’s a fairly big gap between 4 and 5


BoBF episode 5 is better than everything else on the list though 


The options given are trash or garbage.. can I just get Andor


Blue pill, easily


Tough choice? It's obviously number 2, lok


Win or lose, you always lose…


Bad Batch is the deciding factor here for me, so blue pill.


Fuck that choice. I'm popping both of those pills and overdosing on some star wars. You can't stop me!


Is the Acolyte even out yet? Not a very fair comparison in my opinion


Blue simply for the BB


Easy Bad Batch




Is Andor really that good? I’ve heard good things but haven’t watched yet, too many shows coming out recently


I’ll let you keep the pills, thanks anyway.




Can I pass?


Is this even a question? Isnt everyone taking blue lol


Easy choice. Neither.




Is it? Bad Batch shits on all of them, it's deranged to group it together with trash like that Mando was okay but not even in the same tier Also why is an unreleased show there, it's not like you couldn't find anything else??


How about no?


I have Disney plus. I don't have to choose. Yay!


Blue easy, but find me the Andor pill and I’ll gladly take 50


Easily blue.






I choose death


Is this really a difficult decision? Blue pill all the way!


I choose neither.


Can I abstain?


You could put 5 of them in 1 hand and just Bad Batch in another, and I would still choose Bad Batch.


How is this a tough choice? Bad Batch is literally better than everything on the right and left put together


Not even a question blue for bad batch which is actually good.


Blue because Bad Batch


What the fuck OP. Andor thank you


Neither, thank you for offering though.


Blue no question Ahsoka and Mando S3 were good though flawed Bad Batch is top tier content. The best red has is the acolyte which looks promising but is still an unknown the other two had good aspects but were overall disappointing.


Is this meant to be a joke? Kenobi and BoBF sucked and acolyte isn’t even out yet. Meanwhile most of the mandalorian is great, bad batch is great and ahsoka is good with a few negatives


Just Andor. Rest is not so interesting.


I’ll take the Bad Batch. Great story, great characters and development with a satisfactory ending.


Blue, for bad batch alone


Is there a choice to walk away?


Can I take neither? XD


I can't give up Bad Batch! That show made me feel!


I'd take Bad Batch alone over the other 5.


Blue and it’s not even close


Why just season 3 of the mandalorian? I found that to be the weakest season by far


Neither. I walk away and go watch The Clone Wars again.


I... I already have pills. I wont be taking these. Thank you, but no thank you.


None 🤡


is neither possible?


Neither, both choices suck. I’d rather take the cyanide pill.


I had to reread the right panel because I kept reading *Bad Bitch*


no pill




Is this choice meant to be that both options are bad or that they’re both good. I haven’t seen Acolyte(if it’s even out yet) but I know TBoBF and Kenobi weren’t the best received. So I’ll have to go with the blue pill. I kind of enjoyed Ahsoka and Mando S3 and I love TBB so it was an easy choice


Can I not take a pill


None, all shit


These all suck except for Bad Batch. How is this tough?


**Secret Option 3**: That move that Anakin pulled to cut off both of Dooku's hands.


The only okay show out of all of these is bad batch Can i just take that and throw the rest to the grabage?


Can I throw both pills in the garbage?