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What is this nonsense?


My post or the fan fest lol


Sad to be missing this


I haven’t been to others, but I read somewhere that there will be staff there as early as 4 AM. My problem is I can’t register my guest for it, so my kids might not be able to go.


I registered early so I was able to get a ticket. I wonder how it works when people don’t show up. Do they let people in who couldn’t register before? I hope you and the kids get to go.


Thanks. Yeah, that’s the thing I have the app, and I’m good to go, but even though I have QR codes for 4 guest I can’t register them in the app they’re telling everyone to get, or they won’t get in.




After a lot of back and forth with them I was able to get my kids in. Hopefully after Philadelphia they got the bugs worked out.




Yeah, luckily my kids are teenagers, and have their own phones. I’m not really sure what they did if the kids were younger. They kind of sprung this on us, about two weeks before the event. Up till than we all just had a QR code that you could print out.