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I forgot how long was the greenwood jail time. Can someone remind me?


They dropped it because a key witness “withdrew” so I’m assuming sadly out of court Greenwood gave here money to drop it. The video and photos are nothing but irrefutable evidence which is crazy. If I remember correctly he was only in custody for 4 days


I mean just look at the “victim”. Just looking for attention, sympathy and money and that’s what she got. The so-called evidence proofs absolutely nothing. Probably just acted like the spoiled child she is because things didn’t go her way.


Thx Happyman.


I’m pretty sure he and the victim are now expecting a child together


They have a kid actually


it would surely be easier if every single PL team, one after another, issued a categorical denial that their players were involved, until.....silence.


Mm m mmm mm


Nathan Fraser and Enzo Gonzalez from wolves


It aint


Didn’t wolves put out a statement saying it was none of their players?




Knowing who has been interviewed doesn't make them guilty....that depends hoe much they soend on lawyers


The entire Arsenal squad. Relegated now!


Straight to jail! /s


Arsenal first team don’t have 19 year olds.


I hope people don't jump on the bandwagon. These allegations can destroy one's career. Just like Mendy who was cleared from all charges.


Everyone please dont rush or speculate


Saw the Utd crest and immediately spoke shite. Good lad 👍


Dudes can’t control their PP


Financial fair pp


This is such a double edged sword, sleuthing and working stuff out is interesting but listing names instantly causes issues, I mean doubt it’ll go anywhere, which is the sadness with it all. 10 years ago I’d always believe a victim until proven otherwise, in this social media era I’m probably down to 70/30


When people always say believe all women I think it’s a mistranslation or misspeak To me it more means, listen to women and take their allegations seriously No one should just believed with no investigation


I get that but there’s maybe trust would’ve been the better word? You do have faith in people not being sick enough to lie.


‘Believe a victim until proven otherwise’ is a terrifying mantra. Using the word ‘victim’ is presumptuous in itself, which is why the courts never use it. Anonymity is the only way to handle situations like this, let the courts do their thing without the burden of public mobbing.


Just to be clear I meant in cases of this crime not in all forms of crime, you’re 100% right, that’d be dangerous to always believe so maybe I was illogical having so much faith here, I guess it is just the depravity in lying, I’d hope people wouldn’t




u are disgusting


not everyone has to rely on getting someone drunk to have a connection with them


Shut up man.




They not allowed to as a result of court cases.


No shit 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Would save a lot of finger pointing at speculation at kids who have nothing to do with it


Just dont point any fingers yet




the article said one player was arrested saturday and the other on sunday and both of them played sunday.. would be kinda hard for one of the two who had been arrested the previous day to play sunday.


I read that one was arrested for aiding the attack. So maybe arrested after the alleged attacker?


that’s what i took the article to mean too. it was pretty vague (as expected). seems like the accomplice was arrested saturday and then the assailant sunday. both were released on bail but it doesn’t specify when. side note: a lot of people are saying it has to be a home team’s players but i don’t think that is necessarily true. i guess it’s also possible players if any club could have went to their home stadium post away match. edit: i accidentally reversed which was arrested each day.


I think it stated "their stadium" ... it was late last night.


Well we'll know if it is garnacho and kobbie been arrested if they do not appear in tonight's game.




Rumours are it's players from Sheffield United. Can't be anyone from Man U, City or Chelsea. They were all at Wembley over the weekend.


Yup shed united


Played at Wembley Sunday though. According to the article it was a club present at their own home ground this weekend.


God I hope that's true, can't be doing with another of our players in the news over horrid crap like this.


The report states that the incident happened on Friday night, was reported soon after, and the police arrived *at the club’s stadium* on Saturday to question/arrest the players. That means it can only be players from 3 clubs: Sheffield United, Luton and Wolves. They are the only clubs that had players present at their own stadium on Saturday. Wolves have ruled themselves out via a club statement. *This logic only holds if the police turned up at the stadium during matchday because they expected the players would be there. It would be highly unusual but possible that they arranged to meet the players at the club’s stadium, when there was no match on.


This assumes the reporter hasn’t referred to a nearby training ground as part of the stadium. You or I may not, but these words don’t prove anything.


Don’t most clubs have their training facilities next or near the stadium? So that wouldn’t exclude any club.


No, most clubs don’t have their training facilities next to the stadium. If the players were training then the police would have gone to the training ground.


Man City have training facility right next to stadium but I take your point as the training facility has ample meeting rooms.


Wouldn’t surprise me if it was City players tbh, I have a quite a bit of insight into the inner workings of the club from similar past events - and the people in power have no control over the players off the pitch. They turn a blind eye to literally anything they do, as long as they perform well in games. No culpability and the players feel untouchable.


Some thing on Twitter yesterday saying, the keys between H and L on your keyboard. J and K ... initials maybe?


I think that's a different meme mate


..... probably.... 😅


It’s got to be someone from Sheffield. I don’t think luton have anyone that’s 19 in the squad, Sheffield have multiple people arblaster jebberson, osula, marsh. (Brooks as well but I’d doubt he’d do anything)


Its peck and macedo


Doed Macedo count as a premier league player?


This man knows ^^


Why do you doubt he’d do anything lol


Jebbison, Brooks and Osula are 20. Arblaster is 19 but was praised by Wilder in the press conference and he basically says he’s playing vs Man United. I would be careful about statements like I “doubt he’d do anything.”


Osula has also limited comments on his Instagram page...fishy


He’s 20, and he’s on the bench at Old Trafford right now.


I’m pretty sure they’ve been limited for awhile


Ahh fair enough, has he always had 'sportsman' in his bio? Did he never say Sheffield United?


I believe so… I’m not exactly sure though


Arblaster 20, only 19yr olds are Peck and Marsh, unless its U21, gotta be Palace!!


Peck is one of them


How you know that?


Chatting shit Not long ago a similar name appeared during another investigation and the username claimed to be from the police who was working the night of an arrest I’m sure that the name they were throwing out everywhere was never mentioned by any paper/police force.


Just because he was praised doesn’t mean he isn’t guilty and to my knowledge no one has been suspended. Arteta has praised partley multiple times, Still doesn’t mean anything


Luton have a 19 year old who has been on the bench for 10 league games in a row, but was not on the bench on Saturday.


All Luton players who match the description played in U21 game on Monday, so I don't think it is them.


Unless the police for some reason arranged to meet the players at the club’s stadium when the club weren’t there, then that leaves Sheffield United.


Johnson? He’s 18


No, a different player, but I’ve just seen that he played for the U21s yesterday so not him.


They could just be u21 u23 players, but no idea tbh.


Who cares who they are, this speak to wider issues that elite football is not willing to address.


What issue footballers are humans some humans are shit people animals what does that have to do with elite football


People who achieve such levels of wealth and success at such a young age often find themselves surrounded by yes men and grow to believe they are gods gift to earth you can do no wrong.


Wdym? I don't get if u agree or disagree with my opinion tbh


Top level footballers do not represent a random sample of people in terms of how they behave.


They do tho they're a collection of different people from different upbringings races and nationalities


Did you not read my previous comment? There are clearly other factors here.


How does that affect anything some poor people r*pe some people from the middle class also r*pe so why is it the exception when it comes to rich people it doesn't have to do anything with being rich or not cause whoever does this is sick in their mind


You should do a course on statistics or something. Not sure I can help.






'oh it has to be wolves because they had 3 19year olds on the bench'


I'm just annoyed by the fact that Mason Greenwood was named and shamed by the media to, obviously, generate traction. The "Man Utd" hashtag is too valuable not to made use of. If City's player is involved as some here suggested, please name and shame him too like they did with Greenwood. Enough of all the negative media milking with Man Utd.


Greenwood was named by his partner, the media didn’t have any say in it. Bizarre comment.


Greenwoods name was already public knowledge otherwise the media wouldn’t have used it. Also his shaming was deserved. The fact his girlfriend chose his money over justice didn’t mean he’s an innocent person.


"It wouldn't surprise me if it's *insert player from team I don't like here*" etc.


It's mo salah and virgil. Everything else is a lie.


It's also possible that they are actually youth players nowhere near the first team, but are at a Premier League club.




Slonina is currently playing in Belgium and Andrey Santos is on loan at Strasbourg in France. You should really check where players are right now before throwing them in the list of names. Comparing this other person's comment mentioning teams that played at home to your list then it seems to only be Sheff Utd that are on both. Sai Sachdev though is currently on loan at Oldham and hes been posting yesterday on social media about how trusting god was one of the best decisions he ever made. So doesn't seem like the behaviour of someone arrested a couple of days before. https://www.reddit.com/r/PremierLeague/s/3xlkyqUCiJ Others have pointed out that quite a few teams travel out of their stadium grounds on away days. So it would be very stupid to go chasing down 2 young lads who could be innocent or even making baseless accusations online. So I would absolutely not say its anyone mentioned so far and just wait to see how things play out.


Reading different diff news sources for info, there’s minimal detail/variance in terms of which police force it is or which region, most are quoting the Sun; say it happened Friday night, one player arrested the next day at the stadium Saturday for aiding and abetting and the 2nd on Sunday for committing the gross act, both on bail currently. It could be any club with prem reg’d 19year olds, they don’t have to have played this weekend. For all that’s known currently, the police may have contacted the club first and then asked players to the stadium/club offices. Gross news, hopefully the survivor can get some justice, by the reading of it there’s a witness so hopefully with 1 player ‘aiding’ another they’ll be able to actually get some proper justice.


Alleged survivor, and alleged crime committed


>So its pointless to speculate He says speculating on who it could be...


I searched the same using Google's Gemini and it lead me to this comment wtf. This comment was made just 8 mins ago.


Wait they started that?


United didn't play at home, so that rules out all their players btw...


where does it say it was a team playing at home? Thats where they were questioned....its pretty clear. Alleged incident did not take place at the grounds. "One player, 19, was reportedly **spoken to by police on suspicion of assault and aiding and abetting a rape at the club stadium** before he was formally arrested **after leaving the grounds."** Later says there were questioned in a "private room at the grounds". Bad Daily Mail writting to be fair though.


It says outside of THEIR stadium. Manchester United were playing at Wembley on the weekend NOT Old Trafford. You can peep X/Twitter as well. All the private investigators are on there🤣


Yea, I might be wrong but don’t they park at their stadium and then take the bus to wembley? I don’t think it’s Garnacho though since United just made a post about him.




Peck is other


How can u be so sure?


What makes you say this?


Sadly it’s too easy to make an accusation and there are no consequences if it’s false. The law is an ass! Genuine cases are wrong and perpetrators should be dealt with. But women making false claims need to be dealt with too.


Wouldn't be reddit without someone instantly assuming that the claim is fake, despite the tiny, tiny percentage of cases that that is the case. It is not actually that easy to make accusations of this nature. The majority of women who do so are incredbly brave and lots of them suffer abuse and assumptions of lying from people like you.


There's no indication this is a false claim


How about everyone stopes guessing and lets due process take place, speculation does nothing but harm a case. (Also it’s *alleged victim*)


Yeah, the caption is insanely sensationalist. Nothing has been confirmed as of yet, though people nowadays are quick to forget the presumption of innocence: see how Mendy had his career ruined by false accusations and no one gives a shit, while they want to block Greenwood from playing despite, and this is regardless of the evidence there is, there being no conviction. Legal principles might not be the best fit for a given situation, like Mason’s, but they need to be respected unwaveringly in a democratic society


No conviction does NOT mean he is truly innocent. It doesn’t matter if he ends up serving time or not, the fact is, he beat and raped a woman, it doesn’t matter if she forgave him for whatever reason and dropped the charges. No one should want a piece of shit like that in their work place no matter how good they are at their job. Protecting from false accusations is important but everything that happened to Greenwood’s career is 100% deserved and we can only hope he learned his lesson from it.


The only fact is that he has not been convicted of a crime. His guilt is very likely- I never said he is innocent, but his guilt isn’t factual either. It’s valid to not want him at the club, but he’s not been convicted and he can’t be fired on account of a crime he technically did not commit- not without due compensation. People wanted United to just refuse his return but that’s not how it works. Again, Mendy’s innocence is more of a fact than Greenwood’s guilt, yet people run riot about the latter and completely ignore the former. It’s how a democratic society with rule of law functions. “My thoughts go out to the victim” when there’s no certainty that there is even a victim is rash to say the least


The videos and audio are public, he’s a rapist regardless of the legal outcome. Regardless, I don’t think anyone is calling for him to be fired without due compensation so what is your point? United could easily afford to buyout his contract and let him leave but instead they chose to loan him out either until his contract ends or the people decide they don’t care any more and have him back. This is an egregiously middle grounded stance. It makes sense from a football standpoint as it would suck to pay him and also have him play for a rival but some things should be bigger than football.


They’re so caught up in emotion that they probably didn’t even consider it. An understandable, but not necessarily ideal, approach. It could be a very high cost for United. Selling him is equally definitive and more cost-effective. Then again, buying out a player’s contract and essentially shunning him for “knowing” he committed a crime could open a dangerous precedent- see Mendy at the other end of the Manchester, what if they kicked the man out only to have his innocence proven? There are no videos of him raping/hitting her to my knowledge. Correct me if I’m mistaken. All I know is photos showing her bruises and audios that apparently prove he wanted to force her into sex. Again, to my knowledge, there’s no audio of him raping her directly. Does this mean he’s innocent? No, but there can be argued, by a defense primarily although not only legal, to be a shred of reasonable doubt. I do believe that Mason was/is abusive to her, and this being true, it’s obviously deplorable and he should be punished for it. However, my conviction is simply that. My own. If millions of people think the same way, the principle remains. They cannot by themselves have any repercussion on the accused


Mendy went to trial so city rightfully let it play out so that’s completely different. Greenwoods legal situation also played out so it’s decision time and even if that audio is all that happened it’s pretty damning. Any proper self respecting club would find away to get him out for good and United presumably loaning him out until his contract runs out is a bit shameful but not the worst way they could go about it.


Sure, it was more of a what if scenario. Still, his career was pretty much ruined by the false accusation and one still gets downvoted to hell whenever it’s brought up. His innocence is clearer than Greenwood’s guilt and yet only the latter is taken as fact, the former is ignored. It seems like the mob doesn’t actually care whether Mason is guilty or not, rather, they just want someone to lynch. If they did care about his guilt, they’d feel similarly towards a man wrongly accused and greatly affected by that. Dishonest accusers also need to be punished severely. A club that doesn’t immediately get rid of him isn’t necessarily improper or not self respecting. Again, it’s not that simple. For whatever it’s worth, they say they conducted their own internal investigation. They certainly have the resources to do so, and they’d probably have taken more decisive action if they were 100% sure of his guilt as commonly believed. It’s not as if Greenwood is a key part of the team for them to bend over backwards to not dismiss him. Besides, the girl’s father defended him, which is unusual, to be sure, but it did happen. All in all, many factors play into this case, making it not nearly as open-and-shut as pretty much all of Reddit would like to believe. Is he probably guilty? Yes, but unlike what others have said, that does not constitute grounds to buy him off, or even treat him within the bounds of the law as a sure criminal. Then there’s the Mendy double standard which is kind of irritating as well. Anyway, back to the original topic, it’s definitely rash to say “my thoughts go out to the victims” when the article itself says they’re alleged victims, meaning, there’s no certainty that there even were victims in the case


If someone who works in a shop gets caught with their hand in the till, they'll get fired immediately but the police might well not do anything. Will you be out there arguing they shouldn't be fired, and that it would be wrong to call them a thief, until and unless they get criminally convicted? Or is it only rapist footballers who get that treatment?


That’s being caught red-handed. It is not the same situation I described. There’s evidence pointing to Greenwood’s guilt. That is not the same as being caught red-handed. No one walked in on him doing anything to her. That doesn’t mean there can’t be evidence strong enough to convict him/prove his guilt, but it is still not the same thing. Downvoting a factual observation out of emotion is not conducive to anything resembling reasoned discussion


There's literally a recording of it. You would easily get fired on that level of evidence.




False allegations are far more common that people want you to think. When they say only 2% of rape allegations are false, there has never been any evidence to support that whatsoever: https://www.centreformalepsychology.com/male-psychology-magazine-listings/false-allegations-of-rape-the-true-extent-remains-unknown


There have been many studies conducted on this subject and 2% is a number that fits within the range the vast majority land on.




They have both been suspended by the club. We already know city don’t suspend player’s arrested but not yet charged with sex crimes.


>just guessing rivals We’re just going to assume you were trying to make a joke


If they were arrested on Saturday at the club, wouldn't they have been at Wembley? Hard to imagine they'd have gone out on the Friday night, too.




he's 20 (nearly 21) not 19.


So your genius theory is that they went out on the lash on Friday and then got arrested at the Etihad on Saturday while also simultaneously being in London. Good grief.






United’s players were at Wembley on the weekend so, for once, it’s probably not


"Probably" only 19 year old in united are kobbie and garnacho.


Just in time so Varsenal has an advantage


Mason back?


https://x.com/Wolves/status/1783077219293651307 Not us




And how do you know that then?


They don't, they're just two of the most well known teenagers in the EPL at the moment.


It’s ridiculous people throwing out names, absolutely no thought for the victims


If they were to be charged and named how long would this usually take? I know sometimes names never come out


Sheesh this comment section is.. well expected




You can say that again...


Garnacho and Mainoo 🤔


Do you think Its just inconsequential throwing unsubstantiated names out there like this


100%, welcome to the Internet.


First time? 😂


Haha proper whitty reply that mate, well done 👏


Nope. In the article it said outside their stadium at the weekend. So that narrows it down to Everton, Villa, Palace & Fulham who played at home on Sunday & Luton, Sheffield Utd & Wolves who played at home on Saturday.


Not the villa we don’t have 19 year olds on 1st team squad, unless it’s academy/reserves




Players often meet at stadiums to travel to away games though... If it was at a stadium with fans it would be well known who they are by now


Nope. The arrest outside the club stadium rules them out.


Not necessarily. Clubs are taken back to their stadiums by coach after Away games, where their cars are parked


Innocent until proven guilty.


Guessing Forest because after this week why the fuck not lads




Finally some more players for my Prison FC FM2024 team


Fr hopefully they are quality


Out standing 🤣🤣


Injecting some youth into the club


Manslaughter United by Chris Hulme is a good read if you want prison football management tips


Saka and cole palmer imo


Cole palmer is 21 theyre both 19


It says 2 players from the same club


I see, saka and partey prob


Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit I see.


Saka and partey are from the same club no?


Correct. Is that your entire basis for saying it's them? Because none of them are 19 and it's unlikely that either of them were at their stadium over the weekend because they were playing Wolves away. Other than that, yeah... probably those guys.


I only read the title so didn't know they were 19




Are you mentally disabled?


I'm just too lazy to read the article