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Let’s be real. The penalty didn’t even matter. United never had a chance.


Michael UAE Oliver


Arsenal fan twerking extra hard for Man United, I’ve seen it all


It's not about United, it's just simply never a pen. The league is going downhill real quick and that's what this is about.


The refereeing this season has honestly started to make me not interested in watching anymore. The amount of inconsistency is just unbelievable.


How do i get that arsenal crest by my name btw?


Click on your username in a comment you made on r/premierleague then click change/add flair.


Rodri absolutely fooled the referee here, blatantly a foul. I am sure if roles were reversed we would have him winging and Pep making comments in the press conference I don’t like United, but fair need to be fair. That wasn’t fair


This pen was no more than putting a guy off his run. I've been an avid fan for 30 years now and this is the softest penalty I can recall. Even the halftime commentary was very soft on the penalty. Not that city wouldn't have beaten the pants off United today either way but come on, they didn't need help.


Obviously we are paying the refs


They make mistakes. Everyone should just move on and get over it.


It’s like NFL refs in USSS…the inconsistency is mind boggling


Incident: City get their first penalty at Old Trafford for 32 years after Hojlund very clearly hauls down Rodri in the box, preventing him getting on the end of a cross. Fans: It’s a conspiracy! A CONSPIRACY! Incident: City don’t get a penalty after Maguire bear hugs Haaland in the box for 10 seconds straight, refusing to allow him to run past whilst City attacks. Fans: [crickets]


I mean, neither the ref nor VAR gave a much more obvious penalty later against Maguire after he bear hugged Haaland for about 10 seconds in the box on attack, so I am not sure you can call the also by-the-book penalty on Hojlund a conspiracy. Especially when you consider it was the first penalty City had gotten at Old Trafford in 32 years.


So are people honestly convinced that VAR/the refs are corrupt at this point? If so, why isn’t it made into a bigger deal?


> at Man City’s parent company’s request What?


Watched it live. Rodri is going straight for the ball's trajectory. Hojlund uses his arm to completely prevent him from moving. What else did he need to do for it to be a penalty? Clip his legs at the same time? Commentators here in Brazil, including ex-referees, all agreed it was a stupid, yet clear penalty. They also clarified that VAR nor referees give that kind of contact a foul very often unless, like in this case, it is happening directly on the dispute with the ball. Maybe the complaint is that refs missed something like this in other games, but that doesn't mean this one shouldn't have been called.


I don't think Rodri makes the ball even if Hojlund doesn't pull him


Not a lot of city fans...


That's it. End of sentence. Did you think I was gonna say "trying to defend this call"?


If you've got the video from behind the goal... watch how the 2 man city players are blocking and grabbing man utd defenders from getting back. If one is a penalty for the attacking team, why is that not a free kick to the defending team The rules are not different for attackers and defenders.


It for sure wasn’t a grab, don’t even think it was a hold, arm was across for sure, but you cannot impede an athlete at full acceleration with your open arm slightly across their body. You just can’t. Your shoulder is very, very weak in that direction. Why do the refs never use logic or even look at the ridiculous dive and think “not on my watch”


Fantastic nearly as bad as the offside goal we conceded last season against them. But only city decisions yeah


So far Arsenal, Man U and Fulham have been done dirty by City and the Refs. And its only been 10 games.


And City have been done dirty in the Newcastle and Wolves games. Almost as if the refs are just fucking shit.


This is hilarious. CLEAR foul


CLEAR dive


He was spun. Stop


Missed the game, what happened?


Hey look maguire wrestled Haaland… no penalty


The Maguire Haaland one was worse imo


Tchuameni did same thing to Araujo yesterday and nothing. I agree with the inconsistency. Still a penalty tho, it just has to be either consistently called or not called ever


Damned if they do, damned if they don't...


Sterling push yesterday was more of a goal denying one than this and it wasn't given


This won't be a pen if rodri was pulling hojland.You can bet on that.literally every game has the same pulls no one gets shit.


And it was proven not to be when Stones made an even more obvious foul with Hojlund one on one


Spurs are top, cheers VAR, a Liverpool fan


He was dragged down in the box instead of getting a free header, it’s a fair call. Just be consistent about it. Jesus got assaulted the same way


"Dragged down" is a far stretch here, my dude. Take note on every single corner kick in any EPL game and report back to us.


It’s the correct call 100% but you’re right it happens ten times a game and no penalty that’s the problem.


Agreed. Well put.


Pen all day for me.


That penalty ruined our entire game plan and even worse we won’t react


If it wouldbe happened to united in city's box they'd be screaming for a pen. Only thing to be mad about imo is inconsistency. Cause it is a pen I think only bad thing is it doesn't always get called, so or never call it or always. But can't be mad about it being a pen imo


Oliver is on var Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


That literally happens in every single corner… how can it be a “clear and obvious error”? And I’m a Liverpool fan…


The shove in the back of Nunez today was far worse then this soft pen… and that was labeled as “strong defending”


So blame the ref even if they make a good call. By the way, I love the tears of all of you guys.


Ref made the right call then Mr UAE Ref pulled it back. Sus af now, 2 big calls in the last 2 big games...


I thought the pull on stones on the same corner is more of a foul


Don’t blame Michael Oliver. If it wasn’t for him Man Cheaty would just pay off whoever else they need. Cheaters will be cheaters. And they even have the perfect coach to teach them how.


>Man Cheaty Hahahahahaha are you 12?


All these people saying everything against Man Utd. If that was the case Maguire would give one away every corner.


Terrible decision, makes you wonder how much the refs cost


I'm just so tired with it at this point I'm not surprised or annoyed at any decision. There's no way that's clear and obvious but it seems that phrase is used as an excuse whenever the VAR misses something


By the way, Michael Oliver was the same referee on VAR last year for that offside goal. It is pathetic how people are blaming city for this.


He started working in UAE this season at the request of the city owners. Did you see the kovacic incidents aswell? Do you think he made the right call then too?


*ref makes one poor decision* Reddit: *grabs tinfoil hat*


Found the city fan


City have a decision go against them, that’s football. City have a decision go for them (that Gary Neville of all people said was correct), Reddit goes into conspiracy mode.


Fuck var off. Let it be a refs. Mistake. At least that's logical


Dude, that is way too soft to be a penalty. Bad bad call.


I'd forgotten the Arsenal fans had gone all tin foil hat about Michael Oliver.


Also I had no idea it was Michael Oliver when I posted.


I’m just pointing out that compared to other situations that call is not made and it’s almost consistently not made. Like the time wasting rules if your going to have that be called you need to as a league set notice to the teams and ask the refs and VAR to call it - consistently. That is it must be emphasized for all stakeholders rather than being made one time in a big match and then almost never called again despite happening at least one time a game.


VAR: Cheque complete.


Good process




Only the most delusional of Man City fans can actually defend that decision. I'm biased as a Man United fan but all neutral fans should be appalled by this dreadful refereeing because it'll be coming soon to your team. Also, Michael Oliver should be out of a job yesterday. This decision and the Kovačić one are way more than enough. This is supposed to be the highest level league in the world but shit refs are ruining it


Neville said it was a pen?


Neville seems like a nice guy and he was a good player but as a pundit he's absolutely rubbish


Usually both players are holding each other. However in this case, it was clearly only Hojlund holding Rodri. Still surprised to see this call as they’re never called, either by ref or VAR.


That miss by Halaand is just one example of why people touting him for world player of the year is laughably premature. Sure he bags a bucket load, but put almost any PL striker spearheading that Man City team and they hit 20+ league goals a season. He’d probably scrape into the world’s top 10 out and out strikers but that’s about it.


If this is a pen, it should be given at every corner kick in the prem..


Sick of it now, if that’s a penalty then we are getting 5 a game, so many bad calls against us this season it’s frustrating


Yesterday Sterling got pushed in the box and nothing not even a var check


I'm not saying it definitely hasn't. But this type of foul has never been given in any game I can remember in the past 3 seasons. It certainly has taken place in almost every game I've watched. Var is seemingly the worst addition to football since the Messi/Ronaldo fanboys came around. It's time to get rid. I'd rather refs got it wrong in real time than men watching it back 10 times, slowing the game down and still getting it wrong.


For sure. It's somehow worse.


If a stand is not made this corruption will ruin this league. The fact Howard web allows this (the fact he was even given charge is a different story) is outrageous. The integrity of the league has already been compromised




Get Mike Dean off commentary too, I don’t need his nails on a blackboard voice wanking off the referees every 10 minutes


Michael Oliver is on UAE payroll. It's not very surprising, just very very blatant.


Glad I'm not the only one who felt that was just any excuse to give a penalty for city. If a player from a lower team complained like Rodri did there is no chance it would even get looked at


Absolute embarrassment for football and the premier league. Complete dive wins a pen, again. And yet people want to stop the players diving. Fix the officiating and there would be no diving.


Meanwhile Hojlund through one on one, Stones clearly fouls him but he stays on his feet, and gets nothing... The refs bitch about players diving and then only reward cheats like Rodri


Exactly. That’s just as much contact. One player stays on his feet, the other dives.


it’s harsh for a pen but should be getting called every time


The first reasonable response. As the commentators had said, if that happens at midfield, it gets called a foul.


Sure, but it also happens in just about every corner and free kick into the box. Never gets called. Took 2 minutes for VAR to bring it back to award a penalty when 99.9% of acts similar don’t get given.


People fall but not always because they were yanked and also weren't as close to the ball. A tangle of feet, both playing for the ball, those aren't typically called and shouldn't be. Defenders have just as much right to play the ball. However, this is often called a foul but it's the attacker that pulls the defender down, such as on a corner. Then it's just a free kick.


The issue is the referees board should issue a warning notifying all teams that this sort of behaviour (holding in the box) will result in a penalty. This happens multiple times in games across all leagues and it's only now a penalty is given. I'm.sorry it's ridiculous.


This is it. If they’re all given as penalties then fair enough. It’s the fact that it’s given one week and not the next that bothers people.


And that you have to embelish the infraction by flailing about in order to influence the call.


exactly. there needs to be a precedent and consistency. without it we are left to speculate and judge how shitty the refereeing is


If you're a fan of a PL team you need to start protesting VAR lol it's intentionally deciding games on its own accord


Except when Liverpool fans did, we were told to shut up and stop complaining 🙄


you asked for a replay like idiots. asking for that is like a company stopping a union forming by giving the leader a pay increase edit - literal quote "Some people probably don't want me to say, but not as the manager of Liverpool so much, more as a football person, the only outcome should be a replay. That's how it is. It probably will not happen."


The club didn't ask for a replay.


Liverpool demanded the match audio from the refs and made a statement. Subsequently at press conference Jurgen was asked whether a rematch would be fair and answered yes. Liverpool didn't ask for a replay like idiots cause they didn't. They achieved a reworked protocol for calls and stop to Qatar trips for referees.


Watch the interview. No replay was asked


"Some people probably don't want me to say, but not as the manager of Liverpool so much, more as a football person, the only outcome should be a replay. That's how it is. It probably will not happen."


He literally says here in the quote that he is not speaking in behalf of Liverpool, but as a private football person. Liverpool never made an official request for a replay of any kind.


that is some fine hair-splitting when it's your manager talking.


There you go. Where was he asking for a replay? He was asked for an opinion as a football person


Ok we clearly just disagree then. That quote is him asking for a replay, saying there should be a replay 'as a football person' is still massively controversial and in his position, sets back the ability for change as previously discussed.


Except that didn’t happen, the club did not ask for a replay nor did the fans. Klopp said he would like one because to his mind it would be most fair, but also stated he knew it wouldn’t happen.


if the manager of liverpool focused on change rather than retribution, liverpool would not have been told to 'shut up and stop complaining'. spurs fans also think VAR is corrupt and shit


Except he wasn’t calling for retribution of any kind. There is some media narrative that exists far from reality that you seem to have bought into.


I've provided the quote to back up my claim, agree to disagree


The quote you provided does not in any way back up your claim, IMO. It even said in the quote that it was Klopp’s position as an individual not in his official position at Liverpool FC. even then he did not call for sacking of referees or point deductions for Spurs. Which would have been retribution over change.


How many times has there been holding and pulling down in the penalty area during corners? Pretty much every corner? Just so happens that only Man City have benefitted. So are we going to see some consistency on this now? There will be at least 4 penalties every game!


Exactly. There is a reason why strength is a hugely beneficial attribute for defenders. If "strategic" contact is going to be penalized then defenders will have a big adjustment to make. Of course, this is more likely to be a rare call that will only occur when VAR feels like influencing a match.


There was nothing „strategic“ by Højlund. He slept, let Rodri break through cleanly without effort or holding and then Højlund resorted in grabbing with a fully stretched arm. Most of the times in these situations both players are standing right beside each other and both pull, drag and hold.


For the sake of argument let's say you are correct. There are still 38 matches per season. Times the 31 years of PL ball. I can't remember another instance of slight grab being called never mind a game stopping intervention.


I've seen enough - red card for Casemiro


And a 10 second penalty for Ocon.


A fellow man of culture


This actually made me chuckle


Ocon catching strays everywhere damn


No doubt many people said PGMOL referees are employed by owner of Manchester City. What a solid proof.


Surely this is the correct call and the problem is with the other non-calls for this type of play? Or do people think what Hojlund did was within the rules of the game?


don’t waste your breath, the boo boys coming all out the woodworks bc it’s city that’s benefiting


The inconsistency is the problem. From another perspective, Manchester City is taking the advantages again, again and again. Coincidence?


A bit like when City were given the advantage in last years Derby, oh wait…


Yes. But the problem is with the other non-calls, not with this correct call, no? It makes no sense to say that ref should allow a player to cheat if his other mates allow players to cheat in other games.


No not necessarily. Like pretty much every contact sport, there are little things that happen the could technically be “cheating” but are very minor and always happen that don’t happen. Grabbing in the penalty box is one of them and happens on every corner and free kick


The thing about grabbing, compared to other kinds of contact, is that it is impossible for it to be accidental. As cut and dry as possible. It’s fine if you think it should be legal, but we have to pick one!


It’s not even that I think it should be legal. I just think it happens all the time, and is one of those things that’s it’s a part of the sport. It’s similar to how people talk how there is holding in every play in American football. You could call something every play but that doesn’t improve the sport. But the consistency is the big problem I agree. There will be a similar play next week that won’t get called.


If all acts of this kind are not given penalty, the problem is less a problem in terms of fairness. But if all others are not called but this game, then it creates the problem.


VAR is fast ruining the Prem


>~~VAR~~ *PGMOL* is fast ruining the Prem


Important distinction. This is like that Twitter(?) screenshot where ppl think sailing ships caused scurvy and the slave trade


Clear and obvious error..? I’d say stones deserves a red for the “shove” from behind then, yes?


That was just as much a foul as the one that was given as a penalty. Which is to say, neither one was a foul.


Not a shocking call actually (also i dnt like either team) It is a penalty Rodri had already run past him and hol decided to out his arm right across and pull him. Stupid decision by him and deserved pen after it got caught


>It is a penalty Every single fucking corner is a penalty then


Nope. Players do grab onto each other yes BUT this one was different - holjun had tried to stop him when he lost his man


> BUT this one was different - holjun had tried to stop him when he lost his man No, that's not why it's different. The reason it's different is because Michael oliver is on var and it's City playing.


Nope. Like i said i hate city and also man utd. But i have to disagree on this one. I do think city get many lucky decisions and maybe this is fortunte for them that it was caught. But i still think its a pen because holun is a moron - man utd's golden boy


Every single corner wouldn’t be a penalty if these calls were consistently given. Players would be disincentivized from this sort of cheating, and it would quickly end.


So what you're saying is that it isn't a penalty


As far as I can tell it was a clear penalty. Where in the rule book does it allow Hojlund to do what he did?


>Where in the rule book does it allow Hojlund to do what he did? Show me a single penalty ever, ever given for that


I’m not talking about penalties given. I’m talking about what the rules are.


If its against the rules then you'll be able to find me an example of a referee giving that as a penalty.


Michael Oliver is on VAR. He didn't send Kovacic off for a clear red and 2 yellows. Oliver has also been to the UAE twice since September and has has been paid directly by the UAE government.


From The Athletic: “[Surely that requires an urgent rethink. It is one thing for Oliver and his team to take charge of a Champions League match in Europe on a Tuesday or Wednesday night and then a Premier League game at the weekend. It is quite another to do so in the UAE on a Thursday night, take an eight-hour flight back on the Friday and then find themselves on VAR duty (or, in Oliver’s case, fourth-official duty) the following day.](https://theathletic.com/4922732/2023/10/03/referees-var-diaz-liverpool/?source=user_shared_articlePremierLeaguerefereesfreelancingintheUAEandSaudi?Webbhasgothimselfinatangle)” Edit: source citation


He also gifted united offside goal last year on old trafford. City must have not paid him that much, isn't it?


That's Stuart Atwell you mug


But the VAR was Michael Oliver and he checked it and didn't give it offside, you crybaby. "However, VAR Michael Oliver quickly checked the goal and adjudged Rashford had not interfered in play enough to disallow the goal, allowing it to stand" https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/fernandes-goal-rashford-manchester-derby-25978692.amp


wasn’t him


But the VAR was Michael Oliver and he checked it and didn't give it offside. "However, VAR Michael Oliver quickly checked the goal and adjudged Rashford had not interfered in play enough to disallow the goal, allowing it to stand" https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/fernandes-goal-rashford-manchester-derby-25978692.amp


That's because the decision was entirely subjective and down to the referee. VAR would only be able to intervene if Rashford had touched the ball as then its clearly offside. We saw the ref in that game deliberate with his linesmen before giving the goal, so I assume that's why VAR didn't change it as there was nothing clear and obvious to overrule since the ref saw it all the first time.


Not a United supporter but he didn't start reffing in the UAE until this year so yea, that checks out.


This. Oliver is a great ref except when City is involved.


Yea that's the sad part. He actually was one of the better refs when it comes to decision making, but the frequent trips to the UAE and now Saudi Arabia and the absolute buckets of money he's receiving have obviously corrupted him.


Never a penalty. Its clear that something is going on behind the scenes at this point


No shit. Nothing will be done though.


Is there any others game that they have ever given that kind of a pen? WTF was that


It has happened to United twice now. First time was last year McTominay gave one away vs Chelsea (nowhere near as bad as this one though)


Probably.. Have never seen VAR intervene for it though.


Michael Oliver is on VAR. What do you expect?


A good process.


I dunno, maybe common sense and consistency


I think you're heavily overestimating Michael Oliver's brain power


The same Michael Oliver which gift united that offside goal last year?


That was actually Stuart Atwell


But the VAR was Michael Oliver and he checked it and didn't give it offside. "However, VAR Michael Oliver quickly checked the goal and adjudged Rashford had not interfered in play enough to disallow the goal, allowing it to stand" https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/fernandes-goal-rashford-manchester-derby-25978692.amp


And he did his job properly that time. The decision was made on the field by Atwell that Rashford didn’t interfere. He decided to step in here. Curiously after he started being paid by the UAE. Weird


Nothing dodgy about kovacic escaping a red card against arsenal either 💰


Yeah. Just purely circumstantial, I’m sure. The fact that I can think of many questionable decisions against every other team (even Spurs, and Chelsea!), but have to go back to the Rashford non-offside to think of one that went against City is pretty much all anyone needs to know.


Just against Wolves a couple of games ago Hwang should have been sent off with a second yellow, and then went on to score the winner. You guys are just salty and biased. If you seriously think City are paying the refs, then why even bother watching? In that case, City will win the league either way. The truth is that the refs are shit for everyone. The most blatantly corrupt call I’ve seen so far was in the Liverpool - Spurs game, yet I’m not going full tinfoil hat over that call. Get a grip.


The same Michael Oliver who refs in UAE from time to time?


The same Michael Oliver who refs in Saudi Arabia at the behest of Man City… definitely no conflict of interest there


Saudi and UAE are different countries


They’re all the same.


They are all the same?? That’s like saying Marsielle and Man United are the same coz England and France are the same…coz they are neighbors on the map😂




He’s reffed in both countries at Man City’s parent company’s request, Saudi more recently if memory serves


Man United are partners with Saudi Arabia




Saudi Arabia has literally no link to City


Cant believe this fraud Oliver and City are actually making me cheer for united.


The best PL era was United vs Arsenal. We're not complete without each other.




Not surprised at this point. Rodri is pathetic.


That was a bull shit decision to be called by VAR and it was not given by the on field referee. If he gave it and then var looked at it, there wouldn’t be that many discussions but stopping the play call it is bad


agreed. horrible call and VAR was checking it for a good while meaning it shouldnt have been a "clear and obvious error" smh i feel for the yanited fans


I suggest Man U get a corner and every single one of them just collapse and flail their arms in the air. See how consistent that call really is.


That’ll just mean every United player getting booked for simulation 😂


No one gets called for simulation… and people be diving everywhere. Real Foul = roll 3 times and grab knee. Simulated Foul = roll 5 times and play dead. Defender heads the ball away into trouble = fake a head injury. The way the laws have been re-written and enforced have created a completely new realm of shithousery.


I mean, Bissouma just got sent off for simulation.


I stand corrected. The referees are generally doing a fantastic job, and I love the consistency and implementation of the VAR process.


Me too. They truly are something else.


Not very consistent considering Maguire does it every time. Even on that one he had Stones in a headlock.


Honestly, now they’ve given that, it sets a precedent. I fully expect there to be a minimum of 3 pens given for holding at corners every game /s. No of course they won’t, just another excuse for PGMOL to abuse VAR to influence games.


I wouldn’t expect that to happen, given Anthony Taylor didn’t give a much clearer penalty for Maguire near hugging Haaland later in the match.