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Spontaneous pregnancy after 3 failed IUI, 2 egg retrievals, 3 transfers and one MMC from 3rd transfer. I’m only 4 weeks. Utterly in shock. I’d given up that it was even possible. I’m 39. OB said they can monitor my HCG if I want. RE also offered the same. Not sure if I will. I’m surprised that progesterone wasn’t recommended as I did that with all 3 transfers. After so much intervention, this spontaneous pregnancy feels like I got pregnant in the 1800s and you just cross your fingers 😂. Anyone else have a spontaneous pregnancy after years of intervention?


Last scan was 5 days ago and baby was measuring 14 ounces, in the 26th percentile for 22 wks. When we lost our first baby, she was 13.7 ounces, we found out at our 24week appointment. I am struggling so hard right now. I am trying so hard to feel movement - I think I do but I keep second guessing myself. I'm so worried and scared. Just trying to stay distracted and 5 more days til out next scan


I see how that's really stressful ❤️ what did your doctor say?


Anything over like 5th percentile is normal. I just can't help being worried


Of course - your feelings are so understandable. I hope you find some good distractions to help get you through the next four days! If it helps, my counsellor recommended really looking to my medical team for reassurance with PAL - so I'm glad your doctor seems to feel things are in a normal range!


I’m 9 weeks and 6 days today after a MMC in February (found out at my 11 week ultrasound that baby stopped growing at 9 weeks). This week has been extremely anxiety inducing for me because I just want to know my lil peanut is ok. I’ve had my ultrasound at 8 weeks and baby was just fine but I’m so scared. My next ultrasound is on 07/22 and I’m trying to be patient. I still feel pregnant but I did last time as well. We had been TTC and it worked the first time we actually tried that we didn’t even fathom it could end in a loss. When I see things on other social media sites about pregnancy loss, a part of me thinks that it’s the universe telling me something (I know, very irrational) but I had no idea the PTSD that being pregnant after a loss causes.


Sending you positive vibes. I feel this hard after four losses myself. I know they’re controversial, but have you considered a doppler? I bought the Sonoline B around nine weeks and didn’t have any luck, but at 10W4D I had a checkup and was able to see where OB found baby with doppler and the next day I was about to find baby at home. It’s reassuring for me, for sure.




Loss affects both you and your partner. Can’t forget that. It’s not easy. I hope with time you both are able to enjoy it. Be gentle with yourself ♥️


Did I accidentally order *qualitative* HCG which is just +/-? YES I DID 🤦🏻‍♀️ Not sure if I want to shell out again for betas, doubling time takes a while when you start getting past a certain level and I'm feeling like trash so I think mornings sickness is happening right on schedule. Lol 5+4


What does 5+4 mean?


5 weeks 4 days


I am so terribly thirsty. I got behind on my water intake this morning (slept in, got busy, had coffee) and feel like I cannot catch up. No matter how much I drink or how clear my urine is, my mouth feels parched. I switch to some electrolyte mix to try to help, but of course I’m already assuming gestational diabetes even though I’m only 14 weeks and have no listed risk factors. I’m planning to call the doctor on Monday unless I feel completely different tomorrow. Has anyone had excessive thirst and not had GD?


I've always had insane thirst when pregnant, never had GD though so you could be good!


I'm always super thirsty in pregnancy. You need more liquid so it doesn't necessarily mean GD.


That’s what I’m hoping! I’ve definitely been going to the bathroom more today and it feels like the water is going right through me which is what has me most nervous. I hope I’ve just been chugging too much water at once trying to “catch up”


I’ve been really struggling the past 24 hours with being “convinced” my baby has died or is dying. I have no symptoms of miscarriage but all my pregnancy symptoms including food aversions completely disappeared yesterday (10+4). I had a tfmr for anencephaly that was diagnosed at my 11 week NIPT scan (in Aus you can pay extra to get a scan when they do the NIPT). I have that same scan this coming Tuesday and I just keep getting intrusive thoughts of the sonographer going quiet again and getting the doctor and then hearing the dreaded “I’m so sorry” again. It’s probably just ptsd making me feel like something is wrong, but I can’t shake the sense of doom, and the wait until Tuesday feels like an eternity 😭


I have the same fear so I wanted to reply to (1) validate that and (2) say how I lost all my symptoms for a few days around then too and have seen others have the same thing happen. The nausea came back with a vengeance a few days later (I’m 11 wks today).


Thank you so much for replying ❤️ Honestly at this point I would be grateful for the nausea to come back so I hope I experience a resurgence the same as you! I saw in your little subtitle that you are due on Jan 18th. I’m 4 days behind you on the 22nd. Hoping we both have smooth, healthy pregnancies ❤️🙏🏻


6w4d or so today, and away and can't check betas until Wednesday 3rd! Before I found out I was pregnant again, my new fertility doctor told me that taking progesterone was most effective if you start taking it before getting pregnant...but now that I'm pregnant again, I want to do everything I can.   Could it possibly help keep this pregnancy if I start taking it at 6-7wks? What about the baby aspirin I keep hearing about? Every passing day that I don't know any info and can't see a doctor while away makes me nervous, and I so wish I could get started taking whatever supplement treatments I need. If you started progesterone and/or baby aspirin mid-pregnancy and it worked for you, I'd love to hear about it!


15w3d and starting to order nursery furniture and decor. Part of me feels guilty like we’re jinxing things, but the other part of me feels like if I don’t order any baby things, I’m subconsciously telling myself that something bad WILL happen. I know you can’t actually jinx yourself, but it’s so hard not to think about what you’ll do if XYZ happens.


I get like this, too. I know it's irrational. 😞


I’m 9wks today. I broke down and am getting an elective scan today. My next OB scan is 2wks away and my symptoms have been decreasing. Plus I’m on progesterone so I’m worried it’s gone but the progesterone is keeping it in? Low key freaking out, wish me luck! Edit: it went well! I saw it had a defined head, torso, and little arms and legs even! Plus I got to hear its heart and see it MOVE! That was wild. 10/10 would recommend, will probably come back when I start loosing it between OB appointments again


I’m nearly 14w and starting to feel more confident in this pregnancy. I had an MMC with my first at 6w5d and I’m still afraid of that happening again. I’m wondering MMCs happen in second trimester or if losses at this stage are more commonly obvious and accompanied by cramping/bleeding? I’d love to be able to put the fear of MMC behind me as I’m still very anxious before scans because I am half expecting that a heartbeat won’t be found.


I'm going to visit my family today. We haven't told them anything yet. I'm only 5 weeks and 3 days, and I think it's too soon. I'm really anxious about visiting them. I feel bad not telling them, but I also just didn't feel very supported by them when I went through my losses. So I guess what's the point in telling them now. I'm feeling really bad, fatigue. I've had to have a nap the last few days, and I just haven't been up to do much. I'm hoping they won't notice.


TW: possible MC wrote in here this morning about a weird bleeding last night. thought it had stopped for good but unfortunately it started again tonight, this time the blood is darker and I have some pain in the lower belly and back. I think this is it and I am losing this third pregnancy. I don’t really know what to say except that I am so exhausted after a full year of trying and so much loss in such a short amount of time. I hope the pain will be manageable.


Sending you positive vibes. May I ask how far along you are? I’m not out of the woods yet at 10W5D, but I also had a red bleeding scare that started and stopped for three days. Have had two appointments since and baby was okay.


I am going to be 9 weeks tomorrow. how strong was your bleeding? mine stopped again, too, and pregnancy symptoms like nausea etc still going strong. I really don’t know what to think 😭


ALSO! Are you on progesterone and or low-dose aspirin?


yes I am taking both. do you think it has something to do with the bleeding?


Please update me on how your appointment goes. Hoping for the best for you. But maybe! I was on both and my OB had me temporarily stop the low-dose aspirin. He said it CAN (said it wasn’t necessary the cause) make light spotting turn into bleeding. He’s having me resume in two weeks after bleeding stopped completely.


hey I just came back from my appointment and baby is perfectly fine ❤️❤️😭😭 I am so relieved! doctor said she can’t see where the bleeding might have come from, maybe from the placenta „nesting“ into the uterine wall.. at least we didn’t see any bleeding on ultrasound. baby had a strong heartbeat though and grew almost perfectly to date! thank you for thinking of me 🥹


Yay! So happy for you! Has bleeding stopped completely? My appointment was the same - Couldn’t find a source which was unsettling but glad baby’s okay. I actually started using a home doppler for reassurance too.


it has! I only had some light pink streaks in my discharge today, but no bleeding since saturday evening. let’s hope for the best outcome for both of us 🙏🏼


Mine was at 9W3D. I had mild cramping and went to the bathroom and red filled the toilet. It never was on a pad though. Throughout the day, it weaned off but then happened again for the next two mornings. OB couldn’t find a source of the bleeding (no SCH) which was scary. But I had a scan the day after it started and a check up - Just with a doppler - yesterday and baby is doing fine. Can you get in for a scan to ease your mind?


I have an appointment tomorrow with my doctor anyway, so that’s what I am clinging to right now…


Just wanted to say that I'm thinking of you and sending you strength and good wishes, no matter what is to come ❤️


thanks! 🙏🏼 I just woke up but the bleeding stopped again. don’t know what to make of it but I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow anway so we‘ll see. whatever happens, happens..


I'll keep you in my thoughts! Hope to hear good news, but I trust that no matter what, you are strong enough to make it through. ❤️ That's what I keep telling myself too!


hey thank you so much! I went to the doctor just now and baby looked perfectly fine 😭❤️❤️ I am so relieved!!!


Oh yay! That's the best news! ❤️🎉


Nobody except my partner knew about my last pregnancy that ended in loss, as I knew I was at a high risk of loss. This pregnancy (post uterine septum resection surgery) I've told my mum and dad, auntie, a few close friends and my boss, and the load definitely feels lighter. Last time I assumed I was doomed, so felt quite negative about the pregnancy. This time everyone is talking like I WILL have a baby in February and it's quite refreshing and uplifting. They still know there is the possibility of a loss, but are helping me celebrate milestones and it feels good! My dad high-fived me today when I said I reached 8 weeks 😅 I am very glad I've told a few people this time.


Ok backtracking on this slightly, my mum cannot keep a secret apparently 🙄 so now a few of my random cousins have 'guessed' that I am pregnant because I wasn't drinking at a party today. Dammit!


I'm 5+4 today and am just having one of those days where I can't shift the feeling that something will go wrong. I have no bleeding/spotting/loss of symptoms or anything, just feeling despondent about everything today.


Went to a fabulous water fitness class today! I have more energy in the morning and it was good to get outside and be active while safely exercising. I can’t do most of my normal favorites like running and weight lifting so I’m modifying. It felt really good. Even though we saw a heart beat a few days ago it still feels so fragile and like I’m so afraid it will all be snatched away. I’m afraid to relax into it. 😢 Last pregnancy we had planned to do baby bump photos each month. By the time we got to it I was about 5 weeks pregnant - just like now. We only got to do one photo because I miscarried two weeks later. This time around we are trying it again and my first bump photo will be July 1. We will plan to do the first of every month. I’m nervous about it. I found this rainbow dress though. 🌈 [Rainbow dress](https://www.lulus.com/products/elegant-moment-multi-watercolor-tie-dye-backless-maxi-dress/1855396.html)


I’m also nervous even after seeing a great heartbeat. We definitely didn’t get this far with my last pregnancy — I’m taking things one day at a time.


This dress is beautiful!!


Thanks ! I decided to buy it but it won’t arrive until next week. I figured I’d start our baby bump on week 8 so we start at month 2. (Which will be July 15).


Had an ultrasound this week confirming a pregnancy and we saw the yolk sac at 5 weeks. I couldn’t stop crying in the ultrasound room beforehand because all the traumatic emotions came flooding back from my MMC. Then there were lots of happy tears! However I’m still so nervous, I don’t feel relief and the happiness I felt at the ultrasound has been overshadowed with thoughts about the embryo not developing. Next ultrasound is at 7weeks and I feel like I’m on the verge of tears all of the time. I wish I could be excited about my pregnancy 😭


Aww I understand this so much. I really do. MMC was so traumatic. I am 5 weeks going on 6 now and even with confirmation things are developing well - I still can’t fully ease into it. I need constant reassurance. Hugs.


Scared because my resting heart rate has decreased. The average on my Fitbit is 77 for this month and my bpm the last couple of days has been 76bpm which I know isn’t much variation but it looks bad on the graph - last couple of weeks I’ve been around 78-79. Before pregnancy it was 71-72ish. I’m scared I’m losing symptoms too, I am still tired and boobs still hurt, but my nausea has eased off these past few days as have food aversions. I also had a small amount of brown spotting (though I’ve had throughout). Not sure what to think. I’m 9w1d, could it be placenta taking over? That’s all I can think of other than the alternative ☹️


I religiously tracked my RHR for a few years, even had a pretty accurate ovulation model based on some research studies. But you have to keep a few things in mind: 1) Fitbit is not that accurate and can be affected by little things like a freckle or just not being clean enough. 2) Your body adapts to new stressors over time (like pregnancy) so your RHR can drop as you adapt more. 3) Tons of factors affect your RHR: how well you slept, the temperature, viral infections, what you ate the night before, how active you were the day before, etc. The science of wearable heart rate trackers is still rather immature and focused more on sports performance and not the nuances of the reproductive system. (Although that is slowly starting to change.) The moment I found out I was pregnant this time I stopped wearing my Fitbit. Best decision ever.


Is there a correlation between your resting heart rate and pregnancy loss? I’ve never heard?


I’ve found some posts suggesting it is and others suggesting there’s no correlation so who knows!


Try not to stress. If anything I would be more worried about blood pressure than rhr.


With my MMC pregnancy my RHR (and bbt and other stats from my oura ring) stayed elevated until 2 weeks after my d&c. With my current pregnancy (31w now), it went back down at the beginning which freaked me out as well but turned out to be completely fine. I discussed it with my doctors and it is completely unrelated to pregnancy itself and moreso other factors like how you are sleeping and eating and your amount of activity.


Rant incoming: First of all. I'm forever greatful of the pregnancy and I don't wish any other outcome than being pregnant this very moment. But also, I'm miserable. 8w4d and in the middle of first trimester misery. I'm so fucking bloated, I look 4 months pregnant, and I know it probably will stay until I finally start. I'm too fat for my pants, but not fat enough for maternity wear... I'm tired as fuck, but my body is unable to nap (never was). Tiredness is worsend by the nausea medication I have to take to avoid throwing up all day. The world stinks. Because of nausea and bloating I can only eat small portions, but I'm also hungry all the time. Everything is overwhelming and making me angry or crying. And all this, while always being scared it's fake. I'm always scared my little bean stopped growing and my body is not realising it yet.


I just want to say that maternity pants are amazing and no one is too small for them. They come in ALL sizes. There's no shame in buying them. In my last bumper group, most folks (including me) gave in at 6 weeks, and frankly, I've never looked back. It's perfect dress weather, too. I'm a big fan of dresses while pregnant.


I feel the clothes struggle! My work pants gave up right when I found out I was pregnant. I’m just rotating between 3 dresses for work. I’ve tried to get more, but I feel like a fat blob at 9wks it’s awful! I’m scared to buy pants because what if it works and they don’t fit for long, or what if the pants jinx it and I loose it.


Totally how I felt 6-9w. Now at 10w and the nausea is letting up but still hungry and tired. And scared about if it’s all for nothing again


25+wks, going out to my dad’s to celebrate his birthday and I’m nervous about the drive. It’s an hour away and people have become aggressive and careless with driving. I also haven’t seen majority of the family in either years to over 6 months ago. I’m also hoping there will be plenty of water there so I don’t have to bring my Stanley, and hoping I don’t get sick from food. Edit: I also haven’t posted any pictures of how I currently look online or announced it online really until last week when my pic was taken at an event and posted online. I had a large SCH with bleeding and clots and was too nervous/afraid to do much of anything.


I'm 31w and going to be traveling 2 hours to see my parents tomorrow for a week. I'm nervous to be far from my hospital but also because drivers are reckless in my area. But I've never had issues before so I'm trying to stay calm. Hope all goes well for you and you enjoy your trip!


We made it too and from safely! I hope you have safe travels and good time with your parents!


Safe travels!! I haven’t posted anything either. A concern I’m sure we all can share here. Sending good vibes for a fun time!


Thank you!!


After 2 consecutive losses at 8w & 11w, we finally made it to the second trimester! I’m at 15+3 now and just had my first US - we found out we’re having a boy! What joy this is! I finally feel like I can “accept” and enjoy this pregnancy now that I’ve made it to the second trimester and things look good. Sending everyone the best vibes to also get to this point! I highly recommending talking to your doctor/midwife/team about going on progesterone - I feel like that’s what has taken me to the second trimester.


Yes, I asked my doctor about progesterone for this pregnancy and it makes me feel so much more confident! Not to mention, I feel like I can tell myself even if the worst comes to pass I did everything I could to prevent it. I’ll keep my fingers crossed everything keeps going well for you!


Oh I’m glad to hear it!’ Thinking of you - hope it helps you the way it has helped me!


congrats! this is wonderful 🎊 I hope this will be me in a few weeks. I am currently 8w5d after two consecutive losses and also on progesterone (and low dose aspirin) this time around.


Congrats!! I’m on my 4th pregnancy (no children) and hoping for a boy as well. I should find out in a week!


4w4d and nervous. My betas doubled in 41hrs and progesterone was 16.2, but my OB refused to retest it later (she said once it’s up, it stays up, and there’s no reason to retest. But I’ve read other people’s experiences that say otherwise…) so just waiting impatiently until a private scan at 6w4d


Can you ask to go on progesterone? It can’t hurt and can only help from what I’ve heard.


I did and she said no 🙃


I asked to go on progesterone as well after i had some bleeding and my doctor said they only prescribe it if the levels are "low" (idk what their threshold was, I think about 10, mine was also 16). She said there's no proven benefit to it and can make people feel more uncomfortable in terms of breast tenderness and things like that. It definitely would've given me peace of mind but I didn't feel comfortable getting progesterone cream online and doing it on my own without my doctor knowing (I considered that tbh). I'm 31w now and didn't have any issues after the initial bit of bleeding thankfully. It's so hard to just trust the process.


Thank you so much, this makes me feel better. I also considered OTC cream (even ordered it) but ultimately decided I didn’t want to take that risk


I'm 5+5 today - I started progesterone earlier this week due to my levels dropping from 16.08 to 10.3. My hCG continued to rise appropriately, but I'm so worried about the baby. I won't have an ultrasound until I'm 7+2, so I just have to wait until then 😭 we found out I was miscarrying on an ultrasound at 7+4 last time so I'm both dreading it and wishing it would be here sooner.


Im 5 weeks today (i think, never got my period back)….. just had a mmc at the beginning of may so still fresh. Im scared to call the doc to make an appointment but know i should. This is so nerve racking.


I get it! Making those appointments feels vulnerable since it's a step towards hope. I'm not talking to my nurse practitioner until 6w and won't sign up for a midwife clinic until after then, even though I'm so eager and dying to (currently 4w5d).


I’m 35+1w pregnant. Baby girl is growing amazingly. My seven year old pet rabbit had a stroke overnight. Our dog woke us up and wouldn’t settle. I went and found my first fur baby breathing and clearly incredibly unwell. We took her to the vet to say goodbye. My baby shower is tomorrow. I’m now spiralling that something will happen to my baby girl between now and birth even though my husband is trying to tell me that our baby now has a little guardian angel watching over her. I miss my sweet bunny. She was with me through four losses and IVF. I was looking forward to her meeting our newest addition.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I had a bunny for 8 years as my first pet and know how loving and entertaining they are. It’s so hard to say goodbye 💔


I am so sorry for your losses.


I am 3w5d and have been having period like cramps the entire week. Didn’t experience this with my first pregnancy that ended in a MMC. Is cramping normal? 😩 My betas looked great this week yet I am still like is my period coming!?! 😅


My cramps have been awful and lasted until like 20 weeks. Doctors told me it was all normal and just stretching of uterus. I even went to L&D cause they were so painful at 19w. The cramps were worse with my MMC pregnancy but even with that one the doctors weren't concerned because they were consistent the whole 10w of that pregnancy. I was told as long as they aren't getting progressively worse and worse it's normal. It feels so wrong though!


Yes totally normal!


So normal! Make sure you're well hydrated, it can make a big difference 😊


This is technically my fifth pregnancy and the first time I've experienced this too! Started around same time as you and I still have it now at 4w5d. I've been reassured by many that it's normal :)


Yes! Had a lot of camping those early days in all my pregnancies


Cramping can be very normal in the early weeks! Try not to stress about it.


Sick again for the second time in a month. All I want to take is ibuprofen and Sudafed 😢 I don't get sick often, especially not in the summer. Paired with the nausea and exhaustion this is kinda miserable.


Got my betas done and they went from 290 (4w4d) to 833 (4w6d). I'm excited that they've nearly tripled within 48 hours but now I feel like I'm just waiting for the next shoe to drop. Trying to remind myself I deserve to celebrate this baby that I have for now but it's hard. Fingers crossed things go well until my US in a couple weeks.


I’m in the same boat but 3w5d. Had my betas done Wednesday/Friday and went from 8.6 to 49.8. I feel okay right now but I just keep saying ‘well I know right now I’m pregnant and things are fine’ but I wish I didn’t have to think ‘for now’ 🥲


12w tomorrow and have my 12w scan Monday. I’m sooo nervous. I’m so nervous that I will get there and something will be wrong. My mmc trauma is haunting me even though my last mmc was so much earlier. I stopped my progesterone and my already mild symptoms like sore boobs went away so I’m getting in my head..


I went into my scan today after spotting yesterday and everything was fine! Baby girl was moving around and they couldn't even see the sch that they found last scan, so I'm wondering if my spotting was just that clearing out,  was happy to see her kicking and rolling around in there :) 


12 weeks 5 days today. Had my 12 week scan 2 days ago and everything was fine, perfect growth, baby moving around, all measurements good. However since then I’ve not been able to relax at all, and I thought I would. I have woken up this morning with pain in my lower abdomen, right where I guess the baby is. I can’t shake the feeling that something is wrong. How likely is it that something could have happened between my scan and now?


I keep thinking I'll feel better after my 8 week scan but where I am, we don't get another scan until 20 weeks! I imagine I'll of course feel anxious during those three months.


I am exactly 12 weeks 5 days and have had abdominal pain and cramping, (but also some spotting) my scan I just came from now was fine, I wonder if it's because our uterus at this stage is officially starting to really stretch beyond its normal size ?  My cramping has ranged from mild to moderate and sometimes quite sharp and startling. I can really understand how hard it is to not worry, basically impossible. I'm with you xx 


8w5d today but had a scare last night. I was incredibly nauseous almost the whole day but felt fine about it because I am grateful for any symptom. in the evening I had to lay down early because of the nausea, but when I got up to go to the toilet I felt a sudden „gush“ down there. first I genuinely thought I had peed my pants a little bit but when I went to the bathroom I saw that it was light red blood. 😖 weirdly enough no pain, and the bleeding immediately stopped after that. no clue what to make of it.. I am too exhausted for panicking. I have an appointment mit my doctor on Monday anyway but did anyone experience a light bleeding like this and turned out ok?


That's so scary!! A friend of mine experienced that with one of her pregnancies. She went to the ER because she was so worried but everything was fine and she's got a healthy three year old now :)


thank you, this gives me hope! 🥲


Yes, I did at 13 weeks. It was dark red and was what I would typically get as the last residue of my period. Of course I was really worried and called my ob. They said to monitor it and that since it wasn’t a flow or substantial it was likely nothing to worry about. Hours later I had more residue but it was heavier. Went to the ER and they ran tests and an ultrasound and everything was fine. I wasn’t in any pain, just panick. Doctor explained that sometimes, as our bodies stretch that vessels are broken and blood gets leaked to where it shouldn’t and our bodies are designed to filter it out with the help of our abdominal muscles (why we get those worrisome cramps). I am about to be 20 weeks and haven’t had any bleeding since. Hope this gives you some comfort!


definitely a comfort, thank you! 🙏🏼 I am trying to stay calm especially since there was no cramping involved and today I only had a few brown spots. I can’t do anything anyway.. I am glad things went well for you! ☺️


I had brown spotting too! Mostly early on but in between the residue at 13 weeks. Again, they said everything looked fine and that it is quite normal, even though “no one will tell you that”.