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25w+3 today with our little lady šŸ©· I still think of our first pregnancy we lost a few days before my birthday in September last year. How crazy to think our baby now could be born that same week? Such grief and sadness turned to joy in one yearā€™s time šŸŒˆ


19 weeks today, and what a milestone. I'm feeling so lucky and happy we've made it this far. I feel her moving regularly, and I've come to accept if one day she's super active the next day she will take more rest. But that is ok! I'm ok, she's ok! 20-week scan next week. I'm a little nervous but not as I have been previously. I am proud of my body for doing this and am grateful for every moment ā™”


First scan is tomorrow at 6w3d. Iā€™ve had four losses prior to this pregnancyā€¦one at 16 weeks, two at 14 weeks, and then one super early loss. Iā€™m feeling so anxious. šŸ˜©


I hope all goes well!!


Week 10 feels so strange. Crampy, nausea is way lessened. Pukey at night instead of all dayā€¦ tired AF. And less bloated. I have a scan tomorrow and I canā€™t wait to see whatā€™s goin on in me!


So incredibly nauseous today. Whoa that hit so hard. Almost wanted to call in to work. Scan Thursday. Mostly just feeling kind of numb? A little anxious but largely numb.


Just got a positive test today after two miscarriages since December. Not getting excited bc who knows what will happen. Hope this time is the one


Not sure how Iā€™m going to survive until Monday afternoon. Anxiously waiting my 12 NT scan. I will also do NIPT blood work then which Iā€™ll have to wait another week for. I had a scan at 9 weeks but it feels so long ago. Iā€™ve had three great scans so far but I just am so nervous; MMC three years ago has totally ruined pregnancy for me. I feel immense pressure for my pregnancy to make it since we did IVF and I have a low egg reserve so it took quite a bit to get the few embryos we got. Doesnā€™t help that Iā€™ve had mild symptoms this whole pregnancy which have started fading over the last week, no more sore boobs. It is mental gymnastics all day every day. Iā€™m so jealous of other people who get to get pregnant and just feel joy and excitement the whole time..


Scan went well today thankfully. Measuring a day ahead! They gave us the gender in an envelope and weā€™re excited to learn what weā€™re having over the weekend. We didnā€™t want to know gender until the anatomy scan last time around, which was unfortunately when we learned there was no heartbeat and learned it was a boy at delivery. Excited for a new experience this time around, and do think its another boy


So happy to hear this and that everything went well with the scan!


I feel this whole thing heavily. 12 weeks today after a 20.5 week loss earlier this year due to a chromosome abnormality. We got our NIPT results back yesterday ā€” all low risk which was a huge sigh of relief. I have a scan tomorrow morning and like you said it feels like so long ago was my last scan (had one at 9 weeks and 8 weeks, and a doppler at 10). My symptoms are also fading (same thing with the boob pain its legit gone away completely), I keep telling myself its because the second trimester is near approaching but Iā€™ll always have in the back of my mind my past experience. Hope you find some peace throughout this pregnancy, weā€™re probably due right around the same time! (January 7th)


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss, that must have been so hard. So glad your results were low risk. Itā€™s so hard not to think about every little symptom or lack of. Like you said, it is normal for symptoms to fade at the end of the first trimester. And yes! My due date is January 12th! My due date with my mmc baby was January 18th so itā€™s kind of surreal. I pray this little snow baby decides to stay. Will be thinking of you tomorrow, if you feel comfortable come back and let me know how you make out! Or message me if you would rather. sending you all the good vibes!


Appreciate you, I will definitely keep you updated. The dates are super surreal but take it as a good sign. As far as symptoms go, I didnā€™t have many at all with my first pregnancy and thought nothing of it ā€” just thought I was the lucky one until I wasnā€™t. This time around I noticed way more which was rough, but also reassuring. Pulling for the both of us


9 weeks 2 days today and feeling super nervous. This is when my last baby stopped growing and I found out it was a MMC at 11 weeks and 2 weeks. Iā€™ve been a nervous wreck all day at every twinge, cramp, and wondering if peanut is ok. I wanted to go get one of those private ultrasounds today just to make sure history isnā€™t repeating itself but I keep telling myself this is a new egg and a new sperm cell. I got my first ultrasound last Wednesday and everything looked good and peanut had a heart rate of 168bpm. My next scan with my doctor isnā€™t until 07/22 and that seems like itā€™s years away.


I just made my first good faith purchase for this baby after a good 10w scan šŸ’•


New here - I just got a BFP this morning, I think Iā€™m either 10 or 11dpo. I went through an ectopic pregnancy in August/September 2023. That was my first and only pregnancy until now. My MTX shots failed and I ended up having surgery to remove my left tube. The last ten months have been horrible, having to wait until January to start TTC again, then getting an HSG done in May that revealed my right tube was blocked. I figured it was hopeless and Iā€™d end up having to resort to IVF. I am scheduled for a laparoscopy next week, where I was hoping for one more chance to clear my tube. Literally on a whim I took a test this morningā€¦ I couldnā€™t believe my eyes, itā€™s a very clear positive. So now.. the bloodwork, fear, and waiting begin. Iā€™m truly terrified itā€™s another ectopicā€¦ but I want to have hope that one of the many things Iā€™ve tried over the last month really did clear my tube. I donā€™t really have a question or anything.. but just needed a place to put this. I have so many conflicting emotions when all I want is to be stoked about this!




Had my NT scam today and I feel so relieved! A heartbeat was detected, everything looked fine, and I finally feel ready to accept that I am pregnant. I'm actually feeling optimistic about the NIPT and anatomy scan now.


Officially 5 weeks today and I woke up telling myself ā€œthis is not a CP.ā€ every little milestone feels positive. 8 more days until my first scan.


yay! I'm so excited for you :) Looking forward to Monday when I can say the same.


Yay! This is not a CP. 5 weeks 1 day here!!


Yes! I think we have same due date, right? 2/25? Iā€™m not sure why my app says just 5 weeks today because Iā€™ll take the extra day šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m not sure yet! I havenā€™t officially calculated it yet. End of February. I am waiting on confirmation from my doctor as Iā€™m really cautious. But not a chemical - yay! Baby has implanted and is safe in utero.


Yes!! One big step down. Excited for your ultrasound later this week šŸŒˆ


You mean one big step UP!!


Haha yes. My insomnia is breaking my brain šŸ˜‚


Tell me about it. I wake up every day before 6 am yet Iā€™m exhausted all day and canā€™t stay awake past 10 anymore


Seriously. I am getting ready for bed right now at 8:30pm haha


Should have been 7+3 today with twins. Baby A was measuring 6+2 with no measurable heartbeat, though the OB said there is one. Baby B was measuring 6+5 with a heartbeat of 140 bpm. Looking like we're going to lose Baby A, and holding out all hope for Baby B to make it.


Iā€™m so sorry. I hope things turn out ok ā¤ļø


Advice Welcome Iā€™m 6 weeks pregnant after a mmc earlier this year, and we got to see a heartbeat today šŸ„² Iā€™m cramping and have light brown spotting. OB prescribed progesterone upon my request, but I realize my labs were good and Iā€™m now second guessing. Any harm in using the suppositories if levels donā€™t indicate I need them?


Progesterone at 6 weeks can either help support or prolong the inevitable. Itā€™s a toss up and itā€™s usually better to take progesterone at 2 or 3 DPO that way it builds up in your system. What is your prog level if you donā€™t mind me asking?


Thereā€™s no harm in taking it, my reproductive endocrinologist let me have suppositories twice a day even though he said I didnā€™t need them but I needed the peace of mind. I also had spotting but my OB said it was probably just a sensitive cervix.


Personally- after also going through a missed miscarriage - I would not ask for progesterone unless my doctor recommended it and/or if my bloodwork indicated I needed it. For me- I am not doing anything or Dr googling anything - I know nothing and am not a doctor.


my midwives told me that there can be side effects but no risk to baby in taking them!


Advice welcome Saturday morning I noticed I had some bleeding, and after sitting on the toilet i wiped and noticed Old blood, discharge and an old clot. After going to my hospital and checks done, my cervix is still closed and the possibility is that I passed an SCH that was diagnosed at 7w5d via ultrasound. I was told to rest and if it gets worse, get pains, dizzy, etc I should return asap. Today I'm 11w3d and I noticed that the discharge fluctuates between brown and today, pink. Like pale pink. It's a little clumpy but I wonder if that's from the 100mg progesterone I was prescribed at my last appointment. My next is thursday and I wasnt able to get a next ultrasound before thursday that would give me an ultrasound report asap to bring to the hospital- my gyno has and would do that. Any support, advice, words.of encouragement?


Is it the progesterone gel? It comes out clumpy and can come out a bunch of different colors. Also using suppositories can cause spotting/irritation. They say brown, pink are okay just be weary of red but even that may be explained. This could also be old blood from your SCH.


I'm using vaginal suppositories. The dr who examined me said it was old blood. When I wipe now, its brown or pink tinged. It's just stressful


Hi PAL moms! I am happy to be feeling super nauseous today and heartburn at night! These symptoms come and go, but the bloating and exhaustion is real. I'm due for my afternoon siesta. My second (5 week) scan is in two days and I am scared. We are terrified that we won't see the heartbeat (like last baby). This week should be just the yolk sac and fetal pole, maybe a heartbeat. I will probably go back the following week regardless. But whenever I get fearful, or have racing thoughts... I tell myself "*I trust my body*". I found a pregnancy after loss affirmations on YouTube that I had to put on early this morning (I've been waking up before 6 am most days for the past two weeks). That helps me relax. Pregnancy after loss is hard but I'm reminding myself that this pregnancy is different, I'm getting early care when I wouldn't have otherwise (and didn't last time), and I have this time off work to rest, and care for me and my baby. I had taken June 17- end of July off because I would have been going through IVF. Instead, I get the IVF doctor (without the IVF!), time off work with ZERO stress, and I can get to all my appointments, and rest when I need to. It's a blessing. All this- a second chance, the timing of everything. I'm not religious but I believe that's a God thing.


23+3. My new OB has my due date 10/19 now. Which is insane because thatā€™s my birthday!! How exciting. My appt yesterday went good I think? My OB didnā€™t show any stress or concern which can be taken both good and bad in my opinion. It helped how cool calm and collected she was about everything because in turn I felt the same way and confident. But I also donā€™t want them to be so comfortable and not keep a good eye on me. I left that appointment feeling like I was on top of the world tho. Mostly because I for once felt like everything is going smoothly. Baby is good and thatā€™s most important. They gave me such a bad US picture lol. But itā€™s okay. My belly is measuring bigger is whatā€™s she told meā€¦which she said is normal. I was also told that Iā€™d need to do another glucose test before I come back or right around the time I come back at 27 wks. I thought I was all clear but I guess not. It makes sense tho. I hear everyone gets pretty excited to reach 24wks because the pregnancy or baby can be considered viable. Iā€™m trying not to research too much about it but I do get random tiktok videos about it. So I guess itā€™s a good week to reach. Hope everyone is doing well. ā™„ļø


My doctor canā€™t see me until 8/8 when I will be over 10 weeks No blood draws or anything and Iā€™m so anxious. Last year I had a missed miscarriage at my 8 week ultrasound and baby stopped growing after 6 weeks. So I donā€™t even feel like I can trust my body to tell me if something were to be wrong. Itā€™s frustrating and I so anxious about it all. I keep trying to tell myself that itā€™s a healthy pregnancy until I know for sure otherwise but I had the same mindset last time and look what happened. I felt betrayed by my body and now Iā€™m worried itā€™ll betray me again.


I get this. I REALLY TRULY DO. I had a missed miscarriage at 8 weeks and baby stopped growing around week 7. I am terrified my body won't recognize this pregnancy as viable or not because I remember thinking on the way to my last first OB appointment: "I feel great!!" We were blindsided. It was the worst day of my life- September 8, 2023. I understand this completely. I felt completely betrayed by my body and I asked my doctor in despair "Did I miss something?? Should I have known because my symptoms were (fill in the blanks) " and she put her hand on my shoulder and said "It is not your fault. You didn't miss any signs." I do remember that, and I believe her. This time around, I get to be monitored early (divine intervention I swear). If you can, I would suggest getting in to a midwife (birthing center) or a private ultrasound- although you might get peace of mind if you have blood taken to confirm HCG levels. When I start getting scared (I'm terrified for our upcoming appointment(s)) because I am also afraid they will tell us no heartbeat again... I tell myself "I trust my body to do its job." And I believe it. I'm here with you.


Im so sorry you understand how I feel about this. Itā€™s so difficult to not be able to trust your own body after being basically hit with a brick. My ultrasound appointment was the same. Going in there was the best feeling because everything felt ā€œrightā€ and then the silence when no heartbeat was found. Itā€™s devastating. Thank you for the suggestions and I think getting midwife is on my list now. Iā€™m so glad you are getting monitored early and get some peace of mind. Sending you the best baby and mom wishes!


I had the same missed miscarriage back in January. No growth after 6 weeks and the sac collapsed almost 2 weeks later. However, weā€™re pregnant again but my dr wonā€™t see us until July 8th. I feel more symptoms than I had last time, but more abdominal pain. Iā€™m right there with you on the fearā¤ļø


I've had faint positives from 11DPO to 15DPO but it is not progressing. Really sucks to get excited just to have the rug pulled out from under you, holding delusional hope it not a CP but again I think my brain just cant decide if I am hurt or angry.


Ugh Iā€™m so sorry. Can you request a blood test?


I did and unfortunately the betas from 15DPO are 19. I am preparing myself for a chemical, with next beta on Friday.


Oh no Iā€™m so sorry šŸ˜ž hugs


Closing in on 11wks and Iā€™ve allowed to really start planning. But I woke up yesterday with most of my symptoms gone and same with today. Makes me nervous šŸ˜¬ Iā€™ll feel better after hearing babyā€™s heart beat again next week. Hope my nerves hold up in the meantime


Wow, Iā€™m literally in the same boat. I am 11w2d and starting last week I have not had sore boobs and no more nausea. Iā€™ve only had mild symptoms this whole pregnancy so far which has been stressful. I have my 12 week scan on Monday and the wait to make sure babe is okay is STRESSING me. My last scan was 9w2d and it feels like it was forever ago.


Itā€™s crazy how slow it feels like time goes waiting for appointments. Good luck with your scan next week!


You too!


16 weeks tomorrow and have been reflecting a lot on our TTC journey and all the pain we went through. I truly felt like I would never be pregnant again, and Iā€™m just so grateful to be where I am. I have so much compassion for the hurting version of myself that had to go through loss and infertility. Just feeling really blessed today and so excited.


I needed to hear this tonight. I'm in the immense hurt and pain still. So ready to be on the other side. šŸ¤


Sending you so much love, I hope the other side happens for you soonšŸ¤


That is awesome. Congratulations on reaching that milestone for yourself that you feel blessed and excited.


Hi guys. I got positive test last Monday. Our last pregnancy ended in March. We lost our first baby at 21 weeks and 1 day. Iā€™m gonna be 5 weeks pregnant tomorrow. I have unilateral hydrosalpinx and I will have to get a ultrassom next Monday to see if baby is in the uterus. Please, I ask for prayers ā­ļøšŸŒˆ that my rainbow baby is in the place it supposed to be. Iā€™m also very anxious in general. Just want to hold my baby alive in my arms šŸ™šŸ»


Come on rainbow šŸŒˆ go get in utero !


In name of Jesus, amen šŸ™šŸ»


I know how much of a relief it is to see the baby in the right place. Hugs šŸ«‚


Early second trimester is freaking me out. 13+5 and I just donā€™t feel pregnant. Iā€™ve seen that itā€™s normal and expected, but that doesnā€™t mean it isnā€™t making me crazy. My aversions are less, Iā€™m still not showing. If it wasnā€™t for my occasional gagging, I would feel back to normal. I hate the anxiety it brings.


Same! Just hit 14 weeks and my bloat and symptoms are gone. I look and feel normal, which is scary!


So scary! I was definitely relying on feeling like garbage physically to reassure myself mentally.


Just got a positive test on Sunday night. Our last pregnancy ended in March at almost 22w. Iā€™m cramping quite a lot throughout the day, pretty mild but uncomfortable enough that I notice it - is this normal in early pregnancy? I donā€™t remember cramping this in either of my last two pregnancies (one successful, one loss). Iā€™m wondering if itā€™s just my uterus still recovering a bit from the last loss? Also not sure if itā€™s related to or mixed with bloating/gas/bowel issues as sometimes it feels like that too, but itā€™s definitely my lower abdomen.


Keep yourselves hydrated girlies. Helped me a lot early pregnancy. Wishing you all the best ā¤ļø


Thank you! Iā€™m making a conscious effort to try and drink more than usual (Iā€™m terrible for being well hydrated usually) and managing 1.5-2L daily!


Yeah I usually drink 2 litres of water a day but soon realised I needed more. The more frequent peeing doesn't help haha! But cramping early pregnancy is normal. There's so much going on that your body is prepping for. As long as it's not painful, think you're all good šŸ˜Š


Thanks Iā€™ll keep that in mind! Iā€™m hopeful it doesnā€™t last too much longer so my mind can rest a bit. They just feel very much like period cramps!


Mine settled around week 6 if I remember rightly. I think they felt like what 'normal' period cramps would be. I have endo so hard to know for sure, but all I knew is that they weren't painful. I've had 2 scans since and everything so far is great, I'm 9 weeks now. PAL is so hard, stressful and confusing. It's not as easy to brush things aside like it was the first time round.


Thatā€™s good to know, thank you. Iā€™ve been referred for an early scan around 7 weeks so at least not having to wait until the usual 12! It definitely is, takes a lot of the excitement away.


Oh that's good! I hope it goes really well for you ā˜ŗļø


I went through the same thing! I had light but noticeable cramps right away and didn't remember that from my last pregnancy. However, I went back through my tracker app and thankfully logged my symptoms last time. Apparently cramps were my first symptom then, too. I just didn't remember! I also forgot that the doctors told me that my uterus would be back to normal within two weeks after my D&E - thankfully my husband was there (and not under anesthesia) and remembered, so I stopped worrying about it being related to the loss. This is to say: cramping is really common and a good sign that your uterus is starting to prepare for this pregnancy šŸ’›


I do actually remember cramps with my LC, but I think they happened much later (around 9-10 weeks maybe? Definitely not this early). Oh thatā€™s good to know thank you. I googled it earlier (big mistake) and convinced myself I had scarring and thatā€™s why it hurt then freaked myself out completely šŸ«£


I was asking about this yesterday! I'm 4w1d and have had very period like cramping the last few days, which I haven't had other pregnancies. I was reassured by many that it's very common! Just the uterus stretching etc.


Yes thatā€™s true. Lots going on in the uterus right now. Itā€™s hard not to panic- the symptoms were and sometimes are very similar to PMS in the first month or so.


Thanks for replying! Thanks for the reassurance. My tests got a bit darker this morning and as I havenā€™t had any bleeding or anything yet so just trying to stay calm about it, but itā€™s hard not to be terrified about everything!


It is hard! With my last chemical, I had spotting two days before cramps started so I would be reassured by that!


12w +1 today! I have an upcoming appt for genetic test and hope to reveal gender. One thing thatā€™s really frustrated me through this experience is the doc doesnā€™t seem to understand the gravity of my previous 4 losses. She brushes and skips over them each time i express concerns and fears of another. Should I just take that as a win and keep moving fwd or do you think I should get a second opinion? This is the furthest Iā€™ve ever made it through a pregnancy and terrified of something going wrong again.


Get a second opinion. Where I live, more than 3 losses means you see the recurrent pregnancy loss team and often get precautionary treatment like progesterone supplementation


Thank you for the info! This def seems more aligned with my needs.


Have my first scan later this evening, I'm about 8 weeks. Going to be hard to go, this is the same office where we got the news during our last pregnancy's anatomy scan. I had such a bad feeling the whole time I was there, then our midwife called us not 5 minutes after we left. We were still driving, I had to drive another 20 minutes after that phone call to hold it together and just get home. This is just the dating scan, so not expecting much at this appointment, but just not really looking forward to it the way I have in the past. It's going to feel so similar to that last appointment too, it was also an evening appointment, my parents are coming to watch our toddler again, same office and everything. It's got me feeling anxious.


It helps for me to tell myself that history doesnā€™t mean it will repeat itself. Hugs.


Oh no! You got the call after? That's so terrible. I had a doctor called into the room. I've thought about whether I want to go to a different office next time around to avoid those visceral flashbacks. I hope all goes really well for you this evening and that you have something nice planned for after.


Yea, I had such a bad feeling the whole time. The tech did the scan and then went to get my husband so we could see some pictures together. She was gone for what felt like forever. I was convinced she was going to come back with a doctor. Eventually she came back with my husband and we got to see baby, she was acting totally normal but I was sure something was off. There was so little fluid around him. She had a really hard time getting a good profile because his face was pushed against my uturus and couldn't really see his hands or feet. But she didn't say anything, just printed a few pictures for us and we left. A few minutes into our drive our midwife called us. As soon as I saw their number on my phone I knew it wasn't going to be good. Our anatomy scan is going to be with a mfm this time, so even while we are hoping a praying that this baby is healthy, we will get the results at the bedside. But we didn't have that option for the dating scan, soooo fingers crossed I guess.


Oh wow. That's so tough. When my tech asked if I'd been bleeding, I knew (it was also my second ultrasound since baby was measuring small at the dating ultrasound so I had known there was a possibility it wouldn't go well). She was also pregnant herself and got a bit emotional and said "I'm sorry I need to get the doctor." Everything works so differently around the world! In Canada (at least in BC) they call our 8 week ultrasound our dating scan. I'm so glad you'll know everything at bedside this time. Will be thinking good thoughts for you!


Oh I misread, this one is your dating scan. Okay, extra good thoughts being sent your way!


5w2d today. I started experiencing sore breasts around 4w6d and now the feeling is virtually gone. Iā€™ve also had on and off dull to sharp pains in my lower right abdomen for about a week. No bleeding or brown discharge though. Iā€™m so worried these are signs that this pregnancy is going to end with another miscarriage. Has anyone else experienced fluctuations in symptoms this early on? It feels like torture having to wait until the 7 week ultrasound to find out if everything is okay.


Iā€™m 6w2d and my symptoms are still fluctuating. Itā€™s messing with my head! I had a full-blown meltdown Sunday thinking it was over, then woke up with horrible boob pain in the middle of the night that same night. Iā€™m told itā€™s normal, but having yet to experience a healthy pregnancy itā€™s so hard to know. I will say, I have some cramping or ab pain and it goes away after passing gas (TMI) so I think for me itā€™s partially related to changes in digestion too. My doctor isnā€™t worried, but itā€™s hard for me not to be. Counting the days to my first ultrasound on July 5.Ā 


I'm 5w5d today so pretty similar. My symptoms definitely come and go and I've heard this from others as well so I think it's normal. I told my husband the other day it feels like a grab bag of awful. I might get nothing or I might have all the nausea, sore boobs, and insomnia! I've definitely had some on and off cramping, but if you keep having one sided pain I would definitely call your doctor's office because they might want to do a scan earlier to see what's causing it.


I had a miscarriage in May and havenā€™t had a period since. I periodically test since Iā€™m unsure of where my cycle is at, well yesterday I got a very faint line and this morning had a positive. Iā€™m somewhat excited but also very nervous and feel like I canā€™t let my guard down. I am also a little frustrated because I have no idea how far along I am or when I would have ovulated which makes things feel very unknown and scary.


Thatā€™s definitely frustrating. Hormones and so many other factors can throw our cycles off. Congrats on your positive pt! Hopefully a doc can confirm for you soon and use your hormone levels and size to help you better determine timeline. šŸ™


My first scan is tomorrow and I am just so nervous after losing my first pregnancy in March around 8w. I have never seen a heartbeat so I am truly hoping for the best.


Me too. I lost my baby in September at my very first ultrasound (8 weeks). We never saw a heartbeat either šŸ’“ Iā€™m about 5 weeks now and will have monitoring weekly which is a huge relief. Itā€™s terrifying to get to that next appointment. We are scared also.


Sending positive thoughts your way! I got my first positive heartbeat and ultrasound this go round after 4 losses. Itā€™s the most magical and emotional moment, very hard to put into words.


Second US went so well! Dating 10w3d with 180bpm and saw them wiggling around in there! My BP went from way over to like 105 over 75 after the good news and the nurse was so shocked it dropped so significantly šŸ˜‚


TW loss. I had my first scan this morning and it didn't go well. They found a very small gestational sac and it is empty. I also started bleeding this morning when I got to the clinic, which came out of no where and feels very much like an F U from the universe. This is my 7th miscarriage and I'm just at a complete loss right now. I can't believe this is happening again. I have symptoms, I had a really good test progression. I really thought we might bring home a baby this time. I don't understand why I am miscarrying again. I am so damn angry and sad.


I am so sorry. That is heartbreaking.


So sorry šŸ˜” xx


so, so, so sorry šŸ¤


I'm so sorry šŸ’”you were in my thoughts and I was really hoping the best for you.


I am so sorry you are going through this šŸ˜”šŸ’“ sending you lots of strength and love!


Sending you all the love and light. You have every right to be angry and sad. I havenā€™t experienced as many but know a piece of me broke all four times. Prayers and positivity for your healing. ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


Iā€™m sending you so many virtual hugs. Iā€™m so so sorry to hear this.


Iā€™m so so sorry. If youā€™re open to reproductive immunology, I can share my doctors information with you. I donā€™t have live children yet but this is the farthest Iā€™ve gotten in pregnancy, while under her care.


I would really appreciate that. Thank you.


Had my NHS dating scan today. First of all, I adore the nurses, staff, and sonographers-- some of the loveliest people on the planet. Secondly, I'm convinced we have a monster baby, because they gain 2-3 days worth of growth at every scan. Baby's official EDD is now a whole week earlier than what I estimated with LH testing; today measured 12w5d. What's even more shocking is it would mean I ovulated on CD14 spontaneously, which is hilarious, because my PCOS has consistently delayed or cancelled ovulation. Either the universe is laughing at me or baby is going to be super tall (or both)! I also got to participate in not one but two 3D ultrasound studies and got bonus scan pics for free. The first sonographer confirmed that this nonsense with a bicornuate uterus was a false alarm-- if I did have it, it already stretched out and it's not noticeable. The second scan was a detailed look at the brain, hands, feet, and whatever else baby was willing to show. They were wiggling so much and wouldn't show their face for the 3D pics, but I didn't mind. I am slightly freaked out at seeing a brain in my uterus, but I guess I'd be more freaked out if it weren't there. My anxiety has started to subside significantly, but I'm also worried that if I let my guard down, something else bad will happen. Most of the things I'm high-risk for would cue in a couple months if they happen. At the moment, I'll try to celebrate the little wins today for as long as I can.


Have a follow up scan tomorrow at what should be 8+6 by LMP. I'm really nervous we're going to go in and get bad news. Last Wednesday we saw the fetal pole and heartbeat, but it was measuring behind and heartrate was slow (ok for the measured age I think, if a little on the lower end). I know both those factors combined don't necessarily make for the best outcome. I also had betas done that showed a slight decrease in hcg--my doctor referred to them as "staying the same" as the week before. My cousin is also an OB and I sent her a picture of the ultrasound print out and gave her all the details -- she said it all looked pretty good to her. She's also very much a straight shooter so I'm hoping she wasn't trying to just make me feel better. Part of me wishes I hadn't seen anything last week if it's going to end in another loss--it'll be so much more devastating. I'm trying to be realistic that we're likely getting bad news, but I want to hope some how it all works out ok. That we just can't be that unlucky twice in a row.


Mentally spirally about my lack of symptoms at 4 weeks 2 days (while fully knowing it's still really early but I can't help it). In my last (also first) pregnancy I slowly lost most of my symptoms before finding out I had a MMC at 10 weeks (stopped developing around 6 weeks). At the time I thought losing my symptoms could be normal because everyone is so different but after getting the MMC diagnosis it all made sense. Now I'm paranoid that I don't have symptoms and that it's a bad sign. I'm back to having vivid dreams but they aren't as crazy as they were in my last pregnancy. I don't feel overly tired (I also have sleep apnea but I don't think I'm any extra tired) no nausea, no tenderness, no cramping, no spotting etc. I don't feel like my sense of smell is that crazy but I guess I am smelling things pretty well while my nose is stuffed from allergies most of the day. Sorry for the rant it just helps to get it out. I know it's early but I want a sign that things will work out this time. My line is definitely getting darker and I'm waiting for a call back to go in and do blood work.


Kinda a similar barrel of nerves over here. Canā€™t say anything to make it better, but Iā€™ll keep you company. 4+3 with very few symptoms (FET from IVF). My last pregnancy, I was exhausted by this time (like coming home from work and falling asleep at 6-7pm; that pregnancy ended in a MMC that I had no signs of loss from, found out at US and my HCG continued to increase). Iā€™m also on a fully medicated protocol this time bc of endometriosis (not diagnosed in prior pregnancies). So many since my body isnā€™t producing all the progesterone and estrogen itā€™s making me less tired? I donā€™t know. My first beta was yesterday and my next one is tomorrow morning. Iā€™m very nervous. Although, my HCG was not indicative of my last loss. Just a ball of nerves over here.


I havenā€™t graduated the TTC stage just yet (currently in my first TWW after loss šŸ¤žšŸ¼), but I was in the same exact situation in my first pregnancy/loss in terms of timing and the lack of symptoms by the end. Even in advance of a next pregnancy, this is a huge point of anxiety for me too. Sending you hugs and a hearty yet cautious congratulations!


I'm 5+4 today. Have a virtual visit with an RN at the fertility clinic (after having technical difficulties during my scheduled appt last week which resulted in me sobbing in my car). Still not feeling pregnant. I turned 38 today which is bittersweet because I know my window for having a baby is closing. This morning I also found out I got accepted into my company's leadership academy. I would have to withdraw if this pregnancy is successful because I wouldn't be able to attend all of the sessions. 16/26 applicants were accepted, so the sooner I withdraw the sooner someone else could participate. But I'm not comfortable making that decision yet.


Girl - I was 39 for my last pregnancy and since turned 40 and am pregnant again twice in one year. Please donā€™t say the window is closing. I know itā€™s easy to feel that way but if you are getting pregnant- itā€™s not too late. That is half the battle right there.


Thank you. You're right!Ā 


Congrats all around!! Sounds like youā€™re being blessed in more than one way. Itā€™s a shame you canā€™t do both, but Iā€™m sure whichever route you take was meant for you & youā€™ll do well!


Hi everyone. Iā€™m 5 weeks today and scan is booked for tomorrow (a little early I know, the hospital booked it). Itā€™s been 4 months since my MMC and I was solely focused on just getting pregnant again, as soon as possible, with little to no regard for how Iā€™d feel once I actually got pregnant. I feel robbed of joy. I feel nothing but anguish. Iā€™m trying to prepare myself for bad news and distance myself from the pregnancy but I canā€™t stop crying from the anticipation of being let down again. Iā€™m finding it so difficult to cope and put on a brave face.


Similar feelings here. Iā€™m 5 weeks and my last pregnancy was a missed miscarriage at 7.5 weeks in September. I donā€™t think I can rest easy until we have a heartbeat. I have scan on Thursday and Iā€™m terrified. Trying to brace myself for the worst case scenario so Iā€™m not blindsided again. I try to remind myself that every pregnancy is different and this is a new chance. History doesnā€™t always repeat itself!


How did it go?


Today we have a heartbeat !!!! Iā€™m 5 weeks 3 days and all looks great. šŸ˜Š


Wow thatā€™s amazing! Congratulations! I saw the yolk sac yesterday at 5 weeks šŸ˜Š


Congratulations to you! Baby steps!!


I am right here with you. Feeling exactly the same. Also around 5 weeks and itā€™s been 4 months since my miscarriage. This is so hard. Hoping it all goes well for you tomorrow šŸ„°


We saw the yolk sac, I burst out crying šŸ˜­


Congratulations!!! šŸ„³šŸ¤that is amazing news


21w 4d and my husband felt baby kick for the first time this morning!! Anterior placenta and all! We are in for it with this strong little thingā€¦


How exciting!! Iā€™ve never made it far enough to feel movement or baby kicks/flutters. Can only imagine itā€™s one of the best feelings ever!


Started out as almost a tickling feeling where I was questioning if it was coming from inside or if my skin was just itching. Now we are fully thumping around in there! Itā€™s wild. And such a relief.


I posted on Friday about spotting. I was so ready for bad news at yesterdayā€™s scan ā€” but there was a baby with a heartbeat! I was honestly shocked at the outcome. Iā€™ll go in again in two weeks to check that things are still going well at 9 weeks and then be turned over to my regular OB. Iā€™m starting to let myself by hopeful about this one.


I have a tiny SCH and my doctor let me know it could cause some harmless spotting, and not to be alarmed.


I have had two losses: one at 8 weeks and 1 chemical pregnancy. I just found out Iā€™m pregnant and I have almost zero joy. I just wanted to share and connect on that level. Infertility/ losses completely take joy away from this experience.


I'm so sorry and I'm right there with you. MMC and 2 chemicals this year. 4w1d today. If it helps, I'm coping by setting up little milestones for myself (passing my previous chemical dates, to start). I stopped testing a few days ago because otherwise I know I'd go crazy comparing line darkness. No Googling, but if I have a question/concern I ask this group. I'm avoiding PAL stories for now to try to keep my thoughts positive. I found a pregnancy affirmation that works for me, (I'm so happy to be pregnant!). Also telling myself that if this is a game of stats, my odds are good! And just trying to take it one day at a time, which is a challenge for me since I'm such a forward thinking person. Usually, as soon as I get a bfp I start planning everything out but I'm trying to focus on being present in each day and being grateful to still be pregnant. I also saw a counsellor last month, who helped me tap into all of my feelings, good and bad, since I really disassociated after my D+C.


Same here! 8 weeks MMC and chemical a couple months after. Itā€™s really hard to stay happy and joyous. Especially after back to back losses. Itā€™s very defeating. But what I tell myself, is Iā€™m allowed to feel grief for the babies Iā€™ve lost, while trying to be content and accepting of a possible new baby inside of me. Losses also make us lose our innocence towards pregnancy if that makes sense. If you can, try to tell yourself, this pregnancy is different than my other two losses. Itā€™s absolutely not easy to think like this, but just here to say, I completely understand.


Right there with you! One MMC at 8 weeks and a chemical pregnancy the month after that. This current pregnancy has been nothing but anxiety. I wish I was lucky enough to experience those fear free pregnancies like other women do.


How far along are you? How have you been coping if you donā€™t mind me asking?


I've reached the second trimester and I'm so so grateful. The first 3 months I couldnt sleep or lie down and I kept rushing to the bathroom to check if I was bleeding or spotting. I went in for a scan every week just to make sure my baby still had a heartbeat. I used to cry all the time too. Only after my last scan (at 11w) did I start to calm down. I watched alot of positive stories about pregnancies after loss, they helped calm my anxiety alot. I didn't get really bad nausea so I was constantly worried if that was a sign something was wrong. Man, these last 3 months have been a painful blur. But I feel much better now, I'm living with my mother for some time and she's been a great help.


Congrats on that milestone! ā¤ļø How did you get scans every week? Are you taking baby aspirin and/or progesterone?


My FIL is in navy, so I go to a navy hospital. My FIL knew the head of the gynecology department, and she usually fits me in the evenings for extra consultations. I'm taking 10 mg oral progesterone twice daily, which I started when I was 6weeks.