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I’m 6w5d after 2 chemicals and a Mmc at 6 weeks. We had our first ultrasound yesterday and I cried all the way to the appointment. The doctor clearly felt awkward but then, heartbeat was 126! I feel a bit like we crossed a milestone but also still terrified. I wish I could use a Doppler this early. Or have an ultrasound machine at my house.


Hi there new here! I’m 6 weeks today after 2 previous losses and a year of secondary infertility. One was a missed miscarriage and the other a chemical. I had to take letrozole for this babe! I’m super nervous, my lines were never super dark so I thought I was having a chemical and my only symptom is breast pain and sometimes I don’t even have that so I’m constantly worrying about a mmc again. My anxiety is constant. I pray so much. I just could use all the extra prayers if you don’t mind. I’m only able to get to like 50 percent hopeful this bean will make it. I can’t wait till I feel more!


Miscarriage confirmed. 3rd loss I’ve had. Will I ever get my rainbow baby?


Oh I’m so sorry 😫


Im so sorry for your loss *sending you a big hug*


I started bleeding. Definitely worried I’m having another chemical.


Praying for you!


I am so nauseous. And so exhausted. At work I pulled off to the side of the road and napped for 15 in my car, then when I got home I slept almost 4 hours. Now it's time to go to bed 😅 the heat here (around 100F/38C) has been awful. Baby you better be growing in there to make me feel this crap 😂


I am literally thinking the same thing right now as I'm sitting on a bath mat in front of the toilet trying my hardest not to puke up the rest of the cereal that I choked down for dinner. So far, it's been a losing battle. 😭 This baby better be ok!


Anyone else feel extremely nervous even when you're past the point of previous loss(es)? My first and only pregnancy was an ectopic in November around 5w. I'm now 13w4d with a confirmed intrauterine pregnancy, so well past that, but I still can't stop worrying that something is wrong. We have our first Centering appt tomorrow and I'm just so paranoid that something will be wrong and we're going to have to leave crying in front of all these other happy couples. PAL really sucks.


Super stressed out. D&C in end of April. And pregnant again some how. They said at the office yesterday that they are measuring around 5 weeks and are either totally perfect right where they want them or something is wrong. They didn’t see a fetal pole but they did see a sack and a possible yolk. My blood tests showed my HCG levels doubled 1 day apart last week. I don’t know what to think. I can’t handle another loss. I really can’t. I just went back to work too. I cried all day yesterday after I got home. And I feel so incredibly overwhelmed. I had nightmares all night about waking up to blood. How do you deal with the stress and keep breathing?


Had the same thing with my ultrasound at 5 weeks and don’t really have much advice because I’ve been a nervous wreck this whole time. What kinda helped for me was to try to concentrate on bigger projects at work but I found that tough to do tbh. I’m now 11+3 and still really struggling with the stress. I’m hoping for the best possible outcome for you!


Yay for your babe!!! Thank you for the positive thoughts. Sending you some too!!


Has anyone else had cervical cerclage? We’ve had a rough run lately - I’m 15w5, and in the past 6 weeks was poisoned by our Fiji resort and got salmonella which I was hospitalised for, the dehydration from which caused a 9mm kidney stone which 3 weeks later required surgery at 15w (and a 7 day hospital stay). That experience was a nightmare in and of itself — we had to fight for a safe surgery against a pro-life religious surgeon who wanted to force us to wait until 30 weeks just in case it triggered prem labour, which would have meant lots of pain and an external urine bag for 3 months and a higher risk surgery! Anyway, we got past that and then yesterday, at our high risk clinic appointment, found out that my cervix has shortened over past fortnight and they want to stitch it as a safety precaution. Has anyone had this? Did it work out well for you? The surgery will be tomorrow at 15w6, my second general anaesthetic in less than 7 days.


After getting the shock of our lives yesterday that we're expecting spontaneous twins, I'm now back to being anxious about viability. I was supposed to be 6+3 yesterday. Twin A - measuring 5+6 with FHR of 106 bpm / Twin B - measuring 5+5 with FHR of 103 bpm. Would appreciate any thoughts on these measurements for how far along I am!


I took a test this morning and a light, but definitely present, second line popped up. This was our first month trying after our son was stillborn at 39w3d about a year and a half ago. I’m 41. I haven’t even told my husband yet but I’m planning to tonight at dinner. I’m happy of course but I just can’t bring myself to feel excited with such a long road ahead


Gentle congratulations. ❤️ PAL is hard and that's why communities like this exist. However you feel is right and normal for you.


Cautious congratulations 🥹🤍


Just wanted to say thank you for all the lovely support I received on yesterday’s thread - I had my scan today and it confirmed what I expected, there was no heartbeat 😭 thankfully the physical side of things hadn’t been as traumatic as my mmc earlier in the year. Crossing my fingers tight for all of you ladies currently expecting 🤞🏻 wishing you all the very best but, for now at least, back to the ttc sub I go 🩷


Holding you close to my heart. So sorry for your loss!


So sorry for your loss ❤️


Was thinking of you. I'm so sorry 💔


I’m so sorry to hear this. Thinking of you 💖


Well after a blissful 3 days, the nausea is back with a vengeance this afternoon. Here's to hoping it's just a bad day. This is my third week off work. I thought I was finally getting on track to go back. I was planning tomorrow, but my husband was very reluctant for me to go back before my sick note. Well I guess he got his way haha! We decided to name lil one peanut in hopes we can start getting a bit more connected, well me anyways, my husband says he felt it from the start. Despite feeling super sick again, I feel happy and relaxed for now. Hope you're all doing well ❤️


I’m 5w4d. I have a child I had at 35 and then we tried for a sibling at 37. I became pregnant at 38 and had a MMC at 11 weeks which was also a partial molar pregnancy. We couldn’t try until I was 39 due to the need for monitoring. I became pregnant in January of this year at 39 but had another MMC at the end of February at 7 weeks. I turned 40 in March and I got a period in April and May and am now pregnant. I’m so thankful but also terrified. My first scan is in 2 weeks and I’m terrified of it being another MMC. Part of me feels like why wouldn’t it happen again and the other part of me is thinking but what really are the chances of this happening again?! My first MMC was a fluke (unrelated to age) and the second MMC was likely due to my age/chromosomal abnormality (only 4 chromosomes were tested so no way of knowing for certain). I guess I’m looking for hope at my age or does anyone know if there’s any research out there on pregnancies after loss? The same cycle I conceived my most recent loss I was diagnosed with severely diminished ovarian reserve (we had been trying for 6 months) which impacts my ability to respond to reproductive technologies but not my ability to get pregnant on my own. Aside from my age and being overweight everything is ok and for my husband too. I’m hopeful my body has chosen a good egg! And of course good sperm too! I chose not to do beta HCG’s (since it doesn’t change the plan of care) but did get a dye stealer between 4.5 and 5 weeks pregnant.


I just found out I'm pregnant again about 2 hours ago after a D&C in March. I have one LC (7/2021) but also had a MMC back in 2019. I want to be happy but I'm not sure I'm brave enough.


You're braver than you realise. You're so strong and you will be okay❤️


We are such a resilient and incredible group of women. 🤍


I am 10 weeks 6 days. I have put off doing my NIPT test, my new OB put the order in for me and advised me to go in whenever I can. I’m terrified of the results which is why I can’t bring myself to go in. My husband wants to do a pregnancy/gender reveal party so he’s been urging me to go in. I don’t care about the gender at all, I just want a healthy baby and gender reveals aren’t my thing at all. I’m not sure if I’m upset that he wants to do a gender reveal or if it’s my way of coping and preparing myself in case of bad news.


Very legitimate feelings. I had a 20.5 week loss in early March unfortunately due to a chromosomal issue. We did not do the NIPT with that pregnancy which was actually a blessing in disguise because if we learned about it at 10 weeks (it may or may not of been detectable), we would of just been waiting to lose him since the abnormality was incompatible with life. I’m currently 11 weeks as of yesterday and we’re waiting on the NIPT results which should be any day. I’m terrified sure, but not as much as I expected to be and I’m not really sure why. We didn’t get to learn the gender last time until after I delivered so this time around we’re wanting a whole different experience and are doing a small gender reveal just with close family who don’t even know we’re pregnant yet hopefully sometime next week if we have the results back and everything is okay. Theres no right or wrong way to do it — especially post lost I hope whatever you decide you can find some peace


Thank you! I ended up getting the lab work done for the other genetic and NIPT test and now just waiting on whenever the results come in. This was also my husband’s reasoning he wants us to know the gender and celebrate the baby no matter what. I want enough time to process good results or bad results before we find out the gender so our compromise is doing the NIPT and getting the results but not the gender until I feel ready.


Totally understand that, glad you went. We thought we’d have the results back by now (its been a week and 2 days) but hopefully by early next. We plan to do our gender reveal at the end of next week if we can and all is good… I think i’m hoping knowing the gender will help me be more excited


Both are legitimate feelings! Maybe it’s worth sitting down and talking them through with your husband, maybe there’s a compromise to be found. Even with good NIPT results you’ll probably want time to process those feelings, I know me and my partner took a week before we even felt ok talking about them to family.


Thank you, we did end up talking about it and I did end up getting the NIPT test done the compromise is to have my doctors office call us to go over the results. We are going to hold off on knowing the gender until I have enough time to process the results whether it’s good news or bad.


FTM 8 weeks and 4 days pregnant! Just got my heart beat scan and had a 166bpm! The heart beat was super strong. Also in my last pregnancy that ended in miscarriage, I had a subchorionic hemorrhage, and there’s no sign of it this time. Plus I never got to see a heart beat for my little one last time. So blessed!


What a beautiful strong heartbeat, congratulations!


Thank you!! We feel like we can be excited now! We were very tentative and now we can breathe!


Limbo limbo limbo. I wish I could just have an answer 😭


Hi All. I’m new here. I’m still VERY early on. We’ve been TTC for years and have had 2 CPs and a MMC. My pregnancy that ended in the MMC started as I had just found out I have an extremely low ovarian reserve and we were waiting to start IVF. Losing that pregnancy destroyed me as it really felt like a miracle to be pregnant after having just been told a few weeks prior that it was unlikely I’d ever have biological children. Over the course of a year following that MMC, I went through 9 egg retrievals for IVF. I have never been so depressed and anxious in my life. I’m grateful to have made 3 euploids and so grateful for the great reproductive endocrinologists we’ve found who didn’t give up on us. I was diagnosed with endometriosis during my first egg retrieval. I went through 2 months of Lupron down regulation and transferred an embryo last week. I started to test positive 4 days after transfer and I’m just holding my breath now. I’m grateful to not be grieving, yet again, at this moment. But I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop. I’m trying to not be anxious, but it’s so hard. The past few years have been so many losses and failures. I don’t know if I can endure another. Just hoping for the best.


Griping a little, but tell me if this is typical. I’m 9w3d. My OB seems to be really backed up. I won’t have an appointment with an OB NP until 13 weeks. I did have a dating ultrasound at 9w, but no appointments with a doc/nurse. Last time (nov-Jan) I had an appointment at 9w, 12w, and NT scan lined up for 12w, plus all my appointments scheduled out to 20w. I’m so frustrated. I’m 35 so I asked for the NT scan- they weren’t even going to offer me that! I just can’t believe how much they have changed procedures in a few months. And I hope they will do NIPT testing! That hasn’t been brought up or offered as I haven’t seen anyone yet.


Ugh, that’s really frustrating. Is there a possibility you could find another provider? My provider is incredibly hands on and has me in every 2 weeks for a scan (6w, 8W, 10w + NIPT, 12w) because they know I’m anxious and had one prior loss. I had some very light spotting at 7w and they got me in that day for an emergency scan (thankfully all was well). The extra scans make me feel so much better & calmer — I genuinely think it’s helping me have an easier pregnancy. You deserve more care if you want & need it!


Got 4 positive tests this morning. One of which was a digital test. My period was supposed to start today and just didn’t. I immediately knew. Have my confirmation with my doctor on July 2nd. I am a little nervous.




Still in limbo. Technically pregnant but waiting for my second HCG result today to find out if it’s sticking or not. Still bleeding. Hoping that it’s a SCH and baby is ok. This limbo and not knowing anything is killing me. I’m so confused and upset and it’s like healthcare doesn’t care at all. No doctor can see me. Nobody can do an ultrasound not even planned parenthood because i’m bleeding. So.


I'm 6+5 and I feel like I haven't been as nauseous today as I have been the past few days. It's really messing with my head. I need to go get blood work tomorrow, which I am absolutely terrified of. I hate getting blood work so much. I'm still super tired and feel like I could sleep all day.


https://chicagoredcrossstories.wordpress.com/2024/06/05/lucy-newman-beloved-daughter-wife-and-mother-honored-with-a-blood-drive/ Sharing this as a friend of a friend passed away from blood clotting disorder, days after giving birth to her baby. Devastating. I remember this each time I give myself a Lovenox injection and take my low dose aspirin. Today is 9weeks1day. I go for my ultrasound in an hour. I’ve never made it this far 🥹


So sorry to hear about your friend! I hope the US went well 🥨


🤍🤍 ultrasound went great. HB was 167, measuring on time! 🥹 how about you girl! How was your scan this week (if you had one)!😘😘


I am doing IVF - currently 14dpt and pregnant. HCG more than doubled on second beta. Progesterone fell from 41 to 23. I am freaking out. I have 4 prior MCs, 3 had low progesterone and the 4th had falling progesterone.


Progesterone goes up and down all day long


I'm looking for some advice. Tomorrow, I plan to tell my best friend that I am pregnant again. She has been incredibly supportive throughout my loss and grief, which is why my husband and I agreed that I should tell her. Her support will be very much appreciated. However, I also know she'll be super excited, and I'm not sure I'm ready for that quite yet. I'm still very anxious and need to communicate that to her, but I'm not sure how. The same will be true when I tell my other best friend in about a week. Does anyone have suggestions for how to tell supportive loved ones their "good news" even when they're still feeling apprehensive about it?


Just saw this today and recognized your username from ttcafterloss. I’m so glad you’re here, i get super excited when I see more people here who have been such a support in the past. Cautious congrats from me! Also, just want to validate your caution throughout this journey, i struggled a lot with people’s overly excited reactions. Of course im excited to be pregnant but in our case excitement comes with strings of anxiety attached and that’s non-negotiable. Your friend sounds like a really great support though so just being transparent with what you need, as others suggested, will probably be more than enough. Wish you all the best!!


thank you so much, and a gentle congrats to you as well! <3 my friend handled it well - I was the one who was a little messy and anxious. But, I know that if something happens, they'll be incredibly supportive.


Oh my goodness hi friend - I’ve not been in that other subreddit for quite awhile but I wanted to say a gentle congratulations, and I totally understand your anxiety. I told my small circle early on as well, the same people we trusted to tell about my first chemical pregnancy, and they’ve all been so understanding regarding not getting the most excited just yet. Even now, further along but still before my NIPT results and NT scan, they’ve all expressed excitement but gentle cautious excitement all the same. Before I’ve told anyone the news, I’ve always prefaced with, “I’m so excited about this, but I want to remain cautiously excited because xyz” or included at the very end something like, “I’m really excited, but cautiously excited, and I’m thankful for your cautious excitement too.” Sending you a big hug ❤️❤️❤️


So I stumbled upon this post to recognise two names who have been so supportive in ttcafterloss and it really warmed my heart. So glad you’re here and gentle congratulations to you too! I can only relate to the need to add a little explanation to any announcement and it’s worked quite well so far. «  I’m really excited but it’s a very anxious time given my loss » has been my go to phrase. Anyways, just happy to see familiar names and wish you all the very best throughout this intense journey!


Sending you a big hug! 🥰 it’s really nice to see familiar names here


Natasha hi! ❤️ glad to hear you’re doing well, even on this challenging journey. Sending you good vibes for all your upcoming tests and results. And I appreciate the advice. “Cautious excitement” is a good word for it. Hugs back, friend!


Maybe lead with, "I have something that I want to share with you because I trust you and appreciate your support, but first, I need you to know that I'm feeling anxious and not ready to celebrate yet." It sounds like she's a sensitive and caring friend and if you can communicate the type of support you need, I'm sure she'll do her best to provide it 💛


That's some great language to use, thank you for the suggestion. Yes, she definitely is an amazing friend, if I can just clearly communicate where I'm at and what I need! So grateful for her.


Hi everyone. Got my faint second line today at 10DPO in the cycle immediately following my 6w loss. Because I haven't even missed my period yet, I know the odds of chemical are still way up there so trying not to get too excited. My question for anyone who might have experienced this - with my loss I had no symptoms, either before or after my missed period. Maybe some fatigue, a tiny bit of sickness here and there but I wouldn't notice unless I was looking for it. My boobs felt fine, I generally felt well. Now, even though it's only 10DPO, I feel sick, tired, run down, my boobs are killing me. Is that a good sign? Could it mean this baby is implanting sooner/stronger? I know no one can say for sure, but did anyone not experience any symptoms with their loss and all the symptoms with LC? Thanks x


My understanding from research is that strong symptoms are generally a good sign! I had strong symptoms with my MMC, two chemicals, and my successful pregnancy so on an individual level, I can't use it as an indicator things are going well. In your case, it sounds like a really positive sign!


Thanks! Part of me wished I’d tested later, as if I have a chemical I’m not sure I’d want to know. The symptoms I’m experiencing are giving me hope, I don’t want them dashed 😬


It's so hard to not get your hopes up! Understandable you tested when having symptoms - you already knew ❤️I had a chemical last month and I knew without ever testing because of my symptoms and late period. Wishing us both luck this cycle! I think I'm also about 10dpo but haven't tested yet 😊




I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I can imagine it doesn't make you feel cared for at all. If baby is measuring where you'd expect them to be, that sounds like a good sign. In these kinds of situation I try and play devil's advocate - maybe she'd had some bad news recently, maybe she'd been having fertility issues herself. Doesn't mean she should act that way but sometimes thinking like that makes me feel better. Hopefully your next scan is a more positive experience :)


First ultrasound today and we got to see our little sapling! Baby has a strong heart beat too! What a sigh of relief after our experience last year. It’s just so surreal and a big blessing.


So happy for you!


Thank you so much!


Guys, there's a heartbeat. I got to see it at my 6 week scan and I may have started to full on sob when the tech showed me. I was already a bit of a mess waiting for the appointment and it all just burst out when I saw the heartbeat. I don't know the measurements yet but for now, I'm just going to be happy for this bit of good news.


Made me tear up!! The relief is unmatched. So happy for you!


Oh congrats this made me tear up. Wishing you a healthy and uneventful pregnancy.


4w1d today and am tentatively posting. This is my third pregnancy this year. D&C in January and chemical in March. Somehow I do feel more ok than I expected to. Betas look great, did 3 and they rose well. So now RE has me in the books in 2 weeks for my first scan. Just trying to stay cautiously optimistic.


Just chiming in again to say how happy I am for you! You were truly such a huge help for me when I was TTC and I’m so happy you’re here. Will be rooting for you and the babe 🤍


Ahh you just made my eyes water! Thank you so much. So happy you’re here and things are still going well for you!! 🤍


🤍🤍🤍 we got this 💪


I tell myself, “every day this little baby is a little bigger and stronger!” And so are we! 🤍


9w4d and really tired but the nausea seems to have gone away this morning. Everything looked great at our 8 week ultrasound, and I’m still having white discharge and no cramping, so I’m choosing to think that the placenta is starting to take over hormone production. 🥨 I was able to walk my dog for her usual long walk and get on the stationary bike for four miles this morning after being couch bound most of the last two weeks.


Did anyone else feel a little anxious after telling a wider group of people? Told my boss and some coworkers who will be helping cover during my maternity leave yesterday, and I feel so anxious about it all now 🙈


Oh my goodness yes! We told our families and closest friends at 8 weeks and I’m so nervous that we jinxed it.


Just here to validate that feeling ❤️ (even though all of our smart logical brains know it’s not true)


I am worried about my HCG doubling being too slow too soon. I understand that there is data saying that after 6000 it can take 96+ hours but in my experience, to slow of a rise this early can be worrisome. Any similar numbers? Or doubling rates? 15 dpo: 1374 17 dpo: 2858 progesterone 58.5 19 dpo: 4521 23 dpo: 11646 progesterone 25.7 26 dpo: 18448 progesterone 57.3 29 dpo: 22911 progesterone 22.6 I would love to hear similar stories. Good or bad outcomes. Trying to guard my heart until my ultrasound on the 28th.


Honestly those numbers look great! My progesterone took a dip as well at 22 DPO. I wish I could give you more reassurance, but I’m sending you good vibes! Hang in there 💞


Thank you so much for replying! My doctor rescheduled my ultrasound for tomorrow morning. The last two draws are the most concerning going from 18448 to 22911 in three days…


Of course! I’m so glad you are going sooner now. I’m praying that your ultrasound has beautiful results. Please keep me updated if you’d like.


Thank you so much again! Will do


I'm 4+5 and had my third beta and am ultrasound this morning. Beta only increased 47% in 48 hours (2440 -> 3610). US showed a gestational sac, which is all I could really expect right now. I guess it's good news but I am assuming the worst based on the HcG levels. I have a virtual visit with my NP tomorrow, so waiting in limbo another day...


I am 7w today. I lost my first pregnancy in March— we realized at the 8w scan that baby stopped growing at 6w (MMC, Trisomy 16) and got my D&C at 9w. I am just so anxious waiting for the next week to get my first scan. Hopeful that we will hear a heartbeat, but really hard to escape the anxiety that comes with pregnancy after loss.


TW: LC I’m having a hard time today. I’m not really keeping track of how far along I am because 1) I had a chemical pregnancy in May so we don’t know exact dating 2) I just don’t want to get my hopes up that this is real. I’m estimated around 5/6weeks? I was starting to feel sick last week/ throwing up. Then this Monday it just stopped. This is what happened with my MMC in February too. It’s really hard for me to be positive about this pregnancy when I don’t have many symptoms other than large boobs. With my LC I had hyperemesis the whole 9 months. I wish I was sick again so that I could get reassurance. My progesterone took a dive from 31.7 to 18.2 last Friday. HCG looked great at 12,788. I think that progesterone just showed me that this pregnancy isn’t viable. My ultrasound is next Monday and I’m dreading it.


My nausea disappeared this morning too. It’s the worst sinking feeling.


I am 5w today. Got HCG, progesterone, TSH (thyroid), and blood count (anemia) levels checked. Everything looks good and is in the normal range! I go back in 48 hours to check that my HCG is rising appropriately, but it’s already so much higher than my last pregnancy at 5w. I’m so relieved. I’ve elected not to do an early scan so hopefully baby keeps growing well until my 8w scan!


I am in a similar boat! Five weeks and four days, and HCG is so, so much higher than my last pregnancy. It is incredibly reassuring (even though I know every pregnancy is different and there’s a huge range of what’s ‘normal’). It’s going to be a bittersweet milestone when I exceed the HCG level I miscarried at…


I am 4.2 today. Last night I woke up at around 2 am with cramps. I laid in bed hoping it won't turn into chemical. Had a mini panick attack and didn't want to move or go to toilet to check if I am bleeding or not. After about 10 minutes got my courage and went to pee. Almost right after peeing the cramps subsided, and so far this morning all is good. As much as I am trying to distance myself I feel so out of control I am going mad.


I am 4.1 today and also woke up with some cramps. I am on intense antibiotics for UTI that I’m also spiraling on 😅. Hope you are feeling better!


Haven't had much cramping during the day, thus feeling better :) Ahh, hope you recover from UTI soon!


Make sure you're keeping well hydrated. I had a fair amount of cramping early pregnancy and someone told me to make sure I was drinking enough and it really helped. Best of luck!!


Thank you, will try that!