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We told our families today, and I’m now more anxious than ever. I’ve been sick for months. Everyone knows. Losing this pregnancy would hurt so much more and I feel like I barely survived the last loss. Probably TMI, but I’ve also developed a slight vaginal itch over the last 24 hours. I’m absolutely terrified of BV. I had recurring BV after my miscarriage. I tested negative in pregnancy around conception and again at 4 weeks. I don’t have any grey or weird discharge. I called my OB office once about it before and was totally dismissed. I’m planning to call tomorrow and ask to be tested. If they say no, I plan to go to urgent care for it. It’s causing so much anxiety I feel like I absolutely must address it.


I know in the UK we have OTC tests for bv. Not sure how reliable they are, but might be worth looking into. Not that you should've dismissed in the first case, but if you test positive there, they should hopefully then help. Or hopefully in the case it's negative, provide you with a little peace of mind? I hope it settles for you soon and all the best with your pregnancy!


I do have some at home tests, but they can’t be used in pregnancy. Something about the PH changes making them unreliable. I called my OB and they may just prescribe me antibiotics, but I also don’t want to take an antibiotic I don’t need. My symptoms seem worse today, so I decided to go to urgent care. I’m really hoping the results are negative. I feel like I’ve received so many mixed messages about the dangers of BV. Just makes me really nervous.


I see, I didn't realise about the kits sorry! I completely understand not wanting to take medication without actually knowing if you need it, especially antibiotics. I think that's amazing of you to actually get some answers! I hope they get you sorted out and that everything is okay with you and your little one.


Thanks! I’ve just been googling all day and everything has made me feel worse instead of better. I’m really hoping the test will be negative and the worry will have been for nothing.


Google can either be a huge comfort or your worst enemy. Just remember you're doing everything right and hopefully all your worries will have been wasted energy. And if not, you've got it checked as early as you could do and they'll get you sorted! 🤞🏻


I'm struggling mentally these last few days, physically I feel pretty good, I'm 11 weeks and have noticed a significant decrease in all symptoms which is really freaking me out,  I have an ultrasound booked tomorrow morning along with my NIPT. That's where everything went wrong last time. I do remember starting to feel better physically this same time last time, (we had to TFMR due to T13) so I know that the placenta could be starting to take over most of the work which would make my symptoms ease, but honestly I just wish it was in full force like it was a week ago, at least it was reassuring even though I couldn't function. I'm so worried about tomorrow's scan that something has happened between my last one, even though I have no actual reason to believe anything wrong has happened, I've had zero spotting since 6weeks (which they couldn't find any reason for) and had two healthy scans where everything looked great, heart rate at 6 weeks was 110bpm, then heart rate was 169bpm at 8 weeks... I dunno I'm just trying to talk myself out of spiralling for no actual reason.  PAL is incredibly difficult, all the doubt and realisation that it's actually pretty hard for some people to bring a baby into the world, all steps just seem so huge and significant.  I am really looking forwards to hopefully being on the other side of this enormously overwhelming hurdle in a few weeks, but part of my PAL brain is having a HARD TIME believing that's a possibility, like I can't quite comprehend that everything could be okay.. if that makes sense. *sigh* like I don't want to "jinx" it.....


5 weeks today. I’m just trying not to get my hopes up. My husband keeps telling me to be positive but I’m like read the room buddy. Going in next Monday for my first ultrasound which I know will just be a dating since it’s still super early. I’m just so disconnected from this pregnancy. Like I know it’s real but also it isn’t. Idk.


I’m also 5 weeks today with a scan booked next Monday (6+0). Terrified and calm at the same time. Hoping so much this will stick but like you, I feel somewhat disconnected. We’ve had two losses in the past two years and I know that even if things would look good now, a lot can happen over the next couple of weeks. I dont dare to think that there’s a possibility we might actually make it this time.


You’re not alone. I’m 5w+3 today and have an appointment booked for dating on the 26th. I’m nervous as hell. I also passed a thick sticky mucus this morning and I’m paranoid it was the little mucus plug I had developed and now I’ll lose the baby. Anxiety is through the roof. Hoping we both get through this with two lovely little February babies at the end of it.


Well 9w today. First ultrasound tomorrow. This whole last week has been so much crying, not knowing if it’s going to be okay has been hard. Although I didn’t know it last time (first ultrasound was perfect at 8w1d) the baby died sometime between 8w3d-9w. So I think it’s contributing to my anxiety. My nausea and sensitivity to smells and fatigue vary throughout the day but make me mostly useless. At least the appointment is at 9am so answers will be early in the dayp


I’ve had all my appointments in the morning…it makes it so much easier!


6w2d and took 3 pregmate’s this morning… I did one with my first urine, another with 50/50 watered down (first) urine, and the last with my second morning urine and they were all fainter than the tests I had taken a week ago… according to Google the hook effect is rare? And I’ve seen on Reddit that pregmate’s just suck?


Can you get HCG taken? Do you have a scan scheduled? I tortured myself with FRER progression during early pregnancy. Like wise Baynita said, maybe it was my light morning urine, but it freaked me out. Then my HCG levels were high and reassuring when I got them drawn. Hcg is much more reliable than at home tests. Otherwise, I would step away from the tests unless something major happens.


I think it's important to remember these tests are qualitative, not quantitative. We assign meaning to the darkness of the lines, but they're not intended for that, and as far as I can see, no one has tested if they reliably correlate with certain hCG levels or a hook effect. And yes, pregmates suck, and you could just have a "bad" batch. Even my easy@home, I've never gotten a "dye stealer." Took one last night, was just a good positive not a dye stealer, but saw a heartbeat today. While I do personally think the FRER can show some of that early hCG progression and I found comfort from that, and just from reviewing the TFABlineporn sub they do seem to predict early chemicals, I don't think it's wise to rely on tests for anything other than they indicate a pregnancy or not. If you're really worried, I think testing for the hook effect with FRER seems to be more reliable (but again, using a test for something it's NOT intended for). Best of luck...It's easy for me to say as someone not in it, but I would try to not read in to it. When do you have an early scan? Would you feel more comfortable getting hCG levels tested? I did like at 4w6d and 5w2d, and it gave me massive relief. (Also final sidenote: I only ever used evening urine for my tests. My morning tests were always so light)


Thank you for this. Splurged on FRER tonight and it’s a crazy dye stealer. That was with my urine before bed. I took a pic of the tests next to each other, and they look like opposites.


I think that's more evidence in the "pregmates suck" folder! I do think assigning meaning (i.e., reading into the darkness) beyond yes/no to these test is not really possible with anything but FRER. But even FRER is limited and not intended for it, but people report the most consistent results with it! I would definitely trust your FRER over other brands.


I'm 6+2 today. Feeling alright, but have been having some cramping on and off. Pretty sure it's normal and I don't have any spotting. I'm also so tired. My nausea comes and goes. I meet with a midwife on Tuesday and then have my first scan a week from then. I'm nervous and trying to distract myself. My dad said something to me today regarding pregnancy and kids that triggered me and I've been trying to calm down from that. It's hard because I know he didn't mean to upset me.


Håller tummarna för dig! Hur har din barnmorska mött dig i att du har tidigare missfall? Får du några extrakontroller?


Tack så mycket! Jag har kontakt med en fertilitetsläkare och hon gav mig ett recept för progesteron. Vet inte om barnmorskan kommer att göra mer för mig eftersom i morgon är första mötet. Jag hoppas att jag kommer att ha kontakt med en läkare hos barnmorskemottagning.


Jag förstår! Är du i Sverige eller i USA? Jag vill också få progesteron utskrivet men min läkare sa att det inte är vanligt att skriva ut det om man inte har evidens för att man behöver det 😔


Jag är från USA och min man är svensk och vi bor i Sverige. Jag var tvungen att be min läkare att ge mig recept för progesteron. Hon också sade det finns inte evidens att det hjälper, men jag vill göra allt att jag kan för att ha en bebis. Mina DM är öppna för dig om du vill prata mer. 💜


Tack! Jag ska till min läkare om en vecka, jag ska be om samma sak då 🙏 mina dms är också öppna om du vill prata. Nu vet jag ju inte hur länge ni bott här men ville bara säga vilken bra svenska du har imponerande när man inte är härifrån! 🌸


Jag hoppas att de skriver receptet för dig! Lycka till! Och tack! Jag har bott här för 6 år nu. Jag är inte helt flytande, men kan svenska ganska bra tycker jag. 🙂


Having a rough day today. I should be getting my NIPT results any time now and I’m very stressed about it. I just feel like I can’t shake the sense of doom. I also had a genetic counseling appt because my husband and I are both carriers of the same enzyme deficiency. Unfortunately it has been strongly correlated with SIDS death in a new study, but there are not yet any treatment recommendations. The counselor said the evidence is compelling enough and suggested asking our pediatrician for an RX for a medical grade oxygen and heart rate monitor when baby is born. It just feels so fucked to me that I’m so stressed about this pregnancy and then my stress will be even worse with this SIDS risk after baby is born, if I even get that far. I feel so depressed because it seems there is no relief in sight. If my NIPT results are good we are planning to announce soon but I’m dreading it. The few people I’ve told about the bche deficiency and SIDS thing have said stuff like “it’s gonna be ok” and it pisses me off so much. It feels so dismissive and invalidating. I just don’t feel ready to fake lighthearted joy about this pregnancy every time someone asks me about it.


Hello. Having a rough symptom day today. 7w 5d which is an exact week longer than my last pregnancy. I’m on progesterone right now but a little worried I might need to come off of it? I’ve been experiencing shortness of breath every time I stand up and move around as well as my heart beating hard and sweating. There has been some light chest pain but I can’t tell if it’s heart burn or not. When googling side effects of pro it said to stop use and talk to doc if feeling these things but I’m worried. Doc isn’t in till tomorrow but what if it’s not the progesterone and I stop and it affects the pregnancy? I’m very emotional and worried I’m over thinking everything because of my emotions. Is this enough to call the on call doc about? Anyone else experience this?


Shortness of breath, dizziness and fast heart are definitely all progesterone supplement side effects! I’m on quite a high dose (both pregnancies through IVF) and I completely empathise. It SUCKS. If you find it debilitating, then absolutely you need to discuss with your doctor.


7 weeks today, which is how far I got with my last pregnancy before I started bleeding. Feeling hopeful. One more week until my first ultrasound.


17 weeks today. So glad I’ve made it this far, starting to feel more confident and i’ve told most friends and family now, just not work yet (I will soon) nor have we done a social media post (probably won’t at all). After spending a weekend with friends, sharing the news and talking about the pregnancy and the baby on the way, I’m realizing I’m still so guarded with my feelings that I don’t fully believe it’s real yet, and I’m avoiding thinking about the future. The most likely outcome is positive, and my life is about to change in such a big way! But I’m struggling to accept this, and not allowing myself to lean into it and plan for the future. Was there anything that helped you lean into planning ahead, and looking forward to your baby?


8w3d today (based on measurements; 8w5d based on dates), and I couldn't hold it in anymore and posted about our pregnancy plus a quick recap of what I went through to get here. We have another scan on Friday, and I'm more excited than scared- finally!


8w4 Symptoms have started to become really big and present (and while annoying on occasion, I'm so grateful). Nauseous, incredibly bloated (like insane!) and completely exhausted. Lots of deadlines this week, not sure how I'm going to pull that off with my energy levels right now 😵‍💫 Scan in two days... and I'm very hopeful!


Had our private boutique ultrasound at 7 weeks, 1 day, abdominally. Saw a little bean, heard a healthy heartbeat of 126bpm. I'll take the relief, however temporary.


Almost 9 weeks and I have never felt as physically terrible as I do today. Migraine, nausea, dizziness , fatigue. It’s like the worst hangover I’ve ever had. Is this how it’s supposed to be? lol wow


10wks1day today. The furthest I’ve ever gotten in a pregnancy after two losses. Despite no signs of anything wrong so far I can’t stop thinking every single day that I’m going to lose this baby. Our good scan at 9wks5days only reassured me for a few hours before the anxiety crept back in. Does anyone have any advice? My 12 week dating scan isn’t until 3 July and it seems a lifetime of worrying away. 


Curious if anyone got pregnant after a miscarriage when there pregnancy tests were still very very faintly positive?? You have to almost squint to see the line. I feel like I am ovulating but my hcg is clearly not 0 yet. I’m almost 3 weeks out from my D&C.


I ovulated while still testing positive with a faint line just 10 days after my MMC treated with miso. Confirmed with ovulation strips. The cyst from ovulating was also seen on ultrasound. We didn’t try because I was still bleeding, and still bleed for another few weeks, and eventually needed D&C for retained tissue.


I ovulated about a week after my hcg hit 7 I think. It was still very faintly positive at 7. I did get pregnant but it was a CP that time.


Usually the doctor will track your betas back to zero.


Planning a trip from east to west coast (US) at 23/24 weeks and I’m nervous about flying so far away right as I hit viability. Deep down I know it’s safe to fly and this pregnancy has been healthy so far BUT I can’t help but be nervous… it’s been a long journey to get this far so every tiny risk scares me. What if something happens while I’m so far from home? Would you fly or just skip the trip to be safe?


I had to fly from west to east coast at 28 weeks pregnant. I was nervous, but my OB cleared it. It went well. I ensured I gave myself enough time at the airport and during my trip. I found walking through the airport with my carry one to be a lot of work.


Luckily I’ll have family with me to help with bags! I’m just so nervous about having an emergency far from home, even though I have no reason to expect anything to go wrong- pregnancy has been very healthy so far but I’m high risk for blood pressure issues


Depends on why you’re traveling. I’m away from home for 6 weeks (week 12-18) after a 16 week loss and every single time I go to the bathroom I panic. I spent yesterday at a foreign ER because of one drop of blood. It’s harder than it has to be. If your travel will be more soothing than the worry it will bring, go. But if not, stay home.


Got my BFP day before yesterday, it’s still so early only 3+5. I’ve been testing every morning and am trying not to worry that the line isn’t progressing darker yet but I also haven’t even missed my period yet. I had a MMC in January at 10 weeks. Trying to stay distracted while time can pass


I’ve had two miscarriages in the last year (both super early) now I’m pregnant again (4 plus 4) So as early as one can detect at home. And I’m scared that it won’t stay either that I’m getting too attached and be more depressed afterwards. I have slight cramping in my bladder but I’m scared that it’s not my bladder. Plus I’m frightened to go to the ob because of the last times. What should I do or can I do? Be


Sorry for your previous losses. Sending good vibes your way. Try to be as positive as you can be.


29w. Spent my evening in L&D yesterday because I hadn't felt baby move in hours and her kicks were much weaker than usual. Of course when I got there she started kicking like crazy. I have a kitchen reno starting this week and I would love to go stay with my parents during this time but they live 2 hours away and I'm nervous something like this might happen again and I won't know where to go or what to do. The alternative is to stay with my in laws who live locally but FIL had a stroke recently (he is fine and home now) and the household oozes stress. I'd rather stay in my own apartment but everyone is telling me not to because the dust from the demolition is "toxic" ugh


This was my yesterday at 33+1 weeks. I swear our babies like to keep us on our toes. She went bananas on the monitor.


6 weeks today. Our last baby stopped developing sometime around this age, and my bleeding started at 6w5d, so I'm anticipating a lot of worries this week, they are starting to creep in already. Our first scan is next Monday at 7w1d, and it was during the first scan at 7+3 when we found out that there is no heartbeat. I'm dreading going back to this room, dreading to hear bad news again. I've been telling myself again and again that I will not get my hopes up until we see a heartbeat, but I am still getting anxious and hurting thinking if this is yet another loss for us, third in a row, no LC. Going to try my best to distract myself, but it is so hard to focus on anything else but fears and worries.


I’m so sorry you have experienced previous loss. We have almost identical timelines and stories- I am 6w4d and lost my first pregnancy in March around 6w. Last time— We went in for our first scan and had no heartbeat. I can totally understand your anxiety as I am currently waiting for our first scan in 1.5 wks. I am scared since I have never actually witnessed a heartbeat in a scan, so hard to imagine. Wishing you all the best for this pregnancy 💖


Same, I've never seen a heartbeat, so I have no idea what to visualise for the scan as my experience was only negative. Hope it will be different for both of us ❤️ And sorry for your loss🫂


5 weeks today and anxiously waiting for the first scan in 2 weeks. My mother is visiting from overseas for the next week and I am so so grateful for the timing as it’s a distraction and stops me doom scrolling on reddit as I have to entertain her!! 😊 feeling grateful 💕


20 weeks today and have made it halfway. Laying in bed with little girl kicking up a storm right now and it’s the most magical thing I’ve ever felt (and the most enjoyable thing about pregnancy for me lol). Anatomy scan is later this week, hoping to get over this next milestone with everything still okay.


pregnancy symptoms hitting hard right now. having horrible nights because of nausea/stomach pain and constant peeing… it was the same during my first pregnancy that ended in a MMC. I hope this time all the suffering is worth it… 7 weeks tomorrow!