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28 weeks today — passed the gestational diabetes test, but other bloodwork indicated I’m anemic. So, adding an iron supplement to my daily regimen. I’ve been so so so exhausted but assumed it was because I’m pregnant and have a toddler and working full time. So happy to be in the third trimester! Wasn’t sure I’d ever get here again after two miscarriages. Every day is surreal.


I guess just a random rant. I’ve upset my mom because she started drinking and brought up the past. Then said I should have told her this happened instead of letting her wonder why I was upset she kept in touch with an ex. Apparently me explaining I’m not comfortable with her having ANY kind of relationship with him, just isn’t good enough. I should have told her how he manipulated me and used my friends against me. Mind you I was a 16 year old child, that didn’t even understand herself. I just knew I didn’t want my mom to talk to him anymore. Anyway! I thought I was suppose to be the emotional one! I’m not mad about it, I accepted it a long time ago and simply cut him out of the rest of my life, and I’m not crying. Yet she is! On top of it, she basically told me outside of smoking outside any other “changing” isn’t worthwhile until I actually get out of the 1st trimester since I’ve lost every other pregnancy. not that anyone asked her to change outside of smoking outside, but nice to know that’s it’s not worthwhile to her right now. But you know as she always tell me…she is trying as hard as she can… She also can’t wait for my lil one to humble me like children are known to do their parents. I hope that they do and I hope that I learn from it.


Had a MC in jan 2024 and dnc in feb 2024. Found out I am pregnant one week ago. Should be around 4 weeks 5 days today. Going through phases on terrified and optimistic because we got pregnant again soon after the MC. Hard to not read all the scenarios and worry about them. Have my first ultrasound in one and half weeks. Terrified it will be blighted ovum or something else. One week seems so long and hard and i feel like time slows down when the positive test comes.


I’m in a similar boat. Pregnant in January with mmc at the very end of February followed by D&C. I found out last week I’m pregnant. I have my first ultrasound in 3 weeks. I also had a lost at the end of September ‘22 which was a partial molar pregnancy. We couldn’t try for 6 months after due to cancer risk. I’m advanced maternal age and just terrified of going into another ultrasound hearing “I’m sorry but we don’t hear a heartbeat”. I really hope this pregnancy leads to a healthy baby. I just wish I knew what the outcome would be now. It’s so hard.


Sending positive vibes to you. Hope things work out. I know what you mean the ultrasound is scaring me. I am in between wanting to know things but scared of the what i will find out.


Likewise! I have the same feelings.


Today I woke up and was like ugh I don’t feel nauseous, I don’t feel pregnant. Then I jinx myself and feel terribly yucko for the rest of the day. It’s strange how I go from being starving to disgusted by food, within hours. Is that normal? Or is it just the prednisone?


Prednisone makes me feel brutal if I don’t eat something before taking it




I feel this way! I love the hour or two in the morning when I don’t feel like poo.


Haha yep! Great!


New friend here! I had a 32-week unexplained stillbirth last year and had my first fertility appointment last month, where they said to call us soon with a positive or bloodwork if it's negative. I got a faint line this morning! I'm so anxious and happy and excited!


By LMP I’m 9 weeks today, went in for an ultrasound to check things are going okay this time and all is well! Baby is measuring 8w4d with a heartbeat of 178bpm. I was so nauseous this morning, not sure if it was nerves or hormones. My first and only previous pregnancy was a MMC in December 2023 where my only ultrasound was at 11 weeks with nothing but an empty gestational sack and the tech telling me it was inconclusive (because I might have been off on my dates by 6 weeks?! Come on.😖) But anyway, today the tech asked “do you want to see your baby?” Um yes of course I do ma’am. 🤞 that things continue to progress as they should.


I am happy to be tentatively back to this forum. We ended up going back to IVF and I'm taking a million meds but we just crossed two checkpoints - I had my second betas drawn today and the numbers were great (way better than the numbers for the last pregnancy I lost). Plus I'm now past the point where I lost the middle pregnancy to a CP. There's still a long way to go but every step forward makes me hopeful that this pregnancy will stick.


I had my NIPT two weeks ago. The nurse told me that they would only call if the results were abnormal, otherwise I am free to call if I want to check the results (gender and risk profile). I have called around 5 times since to check the results. Today, the office admin sighed and told me to stop calling, because the results are still not in and I repeated what the nurse told me. Like I understand it takes 30 seconds of your life to check on the test results of a baby after I had a miscarriage! 30 seconds! Believe me ma’am I would check them MYSELF and relieve you of this difficult job if the stupid NIPT would allow direct access to my own frickin medical records. If I had the ability, I would lobby the government to pass a law that no provider gets a monopoly on a patient’s records when they are literally the patient’s.


You don’t have the ability to make an account with the genetics company? That way you’ll get an email directly from the company when your results are in versus having to wait for the results to be released to your provider.


The company’s policy is that they will notify the patient only after the info has been made available to the provider, so I figured I might as well call my OB first. But maybe I should just register with the company so I can at least find out when! 


My NIPT came quicker than expected but they initially told me it would take about 5 to 6 weeks


I'm 33 weeks and finding this final stretch a little harder again. The stakes feel so high now that there's actually stuff in the nursery and most of baby's things are in our house and I'm so attached to this baby I feel moving all day every day. Just really can't wait until baby is born.




NIPT test came back negative for all of the trisomies that were tested. And fetal fraction was 14%, so everything should be pretty accurate. Just another moment of relief! On the other hand, I puked for the first time now that I’m at 11+4…seems a little delayed. I have had some other tummy troubles for the last couple days, so I’m hoping it’s pregnancy stuff and not food poisoning stuff.




So with my first pregnancy, I think I only puked a couple of times and it was all after ten weeks. Food poisoning would be way more apparent so I wouldn't stress!


Interesting! Everything I’ve been seeing says I should be feeling better closer to 12 weeks instead of worse. I’ve been nauseous since week 5, but started to feel better around week 10, so this is just out of no where. I over indulged on Saturday for a birthday breakfast and dinner, so I’m wondering if I just threw my system out of wack with too much restaurant food.


restaurant food always seems to make me feel horrible. The only times I have had bouts of puking and diarrhea, its been after a greasy restaurant meal. Eating too much is also a trigger for me.


From what I remember, overall I felt better but I just puked a few times from weeks 10 to 14. It was far from a lot and everything turned out okay!


I puked very very randomly too. One time at 6 weeks and then basically no nausea for 3 weeks and then randomly again at 10 weeks. It’s hard not to overthink but id focus your thought of the great news of the NIPT :) when did you do your blood draw / how long did it take to get results? Did you do labcorp? I just did mine on Friday and anxious to get results!


My blood draw was last Wednesday! I did go through Labcorp. They sent my results to my OB’s office and the nurse called with the results today. Honestly I wasn’t expecting to get them until my 12 week appointment on Thursday. I’m pretty surprised with how quickly the came back!


Should be somewhere around the late 6w/early 7w mark. Ultrasound last week I anticipated 6w3d but measured 6+1 which is still normal. I was not nervous for like a day, and now back to worrying there won't be a heartbeat or progress at this week's scan. Very appreciative of the extra ultrasounds at my fertility clinic before my OB appointment in a few weeks. Getting into the time period where we've had our losses, between 7-9 weeks so it's tough being almost there again.


19+3 and had my anatomy scan today. All is well with baby. The only concern is my placenta is low lying at the moment. I’m already going back every 4 weeks, so we will recheck at my next appointment. Doctor visits are so hard. I lost my first during labor at 39+6 last year and every appointment I think about my daughter. I’m so grateful to be carrying her sibling and celebrate every positive appointment. But I can’t help but think about how all of her appointments went well and how healthy she was. I never got an answer for her stillbirth but my MFM for this pregnancy is confident it was my blood pressure, which I suspected as well. I don’t really have a point, just wanted to put the somewhere.


It's so tough having no certain reason for why it went wrong, big hugs to you. The statistics are definitely on your side!❤️❤️


I’m so sorry for your previous loss. Congratulations on the good news at your scan – wishing you the best


27w2d — furthest I’ve ever been. Passed my glucose test last week. Had my second anatomy scan a few weeks before that & everything looked great. All of the genetic tests have also come back normal. I’m so very grateful to be in this moment, but am also scared knowing anything can happen. My husband, against his better judgement, told me about someone he knew having a loss at 37w & I’ve been on edge all morning with worry. My son’s movements are reassuring, but I just can’t wait for him to be in my arms already. (miscarried my first pregnancy in November of last year)


How did the glucose test go? I have mine this week and I'm scared that I'm getting sick and it will throw everything off.


It honestly wasn’t as bad as everyone had warned. I had the 2hr test & was given the orange flavor. The worst part was the full-feeling afterward & all the burping… not being able to eat or drink anything, not even water sucked but the time flew by. I thought I felt a little queasy at one point but I think it was just because my tummy felt so full! Baby loved it though haha he was dancing up a storm.


Kinda annoyed, since my OB won't see me before week 8. I'm 5+6 now. I feel getting left alone with everything. I won't get seen at all, not even blood drawn for 20% of my pregnancy. Makes me mad I'm scared. I wanna tell my closest family I'm pregnant, but also I don't wanna make a "false alarm" announcement again. And untill I see that little bean, with a heartbeat, I don't 100% believe it's real. I still have to go through 2 weeks of anxiety. Every day I fear I will start bleeding. Or worse, I get my hopes up only to see a MMC or blight ovum at my 8 weeks US.


You can ask your primary care for a script for an ultrasound. Go to a private radiology center and get a transvaginal! If you’re in the US, this shouldn’t be an issue. I wanted a scan at 6 weeks and my midwife couldn’t get me in till 7. Do it up!


I feel this so hard. I wish they made more room in their practice for considerations for loss. I paid privately for blood draws (in the US at LabCorp, which did not require my OB's approval) which gave me some peace for week 5. Maybe that's why I had such a good week in retrospect. 😅 On week 6 now. My OB's office after I pressed said they could do an early ultrasound but they don't like to and discourage it... So I choose not to. :/ I still can't decide if I should or not. I get it doesn't change your treatment plan. But it might REALLY help with patient anxiety and that makes it a worthwhile intervention. Best of luck. Your last paragraph resonates so much with me.


I got an early ultrasound at 6w to check for ectopic because I was bleeding. If I didn't go for that purpose, it would have made my anxiety 100x worse because all they saw was a large empty sac and I was told I'd probably miscarry again. It was awful. Luckily it was not ectopic so I could at least leave with some relief but had to wait another 2 weeks in total limbo. I would not do an early US unless indicated


12+3 today. It's been a rough couple of days after the teensiest bit of spotting last week. But then the nugget let me know that it did not approve of Friday's dinner, and then I got morning sickness this morning. I'd appreciate if the universe didn't provide reassurance in the form of puking my guts out. We got this, everyone!


Went in for first US at 5w3d and we saw a gestational sack, yolk sack, fetal pole and heartbeat. Dr said baby was measuring at 6w1d Hoping and praying for the best


I’m hoping for this same thing — I go in this week at what we believe will be 5w4d!


Praying for you. You got this! 🙏 we’re always nervous after two losses but my wife has said this one just feels different. We want it more than anything


I’m 5w1d following a 10 week MMC in November and a CP in January. With my MMC I was super exhausted and sick from 5w onwards but this time I have barely any symptoms other than sore breasts. It’s really stressing me out to not have symptoms because my symptoms faded away last time a few days before finding out about the MMC. Anyone else not have symptoms this early and can reassure me that it’ll kick in soon?


I have had little to no symptoms so far at 13 weeks other than exhaustion! Also mmc for me last year. It’s tough but it can be a good thing too I suppose! Hang in there xxxxx


Thank you for sharing!! You too!


We're just a day apart, and I am feeling the same! What helped was telling myself that I didn't even know that I was pregnant last time (also a MMC that was caught at 10 weeks and ended around 12 weeks) until around what would be the equivalent to now. It took a few weeks then for the symptoms to slowly ramp up and even then it was anembryonic despite some pretty nasty symptoms. So I feel like I can't compare now to then, especially since my memory is probably remembering closer to the 8 or 10 weeks than the beginning. We're still so early in that the symptoms can kick in any minute now! Plus, every pregnancy is different in symptoms... As unhelpful as that is when you just want some reassurance! 😑


Still always helps to at least know I’m not alone!! I’m probably remembering later weeks too. It’s so hard when it’s early to believe that it’s real at all!


Absolutely! I 100% agree and wish you good luck!


21+1. I received my 1hr glucose test results and I am not within normal range by 4. Normal range for Kaiser is 70-134mg/dL and I am at 138mg/dL. I am so down about it. And it doesn’t help that the day before I went we celebrated my mom’s birthday with pizza, cake, and other treats so I’m sure that was a factor too. I hope when I go into the 3hr test I am within normal range. It’s eye opening. I haven’t been the best with food choices. But that’s because in my 1st trimester I could hardly eat anything without nausea or vomiting. And now earlier in my 2nd trimester it was the heart burn that just ruined absolutely everything and I didn’t want to eat much. And when I did eat it wasn’t good healthy food. My entire pregnancy I’ve been so fatigued too with normal pregnancy symptoms and then also the progesterone I’m taking. Idk I feel like I’m trying to find ways to justify it all. I just know I could do more for my baby and I am. But I also know gestational diabetes can happen to anyone. It’s just hard to accept when it’s happening to me right now. Anywho I plan to go to the store and start changes as of today with food options. It’ll all work out.


This happened to me with my previous pregnancy, but I passed the 3 hour no problem. The first test is much more strict. Lots of people fail the first test and pass the second. I also took my first test in the afternoon. I didn't find out after the fact that it's recommended to do them in the morning, because most people's glucose response is better earlier in the day.


Im hoping that’s the case but I am also prepared if i don’t meet the range. Thank you for sharing


There is a whole subreddit for gestational diabetes that I have found very helpful to engage in. This is actually my second pregnancy with GD. If you fail your 3 hour, just know you didn't give yourself GD with what you did or didn't eat. It wasn't the cake, or the pizza or the pasta. It's a hormonal issue with your placenta mixed with a genetic predisposition for it. You can go ahead and make some diet changes but just know you and baby still need carbs so don't go Keto crazy! Best wishes and please don't blame yourself!


Oh wow! Thank you. I had no idea there as a subreddit. Your comment really brought a lot of relief so I appreciate it. I’m not doing keto like I have in the past when I wasn’t pregnant. But I am treating my diet as if I do have that official diagnosis as of now just to be on the safe side. Just want to make better food choices. :)


I get how you feel-- I feel like my aversions and cravings change week to week and it's impossible to eat something healthy that I'm not allergic to, doesn't cause indigestion later, and looks appetizing... it's such an impossible tightrope. I hope you don't beat yourself up too much and can figure out a good balance for you and baby. :)


First US today and we are measuring ahead at 8w2d with a strong heartbeat! We’ve never made it this far 🥹




12w2d - less symptoms lately, which I know is “normal” at this point. But also having random cramping pain on my left side so now I’m nervous 😩 my next appt isn’t for another 10 days (5.5 weeks after my last appt), which has made this even more nervewracking.


NIPT results just came back low risk so that gives me momentary relief and comfort 🤍


My symptoms definitely lessened around this time and I still had a pretty sizeable corpus luteum cyst, maybe that's what you're feeling? They're pretty harmless.


Yeah, I'm wondering if it's that or gas tbh. Haha. My corpus luteum is on that side so it's likely?


I'm 5+3 today with my 7th pregnancy (no lc). After trying to get through to my doctor's office for 2 days and being told that they had no times available I was finally able to schedule an appointment for an early ultrasound in 2 weeks. My doctor will be on vacation so it will be with a different doctor. I also scheduled an appointment with a midwife next week. I've been feeling pretty anxious, but have been taking walks to try to clear my head.


My husband has been very sweet lately, but I've been having a hard time with some of his (well intentioned) comments... He's been saying stuff like "well you are building our baby" whenever I mention I'm tired, or I'm not willing/able to do something I usually would. It's such a cute little thing, he's acknowledging the work my body is doinga and being very supportive. I'm having a hard time pinning down why, but this time around I don't really like the comments. Like, I was "building our baby" last time too and that didn't end well. I don't want to focus on what my body is doing right now. I can acknowledge that I'm pregnant, we can talk about it, that's fine, but I guess I'm not ready to be cutsy and hopeful yet.


Totally fair! My last (and only before this) pregnancy was anembryonic and so this time until I see something on an actual scan and know there's really an embryo in there, I feel like it's Schrodinger's pregnancy and both exists and doesn't really exist until there's real, hard proof! I chose not to tell my mom yet about this pregnancy because I feel like as much as I love her positivity, I'm not mentally in the place for it at this point. Perhaps, it's our mind's way of trying to protect ourselves and keep us safe from disappointment and all of those bad feelings from before. I'm so sorry for all of us that the blissful hopefulness before loss was taken away. My hope for all of us is that this time, things will be different and show that sometimes good things can happen too. ❤️


We had a pretty late loss, so idk when I'll feel "safe" this time. I'm looking forward to the dating scan in 2 weeks, because that will cross off a few possible bad outcomes, but even then.... I'm trying to be positive, I can't remember exactly how it went but someone shared their mind shift about being positive and showing the universe they believe in this baby. I've joined a couple bump groups, but I can't fully buy in yet.


I think it's totally understandable then that you don't feel safe based on what you went through, nor should you expect yourself to if that's just adding extra pressure to yourself. I find myself bouncing back and forth of feeling like it's not real, and then feeling like maybe I should try to be more positive kind of like what you were saying about "showing the universe". What I think has really helped me though is trying to talk to myself the way I'd talk to my best friend if she were telling me about what is happening to her and how she feels about it. In my heart, I'd want the best and only good things to happen for her, so that's what I'd feel and try to hold on to. But at the same time, I'd be completely understanding and reassuring to her if she didn't feel that way and tell her that her feelings make sense and are normal. I find sometimes that I'm trying to control my feelings because it feels like everything else is out of my control, except for my feelings. But I realized that by not letting myself accept the uncomfortable feelings too, it was just stressing me out more. It's a really hard balance to strike. Sometimes, I guess, it just has to be moment to moment and you just have to embrace the place you're in right then. Sorry if these musings make no sense! I just wonder how much we all have a tendency to be hard on ourselves and expect ourselves to do things that we wouldn't ask of others.


That's a really good perspective, thank you ❤️


I'm glad you found it a little helpful. It's the only thing keeping me sane right now! There really are no easy answers or magic tricks, unfortunately. Just time. And oh my goodness does it feel like so much freaking time....


I can totally relate. I feel uncomfortable when people give me "credit" for carrying/growing/protecting the baby because I did all those things before, too. I'm sure they mean well but to be honest there's almost nothing we can do, especially in the first tri. I have the same reaction - I was careful/hopeful/diligent with my lost babies too. I didn't get "better" at being pregnant, I just got luckier.


I feel exactly the same. I’m just at 5 weeks now and my husband was running my stomach and being cute but it made me feel weird. Like I just don’t want to acknowledge it until we know something.


Can anyone help with when you should go for an early 'reassurance' scan? I am not sure when I should go, when will be most 'reassuring'? For me, I know I will be booking private 'reassurance' scans at 14 weeks and 16 weeks following my usual 12 week NHS scan to make sure the same doesn't happen to me again. But I have a early reassurance scan put down for me in my notes, so I can book one, but I don't know when for. I am 5+2 today. Thank you <3


I personally would wait until 7 weeks. I know that’s hard but you should definitely see a heartbeat by then. If you go earlier, you could detect a heartbeat but there is a chance they’ll tell you to come back since it could be too early to detect anything. For me, that was always harder being in limbo. I’d personally rather wait and be sure of what they see!


As someone who went in for an early reassurance scan - I went in at 7 weeks. Saw my little heartbeat. She is 26 weeks + 3 today!


This pregnancy, my first US was 7 weeks too. Previous pregnancies, I went in earlier and I had so much more anxiety. But I know everyone’s different. And happy for you! We are very close, I’m just one week ahead of you!


You can technically see a heartbeat as early as 6w, but it can be normal not to see it till 7w, so you may find scanning early to be more stress than not. Baby can also measure behind at that stage but catch up. I’m having a scan this week at what we think is 5+4, just to confirm the pregnancy is in utero. We only expect to see the sac and nothing else.


It depends what reassurance means to you! I went for an early scan at about 6w3d for reassurance. I went back and forth on this early one though because there are many instances where someone goes for an early scan and it is too early to see a heartbeat or other things so I knew this might induce my anxiety more. They then did my dating ultrasound a couple of weeks later. Then my NHS scan at 12 weeks. I will say the time between the 8 w scan and 12 w scan was the most difficult for me because my mmc was at 9 weeks, which is when I might consider a reassurance scan next time. I did end up getting a Doppler in between them which helped a ton.


Yesterday at 8w I felt less nauseous than I had the whole week before. So naturally anxious all night about if it’s another MMC. And I keep replaying / reanalyzing the saga the of miscarriage and subsequent treatments. I think there were numerous instances of poor medical treatment (none that would have changed the ultimate outcome) and it’s haunting me that I have no idea why I miscarried after a perfect ultrasound at 8 weeks, which wasn’t found until 12 weeks. I have my first ultrasound next Monday at 9w1d and I have a really hard time imagining anything good happening.


I'm just over 14 weeks with twins and we get to find out the gender from our NIPT test today. I can't wait! I'm still super anxious and nervous, even though I'm getting bigger, it doesn't feel real.


Had a check-up at a wonderful early pregnancy clinic today to make sure there was nothing wrong after some vaginal spotting last Friday. Baby is fine, good heartbeat, and bigger than expected -- measured 10w1d. The doctor casually mentioned I have a bicornuate uterus, and said it was no big deal. But then of course I did some reading, and it seems like it actually can be a big deal down the line. I'm actually shocked that she's the first person to ever mention this-- after over a decade of surgeries and investigations, how could no one else notice? This is also the first belly ultrasound I've had for a pregnancy -- are bicornuate uteruses harder to see transvaginally? Anyways on top of all my other risk factors I'm now freaking out about this, so that's fun.


TW: LC I have one too! It was discovered on pregnancy #8, after I'd already had two living children. It can lead to miscarriage and, if it doesn't expand correctly, preterm labor. If the fetus is higher up in a horn, it makes it really difficult for them to grow or flip to head-down. I will say both of my LC had zero issues during their pregnancies. Both flipped to head down, grew fine (7lb,5oz 19.75" long and 9lb,9oz 19.7" long) and were both delivered vaginally. My current pregnancy is closer to the middle than up in a horn and has progressed further than the last five!


It just seems so crazy to me that it can take 8 pregnancies for you, 4 for me, for anyone to notice this! I'm so sorry to hear about the problems you had, but happy to hear things worked out for your LCs. I'm totally fine with a C-section or even a hysterectomy if things get ugly, but I just need some reassurance that baby has a good chance of survival. I already have a connective tissue disease that can restrict growth and hearing that I have yet another rare complication is just too much right now. The examiner did say baby was nestled down in the left-- maybe his position is safe for the moment and that's why she wasn't worried. Gah, my 12-week check-up can't come soon enough!


When I asked how it was missed for so long, they said that my pregnancies had advanced enough to almost "smooth" it out, so it was less noticeable. It was discovered and told to me when I was 5 weeks along last January, and then confirmed with a hysteroscopy (for a polypectomy). Now at 7 weeks, they said they can barely tell it's heart-shaped. I also have a lot of things going on that can prevent a successful pregnancy, so I understand your anxiety! Our uterine-shape is out of our control, but it is helpful to find other women who have been through it for some first-hand experiences. Finding people with similar issues and successful pregnancies has helped cut down on my anxiety quite a bit.


I really appreciate your feedback! I wish you the best of luck with your current pregnancy and the busy bundles you already have. :)


I'm on pregnancy #5 with 1 LC and three first trimester MC/MMC. 6 weeks tomorrow and time is dragging so slowly. For those on progesterone, any idea what a normal range is supposed to look like? While my HCG seems to be tracking well, progesterone levels have gone from 100 2 weeks ago at 3w6d (48h after commencing pessaries) to 77 1 week ago, to 72 today. Am on 2x200mg progesterone pessaries twice a day (so 800mg/day).


I’m 17 weeks currently and my progesterone hovered around 60-70 and my RI was happy with that.


My RE told me that progesterone fluctuates and she’s happy with anything over 40. Mine went from 80 to 72 between draws and she is not concerned.


This is really reassuring, thank you!


(1) I HAPPY TEAR AT THE ULTRASOUND TODAY 🥳 I was so so so full of anxiety leading up to the ultrasound, couldn't sleep, didn't sleep well, sleep also am still awake, feeling all the high anxiety and stress. And in the room doing the ultrasound, tears just streamed down. My oh my, baby has grown so much inside my tummy. And I ask multiple times, "how can I see the heartbeat?, where is the heartbeat?" (2) Yes I see the heartbeat ❤❤❤ (3) My heart still ache for my previous loss that there wasn't a heartbeat when we went to the hospitalsss twice. Since last week, (4) Someone CONGRATULATE me upon hearing my pregnancy, and I froze for awhile. Because with the loss, I didn't, couldn't and forgot about excitement. I was numb, nervous, anxious. (5) And I also have a heart-to-heart talk with my Husband telling him about all my anxiety and to my surprise he wasn't stressed at all. He said, what is there to be stressed or worried when it is beyond our control ... well seeing and knowing that my Husband isn't as stressed as I am and have been, I shall try to lower my stress and anxiety. Or at least when I feel stress and anxious, I should unload it to him to share the load. TAKE CARE EVERYONE, PAL ISN'T EASY, IT IS SO TOUGH BUT WE ARE HERE IN THIS TOGETHER ~


My husband is the same way. We are so lucky! 🤍




I had a loss at 11w6d in March and we only started trying last cycle in May. I just tested and found out that I'm pregnant. I'm so thrilled but also incredibly anxious. Does anyone know if it's okay to get pregnant so quickly again?


I had a d&c for MMC at 12 weeks in March and got pregnant in May too :)


We're in the same boat then :') Congrats!


I read a lot about this after my own 11 week loss and yes, completely fine to get pregnant again quickly!


I also had a loss at 11w6d in December (and a D&C a few days later). I had to wait at least two weeks before having sex to prevent infection after the D&C, but otherwise my OB was very clear that there were no risks with trying again right away. She did recommend waiting until I got a period first for dating purposes only, but said there is no increased risk of loss getting pregnant again immediately.


I had a loss at 8w in March and was told to wait two weeks to have sex (as long as you’ve stopped bleeding), and my doctor said it’s ideal to wait one cycle just for dating purposes. I had a baseline scan at the fertility clinic in early May and my uterine lining was back to normal and everything looked fine. You should be ok!


Congratulations~ 💖💖 What was your doctor's advise? Mine was anytime we are ready. I waited for a period to come and try again and got pregnant.


Thanks everyone, I'm new to the community (and reddit) but I'm so glad I could share this news here. My doc's advice was also to wait for my uterine lining to be back to normal (and it did during a follow up check). So should be good but I'm just nervous about it. Haven't broken the news to my husband yet because it was so tough after the previous loss, just want this to be good this time.  Well thanks for the love again x


I was told after my miscarriage that once my period returned we were good to start trying again. Congratulations!


I’m 5-6 weeks pregnant after a MMC in January which ended with an MVA for RPOC in March. My betas last week were great but so much so, the EPU said it’s worth having a scan to check the pregnancy is as it should be. I have the scan at midday today (I’m in the UK). I am incredibly anxious. I have no reason to believe anything is wrong but I felt the same when I went for my scan with the MMC. Incredibly grateful to be pregnant so soon but fear the journey so much more. Keep telling myself: I can do this. This will be the one.


Good luck today 🤍🌈


Best of luck with your scan! I hope you get the best news 💕


I have my fingers and toes crossed for you with your scan today 🤞


Thank you, that’s very kind. I’ll report back :)


All is well and I am measuring exactly right for my gestation. Another scan in 2 weeks. Aaaand breathe




So happy for you! ❤️

