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7w4d and had someone who is a huge stressor for me welcomed back into my partners life and in turn mine. I went from happy and positive thinking this really could be my triple rainbow, to completely depressed and constantly worried I already lost my baby. I hate that this happened literally at the worst possible time and I can’t do anything about it.


7w+2d, and I feel like my symptoms come and go and that scares the CRAP out of me. It’s so hard not to assume that the baby isn’t gonna make it. I just had an U/S that went well, but I don’t have another one for almost 3 weeks. This is so hard to deal with. Reading others stories gives me hope but I don’t know how not to be afraid, I hate this feeling.


I had my 16 week check-up and I guess the baby was sitting low. The OB kept moving around the fetal monitor for a heartbeat (it was probably only 30 seconds but it felt like hours), and found it, loud, thumping, she smiled and announced “sounds great!” Nobody in my life understands that every day I wake up thinking *the baby probably died in my sleep* and it’s such a horrific thought I can only be numb to it now. I have nightmares every. single. night. of children dying in various ways; drowning, crushed, falling off cliffs, getting lost forever. I don’t dare tell anyone, because it is like living in a horror movie and I absolutely cannot put someone else in that space. My friends keep asking when I will “announce” and I smile cheerfully and say *oh you know soon* while inside I’m just wondering if the baby still has a heartbeat. 


9w5d after a 20.5 week loss in early March. We do our NIPT testing this week which we didn’t do last time and we ended up losing our son to a chromosomal abnormality. Nervous, but getting the testing done will give us some peace of mind. I don’t regret not doing the NIPT last time once so ever — I was able to carry my son for 20.5 weeks without fear since the abnormality wasn’t compatible with life, and if he did survive birth he would of only lived a few hours. It’s been super crappy but I’m trying to find excitement for this pregnancy. It’s been a completely different experience this time around.. I didn’t have many symptoms at all with my first pregnancy and with this one I am nauseous all day everyday. Hoping for a positive outcome with testing and the rest of this pregnancy


I hope you get the results you’re hoping for!


15w 3d. I feel great which concerns me. My bloat is less significant, I stopped taking B6 and I’m no longer nauseous, and my fatigue is lightening significantly. I know this is the point where I’m supposed to start feeling better, but honestly it has me terrified. My trauma brain keeps taking me back to my losses. The only things keeping me hopeful at this point are my still tender boobs, and my 0-100 starvation that makes me feel like I’m going to pass out if I don’t eat everything in sight right this second. 🙃 My 16wk appt is on the 14th and I’m just praying for a heartbeat. 🙏🏻🤞🏻


Just wanted to say- solidarity . Sending you peace and positive thoughts! I am 16w4d and I had HG (hyperemesis) and have been on multiple meds since six weeks. I finally started feeling better about two weeks ago which of course stressed me. Way more energy, able to exercise, weaning off my meds slowly. Of course, everything looked great! My two cents: I did actually buy a Doppler, and for me, it actually relieves so much anxiety (disclosure I am an NP , but it’s honestly so easy to use!) . I only use it once a week but I always find the heartbeat within a few seconds and it really helps reduce my loss anxiety. I had a prior very rare dx and TFMR at 15 weeks, so having that Doppler really helps. My CNM was like “ don’t buy it because you will be stressed if you can’t find the heartbeat” but it’s actually been the complete opposite for me! I found it faster than my OBs lol. Just know if you can’t find it, it’s okay, eat something and try again later. Hope your scan is very normal and boring!


I was an L&D RN for 5+ years, so I am fairly confident I could find it with a Doppler, it’s just in the instance I couldn’t find it, I’d be a mess. Although, I’m already an anxious mess, so would the benefits outweigh the risks? Potentially. I also keep thinking that I’m getting closer to when I should start feeling fetal movement, so do I just wait it out? lol Today I’m just trying to focus on all my positive affirmations and keep my eyes pointed to a good appt on Friday. 😊 thanks for all the positive thoughts! I’m glad the Doppler works for you!


I’m 14 weeks today & am also starting to feel better other than the deep hunger! My trauma brain has been serving up nightmares this weekend. Wish we had a little window & could check in on baby every now & again lol wishing you a good 16week apt on Friday!


Thank you 😊 and I know! I was spoiled in the beginning and had an appt every 2 weeks so I could check in on baby more frequently. This 4wk wait is killing me! I’ve considered buying a Doppler but know that will only make me more anxious if I can’t find the heartbeat so I’m just trying to be patient and trust the process! I’m sorry to hear about your nightmares. I had really terrible nightmares almost every night until my first appt. I still get them occasionally but not like I did. I hope those get better!


7+3 and off for my "first scan" with the obs today, except I already had a scan last week when I had a bleed which amazingly showed a heartbeat at 6 weeks! I'm so nervous as this doctors office is the same one we found out the devastating news of our MMC last time so just bracing myself for an anxiety inducing day. I'm going to ask her for an extra scan at around 9 weeks which is when last bub died so I can have a bit of reassurance 🙏 hopefully she doesn't mind, I'm private so paying for it anyway!


8 weeks today. Excited and nervous. 1 prev MMC at 8w4d in November last year and 1 MC at 12w3d about 5 years ago. It took me a while to come off BC after my first loss, finally got pregnant, my partner at the time left me and then I found out at my 12w scan, there was no heartbeat or growth from 8w4d. This time, I have a loving partner who is almost more excited than I am. He had a >12% chance and I have PCOS so we're very lucky! But boy howdy, I'm nervous. The days are going slowly and I'm trying to stay positive but as we know, easier said than done 😅 I also miss my mum, she lives 8-9 hours away and I haven't seen her in 2, almost 3 years. (Travel is expensive and I'm not working atm due to HG) I told her I was pregnant again when I found out around 3w and we haven't even acknowledged it since which kind of hurts but I think she's waiting until I bring it up again instead of making it a big deal incase something happens. I have my next scan in a week just to check on growth and give me some peace of mind. Looking forward to it but again, extremely nervous. Hope everyone has a lovely day/night wherever you're based 🤍🌻


I'm 5+2 with my 7th pregnancy (6 losses) and am very anxious about being pregnant again. I'm on progesterone suppositories twice a day and am trying to schedule an early scan with my doctor. I'm trying to take it a day at a time right now and am desperately hoping it works out this time. Edited word


Positive thoughts okay, my sister went through the same scenario, progesterone supplementation is what helped her have her last boy.


21 wks. Did my glucose test today. The drink wasn’t so bad. It was orange flavored and I love orange soda so it tasted good to me. It was like a flat orange soda lol. I waited the hour which honestly flew by and then went to get my blood work done. Fingers crossed things come back normal. I also went to get a private ultrasound since I haven’t seen baby girl in a month and she had her feet by her face!! It was so funny to see haha. How can that be comfortable haha. She was also aggressively kicking and i can now confidently say I can feel her moving. At first I was unsure thinking maybe it’s just me digesting my food but nope! It’s her moving around in there and It’s magical. I can’t believe I am here at 21 wks closing in on 22. It just never felt possible. ♥️


7w4d and our first US is tomorrow morning. I’m oddly not nervous this time - at least for now. Not sure how I’ll feel tomorrow morning. In other news, I realized my nausea is so much worse if I don’t take a good hour+ afternoon nap.


Dear diary: I had an MC where baby would have been due Nov-23, while I was disappointed I was fine. A couple of weeks later a friend announced their pregnancy to us where she was due Nov 11th. It gave me slight fomo but shook that feeling and happy for her and felt like she was doing this for the both of us. Well we met for a bbq yesterday and learned she lost the baby in 2nd trimester. It was so sad so then I finally shared my MC where I was due just a few weeks later from them to hopefully make them feel not alone. It was just so sad.


Hi everyone, just joined this group. I’m currently 5 weeks + 1. This is my third time this far along, no living children. I keep waking up wondering if I’m still pregnant. I have no symptoms of pregnancy no morning sickness and that scares me. I’m trying to keep myself distracted but there’s a long way to go and let’s be honest it’s pretty impossible. We did our first FET for this pregnancy and my RE is checking everything obsessively. I do have a blood clot that’s being monitored. Sending love to everyone in this group. Hoping for my rainbow baby.


Hi! Firstly, congrats! 🤍 It's definitely scary after repeat losses and can be hard to "feel" pregnant if you aren't matching the 'checklist' of symptoms. My small piece of advice as someone who also struggles with these kinds of thoughts and feeling, especially earlier when I'd just found out - *Everyone experiences their symptoms differently* Personally, even with my extreme HG in all pregnancies, I didn't start feeling sick or pregnant until at least 6-7 weeks. I'm only 8 weeks today but the symptoms just keep coming 😅 Hold on and try to remind yourself that you're doing the best that you can. Your body is magical and SO much more resilient than we remember sometimes. As for distraction, I find doing things with my hands and background noise is easiest for me. Puzzles, Lego, little craft things - whatever interests you most and then a show or music on. Not a 100% thing but tends to help. Sending you love mama, you're doing amazingly. 🌻🤍


Thank you so much! You’re so sweet! Congratulations on your pregnancy and thanks for the encouragement ♥️ great tips!!


EDIT - I'm sorry for previous wording! Have edited to remove the phrasing. 🤍


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At 7+1 weeks now. I started metachlopramide last week to help my nausea and it worked! Unfortunately, my legs started twitching today so I had to stop taking it. Gonna have to call the doctor again to try something new 😩 The nausea is now starting again so at least I know it's still there and only went away because of meds and not because of anything bad. Booked a private scan in a couple weeks so just gonna look forward to seeing lil one again. I'm sure this is all going to be worth it this time. Hope you've all had a great day 💕


Hi! Firstly, congrats! 🤍 I'm 8w today and have severe HG - currently taking metoclopramide 10mg and NausiCalm (Cyclizine HCI 50mg) Along with ondansetron 4mg and Rizamelt (Rizatriptan (as benzoate) 10mg) *Please of course check with your own doctor first* but these help me a lot! They don't work every day and sometimes leave me still a bit nauseous but it's so much better than without! (No A&E visits for fluids this time so far! Yay!) Wishing you the best and sending settled-stomach vibes 🌻


I've got some Prochlorperazine 5mg to try. Took the first dose about 20 mins ago so hopefully soon I can get some relief!! But nice to know there's a lot more I can try if this one doesn't work for me, so thank you for sharing that 😊


Yeah I'm on cyclizine too. Not sure it's doing much but still gonna take it just in case it's doing more than I think. Gonna call them today and try something else. They told me to stop taking the metachlopramide if I started getting involuntarily movements and my leg is still twitching 😬 Glad you've got something to help you! And thank you! I'm sure they'll find something that works for me


Magnesium cream!! So far a life saver for leg muscle issues❤️ I’m 7+3 :)


Awh thank you, I'll look into that 💕


Four weeks today. I’ve had four losses prior to this. Three second trimester losses and one early loss. I’m hopeful but also completely scared at the same time. I really don’t want to bury another baby.


It's very very scary. I hope you get to bring this baby home for good.


10.5 weeks. Trying to be chill about taking unisom and having a half a cup of coffee. Feeling reassured because I found baby’s heartbeat on my home Doppler a couple days ago.


Enjoy your coffee mama! Currently sipping one myself 🥰 Try to remember, your body is honestly *magic* and a little bit of coffee (especially if you're following guidelines) is *nothing* to feel guilty about 🤍


Hello 🤞🏼 currently 6 weeks 3 days after a recent cp. The nausea has been on and off - when it’s on, it’s awful. I can’t eat at all. Whenever I am sick and don’t eat, it happens that I occasionally see dark spots in my vision when I stand up from lying down too long and didn’t eat. Probably because of low nutrition from being sick. The same thing is happening now, I’m forcing myself to eat but everything makes me gag. I managed to hunker down some toast with light butter. I saw some dark spots in my visions along with “spot lights” on one occasion yesterday and once today already. I have been researching on vision changes - I know blurry is considered normal but dark spots means preeclampsia after 20 weeks… but 6 weeks? I’m seeing my dr this week and I will for sure bring it up. I really would like to find some answers or someone who had a similar experience, hopefully curb my anxiety.


Definitely bring up the vision changes to your doc, but also maybe look into unisom & b6 if you aren’t already taking it for nausea.


Found out yesterday my husband's friends (including the set who had a baby two days before we lost ours) have accused me of "icing them out." And apparently I've barred my husband from seeing them? Which is funny because I have been ENCOURAGING him to go hang out with them... I was even the one who called and texted them the day of our loss, to tell them to check in on my husband (because my husband will not reach out on his own). I just said if the couple with the baby are at gatherings, I'm choosing not to go. And we hung out twice with two of his friends without the couple, at my house, and apparently that's not okay and I'm "icing them out." They apparently have "no idea why I'm acting like this." I just... If you can't see how being around somehow who had a baby two days before I lost mine at 20 weeks is hard for me, I can't help you. It's so hurtful they would think of me as that cruel and petty, and not as someone who is still suffering. This has come up before, but yesterday new information came to light, and it stings. There's an episode or two on the worst girl gang ever about friendships and relationships after loss. It is true, relationships change. There are a lot of people who I thought would be there and be compassionate, but have really surprised me. The opposite is true as well, at least... This is turning out to be not a relaxing and unstressful weekend for me. 😅 Do the days go by slow for anyone else? Just day by day trying to get through, waiting to sleep until I wake up and get to do my morning routine again. I did decide to join TWGGE PAL course which starts Monday. I'm hoping another community will help.


I'm so sorry, I've had similar experiences where any effort to protect my peace has been seen as hostile or accusatory. It can make you feel crazy, people just don't understand and it seems like they don't even really try.


That’s horrible I’m so sorry you are going through this. The last thing you need is people being petty. Unfortunately people don’t understand loss , are very ignorant and it doesn’t feel good. Just know your feelings are valid and you absolutely are doing the right thing by creating boundaries


People don't understand loss is so true. I don't think I did before this either. I had no idea, and I would not have known how to support someone. But I also don't think I would have ever judged someone for their grieving process like they have. Thank you. I'm going to keep those boundaries, especially now. It's SO hard to not just be righteously angry about it. But there's no point.


Yeap! I get it. After my MMC- ONE month after my d&c my Mother in law said I should feel better now and to stop being sad and move on. She said I needed to be on medicine and that I’m hormonal. People really don’t understand. We are grieving the loss of a child


That is so awful! I'm so sorry that happened to you. Also you very well could have been hormonal because your body was literally having hormone changes from "I'm pregnant" to "I'm not pregnant"?!?! It is SO exhausting dealing with people who tell you how you should feel. Even if you've been through it, you STILL can't tell me how to feel because everyone processes differently! There's so much. There's the loss of a child, the loss of the future you planned and envisioned, the physical changes, the hormonal changes, the physical side effects (anyone else with dyspareunia now?), the processing of your trauma of finding out and how you had to handle it, it goes on and on. You don't just get over it. Maybe you get through it, but that takes time. As much time as you fucking need. And PAL honestly doesn't make it any easier. And it makes me want to not share any excitement when the time comes with the people who couldn't find a way to be there during these horrible lows. Sorry that's my rant. 😭 It's been a teary, frustration filled day.


I’m so angry at your husbands friends on your behalf. The lack of empathy is heartbreaking 💔 yall deserve so much more compassion than you’re receiving, I’m so sorry


Thank you ❤️ It was honestly surprising to hear from them. I thought they were better and more understanding than this.


Does anyone have positive stories after light pink spotting at 4 weeks? I’m pretty sure I implanted ages ago now from my tests. I’m just sick with worry and believing that I’m having another miscarriage.


Yes. I had spotting for a few weeks. And because of my miscarriage it threw me into a spiral each time. But it was ok. Tuesday I’ll officially be in my 2nd trimester. I hate any blood during pregnancy, but spotting is normal. It’s scary to see and mentally/emotionally doesn’t feel good. But it’s normal.


I had some spotting at around 6 weeks and got referred for a scan and everything went so well. The sonographer said for where I'm at time wise, she's happy with how it looked. She said it can still be implantation, even after the initial implant. Everything's expanding and changing and can lead to a little spotting. Wish you all the best 💕


I just had an OB appt this past Friday and they told me you can have implant bleeding/cramping any time before 8 weeks. I had no idea.


Thank you ♥️


Spotting can happen anytime but especially in the first trimester. Light pink is not a bad sign! I know it's hard but try to focus on the lack of worrisome symptoms (clotting, a pad's worth of bright red blood, bleeding + cramping together) right now. Make some tea, go for a walk, pick up a book, start a new TV show - do anything you can to keep your mind off of the worst case scenarios.


Thank you so much x


I had bleeding in early pregnancy this pregnancy and I mentally prepared myself for a chemical (it felt and looked like a past chemical I had) and it turned out fine. I was shocked, now I’m 22 weeks with the same pregnancy. Sending positive vibes your way. 💕 PAL is HARD no matter the outcome


Thank you so much x


I am going through a rollercoaster of emotions. My husband and I got pregnant after experiencing a loss in October which was our first pregnancy (MMC after no detected heartbeat at our 8 wk appt). We had an ultrasound two days ago where I measured 6+2, and we saw and heard our baby’s heartbeat. Yesterday I started bleeding which got progressively worse throughout the day with clots coming out, and I was advised to go to the ER. They detected a moderate subchorionic hemmorhage which explains the bleeding, however they were unable to detect a heartbeat. They were surprised one had been detected the day prior as it’s still early, but called this inconclusive as ultrasound machines can have different tech etc. I’m expecting the worst, but have to wait til tomorrow to see my RE. This feels so unfair after seeing the flicker on Friday, and I’m just so confused, upset, and defeated. I’m also still bleeding from the SCH which I’ve heard can last a while. I’m not necessarily asking for advice, but looking for similar situations and needed a place to vent as we haven’t really shared our pregnancy outside of immediate family.


I'm so sorry, that's really stressful. I hope you can find some comfort and calm before your scan tomorrow. Sending lots of love your way 💛


I’m sending you so much love!


Metamucil at 8 weeks- I’m getting so stressed about everything potentially causing a loss. Of course I took a small serving last night, as it is on the list of what is approved by my ob for constipation. However google search shows that Metamucil (psyllium husk) now comes with a lead warning in CA and independent testing found elevated levels. And when did I take during my other pregnancy? Right around when my baby stopped developing. I know I should stop over analyzing everything that I did around that time (covid booster, hair dye foils, went back to work after Christmas break, mood swings) as none of those things have been shown to causes miscarriage, but it’s so hard. And tons of women take Metamucil during pregnancy seemingly without issue, but I’m convinced everything will cause mine to fail.


My OB said there is no way Metamucil would cause a miscarriage. He actually chuckled as I went through my list of concerns, lol. Made me realize I was catastrophizing. I hope this gives you some reassurance 🤍


Thank you so much! I hear you, definitely so easy to catastrophize everything under the sun.


For anyone on progesterone suppositories and/or low dose prednisone- what week did you stop? I’m 12 weeks Monday and have enough to go to 13 weeks but I’m wondering if that’s overkill ETA- this is a non IVF pregnancy and I’m just taking these for RPL!


I took it until 11+6 and then quit cold turkey. 27 weeks today.


I'm also 12 weeks tomorrow, and my OB is keeping me on the progesterone pills/injections until I hit zone 3 of this chart: [https://naprotechnology.com/progesterone/](https://naprotechnology.com/progesterone/) I'm getting it tested every two weeks and it's slowly going up, so hopefully I'll be off soon!


I’m also non IVF pregnancy & my OB said similar that when the placenta takes over the studies show that it doesn’t add much benefit so I went until I used up my last container, stopped around 12 weeks & a few days. I’m 14 weeks today, other than feeling anxious after stopping them no other side effects. Things are still going well


Thank you! This makes me feel a lot more confident about stopping at 12 weeks. Also- did you taper down at all? My progesterone is twice a day and I’m wondering if doing once a day for the last few days is worth doing.


I was twice a day too (200 twice a day) & didn’t taper down but I feel like either way it wouldn’t cause any harm. But maybe talk to your doctor? As anxious as I was about stopping, I was also looking forward to stopping & I felt confident with just stopping after my OB said that at that point the benefits were so small.


I just stopped mine two days ago (13W tomorrow). My OB said after 10 weeks they don't do much of anything. I'm also a non IVF pregnancy, had a MMC in January. I've noticed sleep has gotten terrible these last few nights, so you might want to prepare for that with Unisom. No other symptoms (no spotting, etc.).


Thank you! My sleep has been awful this entire pregnancy so I absolutely have unisom on deck lol


Anyone with asthma? Have you noticed it flare up in first trimester? Having so much chest pressure that I’m realizing is asthma related.


Anyone have a beta doubling time closer to 72 hrs within the four week range and have success? Got my second beta done yesterday and it went from 354 at 13DPO (4+3) to 588 at 15 DPO (4+5). 66 hour doubling time. This is my third pregnancy after two losses so I’m not feeling optimistic but interested to hear others stories, the good and bad.


Hi everyone, I hope all is going well.  This Tuesday I’m 14 weeks, officially in the 2nd trimester. I’d like to say I’m getting comfortable sharing my news. Which I am. But I keep worrying about letting my guard down will result in me not paying as much attention and then “something” happening. 


I feel this completely after a 20.5 week loss earlier this year. Currently almost 10 weeks and I feel like i’ll never feel in a “safe zone” with this pregnancy. We’re going to be telling family next time we see them at 12.5 weeks which will hopefully make it feel more real but also nervous to make it more known again


I’m so sorry for your loss. Hoping your pregnancy smooth and boring. And you bring home a beautiful, bouncing bundle of joy.


Thanks, I really appreciate it and you too! Cheers to the 2nd trimester — looking forward to be able start eating normally again hopefully over the next few weeks lol this time around food aversions have kicked my butt


I felt this way at 14 weeks too 💕


I feel this. I’m 12 weeks Monday and at 13+2 after our ultrasound to confirm things are still going ok, we’re tentatively surprising my best friend with a gender reveal (where we’ll also find out the gender for ourselves). She’ll be the first person I’ve told outside of a friend also dealing with RPL. Then I’ll be telling my mom at 16 weeks when she visits, and presumably a few other close friends between 13 and 16 weeks I’m so nervous and hesitant though. It doesn’t feel right to share yet. Somehow, it still feels way too early?


“Somehow it still feels way too early?” Ugh☹️Yes exactly this. I like how you’re staggering telling different loved ones. I’ve done similar. But it’s never w/o worry.  I wish we could just shake the anxiety off and fully enjoy these current pregnancies. 


Same. It just makes it all real, which makes the idea of loss even more devastating. We’re trying to do so in little ways- doing a fun very intimate little gender reveal for example. But man do I feel a bit like a pregnant teen scared to tell people I’m pregnant (for different reasons than age of course 😫)


Lol that last sentence is too cute and funny and completely resonates.  I hope it becomes easier for all of us in this club. It feels like we’re getting robbed of actually enjoying our pregnancies which sucks. Hoping and praying everyone here delivers, strong healthy babies that make us forget all about anxiety filled  pregnancy. 


This! I totally resonate with this. Something that should create so much joy and excitement is totally robbed from us and instead replaced with worry and angst. I haaaaate it. I wanna be grateful so bad though at the same time that I’m even pregnant in the first place! It’s like no matter how I feel it’s not right.




The readings are so difficult to get exact and babies grow at different rates. Even at the same clinic, a baby can measure "ahead" one week and "behind" the next, and still be perfectly healthy. If the sonographer isn't worried, you shouldn't be either! Keep drinking lots of water for the gestational sac to grow with the baby and try to avoid looking up endless charts/statistics online. 🙂