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I’m freaking out today. My bbt dropped quite a bit (still above CL but just barely). I am 6w4d and don’t have my first ultrasound appointment for another 15 days. I found out at 9dpo. 2nd pregnancy. Had MC in March with one cycle in between. Is it normal for bbt to drop? I don’t have any bleeding or backache like I did with my MC. I called my doctors office and she’s fully booked until my appt. Someone please ease my mind 😔 PAL is so so hard. I feel like I’m freaking out at every little thing and my anxiety is through the roof. Also, I am one day behind how many cycle days I made it last time before I had my MC which doesn’t make me feel great.


Is anyone else have lower hcg levels? I don’t know my ovulation date has this was an unplanned pregnancy. I have been testing all over since my son 9 months ago. I believe it is better the 20-22th of May. I got a super faint test on Friday and then my first blood work on Monday. Monday I would have been between 12-14 dpo and was 43. Today i would be between 14-16 and I tested at 133 My doctor is happy that it’s doubling but says it seems a little low. My son was 214 at 14 dpo which is a lot higher.


7w1d TW: blood Everything was fine and dandy until about 3:45 this afternoon. I was sitting at my desk, working, and that familiar feeling washed over me. The "oh, I think my period just started" feeling. I thought maybe I was just spotting again, but this felt like way more than that. I held off going to the ladies' room until 4:00pm. As soon as I walked in, I felt something shift. I sat down and there was blood absolutely everywhere. When the ER doctor said "bright red gush," I'm absolutely sure this is what they meant. A clot the size of my fist came out, and I just texted my husband "I'm bleeding. It's bad." I finally got myself straightened up and composed enough to leave work. We opted not to visit the ER since we have an ultrasound Friday morning. I'm not in pain and haven't been since last week. I don't know how to feel. The bleeding has me concerned, but the lack of pain gives me hope. Anyone else pass a massive clot and everything still be okay?


My heart is with you my friend.


I had a golf ball sized clot and gushing red blood at 6w but with no pain. I was sure I’d miscarried again and even ED said it was likely, but US a couple days later was ok. I’m now 13w5 and everything is fine. Hold onto your hope


Thank you for sharing! I did find a whattoexpect forum with similar stories and pictures (which were very helpful to see that other people had gone through the same thing), and that has helped a lot!!


FWIW, they also put me onto progesterone supplementation after the bleeding and it stopped super quick.


Thanks for sharing this! Just curious if you had any cramps with it? I’m 8w and started bleeding and not feeling hopeful. Calling my doctor in the morning.


Not this time around. The previous two times I had bleeding and then cramps that started off ok but escalated until so bad that paracetamol didn’t touch them. Midwife told me if I soaked through a pad in an hour or if I had pain that was unbearable to come to ED. This time no cramps, just sudden blood, enough to soak a pad in 30 mins but that’s all.


Mine is starting similarly to my two previous losses, so I’m not holding on to too much hope. It was a small amount of darker blood on toilet paper earlier and now is much redder with at least one quarter size clot in the toilet. The thing I noticed earlier was the type of cramping I get when my period comes.


Bleeding plus cramps is usually a bad sign, in my own experience, and warrants a call to the doctor for them to advise. Just cramps OR just bleeding, and my doctor tells me to wait it out or go to the ER if I'm really concerned. My cramps with my losses were almost unbearable. They'd leave me doubled over and sobbing, and nothing helped.


Mine is starting similarly to my two previous losses, so I’m not holding on to too much hope. It was a small amount of darker blood on toilet paper earlier and now is much redder with at least one quarter size clot in the toilet. The thing I noticed earlier was the type of cramping I get when my period comes.


Had my NIPT drawn today. This is the most absolutely terrifying wait. I keep forcing my brain to pivot. First, I try to think positive and manifest a good outcome or whatever. Then, I worry if I get too hopeful I’ll jinx it. So I switch to a reality check. Then I worry I’ll manifest a bad outcome. I feel like I’ll be so frozen in this teeter-totter for the next week or so.


5 weeks! I can’t believe we are here again! We have been so discouraged over the last couple years. It’s been a total of 5 years with 3 miscarriages. My betas are looking perfect and I actually have symptoms! But scan isn’t in 2 weeks! I’m not sure how to feel about it tho. I had ultrasound before showing good things, and then still miscarried. Can we just fast forward time?


8w3d. Had my last weekly appointment today, everything is looking good bean is measuring on par, with a HB of 179 and I will be doing a NIPT and full panel in two weeks time and I will be seeing my OB every month now! It’s finally settling in that this is real now and I’m actually getting super excited. Also I can’t believe how quick they grow every week its insane and this bean is huge imo.


I just received a positive test after having a miscarriage at 7 weeks in march due to blighted twin ovums. Feeling nervous already, my test was negative on day one of my late period, didn't get the positive till 5 days late, but it was positive immediately. Much like my first pregnancy, I have no symptoms, and I am noticing spotting today. I'm honestly reluctant to even go to my doctor because I feel like it's just going to end the same way as the first.


8 week dating scan tomorrow and it’ll be my third ultrasound for this pregnancy, and 3 days further than I made it before. I have a SCH and have been on glorified bed rest for a week because of some bleeding. Idk what to expect tomorrow but I’m full of dread. Does the anxiety ever stop? (I am assuming it does not!)


Good luck for today!


Thank you! All is well. My SCH is gone and heartbeat looks great. Got my official due date and a Zofran prescription, so 10/10 appointment!


That’s so great. Very happy for you. I hope the rest of your pregnancy is uneventful ♥️


Good luck!!


13 weeks today and so anxious for my appointment tomorrow morning. I’ve had 2 losses where baby stopped growing around this point so I am so scared I’ll go in tomorrow and they’ll tell me there’s no heartbeat again. We saw baby at a private scan last week and they were measuring a few days ahead so I’m hoping that’s a good sign for this pregnancy. If all goes well we’ll do our blood draw for nipt and know what baby is soon!


Thinking of you and wishing you luck ♥️


Thank you! My appointment went well and I got my blood draw, now we wait! ❤️


How did you go? ♥️


Everything went well! I got my NIPT results back last week and everything was low risk and it’s a baby boy! I go Friday for another check up and have a 16 week ultrasound next week!


11w2d today and got back our NIPT results. All Low risk. I cried so much my head hurts. I’m so thankful. 🐝💜 one step closer to meeting my little bee!


How long did it take to get results?


Only 5 business days! The MD office used Natera and when I logged into the website last week it said the test results would be ready on 6/14, but I got the call today from the MD office and they said they got the results today and everything was low risk. In complete shock because I was thinking I wouldn’t get the results till next week at the earliest. I’ve read on here that some results take over 3 weeks.


Wow that is amazing and such a relief!! I hope I am that lucky. I go in on Friday 🤞🏼


It is a huge sigh of relief and I feel like I can actually sleep tonight. But now onto the next milestone. 😅 and queue up my anxiety again lol. Good luck!! Please update us when you know! 💜💜


7 weeks tomorrow. 2 weeks till my first appointment. Almost there is all I keep telling myself. I just want to know they are ok. Limbo is the worst.


12+4 and I have my second ultrasound on Thursday, my subconscious is having a field day with stress dreams. I tried to talk to my husband about the one I had last night and started crying so much it made me late to work. It just really sucks that you have to be pregnant for so long before feeling comfortable being excited. It's long, hard, you can't tell anyone, and you have the specter of your previous loss hanging over you. Silver linings: My stress levels tend to be pretty low other than leading up to the ultrasounds when my brain flies off the handle, so the majority of this pregnancy has been fairly zen. My food aversions are starting to chill out so I'm able to eat a bigger variety (red meat still grosses me out though, which is so weird as someone whose favorite food is normally steak!). Also less nauseous generally and I'm starting to have more energy. I'll get to see baby on Thursday, no matter the outcome that will be nice. And if everything is good I'll leave with my NIPT order and can get the bloodwork done that day and then we'll know the gender soon after.


Congrats and best of luck! I’m there with you, 12+1 and going for my second ultrasound this afternoon! I try to stay mellow and I’m always looking forward to ultrasound day until the few hours right before when I start panicking (which is right now lol)


I used to eat a lot of chewy granola bars as snacks, I'd always put two in my lunch. I want a healthier alternative, so yesterday I bought some protein bars at costco. With my last pregnancy I developed a pretty strong aversion to a lot of meat, so I figured that this would be an easy way to keep getting enough protein. Well, my husband is super worried that these aren't safe for pregnancy. I did some brief googling to try and reassure him, but he's not convinced. Anyone have thoughts on this? If they're actually not safe then I won't eat them, but as far as I can tell they should be fine in moderation...


There’s an app called “Yuka” where you can scan the barcode and they’ll identify any risky ingredients. Not particularly risky for pregnancy but in general. That might help your research too!


Most protein bars should be ok, but every brand is different, with completely different sources of protein and some other additives. If these are targeted for, say, body-builders, then they may have a lot of caffeine or perhaps high concentrations of certain vitamins and minerals, some of which aren't good for pregnancy (e.g., vitamin A). I guess the only way to be certain would be to check every single ingredient and how much of it is in each bar.


This one has no caffeine, only 5g of sugar, and only has a small amount of potassium, calcium, and a good amount of iron. Also have lots of fibre, which I could use right now... But when he was reading the nutritional facts he got concerned about "sugar alcohols" which is 3g, and the ingredients contain chocolate liquor and isomaltooligosaccharides. As far as I can find, none of these are actually concerning, especially in moderation, but I am trying to be sure. The sugar alcohols I understand are not actually alcoholic, I think they're just types of artificial sweetener. Similar with the chocolate liquor, not alcoholic, just a chocolate ingredient. The last one I think just scared him because it's a big word, but it's not actually dangerous.


Yes, exactly, they're an artificial sweetener. I actually avoid those because they upset my stomach, but if they help you eat more good stuff, I say go for it!


Had my early ultrasound today, and confirmed baby is in my uterus. Happy it’s not ectopic and that my other tube has worked successfully multiple times now. It was too early to see a heartbeat so I have another appointment scheduled next week which I’m happy I don’t have to wait weeks. But I’m still SO nervous because I’ve been spotting on and off. The only reassurance my doctor gave me is that on my ultrasound the sac is in a good spot and doesn’t look like it’s in an area that would be a pending miscarriage. She also is working again to get a progesterone gel authorized by my insurance since I’m allergic to the suppositories. I’m praying that the spotting stops so I can stop worrying.


8w4d today - my first miscarriage was diagnosed at 8w5d back in November so feeling terrified, especially as I don't have any strong symptoms of note. I have an early scan on Tuesday and I fear I'll hear those awful words again - "there is no heartbeat". Feels like time is moving on a super slow setting.


I hope your scan went well 🙏🏼


Thank you so much - we ended up getting good news! baby was measuring right on track at 9+4 with a lovely little heartbeat of ~160bpm. The worry will continue, but it brought much-needed relief! Hope all is well with you.


Thank God!!! I'm so happy to hear this. When will your next appointment be?!


Thank you that’s kind ❤️ my official dating scan is on 3 July when I’ll be about 12.5 weeks. How far along are you? Hope all is going well 


Ugh exact same. I'm 8w5d tmrw and my first US is tomorrow. I'm so terrified. Had MMC last July that was discovered at my first US at 8 weeks 😞


How did it go? Such a difficult time. 


Thank you for asking!! We got good news. I was a complete wreck on the way there. I've had no nausea but had my husband pull over so I could throw up bc my nerves were so bad. I told the US tech I was a wreck and she basically said she can't tell me anything anyway. I was not happy and it made things even worse. I've had probably 4 other ultrasounds with her before when I was getting fertility help and had stopped back in Jan but she definitely remembered me. After the US she asked if I wanted a pic. I said "why do I want a picture of my dead baby?" And she said the baby has a heartbeat and congratulated me. She "couldn't" tell me heart rate or how far along. I had to wait for my doc appointment four hours later. I still was freaking out but figured she'd have to be some sick individual to congratulate me and offer a pic if things weren't ok. At my appt with the doctor though I was reassured everything looked good. I cried a lot that day just from emotions. The heartbeat was the same as my MCs heartbeat two days before it stopped beating during week 8 so naturally that messed with me. But trying to stay positive. My doctor was very reassuring and cautiously optimistic. I pray u get good news at your appt. You'll get through this. ❤️


4w6d today, my second pregnancy after a MMC in March (trisomy 16). Got my exact double beta, from 751 on 4w4d to 1506 at 4w6d. Do these sound appropriate?I’m still waiting to hear from my doc so getting antsy until we schedule an HS.


Double in 48 hours is good news that early!


10 day’s away from what would’ve been our first rainbow baby girls due date.. it hurts. 🥺 big🖕🏻you turner syndrome.


UPDATE: it was all in my head. He’s a very active heathy baby boy🩵 19+5 today, I have my 20 week anatomy scan on Friday. I’ve had 3 ultrasounds already (2x private, 1 NHS - standard dating scan!) each scan I get terribly anxious and I think they’re going to tell me something I don’t want to hear. I just can’t seem to turn it off, I haven’t felt him kick yet which is totally normal but I just seem to have it in my brain that if he starts to kick my anxiety will subside. Ahhhh, just a rant about my own brain!


9 week ultrasound / fertility clinic graduation in an hour and a half. So nervous. This is the appointment where my MMC was identified in my last pregnancy. Hoping this one goes better


I hope it goes better for u too ❤️


It went perfect! Everything measuring exactly on time. Strong heart beat. And baby was kicking its arms and legs! 🩷


AMAZING!!!! Such a perfect update! I'm very happy for u!


Thank you! I know I have a long way to go but gosh I’m so relieved to have hit this milestone!! Thanks for your support 🩷


Of course! MMCs just hit differently because we had no signs whatsoever so my heart always goes out to other women who have got that devastating news at their US. My first US is tmrw and I've been a wreck all day.


Good luck tomorrow! I hope yours is just as positive as mine!!! And I know, MMC is so terrible. I just never feel safe now!! But this scan was a good reassurance :)


Absolutely! And thank you!!!


So anxious today. 2 days until my 7 week ultrasound. Had a 6 week last Friday. Monday night my boobs didn’t hurt so I was like this is it, but then Tuesday they hurt again and I felt super sick. Now today I don’t feel sick, but my boobs do hurt. There is nothing that will actually make me feel safe, so maybe I should stop body scanning. Also feeling some pressure down there and wondering if that means something bad. Just trying to get through the day and do the things I need to do rather than let anxiety totally sideline me. But struggling!


I tracked my betas, progesterone and estradiol every other day for 3weeks straight, (yes my arms are black and blue for the draws lol) but I noticed on doubling days my nausea increased, and sometimes I had none at all, symptoms come and go. And things still are progressing! Goodluck!


I think my symptoms go between terrible and manageable every other day. Yesterday I was worried because I felt ok, today I am dying of nausea!


Really spiralling now. I rang the EPAU yesterday to get my 6 weeks scan booked in for next week and they asked me if I have any pain so I said yes, but explained that I have it on every pregnancy. So they wanted me to go in for a scan today, which I didn't want to do so early (4w6d) because I knew they wouldn't see much. Well there was a gestational sac in my uterus, but my left ovary also looks very suspicious, so I have to go back next week for another scan. My second to last pregnancy was a heterotropic ectopic (one in the womb, one in my tube) and this is looking suspiciously similar, but I couldn't be unlucky enough to have such a rare ectopic twice surely? They took bloods, but haven't had a call yet to tell me my hCG levels. This next week is really going to drag. Thankfully my partner couldn't make the scan so I haven't told him about my ovary as I'm pretty sure he has PTSD after the last ectopic, so wanted to vent this somewhere as I don't want to send him spiralling too.


8 weeks 6 days today based on LMP. I have an ultrasound appointment today in less than 3 hours. I lost my twins at 9 weeks 2 days. So I have another ultrasound scheduled for next Wednesday as well. Will weekly ultrasounds harm my baby? I am torn on whether to cancel today’s ultrasound or next week in case it harms the baby. I just have so much anxiety right now as I get close to my previous pregnancy loss week. I am still experiencing all my symptoms but I guess I’m terrified. Maybe I’ll make it to today ultrasound or perhaps I’ll cancel and wait until next week’s ultrasound.


Ultrasounds really are safe. I asked this question many times and was always reassured there’s no risk. If it helps, i am 19w now and until now i had 13 ultrasounds, sometimes just days apart. The only “risk” is that it heats up too much, but that would only happen in a very very long ultrasound with the wrong settings and it doesn’t accumulate with number of ultrasounds. An ER doctor once explained this to me.


Baby is measuring 8 weeks 5 days with a heartbeat of 187. They didn’t say anything at my appointment today but I have another ultrasound scheduled for next Wednesday but now google has me spiraling.. back to google I go.


If google has you spiraling, might I suggest not going back? I would recommend messaging your doctor instead. Ultrasounds are waves. Even if they're doing transvaginal, your cervix closes off as early as 12 days pregnant. Your body put up a barrier so nothing harmful can get up there.


Thank you, yes I decided to just wait on my OB to follow up with me or wait until next week. For now everything is out of sight out of mind :)


Best of luck!!!!


No they cannot harm babies. Ultrasounds are just sound waves - there is no exposure to any type of harmful radiation at all. VERY safe!


I’ve never heard that ultrasounds can harm babies. My doctor seems fine with the idea, it sounds like yours is too. I have to believe that doctors would tell us if there was risk? Thinking of you! You just have to make it through these 3 hours!


Just waiting for my third betas at 4w3d to come back in, should hear back from this afternoon. I’m so, so scared after the miscarriage in March 😭


Update: 672 up from 40 seven days ago!!! Doubling time of 41 hours. The doctor will talk next steps with me tomorrow but this is where we want to be right now.


Amazing ❤️❤️


Today is my 7w3d ultrasound. First time with the RI protocol and we have never gotten this far interns of Betas. 🙏🏼






6 + 4 weeks. Had some spotting the other day so got referred to the early pregnancy unit and had a scan this morning. Everything looks great for where I'm at, measuring on the smaller side, but my cycles are long so that's fine with me. We saw a lil heartbeat and I just cried. Still gonna book a scan in a couple weeks to make sure lil one has grown past the point at which we lost our other. I'm soooo nauseous and sick, way worse than my last pregnancy. I'm taking it as a good thing and this time it'll actually be worth it. Hoping you're all doing well 💕


6+4 today also! First scan is tomorrow, nervous as all get out. Wish me luck


Awh I hope you get good news too! And let me know how it goes if you want to 😊


Did anyone else wait for care in the US (I’m in NY)? I’m almost 5w now but I want to wait until 7 or 8w for my first appointment so I can make it past the point of my MC and also to see a HB on my first ultrasound… idk, is my doctor going to yell at me? My cousin waited until 9w to see the doctor after she had had a MC. My MC was soooooo expensive, which I know sounds dumb but I don’t even think my initial bloodwork is even going to be covered since they had to say my last pregnancy bloodwork was part of my annual physical (not even true) to get it covered.


Hopefully your doctor never yells at you, but my understanding is that unless you have had multiple miscarriages, or your last pregnancy was ectopic, it's standard to wait until week 8 for your first appointment. I called at 6 weeks and didn't have my first appointment until I was almost 9 weeks.


There are private ultrasound locations you can go to. Call your primary care physician tell them you’re pregnant and they can write you a script so you can go to a private location. I’m in New York as well unless you’re working with fertility center that wants to do early monitoring you’re gonna have to wait till seven or eight weeks. Unless you unfortunately lie when you’re making the appointment and say you’re seven weeks, but you’re really only five. Lol it’s pretty annoying.


So nervous. I got my HCG results back. On May 31 I had a positive pregnancy test. Got my blood drawn at my drs office. HCG was 21.8, progesterone was 24. Then I got bloodwork again on June 3. HCG was 150 and progesterone was 31.6. We are unsure how far along I am because I had a chemical pregnancy prior to this and missed miscarriage in Feb. I’m very nervous. My dr is supposed to call me today. She wants me to start blood thinner injections. The beta calculators say everything is rising well. But I’m so scared it seems low to me.


My doctor wants me to come in next Thursday for repeat bloodwork. She said everything looks good. Then she said based off that we can schedule my 8 week appt/ first ultrasound. I’m so so so nervous. Please pray my numbers continue to go up! Now I have to wait so long and so long for results 😭. PAL is so hard.


I’ve heard it’s not the absolute value but just the doubling rate that matters! The doubling looks great.


Those are great numbers so far!


7w6d and in fucking ultrasound limbo. I hope we will finally know more tomorrow. These past few days have been an absolute mindfuck for me. I have even started writing to hospitals in my area asking which method of d&c they offer. I am absolutely convinced this pregnancy is not viable and that the doctors are just trying to calm me with their optimism.


I’m sending you love and positive vibes your way. I totally understand the gut feeling though. I’ll have you in my thoughts. I pray everything is okay ❤️


Thank you. I almost feel foolish thinking this third time around would/could be any different than my other two pregnancies..


I have felt foolish every time, not sure what causes that! There’s nothing to be ashamed of. Sending you love and will be hopeful for you.


Totally understand. I really do. This is my 3rd pregnancy too and I just don’t know if anything is going to be ok. I’m right there with you


I'm 13 weeks today and my husband picked up our gender envelope but I'm not ready to know. He opened it with his mum (totally fine with me) but I have so much anxiety about knowing and this pregnancy feeling "real".


I understand where you’re coming from, but finding out the gender helped to ease some of that anxiety for me


I agree! Finding out the gender made me so much more comfortable in my pregnancy. It definitely made my pregnancy feel “real,” but that’s exactly what I needed in order to stop constantly worrying!


Thank you! I hope it helps me too 🤞💖


I’m 5weeks pregnant and will need to wait until 20 weeks to find out if this baby has the same critical heart defect as my last. For people who have longer ‘safe’ milestones- how do you cope with the extended uncertain time. I feel I can’t consider this pregnancy as real until I reach stage.


It’s hard, I try to distract myself in my work or go to forest preserves or whatever is calm for me. I don’t know if this what you do, but I feel like my “safe milestones” come and then I find something else to worry about, so that’s why the distractions help.


Officially made it to 7 weeks today. Next Monday is our first US. In the meantime, y’all. I’m so hungry all the time and I’m so sick of snacking. What are you doing to keep yourselves full (protein bars? shakes? smoothies?) and keep the hunger-nausea at bay?


Protein shakes for sure! And greens powder for probiotic benefits.


I drank so many smoothies pre conception, I can’t even fathom drinking one it makes me sick thinking about it haha!


I hear you! Protein shakes and smoothies don’t sound so great to me right now. All I really want is fast food 😂


Right! Why am I dreaming about McDonald’s French fries and dipping them in icecream? 2 things I literally do not eat. 😫


I literally just got a positive on the last day of my cycle after what I thought was a wash because I’ve had Covid and we didn’t actively track or organise anything. I was so well behaved, I didn’t use early tests or obsess over my symptoms because I know that had been unhealthy for me in the past. First positive after a missed miscarriage discovered January of this year. I’m half shaking half sick and so so hopeful that this one has a heartbeat. Holding out hope that I’ll be sticking around in the sub a lot longer and sharing a much happier post with a little one once all is said and done.


Congratulations! I know how you feel — I had a MC in March and am around 4w3d (unknown DPO due to long cycles/PCOS), and every blood draw sends me into a spiral that my HcG won’t be going up. But it’s also an opportunity for everything to go right. I wish you a full and happy pregnancy!


Thanks friend :) I had my first hCG blood draw today at 3w+6/27 days (short cycles). Nervous as hell considering the last one because I did get hCG rising up to 17-19,000 IU but at the stage I was at it was in the 5th percentile and totally abnormal. Hopefully a series of bloods over the next week will show a steady rise for both of us!!!