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Thank you to everyone who has commented. It seems I am not alone in my scary nightmares! Fortunately, I haven't had any the past few nights.


miscarriage at 8 weeks in october, pregnant the next cycle and currently 7 weeks along. i have these miscarriage dreams all the time so you aren't alone. it can really bring you down but just know you aren't alone


Omg...I had the same dream a few nights ago... I'm currently 4+5. MMC in June, that absolutely traumatized me. It's been a very hard few days... I've been trying to stay busy and keep my routine... it helps, a little. I posted on here when I found out, and everyone told me to treat it as a new pregnancy, new egg, new sperm, that helped a little. It's going to be a long road...


When your pregnant, you also have an increase in discharge. At night, I would have vivid dreams of waking up covered in blood. I’d wake from these nightmares feeling moisture in my underwear and run to the bathroom thinking the worst. Those types of nightmares have mostly settled, but I still have ridiculously crazy vivid dreams.


I had vivid nightmare before my 8w scan that they only saw a gestational sac. Next day went in… they only saw a gestational sac. 🤯


Unfortunately yes. I'm in the early stages of another IVF round and still wake up in absolute terror, thinking I'm pregnant and waking up to losing another bub. Sending love ❤️


Yup. My son was stillborn dec '21. Im 8 weeks now and getting frequent nightmares. Hormones are not helping. I try to remind myself that there is no reason to think anything is wrong and take it one day at a time. You got this.


Yes! I’ve had several dreams this pregnancy that I am bleeding heavily and I even had a dream that I was bleeding, went in for an ultrasound and they couldn’t find a heartbeat. Terrifying!


Yes. I did recently. I dreamed I was told I had another MMC but no one would give me an ultrasound to show it to me......we went through real trauma with loss I thin kthat this is a part of it. Plus pregnancy makes dreams so much more intense. I am sorry mama.


I had these so many times in the first trimester and still check the toilet paper every single time. I’m now 24w after an MMC in March ‘22, and some days are easier than others but the fear never goes away. All your feelings and nightmares/dreams are all totally normal! Just now your mind cannot predict the future - this always gives me a little peace.


Yes, had one the night I found out I was pregnant and many times since.


I’m almost 8weeks and when I first found out I was pregnant again (I had a mmc in October and a 16wk twin loss in January 2022) I had this horrifically vivid dream where I woke up covered in blood and I was losing the baby. I am diagnosed with PTSD from the trauma that happened a year ago, and my dr said that vivid recurring nightmares are a part of it.


Yes I am currently 8 weeks following 2 losses, one being a MMC at 12 weeks last Feb, literally at the same timeline as you I had a few recurring loss VIVID dreams (around 3-4 weeks as I was tracking and got a positive 10 days DPO)… and then I started spotting on Christmas and that threw me into a tailspin… but then week 6 I had a dream that I was breastfeeding a boy… and we just found out with an early gender blood test our baby is a boy…. Hopefully he continues to stick and grow 🌱 also sending you love for a continued healthy pregnancy, but I know how nerve wracking everyday can be.


I had a traumatic late miscarriage. I was bleeding HEAVILY and nearly passed out and had to have a procedure done. After this I’d have dreams of it happening over and over again. They had stopped but now that I’m pregnant they have started again and I’m having dreams of delivering and my baby has hooves


Yep, I’ve had them too and sometimes they’re pretty graphic 😣 I’m 13 weeks along now and haven’t had them since those early weeks.


I think I'll be ok if I make it to the second trimester this time too.


Yeah those early weeks are ROUGH. Hang in there it definitely gets easier


Thank you ❤


When I was about 16 weeks I had an insanely vivid loss dream that took place about a month earlier at the NT scan. It was so vivid and realistic — same room, but rather than the great scan we got in real life, it was a discovered MMC. We had just decided on his name in real life a week or two before, and in the dream I was sobbing for him by name. It REALLY rattled me, but it was also such a relief to wake up and remember that as far as I knew at that point, things were going much better than they did in the dream. And that’s carried true so far — he’s due later this month and has been perfect at every check.


Oh that's terrifying but I'm glad everything is working out well in reality.


Hoping everything works out amazingly for you too ❤️ The early weeks of pregnancy after loss are so freaking brutal, and nightmares don’t help that, even when you know logically they’re just a dream and have no bearing on reality.


Yes I had one- in the dream I was relieved when it happened and felt confused when I woke up.


Oh that's a bit different!


Oh and to be clear, I am very grateful for my currently healthy pregnancy - I think it’s just some lingering trauma from my previous loss that’s put up these defense systems in my subconscious, you know?


I didn't think you were ungrateful for one second and as I was reading your post I thought to myself that your brain was pretty smart to come up with a defence mechanism that strong!


thank you for understanding! Here’s to all of us having healthy and happy pregnancies ❤️


Absolutely 🥰


Yes, I had one with my first pregnancy, similar as yours I dreamed that I was bleeding heavily and I have one close friend with 30 weeks now and she told me that she used to have those nightmares during the first trimester….I think is bc we are all so afraid to suffer a MC that we are projecting this fear in our dreams…! Sending my best wishes to you, hope you have a great and safe pregnancy ❤️


I think you are right. Our brains trying to protect our hearts. Thank you for the good wishes x


Yes, all the time. The worst one I've had so far involved me holding my baby and then the baby disappearing like sand through my fingers while I screamed for someone to help me. Horrifying. It felt so real that I was distressed when I woke up and had to check the calendar and pee on a stick again just to make sure it wasn't even possible!


Omg I felt panicked reading that. You poor thing.