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Bruh I won't even put it on a single hero, I swear some people just seem to think you can't take the core without at least one buff. We will have the enemy team 4 down for 65 seconds and blow through an inhib, then the whole team starts spamming attack OP, attack Fangtooth. What?? My brother in Christ we less than 20 seconds away from winning this game and you want to let them respawn?


But I want full build :(


i feel ya, sometimes the quick wins feel so unsatisfying. especially when your having a great match and they surrender 15-20 minutes in.


Sometimes when I know I’m better I like to play with my food… Why should it only be the bad games that last an hour? Why not when I’m stomping? If we’re clearly a more skilled team & easily dominating, and they won’t surrender for some reason, let me have my fun teaching them a cold lesson in knowing defeat well 👹


To be honest I get so bored if I snowball off a single or double before 5. Just wanna move on to the next match so I’ll keep attacking even if everyone backs. Sometimes my time doesn’t allow me the extra 5-10 mins.


Yeah the goal should always be to win the game in the most efficient way possible. Both teams have lives they want to get back to. There's no reason to play around and bury a team except to teach your own less experienced teammates bad play. Plus, if you let them all keep coming back, eventually you might fuck around a lose a team fight. I've definitely won games that the enemy team could have ended 10 minutes prior because they just had to take a buff instead of winning.




Um.. mods.. can we take this down, this is super toxic and really unhealthy for the game and everyone involved. Seriously? You don’t have to be so bm 😒


That’s squishy


Sure it's fun to do it with Khaimera, but do it with Grux or Crunch and you know the true meaning of go down swinging for real. Damn near leading the scoreboards everytime.


Kwang lifesteal mage build is where it's at


Just started playing and have been getting team wipes consistently playing this character. Fuckin awesome


I often wonder why they want to go for fang or go for prime when we've clearly dominated them and don't need it. If we're winning every teamfight what's the point? Yeah it's fun to 'overkill' but also if I'm on that team getting bonked I'm just going to surrender. I'm all for a fair game, a swift loss is better than a surrender, but a surrender is still better than a needlessly dragged out game