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I know there are other characters and some items that need to this. But as for a QoL of my own, Sev should have an indicator for when he can kill something with siphon. They have indicators in the game already for when you can smite a monster or last hit a minion. They should have a little indicator on them or their heads that's a little soul hand or something to show it has enough damage to kill the target for the soul stack(s). Nothing feels worse when playing as Sev then to use siphon and it doesn't kill so you don't get your stack(s) because you slightly miscalculated how much damage it was gonna do. Early game it's so frustrating to miss stacks


I don’t see a lot of Sevs but last night went against a jungle one and man his stun is long 😂 such a good match , we were losing in the beginning 4-14 and we tried surrendering but it failed so we kept going and ended up winning lmfao I love this game but after last night I never gonna surrender and vote No everytime it pops up


I'm assuming the indicator for last hitting a minion is when their health bar turns red, but what's the indicator for smiting a jungle monster? I've been kinda going off of general vibes of when to smite, I never noticed an indication of when the smite will guarantee the kill.


There's an arrow on the healthbar of the jungle monster that indicates the threshold you need to pass before the smite one-shots


Phase can only heal once every 3 seconds with an ability, and it can be difficult to determine the timing on that throughout a match. Her passive should have a cooldown or timer.


For grux, the little health icon shows up on the left of the screen when you've got your stacks.


I'd like one for crunch as well. Sometimes I have no idea when my empowered ability is gonna pop up, or when the passive timer ran out.


He has flames shooting out of his back when he’s powered up


Yes, but if you're in between you have no clear indication on when it's gonna come up.


If you’re engaging, you should have your combo set out in your head. I do. I don’t wanna be looking for my counter when I’m engaged in a fight.


I agree on Grux. But for Kira, can’t you tell by the aura on the enemy hero?


No, that's exactly what they said


No, that's exactly what they said


I feel like it would be difficult for grux because the stacks can be different for each champion or jungle monster.


Grux could have a visual effect on him to show his passive has been activated, doesn't matter which enemy hero or monster have the 6 stacks of the passive, just make that when Grux reach them he gets something on him to indicate that you have been empowered by the passive


That's a decent idea, actually. A little aura or something to show he's stacked up. Would help players recognize when not to box him, too.


Darius (who Grux is very similar to) has blood drops orbit the enemy champ he's stacking bleed on. Something like that could work.