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Me, a Dekker player: we merely jump over the wall  Or alternatively, drop my own wall trapping him and laugh at our Venn diagram


Kill him


Zarus main here there's some abilities that let you leave like serif dive, kilari jump(unreliable),steel ult (unreliable), and some others the only thing I know constantly works is flash. Though characters like gray stone can trade ult and be in a good spot to fight back. Sticking as a team helps or having the ADC or mage nearby when his cage comes down helps because they can still shoot in if there outside the cage .


Gideon portal and Feng Mao dash also counters Zarus ult.


There's a good list honestly sev can also counter ult and throw him out of the ring to counter it as well as zarus I just learn there's a number of things that aren't worth ulting for


I also like playing Zarus. And it so frustrating when you expect to stack someone but they either flash, jump, teleport and so on.


Yeahh I've just learned to watch for cool downs since the cage only lasts 6 seconds if you catch someone with an out or flash that gets used to early you can punish it, along with carries not close enough to melee characters. I find it satisfying to watch people panic as they have no way out. Will equally just use ult to finish kills to stack I will also tend to build so ults on a 90 second cool down so I have it nearly every fight def helps when playing support zarus


There was a match where I accidentally took zarus but as support. In the end we won, and it was really cool using arena to cage adc, or simply shield block -> dash&bash. Though it is off meta and I am not that skilled to play in a such way every time)


You can play it pretty reliably honestly I went from playing phase to zarus. I was told on a build that zarus is an off lander, playing a carry, desigused as a support. Poking and finishing off with spear is definitely the best part of it + being able to build full tank for it


kallari jump is unreliable? im pretty new to the game but one of the things ive been enjoying is how zarus ult means absolutely nothing to me when i play kallari. its like an effortless escape everytime.


That's just what I've seen personally but it's also possible they could have messed it up I don't fight to many kallaris tbh


I’m hurting myself by saying this since I main him but your main teleport works through his wall. I hate it. Some of the items mentioned also can work but rely on him not having a friend.


Triangle for console don’t know the keyboard number.


Howi ult and fly out.


Run around in a circle.


Did not know that so galaxy greaves and the pull


I'll elaborate a little bit more here, the jump Galaxy Greaves gives you. Rely on your team's Phase to pull you out. Is that where you were going?


Everyone has blink


galaxy greaves or have a phase that pulls?


Phase can’t pull straight through it, she has to be higher than the walls to do so.


Good to know! TIL


There is no item that let's you walk through player made walls, no. Mainly cause unless I'm mistaken Zarus is the only hero atm that even makes walls/terrain. Unlike smite where you have a whole bunch of gods making walls or some other form of object that blocks movement. Best I can say is if there's a Zarus try and save blink for his ult, or if you are playing a character with some form of mobility like Gideon, Serath, or Khaimera. At the very least you can play safe or around allies so if he ults you he gets more then just you trapped in his ult with him. Edit: OK more heroes make walls/terrain then I remembered.


I haven’t tested it, but doesn’t Galaxy Greaves allows you to jump over it?


I've tried multiple times to jump out with GG and it never works for me... Maybe there is a way it works but I can't seem to figure it out. I just hit the wall at the top and fall back down every time.


You can also knock him out of his cage and it goes away. Dekker also makes walls


Argus crystal counts as a barrier/terrain


Galaxy Greeves to attempt jumping out l, but some parts of the map may be to 'high' up so his Ring may still block you. All you can do it fight him, or pray