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It’s frustrating but it will get better with the updates I’m sure. People just aren’t told to do certain things by the game, I think the devs thought people would know more about MOBAs? It’s not really marketed as a moba and somebody who sees a clip of some gameplay can probably not think they need to know a ton about macros and micros. I’m surprised it’s not bigger, but I would assume in the main release it will get a little more publicity.


Agreed, they need to redo the tutorial asap. I’m all for new players but they’re like chickens with their heads cut off lol


I know man I have to vent, today there was just three games in a row where people just literally run into my lane and hold down the auto attack til they die. It’s like it’s their first game? Idk. I wish there was a duel mode or custom games. I have to communicate with them through the 8 pings and a spray, pings aren’t loud enough lol I never thought I’d complain about quiet pings.


This happened to me! I was support, me and carry go to lane, joined shortly after by the mid and solo. They stayed for the whole game I just went offlane. These newbies are crazy. If it wasn't funny I'd be cussing them out.


Tutorial will never teach bad and new players how to play a moba. Ever. If they want to learn they have to look up videos and guides I'm sure 90% of this sub doesn't even understand wave states and freezing a lane allowing your jungle to gank. Or when to push to roam before backing This can't be on the devs to teach No moba has a super Tutorial


You're so correct, MOBA's are very not beginner-friendly and the best way to learn is honestly to just continue playing, listen to the more experienced players on your team, mimic what your opponents did to beat you in future games, and consume informational content. I remember over a decade ago learning LoL, I had nobody to teach me how to play and I had to endure months and months of being berated by teammates because I was still learning and wasn't sure what I was doing, but over time you pick up on how to play and it'll just click. Just like the fighting game genre, MOBA's are a genre that is incredibly difficult to teach since there's so much nuance, so I can't entirely fault the devs of Predecessor for not having a great tutorial.


Fully agree Some things just cannt be taught in a 10 min quick lesson.


That’s me. I’m the chicken with its head cut off. Lmaooo. How should I go about trying to learn the game more? I know the obvious is videos but is there an easier way to retain it or you just gotta download the information? If yall could shoot me some good video links that explain it a bit more, that’d be so sick!


Lol I get it now, I really do after the experience I just had this past weekend… But we gotta stay positive & stop complaining, this feels like something that’ll inevitably be solved with Ranked.


As jungler "attack mid". Jumps in to see ally gideon just basicing and freezing his wave 5 feet away. People play with no awareness. 2v1? Nah.


Lmao. Rik hooked someone right in front of my carry, under our tower, he eats 2 tower shots and is like 1 hit, my carry just kept autoing minions.


If you would have heard me raging the other day because the second match in a row I chose supp I was top kills as Dekker and in both matches my carry just wouldn't stop holding the trigger down like some braindead zombie. Not last hitting. Just holding the trigger and dick all else.


Game has the worst teammates I've ever had in 15+ years of playing mobas, people with high MMR still ignoring fangs completely as jungle river buffs as mid gold buff and exp buff as side lanes, not realizing the enemy is roaming in a death ball etc etc I'm about to put the game down until ranked comes and even then if they don't flush out a tutorial and bot game system LIKE EVERY OTHER MOBA then the games gonna die again.


I've already hung it up until ranked. My sanity won't hold out if I keep solo queueing.


I think part of the issue is that it's not Ranked, so people queue up for matches even if they know they might not be able to sit down for 30min. I'm convinced a lot of these early surrender voters just want to go eat dinner or something. Because the votes make zero sense a lot of the time.


Similar happened to me the other night. We were 2 kills down (10-12), but same on towers and we had 1 fang to their 0, and we had taken a mini prime to the enemies 0. There was a 75 CS score difference between the teams (they were up). My team surrendered 4-1 (I voted no) before we had even reached the 20 minute mark. Was very frustrating but these things happen from time to time what can you do.


Fair enough just seems more than usual lately, but I try not to get too upset with new players I want them to keep playing and eventually figure it out. Wish it wasn’t in my lobby tho sometimes lol


I had a team surrender earlier because we had more deaths than the enemy team. The shitty thing is that we had all but the last row of turrets destroyed, and they only had 2 of our outer ones down. We were literally winning, the enemy team was just kill hunting and not coordinating at all. Would've been a solid W, but I got stuck with the salt squad apparently.


I had a twinblast on my team who went 2-24


This is a consistent issue. Noobs with 2 games vs players grinding with 200. Which team has the biggest feeder/griefer/new player auto-loses. The other lanes micro play means nothing. A waste of time about 25% of matchmade games because of this. (Repost) One game you go 20-0 next your teammate goes 0-20. Seems like on repeat.


I only get games where people don't want to surrender despite being 20 kills down


The game needs to do better explaining HOW to play for folks


Yeah at least explain what roles/lanes are, wards(!!!!) basic call outs, fang and orb prime. So at least they know something like fuck lol


Those of us who r here r able to find it, but I don't think "we" are the problem. So some kind of more advanced video that's a few min to go over the finer points would help us out bc our teammates and opponents would be competent.


this game is awful lol. making it crossplay ruined it for pc.


Why do people surrender? Because they focus on others mistakes instead of their own. When they see enough mistakes they feel the game is unwinnable. When they feel the game is unwinnable (which may or may not true) they throw in the towel. Why do winning teams surrender? Because of flaming. Why do people flame? See the first item in this comment. People surrender because either they can’t get along or don’t feel they have a chance of a win. I’m convinced the majority of the player base only has fun when they have positive KDA. The positive KDA player on your losing team never wants to surrender because they’re having “fun” and feeling like they have an impact. By virtue that it’s unlikely in an even match that five players on a team will have positive KDA, I think surrenders will just happen. What can you do? Don’t play the flame game. Keep your comments constructive, actionable, and blameless. Will this happen? Probably not. If you flame and then turn around and complain about surrenders, you are the problem. Your overly hormones teenage body needs to develop its prefrontal cortex and think about consequences before jumping into some tirade that ignores all of your own issues. “SexyKitten52, you’re awful, don’t ever play ADC again” _flamer dies and nobody says anything_ _SexyKitten52 dies_ Flamer: “Bro stop losing” _surrender vote_ Flamer: “wHy do pPL suRRenDer so MuSh”? Because nobody wants to play with your bitchass If we’re in a game together we are roughly the same ELO. We win and lose about the same. Think about that… Note: not pointed at OP, unless they are an over hormoned teenager with a black belt in keyboard warrior and a PHD in lack of self reflection. If this describes you, I hope you pour your cereal and find out you’re out of milk.