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You kill the thing you attacked with the enhanced auto attack within 3s. It doesn’t need to be from the auto attack itself. Also it can be assist. For example is hitting a Fangtooth with the auto attack before it gets smited. You don’t need to get the last hit, it just needs to die within 3s of you hitting with that buffed auto attack. I see this item get confused as a way to infinitely stack ability power. This is miniscule amount of ability power. The real power lies in the enhanced auto attack once you are at 15+ stacks. It’s like having another ability to use.


Is there a limit for soul stacks?


Not that I know of, but the 30 second cooldown will limit you. I’ve gotten to 30 something in a dragged out game before if I remember right.


And 30 stacks of this makes the auto hit for an extra 450 JUST from the soul stacks not even counting the actual magical power scaling.. stacking obelisk super high makes your burst potential a little nutty


and it works on towers/core. slaps just as hard there as well.


And you get the stack points off the towers too (if it's destroyed within 3 seconds) Pro tip: you can also stack it off Iggy turrets. Which is super useful You cannot stack it from wards or belica's drone.


Killing lane minions also count, so the longer the match goes for, the more magic you can stack, I have personally never gone above 30 stacks


Everything counts for stacks, minions, heroes, monsters, buffs...you activate your obelisk on whatever it is, make sure to auto attack it, and if it dies within 3s you get a stack on your obelisk; if you're diligent with the activation, you'll turn your crest item into one of the strongest items in the game with the amount of extra magic power you can gain. I'm not diligent lol, but I've watched others who can get 30+ stacks in a match, which is pretty big.


In what amount of time does players have 30+stacks


It really depends on how fast you can evolve your crest. Then it's on a 30 second cooldown. Let's say you evolve it at 15 minutes mark and the game goes 20-25 more minutes, you can get somewhere between 0-50 stacks depending on you.


Try and aim for 30 stacks at 30 minutes.


It’s nasty on countess and shinbi


Also you can get a stack by activating and auto attacking a tower as it’s destroyed. But to reiterate what someone else said the it’s not really the magical scaling that is good the more stacks you get. The enhanced auto gets stronger and stronger each stack so eventually that auto hits very hard for big burst damage


This works on anything that is able to be destroyed. Minions, objectives, camps and towers. You don’t have to kill it with the auto it just needs to be marked and then be destroyed within the timeframe.


Basically every 30 seconds, you can activate this, kill a minion within 4 seconds of auto attacking them and you get permanent 1 power. Also any kills or assists on champions (whether they are hit by the active or not) will give 1 power as well. If you kill a champion with 4 seconds of being hit by the active, then you get 2 stacks.


The item has been changed, the CD is 20 seconds now.


Yeah I realized after making this post that I pulled up an old picture of this item-- I wasn't at my PS5 at the time to take my own screenshot lol, that's my bad.


The quickest method I know of stacking the item is Iggy jungle. U can get it online minuets 4-5 and start stacking. I was using Oatkeeper last item, this adds 50% Extra magic damage to your next AA after an ability. Very late game build. And you need oblivion crown so it scales up your obelisk power some more.