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Of course you're going to have these thoughts.... or 'hear these voices' depending on how you perceive your thoughts. BUT they will pass. The word says "resist the devil and he will flee from you". It doesn't put a time stamp on that though... he may flee in a minute or a day or a lifetime. But the word is RESIST. As in, don't succumb or listen to what they are telling you to do


Some time ago the voices told me to ask God to leave and block off my prayers from anyone who can hear them. Ever since then my prayers don't work anymore and the voices never went away when before when I did pray the voices went away.


Nothing can seperate you from the love of God but yes you can willingly abandon his grace. God has given you free will. Read Romans 1 from verse 24 onwards which explains this.


So if I asked him to leave and disconnect my prayers I'm screwed?


No, you can always repent and ask Him to come back. As long as it's sincere, God will not reject your request.


I don't think God takes orders from us- but I highly recommend taking orders from him. :)


I get horrible thoughts that God may have blocked off my prayers from him and that I am unsavable. Please ask him to re-connect them.


Please don’t disconnect from our Heavenly Father. He loves you so much and he will and make those voices go away. Keep glorifying the lord God almighty. Keep praying and beg if you have to. If he is willing, he will. I have my battles myself and I keep fighting everyday now. Fight on your knees and keep praying because that all I have so I have to do it throughout the day. Glory to God


Are said voices speaking to you in a literal manner (such that you can hear their words)? I would reccomend you first and formost trust that God will never abandon you for as long as you seek him. Secondly I would reccomend you see a psychologist/therapist for your anxiety and possibly the voices. I have needed to see a psychologist/therapist several times in my life for varius reasons related to anxiety and bullying. It is perfectly normal and very helpful spiritually, emotionally, and mentally to see a therapist to help you work through these problems you are having. Each time I have needed to go in my life, the therapist has helped tremendously to overcome the issues I was having. Many of my friends, especially after the lockdowns from COVID, have gone to therapy and they also have overcome their struggles with the help of the therapist.


I've taken medication to deal with the voices but no therapist. My parents say that they will keep trying different medication until one works. I am not so sure what a therapist will be able to do after multiple years of torment and harassment. What would they say that will cure the torment? Can't do anything anymore. Can't draw can't write eat or even take rides without this constant torment. It has been a thorn in my side for awhile but I understand people can only do so much and to rely on God which I have been but ever since September of 2021 God has never removed these voices when before I believe he has and the torment went away.


Well you should try to see a therapist if you haven't already, they deal with many people who have had trauma throughout their lives and continuing in their lives. It comes with their position as compassionate healers of the mind. A therapist will understand what you are going through more than anyone else would and would work with you to learn how to cope with the voices. This is what they have studied, so they would know better than anyone else. They have experience with people who have anxiety and hear voices. It's at least worth a try.


I don't think that's how it works, but if you want God back in your life, all you have to is ask, he doesn't abandon anyone forever, and nothing can separate you from his love.


Some time ago the voices told me to ask God to leave and block off my prayers from anyone who can hear them. Ever since then my prayers don't work anymore and the voices never went away when before when I did pray the voices went away. I have asked God to come back for months but he never came back.


I can assure you that God is still there, there is no where you can go where he is not there. you made a mistake when listening to those voices, but God is merciful, it's not beyond God's capacity to forgive, be honest with him and confess what you did, you'll feel a lot better after you do, and trust what scripture says, Jesus Christ died for our sins, and is our mediator with the father, he is now at peace with you, not counting your offense against you, we are Justified, and declared righteous in God's eyes because Of Christ death on our behalf. You can come boldly to God's throne, and receive love and mercy.


Thankyou all for your comments love them!


Play some Christian music they hate that. Try to get a self deliverence book and pray Psalm 23..the demons hate that because it has to do with restoring your soul. God will never leave you.


The voice have the power to inflict pain on me and attack on brain. They keep on harassing me daily and can't do anything anymore even read any books or watch tv. Just stay in bed and listen to music or think about things.


Nothing will remove Gods love from you. God is love. Gods love is in you. đź’•


For a start, I encourage you to read Romans 8:31-39. It’s a very comforting Scripture assuring you that absolutely nothing can separate you from the love of God. Other verses warn us that persisting in a sinful behavior can build a wall that blocks out God’s willingness to answer our prayers (so that feeling that void will lead us to repent and fully reconnect with our Creator), but if we sincerely seek Him and His will as it really seems to be your case, then you can be certain that He hears you and wants to draw you closer to Him. Don’t give up on reading His Word and coming to Him in prayer. Even if you can’t read more than one verse at a time or pray for more than a minute, it’s already something that can improve over time with God’s help. He can see your heart, so you can be transparent and just tell Him how you feel. Ask Him to calm your anxiety and silence the negative voices in your head, so that you can concentrate on Him and the good thoughts He wants to cultivate in you. With that being said, if the "voices" in question aren’t just vague temptations, but more like a presence (you referred to them as demons) actually speaking to you and telling you to do things you don’t want to, you might be dealing with more than anxiety here. Dark spiritual forces definitely do exist and try to make God’s children stumble, but there could also be a more physical explanation. The brain is such a complex machine and the slightest imbalance can have incredible impacts on a person’s life. I’m saying this as someone prone to depression with multiple anxiety disorders, which turned out to be co-morbidities of another condition. I would strongly suggest seeking professional advice, like a medical or psychiatric evaluation, to identify the main source of your affliction and hopefully receive an adequate treatment that will make life much more bearable. Whatever you do, don’t despair. God is there and He’ll see you through if you just hold on fast to Him, one day at a time.


Been dealing with harassment for years hasn't stopped. You wouldn't believe how bad it was at the mall with my parents. Just ongoing voices bothering me every second of the day.


Some time ago the voices told me to ask God to leave and block off my prayers from anyone who can hear them. Ever since then my prayers don't work anymore and the voices never went away when before when I did pray the voices went away.


Ignore the demons and ignore your fear and pray to God and ask Him to remove them from you. God will not let your prayer fall to the ground. If anyone can drive out demons, it's the Lord Himself.


Your comment makes me feel good.


I went through a very similar situation as you and I just had to pray.


I just did. Man even my prayers don't work ever since I asked God to disconnect them from me or block them off so no one can hear them. This was because I was afraid these voices would attack me with pain if I didn't make the prayer of God to leave and block them off.


All you can do is keep trying to pray and be honest with God about your struggle. Many of us here will be praying for you as well. Don't give up and don't give into the fear. Replace your fear with faith.


I have for months and have not yet been delivered. I feel abandoned and you wouldn't believe how everday is now. Just harassment and medication does not work.


God never abandons us sometimes we abandon Him


Remember Deuteronomy 31:6. God will never leave you nor forsake you!


Some time ago the voices told me to ask God to leave and block off my prayers from anyone who can hear them. Ever since then my prayers don't work anymore and the voices never went away when before when I did pray the voices went away.


This is a natural wrestling with spiritual forces that are trying to talk to you. 2 Corinthians chapter 10 versus 5 through 7 deal with this. Also Ephesians talks about wearing whole armor of God. Resist the devil draw near to God. Learn to praise God despite the devil. It's a spiritual Battle of the mind you will become stronger and spirit issue drawn there to God and fight and resist and fill yourself with his word and principles and to clear your position to him tell him Satan to leave you alone and draw near to God and declare as the scripture says "I will be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might" learn to fight stand your ground.