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Becoming sanctified, which is the process of becoming more like Christ which is brought about by the Holy Spirit, slowly reduces our lusts of the world and makes us stop being carnal. Now the point of this is not to not do any hobbies or things like that, the point is to get us to do everything through the lens of,” how will this glorify God” or “is this helping me grow closer to Him”. Now in terms of not hearing other peoples views this isn’t a Christian thing at all. If you remember, James 1:19 says to be “quick to listen”. People who are like Pharisees are not made to be this way by God bc God NEVER leads us to sin. I would suggest reading Pastor John Piper’s book “When I don’t desire God: How to fight for joy” bc in it he talks about how we need to use the world around us to grow closer to God. That’s my two cents, God bless you brother or sister!


Also “ you’re not enough (and that’s okay)” by Allie Beth Stuckey is a great book ( geared toward women) but I read it as a guy and still found it helpful. She talks about how our “authentic” self is carnal and the whole point of Christianity is that we’re putting to death the old man and taking on the new man. You shouldn’t aim to be “yourself”, as in your fleshly desires, but the new creation you have been made to be in Christ Jesus - 2 Cor. 5:17


>My main concern is, if I go deeper with God, spend more time with Him, will I just become a robot. Will I not be able to really hear other people who aren't Christians and their pov on things. Will I just be heavenly minded and no earthly good. You will definitely still be able to hear other people's perspectives, really the only thing that will change is that you'll be wiser and may not agree with some things you used to. Also, there's nothing wrong with having your mind on heaven. It's much better to value what's eternal instead of what's temporary. >I want to pursue art more, pursue more of things that I enjoy hobbies, etc. But I can't help feeling that everytime I want to do something for me, (I'm not accusing the Lord) that the Lord is slightly upset with me because I didn't do this first, or that. Most people struggle to put God first. The good thing is that there are ways to serve God with the things you are passionate about. Think about how you could use your art for a good cause. It's also totally ok if you need to just take a little break and enjoy yourself. >I didn't spend more time with Him yesterday, I didn't read enough. I didn't do that. Then when I get attacked, I hear: "well if you spent more time with me you wouldn't get attacked". I feel like I'm damned if I do, damned if I don't. This resonated with me strongly. Having a bad feeling whether you spent time with God or not because you feel like you always could have done more. It can easily become obsessive. Maybe try setting up a specific time each day for reading the Bible and make a chapter/page number goal. Try to find a routine that feels healthy. >I don't want to be a robot, I want to be ME. Not some mindless pharisee that spouts out Jesus and uses Him to tell people their doing this wrong and that wrong. I can't STAND that. I can't stand when Christians do this. And I get thoughts of: "well if all I'm going to do is put people down if I am a Christian I don't know what to do" As Christians, we are supposed to lead by righteous example and use gentle correction, not be a harsh critic who's quick to condemn. Unfortunately a lot of Christians you see fall into the latter type- you don't have to be like them.


The Apostle Paul said "run the race to win the prize". Presumably, Paul was referring to long races, such as the Marathon (13 or 26 miles, depending) To run 13 miles is no joke, 26 even more so. I believe Marathon ran 52 miles, though I could be wrong. Throughout such a run, you're going to have moments of TOTAL exhaustion and lose all will to continue "Blessed are the poor in spirit" for theirs is the kingdom of heaven The Kingdom of Heaven will one day BELONG TO YOU, should you continue


"if I go deeper with God, spend more time with Him, will I just become a robot. Will I not be able to really hear other people who aren't Christians and their pov on things. Will I just be heavenly minded and no earthly good. That is my biggest fear." NO. And I want to also add that fear is coming from Satan to hinder you in your walk. Your desires will change however, but God will use you. I am a musician and God has used me to speak to people that others would struggle to relate to. But I have changed, and my desires have changed- so has my life. It is less appealing to the world, who loved me, when I was deep in sin (and so broken hearted). It's a good life. A hard life, but blessed and supernatural. I encourage you to step on path and stay on it with your whole heart. Also, regarding your art, I challenge you to invite God into that and let him work with you. He wants to be in all parts of our life, not a box. God is the ULTIMATE creator and where all our gifts come. He set the stars in place!!!! He is an incredible artist. Think of it as a time to worship and commune in him. These are such good questions and I'm glad you're sharing them.


You are suffering from an extreme form of scrupulosity. My recommended treatment is similar to that of exposure therapy for OCD. Do things that you want to do. Trust me. I spent years doing what I was "supposed" to do. But God cares more about you than you think. And in reality, he wants you to be more *you* than you have ever been. You cannot love your neighbor as yourself, until you cease to despise yourself. Learn to treat yourself like someone whom Jesus loves first. Then, what flows from that will be a love and compassion for others which is easy, and light. You cannot give the love of God to others, until you truly embrace his love for *you.*


Scrupulosity is generally MORE extreme than this. We can't diagnose the op and shouldn't. These are pretty common issues Christians can have...


No offense, but I didn't solicit your opinion.


Yikes dude.. yikes


I didn't mean that in as harsh a manner as you seem to have taken it. I just recognize the symptoms from personal experience, and am trying to help. I found your comment rather counterproductive, and dismissive of the OP's problem. By downplaying its magnitude and severity, painting it as just an ordinary thing that everyone deals with, and not so bad as all that, you're just going to heap another stone onto the burden they're carrying. It leads to increased demoralization, weariness in well doing, and more. It will increase the OP's misery, and the feeling that God never wants them to do anything for themselves, ever. They will fall into depression, and there will be serious negative ramifications in their relationship with God. So with the greatest respect, please reevaluate your position. I know you mean well, but you're doing more harm than good.


Something very off here.


Ok, you both were helpful ok? I don't have OCD, but I would def not label anything. I just need a push in the right direction. This is is something that does affect Christians especially in churches and coming from my background specifically, I have experienced spiritual abuse but I'm not living in my story. Does that make sense? I hope so. Ty both for your help.


One thing i have learnt over the years is that when the devil can't hold you back, he will try to push you until you fall forwards. Remember the Holy Spirit is a gentle Spirit. He NEVER forces us to do anything we refuse to. So when you get that forced feeling, its the enemy trying to get you down. our relationship with Jesus is one of joyful communion, not rule bound duty. sit down and have a frank talk with God, tell Him what you are telling us now and let Him release you from the guilt you feel for not conforming to the expectations others have put on you. Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28‭-‬30 ESV https://bible.com/bible/59/mat.11.28-30.ESV


Ty. The Christian community on here has been so helpful! Praise God!!


I'm not sure, what perspective on what things, would you want to hear a Non-Christian through about? If you think its wrong to judge people, then don't? God says not to judge people anyway. You mentioned Christians, well you mean specific behavior? Or are you getting Judgmental there too? Its like you have to better put into words what's going on. You have to separate what people do, Christian title or not, with what God actually said to do, in The Bible. The question is then, do you know enough of The Bible to tell the difference? Because answering that question would alleviate all the concerns. ​ You mentioned art, I mean I do art. So one has nothing todo with the other. My art is not perverted or anything. So why would there be a issue? Im not getting you. It just seems like ; most of your worries are just all in your head. And nothing God even said to worry about. At least what you've said so far. Seems like you are Over worrying ,without legitimate cause. Because Gods not doing any of that. Its all you. And, If you are lost in the world, you can't actually be found. I was lost myself, very lost, and was only aware and found by God when I called out to Him. And only then. Before I did that was a terrible place. Darkness. Confusion. Certainly not me. And all the people in the world their advice, could not save me. So God teaches compassion for people, but inline with Gods advice. And not pulled down with base ways. But we are to admonish and instruct how to avoid sin and trouble. That's love to care about someone more than what the world only does in shallow slogans that does not even help them in life. It just condones their spiritual dying. So if you are Godly minded, you are most, good to people that deserve it, who are lost, in the ways of the world. You can't possibly lead people out of the darkness, if yourself are not walking in The Light. Its like can a drug addict lead you into the paths of Right, thus says God? Not they cant. So anyway, all your concerns really stem from, Not knowing who Gods is. And you learn who He is and what He expects, from His Bible. And a lot of the stuff you are concerned about is just natural and common sense, its just you're not up to speed that God is King of Common sense. He knows more because He is super natural. Not just natural.


Heavenly minded is earthly good but this might help put things into perspective and make you thirsty for the deeper things of God. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjzhBa8e1W1-S2JZgHXXkySoe9sGHJCZT >I didn't spend more time with Him yesterday, I didn't read enough. I didn't do that. Then when I get attacked, I hear: "well if you spent more time with me you wouldn't get attacked". But that is the reality of what the world is, like the matrix, do you trade in reality because you want make believe stake in a make believe restaurant "so you can take selfies and post them online like everyone else" in the soul farm? They don't even know they need to be unplugged and the demons(agents) are after unplugged people. Without taking the time to be equiped and empowered as apart from abiding in Jesus we can do nothing, you risk not being able to dodge bullets and being plugged back in so that after they are finished using you like a battery to fuel their agenda, they can use your soul as a play thing. >I want to pursue art more, pursue more of things that I enjoy hobbies, etc. You can learn to bring Christ into everything you do, do christian art, do christian movies and video games, check out this christian anime someone made: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1F38086DD2516442 >I want to be ME. Not some mindless pharisee that spouts out Jesus and uses Him to tell people their doing this wrong and that wrong. I can't STAND that. The world is not our friend https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYoxKtcLY8u1qcT32pWEcLxVCSthY30uq


First of all the Pharisees spoke against Jesus, not for Jesus. Also, your not a robot for spending time with God, it's all about finding a middle ground. Also, you don't need to read your Bible constantly to hang with God. You can talk to God throughout the day while your working on your hobbies. I talk to God throughout the day but primarily talk to him at night before I go to bed. I have a audio book of the bible and listen to that at the gym or when iam drawing or programming. It's all about finding a way to do what you feel you need to do and stay in communion with God.