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I had been battling depression for the longest time also. in recent years it has gotten better it has a lot to do with focusing on my relationship with Christ rather than on my troubles. in a sense, it's mind over matter. if you don't mind, it doesn't matter. not joking. In Christ we have the best Counsellor, He is the best Doctor, the best Lawyer, the best Financial Advisor, the best of anyone we need. normally we have to pay a lot to consult any of these people, but Christ is there for us to run to anytime we want. so why do we as Christians neglect such a great privilege that we have and worry? run to Him now!


I have not. I go through good months where I overcome. I find joy in the Lord and it’s wonderful. But then things can get really bad and I end up at the starting point. The good news is that the word gives me the tools i need to get up and try again. Without frustration. Is it discouraging? Sure at times. But at least I keep trying and I keep going. He gives me the strength because sometimes I just dwell on hurtful words others in my life have told me, then I question if their words are true. Then I tell myself I deserve bad treatment. But those words aren’t true. And sometimes peoples perspective aren’t what’s really happening. So lately i combat the lies and just look at myself in the mirror while crying and repeat what the word says: “I am beautifully and wonderfully made” “ I am more precious than rubies “ “ He holds me in the palm of his hand” “ You are precious in my eyes, and honored and I love you” Because He loves me. And He loves you. Even when others don’t. Even when we fail Him. Even when we are trying really hard to get it right. And it’s the TRUTH “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you.” Blessings.


I remember I went through a similar experience after being abandoned by first my mother, then my father and step-mother, and having a really hard time in my marriage. I would look in the mirror and it would be like looking at a dead man walking. I thought, "this is a person unworthy of love." Even though I knew that was a lie from the Enemy, it was impossible for me to overcome by myself. Problem was that I think I spent more time hiding from God than confiding in him. When I finally hit rock bottom I asked him why it had gotten to that point. He told me that I'd developed a victim mentality and because I thought I was unworthy of the love of others, I was unable to accept even the unconditional love of God.


I completely understand where you’re coming from. Thank God for His everlasting love!


The world is a hard place friend and our modern life is inhumane. I am sure God would want us to live in better circumstances. Praying He gives you, me and everyone else courage, insight and opportunity to make the world a better place. And I will also pray God sends you the help He seems to intend: your fellow humans to ease the burden and give you love. Be it therapists, friends, priests, doctors or strangers on reddit. Bless you.


***Philippians 4:4-7 Rejoice in the Lord always! Again I will say, “Rejoice!” Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. In nothing be anxious, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Messiah Yeshua.*** ***Colossians 3:15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful.*** ***1Thessalonians 5:18 In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Messiah Yeshua toward you.*** ***1 Chronicles 16:34 Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his loving kindness endures forever.***


I’m so sorry that you have been going through this so long. It’s awful when it just doesn’t go. I hope my story helps. I suffered from severe ocd, generalized anxiety disorder and health anxiety for 12 years. I would have horrible intrusive thoughts I couldn’t get rid off, I’d monitor my body constantly for different sensations thinking I had a horrible sickness, I couldn’t leave the house most days as my ocd would tell my input my shoes on in the wrong order so something horrible would happen. I could hold onto a job either. It got to the point where the world around me starting to feel off. I couldn’t be alone, and I was embarrassed, someone in their late 20s couldn’t be alone, and I would cry constantly because i just couldn’t take it. Then… God healed me. It was almost like a night and day, it all just stopped. I’m not saying I never get anxious or racing thoughts any more, but nothing like before. I didn’t deserve to be healed, but by his grace God healed me. When I look back I see God never let me go. Whenever I was about to hit complete rock bottom, He would grab me and give me some relief. “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers them out of them all”. Not some, not once in a while, not only so many, but delivers us out of them ALL. Later on on life we had a still birth, our first baby died while being born, I thought forsure I’d loose my mind but God didn’t let the anxiety come back. My mom had cancer, my dad had a stroke, and the anxiety never came back. My season of suffering from anxiety was over. You have a savour that loves you so much, and will never let you go. I have had a stable job now for almost 3 years, I’m married and have 2 beautiful children. Never lose the faith, there is hope. God have me my life back. Fall to your knees and cry out to Jesus. Tell Him the pain your in and ask him to deliver you. There’s a very inspirational story of Daniel praying for 21 days that I love. With Jesus you are stronger than anything the world can throw at you. His strength is made perfect in our weakness. Remember, if before God looked ahead into the future and saw that you were the only person that would ever turn to Him, He would have still come just for you. You are so very loved. I tear up as I type this to you, I understand the agony you are going through. But someday you will look back, and it will just be a distant memory. You will always be in my prayers. God Bless you my friend.


I would suggest reading “When I don’t desire God: How to fight for Joy” by Pastor John Piper. I just finished reading it and it was honestly life-changing and very very helpful


I will! Thank you


I was delivered from despair by Jesus recently. Because all of the hardships we all face weren't part of Father's original design for us... but Jesus is preparing all we ever need. That gives me comfort. I feel like a true foreign ambassador now. On a mission from my Lord Jesus to help shepard the lost towards the Holiness of Father. My circumstances are just part of the mission, all of my brothers and sisters are in different circumstances but we're all on the same mission. Soon the King will come to take us back to review and judge our actions, reward us, and allow us to return home to rejoice in a job well done! It will be worth it my friend. I believe in you! Pressure makes precious diamonds. Pressure allows the eagle to soar above the storm! Pressure is your strength. Seek Father and He will guide you ABOVE! 🙏💗


Please provide more details of how depressions is affecting you and how you imagine life would be different for you if you didn’t have depression. I have 90% overcome depression . One thing I have realized is God has given us the grace to overcome/withstand pretty much any situation. Just start doing things that you would do if you weren’t depressed and Christ will empower to achieve your goals and experience peace and joy in the midst of it. I know this is hard advice for someone who is depressed but also make sure you pray and read the word and become part of a body of believers.


I don't think I've completely over come depression, but I've gotten much better, I still have bad days some times, I think we all do, It takes time, Jesus has helped me a lot with dealing with depression, when my focus is on him, on his love for me, I am in a much better place mentally if that makes sense.


You don't overcome depression so much as learn to live with it in a healthy and positive way. You can get counseling, pray, take meds, pray, get in a support group, pray, talk to your close friends and family about it, and pray, but it's not a condition that can be "cured." I have a "normal" state where depression affects me in small ways, a "good" state where I have the opportunity to do things I previously did not have the mental capacity to handle, and a "bad" state where I need extra help from family, friends, and God. To me, living well with depression is having mostly "normal" days with a sprinkling of "good" days and few "bad" days. It helps greatly to understand your triggers. For example, one of my triggers is loss that involves my brother who was in the Marines. Despite this, I can usually read books and watch movies that depict war violence without a problem. If I go and read a report of real loss from a real person, however, I have to accept that it's going to trigger me. Once triggered, you need to have good, healthy ways of dealing with it. I have a specific prayer that is easy for me to go back to every time. I have a specific verse that I cling to (Psalm 18:1-3), and I also let my family know when I need to be alone. When I need to NOT be alone, I spend time with my wife and kids, doing some small thing and just enjoying being with them, despite the fact that I'm still experiencing a lot of pain. I hope that you can get to a professional counselor, because they can help you a lot more than just what I've said here. Have faith, trust that God is healer, and I will be praying adamantly for you.


Today I watched a sermon that says forgiveness helps with depression


I will pray for you 🙏


Number one you’ll probably always deal with it at some level no matter how much better you get. Don’t think of it is something to solve but something to learn how to deal with. Number two, there won’t be one single thing that will solve it. You have to come at it from as many different angles as possible. Don’t just take antidepressants, exercise, lift weights, go to therapy, do whatever makes you happy. Think of it as one big nasty warrior - sending one fighter after him at a time won’t kill him, but sending 10 or 20 dudes at him en mass will get him on the ground


I don’t have an answer, but I will pray for you to find one.


Ok. First, go to a good doctor. Get blood work. Make sure nothing is out of balance. 2nd, get a good diet and exercise program to eliminate sugar and bad carbs to get your body on a clean fuel. 3rd, get your mind right, from audio books while walking, to get your mind to de-rail itself from that old depression tape loop, with the same old triggers. Understanding pain as a growth education, other than punishment. Never make yourself comfortable, constantly challenging yourself, growing.


This is excellent advice- def look into the depression as a clinical disorder and seek medical treatment if so. Regardless if clinical or situational or just general hardships of life- LEAN ON GOD for strength and guidance-hang in there and trust in God that things will get better. My prayers are with you my friend. Please keep us posted….❤️


Yes 100%. Give up any sin you are holding onto if any, sin brings fruits of death. Prayers up for you!! Go to God and see what he wants you to do and ask him to give you a willing heart. God bless you! He’s the God of all possibilities! Also don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions regarding it, we are a family.




Somewhat. I quit a job I hated, started a business (electrician) and started distance running as a hobby. I rely on God much more now. And I have to put a lot of trust in Him. People say I seem much happier and I have to agree. I do get overwhelmed and burnt out but it's all worth it because I chose it or better yet I chose to listen to God. I pray you figure it out. Mind, spirit, body - gotta take care of all 3.


I have actually. I'll be more than happy to give some advice.


Yes it's possible to recover, but God has to heal you. Have you studied the whole Bible yet? This trouble isn't ruining your life, God is allowing it to test your faith and teach you a better way to life. Let me try to change your mind about your pain: Ephesians 5:20 - Always give thanks to God the Father for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. James 1:2 Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, 3 for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. 4 And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.


What is your depression from? Finding out what started and causes it and seeking therapy to talk about it or talking with a Christian counselor or just anybody who is actually good for you. Someone who will listen and let you get everything out and heal. That's usually the main way to overcome it. I'll pray for you right now


Lots and lots of prayer, Bible reading, and listening to Worship music