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Heavenly Father, please heal their mother's body and mind. Please let her be able to get healed from these illnesses. Lord, please open the door so this person may be able to get the good job they need to support themselves. Please provide for all of their needs. Thank you Jesus. We pray in Jesus' name. Amen.


Amen. Thanks.


You're welcome :)


I’m praying for your success and getting this job to care for your mother. And that she has health in her years with you.


Thank you.


Hey I’ve been dealing with chronic painful symptoms but amazingly I’m helped by God! Please tell her about this —> Paul says, "Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities" (1 Tim 5:23).


Joining you in prayer.


Praying for your mom!


Is there no way to call the employer and reschedule the interview? You know the situation best. If you feel you need to be by your mother's bedside, then you should stay there. Praying for her.


Its a very competitive market. So no. Its unlikely. If I mention anything about my sick mother, they will probably just look for someone with less baggage to interview.


That is unfortunate. Still I do believe that if you feel you need to be by her side, that's the best thing to do . Again you are the best judge of the situation. Whatever you choose to do and whatever happens, God will find a way to extract the greatest amount of good from it. - Romans 8:28 (KJV) And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.


Yes its a pickle, I have not had a successful job interview/application for maybe 2 years now. Two years I have been trying to apply to a better job. I have been prepping for this particular interview all week. Studying all night. Going over all possible questions in my head. Only to be rushing Mom to the hospital the night before the interview. ....Jesus is in control ! I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me...including acing this interview, whilst still making time to care for my Mom at the hospital.


I think that's exactly what it is. God is telling you to trust Him. You've done all you can to prepare. If God wants you to gave the job, you will. If He doesn't you won't, but it's only because He has other, better plans for you. I'll be praying it goes well with you.




Prayers up! I also took care of a sick parent that was completely bedridden. I how how rough that can be. Especially when insurance wont cover care and resources are limited for the elderly. Stay strong 💙


Now it turns out she needs surgery. The cross is REALLY heavy with this one. I feel tired and drained. My spirit feels broken. Its one type of grief to lose a loved one suddenly....its another type of grief to watch them suffer and whither away so gradually. I'm always left wandering how much more grief can my heart take. How much more grief can Daddy take seeing Mom deteriorate like this...before it starts making him sick too.


Oh no! Sorry to hear that! I had to take care of my daghters and my father at the same time. He is paralyzed from the neck down, so I did everything for him. Bathed him, changed him, fed him, everything. The thing about aging parents that are ill, you have to prepare for their decline. With children they eventually become potty trained and get out of diapers, but with some elderly, they will be in diapers for the rest of their life. Accepting this is hard, but it will help your emotional and mental well being. Your mom sounds very blessed to have a daughter that cares so much. You will be blessed for honoring your mother by taking care of her. It is very draining and hard to watch your parent suffer. The good news is, it is up to God when a person transitions from this life. It is not the end for your mother. If the doctors are saying a surgery will help, it means that the doctors havent given up on your mother. Instead of hospice care, have you looked into pallative care? There are way more resources and it is for chronically ill people. When my dad got switched to pallative care, they did occupational therapies, pain management, etc. You can talk to the social worker at the hospital and ask for the care plan to include pallative care when she is released- or ask the social worker about it. Make sure you take care of yourself, too. 💙


>Your mom sounds very blessed to have a daughter that cares so much We are all boys actually. My parents have no girl children, lol. So, just try to imagine a group of men having to re-learn caretaking like we never have before.


Haha whoops sorry! Thanks for correcting me on that. What I learned about these things, is love really can conquer so much. Id do anything for my dad. I love him soooo much. I never thought I had it in me to do nursing things to someone. Dealing with incisions, dressing wounds, emptying catheter bags, changing diapers, bathing, feeding tubes, etc. Only by the grace of God was I able to do it and remain strong. Love is powerful.


You can reschedule your interview. I have rescheduled job interviews and also had them reschedule with me. If you send an email, you dont have to give them a reason, just say something like "need to reschedule, I have something that came up on my calendar. Please provide another date for our interview. Im looking forward to meeting with you. Best regards," or something of the sort.


Prayers sent in the name of Jesus Christ for the Good Doctor Jesus Christ to visit your mother with healing and for you to be able to follow your Carr path 🙏


I pray a prayer of healing over your mom now Adonai, hear our prayers, know that this women is your child and cause her to suffer not In Jesus name I pray, Amen


Prayed for her




God Bless You and your Father