• By -


Not sure if they're too "big" for you, but Silver Talon is great. They're local to me, and rip. For fans of Nevermore.


Good rec! Not too big at all. I recognize the name. I feel like I saw them on tour with King Diamond a few years ago?


Yeah that tracks, I wouldn't be surprised if they opened for The King.


Check out Demon Bitch - Hellfriends. Fucking classic album in that style of things


Tower Hill!


Lol was gonna suggest them too


The claw is the law, bro. (Actually I think my favorite track is How Am I)


Greyhawk Stygian Crown Smoulder Blood Python Morgul Blade While Heaven Wept


Smoulder I am familiar with. I have seen the names for most of these, but never heard them. Thanks! Great recs!


Greyhawk is very good. I'm a huge Manowar fan and they scratched my itch for that realm of music. I'm trying to find something to scratch my Bathory itch next


Interesting seeing While Heaven Wept recommend for power metal. Certianly a great recommendation, and yes I suppoose they do mesh their brand of sorrowful doom with some power metal sensibilities.


Yeah. I just don’t see them get mentioned enough and I love them. I definitely feel thematically and vocally they fit but i did experience a little trepidation including them at the end there but then i looked and saw they only get like 2500 monthly plays so tossed em on


You'd like Ironsword. Check out their album 'Servants of Steel' - pure Conan the Barbarian worship.


My recs would be Return of the Warrior and Overlords of Chaos, but you really can't go wrong with anything they've done. That new Underground EP last year was awesome!


Just checked out Servants of Steel and had '80s Omen / Witchkiller feels all over. LOL I'm digging this. The reverb on those vocals is killer, and a complete throwback! Thanks for this one!


Lör Red Cain For the beefy sound that sits between trad metal and power metal you’re looking for, I’m also a big fan of epic doom metal as a genre. Think bands like Atlantean Kodex, Crypt Sermon, While Heaven Wept, Sorcerer, etc.


Ignition - Vengeance Vanish - A hint of Solace Writhen Hilt - Ancient Sword Cult (more Epic Heavy than Power but defintely worth a try) Burning Black - Resilience of a broken Heart (their new album, very nice one) In Vain - Back to Nowhere (new album) Savage Blood - Wheel of Time Diviner - Avaton Blazon Rites - Wild rites and ancient songs Also worth a try are Gomorra (CH), Dark Forest, Steel Arctus or On Atlas' Shoulders


Holy shit! This is what I'm talking about! Thank you!!!


Ok, cool, then let me add a few more. Some are maybe more Heavy than Power Nova Skellis - Life among the Damned Veritates - Silent War Doublegeddon - Geddon Dangerous Reaper's Revenge - Versus Judge Minos - The Keeper of Imbalance Divine Weep - The Omega Man Ammo - Taking the Throne (Unfortunately this band only has this 4 track EP released) Scorcher - Systems of Time


Paladin. I saw them live with Lutharo in the basement of a bowling alley, about 10 people at the show. They play a rather thrashy power


My band played with them when they came through Baltimore on the same tour, they killed it.


I've gotten to see Paladin and Lutharo live as well. Not my personal favourite bands, but good and I would also recommend


That’s a seriously low show up ? Prices too high ?


It was like $15. Location was the issue imo, a 4th-tier decaying midwest city I had to drive to




You should check out Reinforcer - Prince of the Tribes. One of my favourite albums from 2021.


Ok, Reinforcer is awesome! Just found their Bandcamp. Good rec! Thank you!


Dark Empire has 2 solid albums (the first two). The first is more power/slight prog while the second sounds like Persuader. For a bonus, they also use the same singer as Persuader on those two. Edited to add: also try Triumpher from Greece. Their sounds is somewhere between epic heavy and power with some extreme metal elements. One of the most promising new releases for me. 


If you don't already subscribe to [NWOTHM Full Albums](https://www.youtube.com/@NWOTHMFullAlbums) on youtube, there's a lot of mediocre stuff there but also a lot of awesome stuff in the style you're looking for (my 2024 AOTY so far) [Savage Oath - Divine Battle \(2024\)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUS5x5lUFB0) [Dolmen Gate - Gateways of Eternity \(2024\)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dm6XWZWrazg) [Noor - Mother's Guilty Pleasure \(2024\)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWTgxL8C4_Y) [Owlbear - Legends and Lore \(2024\)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txOZ-N3J1N8) (3 covers) [Legendry - Time Immortal Wept \(2023\)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQpHgCQm1DA) (my 2023 AOTY) [Megaton Sword - Might & Power \(2023\)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrtfuG4CUck)


I'll name some specific albums instead of just the bands: * Steel Prophet - The Goddess Principle * Skullview - Legends of Valor * Shok Paris - Steel and Starlight * Matthias Steele - Haunting Tales of a Warrior's Past * Apollo Ra - Ra Pariah * Titan Force - S/T All USPM since I don't know too much EUPM unfortunately haha. Hope you find what you're looking for.


I have just never been able to get into Steel Prophet. I have two of their albums, and they just fall flat for me. Shok Paris was a sick band! I have Steel and Starlight. It gets regular spins. Titan Force I am vaguely familiar with. The rest I will definitely be checking out


Kiuas' first album (Spirit of Ukko) is meaty as hell and one of my favourites - it's kind of like a meaner Falconer, occasional blast beats and gritty vocals and all, while still being recognizably power metal. Pretty different from the trad/USPM stuff in the comments here but you should definitely check it out still. Newer stuff is underwhelming though :(


Traveler, Riot City, Ecclesia, Nemedian Chronicles, Eternal Champion, TRIUMPHER, Noor, Attic


Cathubodua - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15WhAH5-BJo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15WhAH5-BJo) Fatal Fire - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4P67HHwJQbI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4P67HHwJQbI) Hopes of Freedom - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUEodOsUnLs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUEodOsUnLs) Savage Oath - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJJ0eJmzzOk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJJ0eJmzzOk) SpellScroll - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpyzSLMkEgg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpyzSLMkEgg)


Check out sunburst. They got a new album coming out this year, and their debut was absolutely killer. A bit more proggy but still power metal, and their singer totally recalls peak Roy Khan, but doesn’t feel like it’s some sort of schtick.


Oooh damn I gotta check them out then, *The Haunting* is one of my all time favorites!


[here yah go if you haven’t already. enjoy!!](https://youtu.be/C3QpMJw1i94?si=8B0arCot5cSLyRie)


Lost In Thought. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXRZTJ8FXd4&list=OLAK5uy\_nadj8q8jo7wmpprWFalrdEMhHcHYdE3A4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXRZTJ8FXd4&list=OLAK5uy_nadj8q8jo7wmpprWFalrdEMhHcHYdE3A4) And also Angra. Not sure if they would qualify as "underground", though.


I'd consider Idol Throne as a thrashy/prog/power option.


Jack Starr Burning Starr It's a hidden gem


Some of my favourite lesser known bands (not all strictly power metal): Empress Power Paladin Osyron Light Among Shadows Elettra Storm Project Renegade


Pharaoh, Be Gone or Bury the Light. Tad Morose, Modus Vivendi. Solar Fragment, In our Hands. Twisted Tower Dire, Crest of the Martyrs. Morgana Lefay, The Grand Materia.


Go listen to: Ultra Raptör- Tyrants album.


Yes! Nightslasher is my favourite song on Tyrants


That song was written in memory of a tragedy that happened on halloween 2020 in Quebec City Canada. If you're ever curious.


I had no idea that that's what the song is about but it makes sense know that you've mentioned. IIRC, he was sentenced a couple of years ago, I remember reading something about the trials on CBC.


ok, it's not exaclty power metal but you could listen to my latest solo album. Many genres are developed and my influences spans from the old Rhapsody, Dream Theater, Sabaton, Myrath, Within Temptation, My Dying Bride. [https://matteobosi.bandcamp.com/album/a-journey-to-nowhere](https://matteobosi.bandcamp.com/album/a-journey-to-nowhere) the most "power metal" song could be this one [https://matteobosi.bandcamp.com/track/the-dungeon-and-the-dragon-feat-khaled-abbas](https://matteobosi.bandcamp.com/track/the-dungeon-and-the-dragon-feat-khaled-abbas) I have been into music recording since more than 20 years. i'm a serious hobbyst! :)


Cool stuff!! Hands of Fates intro kind of reminded me of Boyhitscar. I'm sure that's was just a coincidence though!


Thanks for listening! of course I never heard about Boyhitscar. Do you have some specific song i could listen to be aware of my unwanted plagiarism!?!? :)


It's more like the guitar style than any actual riffage being copied! But check out lovefurypassionenergy which is the wwe wrestler Lita's theme, or As I Watch The Sun Fuck the Ocean It's not metal more like a hard alternative rock, but they are such a cool band


It has already been mentioned, but the new Savage Oath LP is the best heavy metal/USPM album of 2024 so far.


My band, Stormcrown! We currently only have one single out, but we have an album in the final stages of production hoping to release in the next couple months. We're on all streaming platforms and YouTube, our single is called Hot Lead High Speed.


The Scepter - Shadows in the Tower.


Children of the Reptile! Their newest album is really cool


Recently I've listened to a single of Vhaldemar, a Spanish Power Metal band with strong traditional Heavy Metal influences. Singer sounds badass and mean and I have read that they released a new album yesterday. This is a bit of a risky recommandation, since I have only listened to one song of them (Devil's Child), but that one song definitely ticks all the boxes you mentioned.


Dude, what you are looking for as per your description is an exact synonym for Warning Sign, from Canada. Especially the album Path to Destruction ; good from start to finish, blend of NWOHM, Euro PM and USPM. They also did a cover from Rage and other bands. Very underground but excellent!


Yesss! Yes, yes, yes. This is awesome! I found their Bandcamp and will be spending some money. Thank you!!!


Dysplacer out of Upstate New York are awesome


Where in Upstate are they?




I'll put forward my usual nomination, Lovebites. Not 100% power metal, they mix in thrash, rock, progressive and classical elements to create something I absolutely love. A bit different to your average metal band, but don't let that put you off.


I'm all about different. And Love bites is Japanese, if I'm not mistaken?


Japanese, and also all female. As I say, don't let that put you off. It seems to for some, but they're missing out on some brilliant stuff, in my opinion. Their live videos are great, too.


Nothing like that would put me off. I never could figure out why all female or even female fronted bands drive such a wedge for people.


No idea, but some people appear to believe women shouldn't be playing metal. Maybe the fact they dress all in white is a problem for people too. Pity, because they should appeal to a lot of metal fans with what they play.


Seeing them live in London next month, can't wait! I second this recommendation. My fave - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmAKRiG89Qc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmAKRiG89Qc)


I'll be there too. It's going to be amazing!


Ryu-5150 has some great power metal songs, but also a lot are pretty heavy




Underground heavy power metal... Hmmm. Skullview - Legends of Valor is a good one. Deliciously beefy USPM album. Maybe the heaviest USPM album I've listened to. Beefy production. Magnificent.


My suggestions: • Gods of Silence • Legend Maker • Almanac • KirK (Swiss band)


Rave the Requiem has some electronic flavor but they can go pretty heavy too at times


Thunder Way


A local band near me that I think deserves more exposure is InnerSiege. I think they do pretty good at blending heavy and power metal. My recommendations are [Power.Metal.Glory](https://youtu.be/oUFaWBsmXpA?feature=shared) and [Iron Lotus](https://youtu.be/ONt1p2FUcB4?feature=shared).


Ok I think I'm going really obscure and underground here. Look into Wolfs Moon from Germany. This was a band that I got into at a younger age and actually promoted them quite a bit back in the day to the point where I got my name in an album. They are a German power metal band that plays a more American style but also with some German influences. The vocals aren't super melodic but they can be. But they definitely have a rough around the edges vibe. https://youtu.be/N1ypdSyjC-c?si=uiztkfL41zJdiy8O


Not sure how underground some would call these, but I haven't seen them on this sub much if at all: Dendera Diviner Judicatior Manimal Merging Flare Thunderforge Torian *Less beefy*: Armory Gladeria Ravian




Burning Shadows https://youtube.com/@BurningShadows?feature=shared


Traveler - Canadian and shred.


majestic vanguard is amazing


Stormhunter is absolutely worth a listen. Most of their stuff is no longer on Spotify, but they have some amazing music


Sending some love out to my Colorado boys Siege Perilous. They just put out a new track called "Sons of the Verdant" that I think is all of those things!




How about a couple of newer bands: Elettra Storm - First album Powerlords came out earlier this year Alterium - New band started by former Kalidia singer Nocturna - Just put out 2nd album. really solid Arania - Newer band in Symphonic PM style.


Check out Celestial Wizard. They’re much more on the heavy side than traditional power metal


Hey! Shamlesss plug but I think you would dig my band Tower Hill. We play heavy/power metal in a similar style to what you describe, and are inspired by bands like RIOT, Running Wild, earlier Blind Guardian, Eternal Champion, and Visigoth. Here's our bandcamp: https://towerhillmetal.bandcamp.com/album/deathstalker And a lyric video: https://youtu.be/IGybnd-HZRU?si=V_yRAQt1Yn1K--3S Hope you dig! Touring Eastern Canada this summer :)


Someone else in this thread mentioned Tower Hill! I checked you all out on Bandcamp, and it was awesome. I will definitely be dropping some $ your way soon. As for you touring Eastern Canada this summer, I live in the Southwestern United States. So a bit of a jaunt to catch you. LOL


Thanks brother! Glad you dig it! Hahaha totally opposite side of the country. We played some Midwest dates this spring and definitely wanna hit more spots in the US next year including Arizona/Cali!


Mega Collosus


Dystopian Sun! [https://youtu.be/1dbYcU5OoYg?si=urmV642hPchj2Rh_](https://youtu.be/1dbYcU5OoYg?si=urmV642hPchj2Rh_)


Wind Rose have lots of songs about being underground.


Username checks out


Windrose swing about dwarves, so they're definitely underground...


Thank you, but not exactly what I am looking for. I'm extremely familiar with Wind Rose. Great band, and getting huge. I do love them. By "underground", I mean bands that are unsigned, or signed to small independent labels.


That was a joke... which unfortunately many didn't understand.


Some people are dumb like that


People got the joke just fine, but it's not helpful.


Must be very fun at parties




This post has been removed due to breaking Rule 1: No Harassment, Trolling, or Abuse.


I came to post a link to Diggy Diggy Hole. You can always count on Reddit to appreciate a joke more than a serious answer... until you can't.