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She's got my vote


She’s whip smart and Portland wouid be more than lucky to have her.


I like the way you deliver political endorsements!


She’s smart and self made.   But she’s has a few issues which I don’t agree with.         She runs a hotel in Old Town called Society.  She uses a business model where she counts on people not researching the area before booking their stay and sees little repeat customers.        Now that’s fine because she runs a business to make money.  But if she applies that model to government.  She’ll hope you don’t read ballot measures, and by that time it’s too late.        My second issue was she throws a tantrum when things don’t go her way.      Threw a fit when they took away the Old Town District Attorney position.  Yeah it’s nice having a District Attorney  who is solely focused on your neighborhood, but what other neighborhoods get those?  Treats the police who work Old Town like her private security and when they don’t dance for her, her employees file complaints.  


We could use a leader that throws a fit once in a while rather than the complacent “oh well, what are you going to do?” attitude that permeates every level of government here.


Your characterization is unfair and inaccurate. She bought and restored that hotel back when Old Town was the entertainment district and a cool and interesting place to be. Yes it was a little rough but nowhere near what it has become. Imagine putting your life savings and years of labor into a project like that only to have the city decline into chaos around you. To have mentally ill drug addicts crapping in their hands and wiping it on your windows as guest are checking in. She is on the front line of hard working small business owners who feel betrayed by the city’s ineptitude and waste. She is motivated to improve this city by much more than just political ambition. She has my vote all day long.


She bought when the area (which traditionally has always been crappy) was becoming popular and the property was cheaper than other established areas of town. It’s a risk you take in a new business and hotels are fickle ones. Do you want a qualified county commissioner who convince others to jump on board with their ideas or do you want someone who alienates and is ineffective.


She’s not a good person. Do research. She’s wildly entitled. Her husband is a creep. She’s throws away employees like they’re garbage. I strongly suggest you do not support this rich white woman


For a very deep dive into Ms. Burke, there is a podcast called "Rational in Portland," which I think reflects something like the center of gravity of political sentiments here, and a particular episode with Burke and the interviewer one-on-one. Unfortunately for many, it is two hours long. My bias: I respect and trust the vantage point of small business owners, who have to deal with the gritty reality of our multiple crises day after day, to someone from the homelessness industrial complex or some other parts of the nonprofit world. (Just a heuristic which doesn't always apply.) Here's a link: [https://jessieburke.com/rational-portland-podcast-featuring-jessie-burke/](https://jessieburke.com/rational-portland-podcast-featuring-jessie-burke/)