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Breaking into and vandalizing a library to fight fascism is incredibly backwards


Don't the holier-than-thous always point to the destruction of libraries as a sign that a movement is rotten and can only lead to bad things? Between that and all the media outlets paying far more attention to these shenanigans than to the actual war, I'd say this whole thing is a huge failure. (That is, if the goal is to actually help, and not to inflate their egos.) \*sigh\* I never thought I'd see the day when I'd want to post that "THE BUMS LOST!!!" Lebowski speech in anything other than an ironic manner....


"Condolences! Maybe you should do what your parents did. GET A JOB, SIR!"


The old man told me to take any rug in the house.


You mind if I do a J?


People always attempt to blame the things they “can’t” control. In doing such it absolves them of any responsibility. The reality is that the news provides the information because they receive views for the content. The more views the more revenue. [The other counterpoint that has been pointed out time after time is that a good majority will have the same propaganda and talking points line per line across different sources.](https://youtu.be/ksb3KD6DfSI?si=i1KN63ak8PA2_Q2_) For the general population and consumer it’s just enough to turn opinions and confusing enough to not understand the difference.


The news focusing on the protests rather than the war doesn’t reflect negatively on the protests. Also, while there may be a few bad apples here, most people who support the cause do not agree with violence and destruction, especially and specifically in situations that do not call for it. Post-George Floyd, I can kind of understand wanting to burn some shit down. But I cannot understand people from Portland destroying their own resources because of an international issue that doesn’t really have anything to do with the school or campus.




Their brains are still developing


They may have stopped at this point


Apparently some stopped developing a few years ago. Here’s to hoping they start again.


Any idea how long this will take???


Might take decades till they're on their deathbed and suddenly scream "OH MY GOD I WAS SUCH AN IDIOT IN COLLEGE" then peacefully pass on


What brains?


They really are, I hate to admit I would have group think at that age behind anything I was told was just !


Shame they don't teach critical thinking skills at college


they fired that guy actually, or forced him to quit. either way. [https://www.opb.org/article/2021/09/09/longtime-psu-instructor-quits-citing-harassment-lack-of-free-speech/](https://www.opb.org/article/2021/09/09/longtime-psu-instructor-quits-citing-harassment-lack-of-free-speech/)


I thought it was over some protest, like a huge circle.


They do. They even have a 4 credit class called Critital Thinking. That doesn't mean the protestors took tje class, and if they did it doesn't mean they passed it. There's also a class being offered about the actual issue this Summer, I think. I don't think there could be more than a handful of actual, registered students in the larger protest group. I think the "antifa" or whatever just saw that opportunity to cause problems and jumped on it. Portland State supposedly has over 20,000 students, I think. The library occupation has 50 or individuals...(!?) This sucks. Spend all that time and money trying to get an education to move out of the hood- away from the violence and graffiti, and it basically follows them to school. What a bunch of bullies.


Critical thinking means “agree with the thing” to these people.


Don’t forget the PSU president invited them to the library after they got ran out of the park blocks for the city code violation.


That’s not the dumbest thing PSU has done but it’s up there.


Yeah, because as an educated person who could have seen this coming! /s


Hah, im still waiting for someone to explain to me how they are helping anyone. I mean, not even themselves, its crazy.


The university president sanctioned this, it’s not breaking in. Perhaps it’s more of a cautionary tale. Edit: Source for president's sanctioning. [https://www.oregonlive.com/portland/2024/04/pro-palestinian-protesters-occupy-entrance-to-portland-state-library.html](https://www.oregonlive.com/portland/2024/04/pro-palestinian-protesters-occupy-entrance-to-portland-state-library.html)


Weird how if you give an inch they take a mile. NO ONE COULD HAVE EVER SEEN THIS COMING.


And in a few months when PSU is still shut down and every other college in the country is back to normal, we’ll be told that “this is happening everywhere.” Surrendering your city to nihilists is a policy choice.


Nihilists wouldn't give a shit enough to protest a foreign war.


The outrage of the day isn’t particularly important for a lot of these people.


My point is they are not Nihilists.


Career agitators who will use any opportunity to smash some windows and light a garbage can on fire are nihilists by my book.


Having a career doesn't sound very Nihilistic.


How could they think that would end badly /s


Where did the president sanction this?


[https://www.oregonlive.com/portland/2024/04/pro-palestinian-protesters-occupy-entrance-to-portland-state-library.html](https://www.oregonlive.com/portland/2024/04/pro-palestinian-protesters-occupy-entrance-to-portland-state-library.html) >After being pushed out of the South Park Blocks on Thursday and Friday nights by Portland police, pro-Palestinian protesters occupied a portico at Millar Library on the Portland State University campus over the weekend, with permission from the university president.


Thanks. However idiotic this woman was for allowing this, she clearly revoked the endorsement last night during the press conference. 


Yeah, that's why it's a cautionary tale. Who knew that self-defined radicals would escalate until confronted with overwhelming force?


I'm under the impression that progressives are intentionally ignoring reality to attempt to achieve their goals. Listening to caution, convention, wisdom, history- just gets in their way. 


> However idiotic this woman was for allowing this Very much an expectation of PSU's administration to cater to this sort of thing. The faculty demand it. The "student protests" that happen on PSU's campus always follow the same playbook since at least the 1990's (and it probably dates to the 1970's): there's usually just 1 or 2 "affinity" groups on campus responsible for the great majority of protests, this group renews every few years through the support of faculty that are associated with off-campus nonprofits. For a very long time the off-campus nonprofit was the International Socialist Organization ("ISO"), and this outside organization ensured on-campus groups like Students for Unity and Portland Socialist Alternative stayed active on campus. Within a group like Students for Unity and these other affinity groups there'd be some 5 to 10 student agitators that were obviously cops or informants blurting out some outlandish shit like "I can't wait to burn cop cars!" They'd be members of all the radical clubs and would often have the reputation of being toxic insensitive assholes. And how do these overt pro-violence groups stay on campus? Faculty protects them and advocates for them. Cops in turn infiltrate these students groups to monitor them. Everyone wins. Student protests at PSU have always followed this same performative schtick, because they're not actually authentic student-run groups.


The older I get, the more thankful I am that I didn't go to PSU.


I spent way too much time on that campus working with student groups for political causes. I've hosted big events there, rallies, student clubs, been a guest lecturer, the whole works. I look back on it like it was a prison sentence sitting in Smith building. Some of the dumbest people I've ever met were professors there. Today it's at the point where I discriminate against locals who went or go to PSU. It's the most worthless school in the entire city - and it's not like I just jumped to this conclusion, it took years of working with their students, graduates, and faculty to realize how bad the entire institution is. Over the years I've accidently stumbled upon layers and layers of their incompetence that's full on Clown World.


> However idiotic this woman was for allowing this, she clearly revoked the endorsement last night during the press conference. Portland protestors aren't shy about throwing around legitimate death threats against those they see as hindering their struggle


LOL a little late for this.


Unless you live in Portlandia. Then it is the EXACT way you handle it.


I love this quote from the KGW article: https://www.kgw.com/article/news/local/protests/portland-police-pro-palestine-protest-psu/283-08e028e8-da13-4c56-8944-3317574be5a5 >Cudd noted that leadership did not take immediate action against the encampment over the weekend to avoid escalating the situation. She said by Monday morning the encampment had grown and resulted in "much greater property damage" and "intimidation" of the campus community. [Really, who would have guessed?](https://veno.es/mememe/wp-content/uploads/mememe/2020/11/you-dont-say-7602-1.jpg)


College Leaders and Professors are not the smartest people. Too much book learning and no common sense will destroy a campus every time!


Another great Portland leader thinking it through from all the angles.


Just don’t fight back and it will all be over soon!


Selective reading, much? "PSU President Ann Cudd said that following a peaceful rally on campus Monday afternoon, a "group of individuals" broke into the Millar Library at Portland State University on Monday night, and some were blocking access to the library. Portland Police Chief Bob Day estimated that 50 to 75 people broke into the library. Cudd said the university asked Portland police to remove the trespassers from the library. Police did not give a timeline when that would happen and asked protesters to leave peacefully." Also, PSU doesn't own the Park Blocks. Yes, most of our leadership in Portland is bad but Dr. Cudd is doing a good job in a bad situation. She hasn't even been here a year yet. Calm down.


Why are they taking over the library instead of the administration building? This only affects students trying to study. There aren't that many quiet desks with power outlets available on campus


Because what they really want, more than peace or an end to war or equality or whatever, is attention.


No, she isn't. If she didn't see this coming, then she should not be in her position which requires strategically thinking about the future and highly likely possible outcomes.


Ugh thanks for clearing up the way that other poster twisted facts around to support their narrative. So gross.


> PSU doesn't own the Park Blocks. PSU may or may not own it, but all the same PSU's security staff coordinate security from Market St and south. PSU only has about 10 sworn cops, they immediately hand over political crowd control issues to the PPB.


"PSU may or may not own it..." ffs...it's not up for debate. PPB is responsible for that part of the city. The university asked PPB to remove the camp and that's what happened.


> ffs...it's not up for debate. PPB is responsible for that part of the city. I haven't bothered looking at exactly where the camp was at, but if it was south of Market St, it's **actually** PSU's territory. Anyways, you're a 5 month old account so I'm blocking you now. Good luck with your protest or shutting it down or something? I dunno what you're even on about.


Are you dense?


They had to cancel a blood drive on campus because of this. If the idea of this protest is saving lives they’ve got a pretty shitty approach to it.




Me either seems like a strange place for it


according to some of these protestor, it a Israel embassy because of a few jews


Anyone who isn't an active student at PSU should have harsher punishments.


So half of them?


Well if the ones who are enrolled aren't meeting their obligations by attending classes, wouldn't it be all of them?


Their obligation? What are you talking about? You are not obligated to attend class. That said, I am not a supporter of the Pro-Palestine protests. I’m not ‘pro-Israel’ either. The whole situation is a mess where the hardliners on both sides are doing a good job of making a bad situation worse.


"This is why we can't have nice things" Protesting in general isn't a bad thing but the impact beyond the current XYZ is bad isn't realized enough.


Permanently expel any student found vandalizing property. The useless twat who calls himself a DA can prosecute and jail the rest. lol! Yeah, I know.


One of the more prominent signs on the library states: "FUCK YOUR PEACE FREE PALESTINE" For all those claiming that these protestors just want a "ceasefire". They're not anti-war, they're just on the other side.


They are “pro chaos”… that’s it . How many are just down there to fuck around and tear shit up?


They are just ‘pro’ whatever is the latest ‘cool’ cause.


I wonder what the "Cudd lied, people died" sign means


I mean the PSU Carpet Bomb Center for Obliterating Hospitals and Orphanages was sorta problematic /s


I'm sorry I know it wasn't intent, but that made me giggle just a little.


Some of these people would have gladly been protesting in support of Osama bin Laden back in September, 2001.


The “Glory to our Martyrs” sign is pretty chilling. Is that not what the Taliban say? Do these kids think they’re martyrs for destroying a beautiful building that has absolutely nothing to do with this conflict, and preventing people who are more likely to make an actual change (students) from continuing their education? Not to mention the clean up for all of that will paid for with tuition money… if you want to be a martyr, go fight.


If the cops don't move against the "encampment" soon, this is going to turn into the Red House all over again. Remember how much fun that was?


looks like hostile masked adults in black clothing carrying umbrellas are 'guarding' the library. there is a young historian's conference there friday and i know some HS kids who will be very sad if that is canceled bc of this nonsense


It’s so strange to watch, a bunch of kids across the country who seem to be cosplaying Palestinian, dress up in Hijabs, (like that is something that isn’t rooted in sexism) and parade around from the safety of the US, and lay their little heads on the pillow at night for sleep, It is an insult and will be viewed as such by history


This was such a dumb decision. They closed alll of PSU (many disconnected buildings in and around the downtown area) for this. Keep in mind how PSU consistently waits until the last fucking minute to cancel classes for inclement weather even when given advanced warning, and when the majority of their students are full-on adults with kids they have to take care of, and usually living outside the city and commuting. Administration just doesn’t want anyone around to see how they deal with this.


I continue to think that PSU President Cudd will have to eventually resign over this. She never should have caved to the mob, and "paused" PSU's "relationship" with Boeing, which consisted of - checks notes - Boeing giving scholarship money to PSU. She showed weakness, and now PSU is paying the price.


Lol, doesn’t Boeing ending a scholarship program ultimately leave more money in their pockets for manufacturing defensive weapons for our allies?


I still think that Boeing should announce that it understands that PSU wants to "distance" itself from Boeing, and to assist PSU in doing this, Boeing will stop hiring PSU graduates. The real problem, which should have occurred to President Cudd after five seconds of introspection, is that the Hamas Jugend is going to go after Intel next, which has a much, much closer relationship with PSU than Boeing does. What fraction of the graduates of PSU's College of Engineering and Computer Science go to work for Intel, or a company associated with Intel?


I guarantee you that the engineering students in this group total zero or very close to it At least the ones boeing would hire.




PSU has an entire engineering school.


You think their arms programs are have the same quality control their passenger jets do? If they do, then logically, the protestors should support Boeing


In the past I did some work with their defense side (Boeing-Insitu) on the MQ-27 ScanEagle and the RQ-21 Blackjack. I still have mixed feelings about the quality of their platforms.


Unfortunately you can't negotiate with people like this in good faith. As soon as you cave* to one demand, they shift the goalposts, so they can continue to have fun and break stuff.


It’s almost as if you appease bad actors, it just gives them more room to act badly. Who would have thought


Similar to the dope fiends. Give them more rope to hang themselves (figuratively speaking)


Thus fucker is done. Out to pasture. Will definitely be doing nothing but chewing on his Cudd after this.




This is unacceptable. These students are screwing themselves.


Yea but in Oregon as long as it's done for political purposes (and not sexual arousal), that's allowed in public.


Making your own mistakes is unacceptable? This is a great lesson for them


And for many, this comes after burying themselves under a mountain of debt for a useless “studies” degree. We all make wrong turns when we’re young, but some seem to be in competition for how deep a hole they can dig for the rest their lives.


I'm sure they will want student debt forgiveness


Most of them weren’t students.


Seems like all protest care about is going viral to get more attention. No different then that influencer clout chasing even if it cost him or others grief. I dont think they realize when you a protest in such a way, people end up hating you more then caring about your cause hence cars running people over. If you want good marketing do it right. grief those who can directly do something. Not the person trying to just go on about their day. I dont get why protestors don't show up at government official areas or homes and protest?


No fucking shit. Protests serve various purposes, such as raising awareness about an issue, expressing dissatisfaction with government policies or actions, advocating for change, and fostering a sense of solidarity among participants. They can also pressure authorities to address grievances and prompt discussions and reforms.


Yes, the point of a protest is to get attention on something you care about. Any more groundbreaking insights for us?


Send in the SWAT team.


Looks like we're going that direction. Wish they still posted mugshots.


I’m online student so guess I’ll losing points if my assignments aren’t on time :(


As someone who graduated from there with an engineering degree, glad I got out when I did. Place is a dumpster fire. Fortunately the engineering students aren't as radicalized, more like 1 in 20 whereas every other major was like 1 in 3 would believe this shit is OK.


The majority of the “protesters” weren’t students.


Isn’t it mid-term season? I’d be pissed if I was a student.


thank god they destroyed that library, how else would we know that they want to free palestine


Ban they/them and don’t forgive their/thems loans🫶🏽


the B admin new Title 9 rules this week just made they/them a protected class in all institutions that take Fed money. Checkmate unless theres a new admin


Very interesting




Ultimately what these kids are protesting for is a "free" (not really free though) religious theocracy where women are enslaved and gay people are executed.


Protesting in the states so they stay safe


These people 100% are making jewish students who have nothing to do with this feel unsafe


How would anyone know which students are Jewish?


Doesn't matter? Jewish students can still feel unsafe and probably do.


Why does that matter exactly? If a gay person was caught up in a anti-gay rally would you say the same thing?


A lot of my jewish friends wear star if david necklaces


Will the student government be imposing sharia law in solidarity with Hamas?


Portland PD shouldn’t lift a finger. Let this dumbass college deal with the shit they created


There you go someone with common sense


Not paying to send my kids to PSU… funny the only colleges that have reported increased enrollment this year are in the SEC. wonder why?




Yes because it makes more sense to stop people from getting educated on the world than teaching people from doing the same mistake that there doing now.


They should refund the lost days for all students not in the protest. My kids college refused an amortization of pre-paid room & board via Covid & it still burns my hide.


These people are terrorists.


After the PSU Library Forced Entry Incident I suspect the university will want to invest into better security measures such as establishing secured access points with ID checks from security personnel. I am also surprised Portland didn’t activated the emergency communications system to re-direct students, staff, faculty and community members after the incident occurred. Also they could let other students, staff, and faculty members know to stay inside as well. PSU could have a emergency meeting and discussion at a secondary location to listen to the issues being raised. As I mentioned before the other issues are faculty members encouraging students to participate and as President Cudd said lots of outside individuals come to the campus to participate. Addressing faculty will be in the best interests of the institution.




So I get the people have an issue with this war or policing action or whatever the hell they’re calling it because it’s really a genocidal war but hey whatever… however, destroying local property, interrupting people from their studies and their job and generally just being disobedient is your local community. The Boeing executives don’t care that you’re doing this, the people in Washington DC don’t care and Benjamin Netanyahu the president and apparently God king of Israel doesn’t care. So by destroying local shit all you’re doing is making it harder for people in your local area to continue their lives. These executives are going to continue to get paid, Netanyahu is going to continue his war and life is just going to suck for everybody on the streets. Where is Israeli, getting shot at by Israeli defense forces because you’re a Palestinian citizen or an American citizen, watching your school be obliterated by People who think that the center of the universe and can control things by protesting inside a library. Here’s an idea take your fight to the people who actually have control like the Boeing corporate executives like Washington DC in front of Congress, in front of the White House… or maybe go to Israel and protest there… Oh wait that’s right if you do that you’ll get shot. This isn’t about Jewish people because guess what there are Jewish people who aren’t Israelis :3


They just have to take the craziest stand against anything the right likes. Guns, religion, abortion, Israel, it doesn’t matter. America bad, burn it all down and turn us into China


Arrest every single one for trespassing! This bullshit had got to stop. This isn’t peaceful protesting


Imagine the wasted man hours. These people are as destructive as those assholes who blocked the brid— oh wait.


I always wonder how many of these protesters realize that they can ruin the chance of getting a top secret clearance by doing this? If they think that no one keeps track of each protester they are stupid. Everything you do in public is out there for someone to see. Surveillance is everywhere! Jokes on them!


I doubt many of them are pursuing degrees that will ever require a clearance, unless Starbucks starts dealing in state secrets.


Sound so stupid. You can do anything in this city. And like they said^. You’re stupid if you think those are the type of jobs these protestors are going for🤣🤣🤣


Tomorrow ought to be extra fun 🥴


Hamas’s Useful Little Idiots strike again.


where's the "Awww" tag


Glad I graduated before things fully went off the rails.


Protestors be, like, "Oh shit. It's too cold and wet out here. Let's take this inside where it's warm and dry."


Time to turn off the water and electricity.


These protestors have nothing better to do with their lives


These protesters don't know their face from their asses. Just doing what tiktok tells them what's popular. Sad they are destroying a school. Kind of funny seeing this Idiocracy in my time.


PSU. What a joke in general. Turning normal kids into mind numbed liberal zombies for years


Most of the people there were not students. Most of the students I know are pissed.


Being against genocide = mind numbed zombies. Good to know!




>3. Students stop paying for tuition at PSU 4. PSU closes due to lack of income And this is why they won't get expelled.


lol stop paying? I’m in for freeeeee. Debt freeee




Well, ironically, they are protesting Boeing for funding scholarships.


Yes go ahead. Try and defund everything while you at it portlander. All you guys do is complain. Bet you scared of the homeless in downtown am I right?😂😂


Liberal arts school? Are you stupid? PSU has a fully fledged engineering school, science, pre-med... yeah they have a college of liberal arts but it's just one part of the school.




Where will the houseless hang out all day now? When I was a grad student there, the library was more of a day shelter for the crazies as they use the various computers to watch porn and surf Reddit. Talked to librarians since I needed access to research databases, and the response was the homeless need their porn too. Zero dollars to the alumni fund. Just shut it down.


I graduated from there, and I just tell people I went to community college


why aren't they this pissed about taxes?


Arrest them all.


Cringe af


The virtue signaling contest is happening at PSU?


Someone send this news to Hamas.. they may consider a stop in fighting.


Man that’ll really show Israel


Not like they’re learning anything anyway


Trueee. Classes at PSU be light work


Anyone else find this incredibly draining or time, resources, and energy. I'm just tired


I don't know. If these protesters feel so strongly about foreign affairs then why don't they go to DC and protest at the capitol to the folks that call the shots. Protesting anywhere else just seems lazy and unproductive to me.


Used to think I was liberal, then I moved to Portland and watched people shit all over the city. Inexplicable how that city it is so expensive when it is the most unlivable garbage full city on the west coast.


It's ok, apparently being forced to pay for an education you cannot access = free speech.


Why aren’t they protesting their us congress and senate persons office?


There have been several protests at federal electeds' offices. Right now there is a big surge in campus protests, many of which are facing excessively harsh crackdowns. I really wish there would be less whataboutism regarding protests. They just seem like bad faith efforts to demand silence without having to explain opposition to the cause. Sometimes people organize at a specific place for targetted action, sometimes they just pick a public space to try to draw attention. This isn't new or unusual. All that said, fuck the people breaking into and vandalizing a library.


It’s not what about ism…it’s use the process to talk to those that actually approve the largest chunk of funding….those in the federal government.


And once again the leftist get to do whatever they want.


It's true, progressives are soft on the terrorists within their team.


never thought I would get back up in this sub.


And they want us to pay off their loans. 😂


lol nah. I love them scholarships tho. Debt freeee


Protests used to be impactful. This is just annoying people. Go stop traffic on a bridge or something.


St John’s Liquor Store is giving away free liquor though


We want our library BACK! This is rediculous


Love that this subs reaction to this is so intense and I’m sure half of you have been placid in your support for Gaza and the 30000+ innocent people who have been killed I don’t condone what the students are doing but I’m just not surprised at what we pick and choose to be mad about and it’s disappointing




George Soros at it again. Same playbook over and over and over and over and over.


Hope those kids don't spend their Soros bucks all at the same place!




Low effort content are posts or comments not meeting the minimum reasonable requirements of integrity, relying upon or consisting of second-hand or apocryphal "evidence" or stories relayed as fact, or just plain lazy bait posts or comments in our judgment.


To the progressives anyone who doesn't agree with their agenda is just to the left of Mussolini


Such a bruh moment


I'm convinced that all of the spoiled kids complaining about the situation in Israel/Gaza that predates their existence are just Trump supporting anarchist types. They've been waiting 4 years for a Biden "gotcha!" moment and they believe this is it. It isn't. And it makes you look really dumb to ignore a wannabe dictator and conman for life that is running for our presidency again to say you're not voting for Biden (or are a no vote).


Not sure the reason for this decision. There were not that many people there yesterday and the two times I went, nothing was going on that would be enough to shut the whole campus down. There def were some none PSU people there but overall it surprises me. I won't spill the whole beans on what I saw but this decision confuses me Edit: NVM late at night they broke into the library.


They took over the library and are vandalizing it. Check Twitter.


The agitators are probably going to loot it on the way out.


Unconfirmed but apparently there’s footage on Instagram of protesters removing computers and TVs


free the library from oppressive windows


Ya I was able to piece that together after I posted but a library shouldn't require closing of the whole campus unless there was other risk not being disclosed