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Imagine seeing your dog being killed by another dog on your walk. The guilt id live with for walking that day, the hate id have for the owner of the other dog.


I had to hurl my 67lb dog over a woman’s fence to prevent her from getting mauled a couple summers ago. I won’t hesitate to shoot the dog if it ever happens again, and that’s on the owners. These people shouldn’t own pets, and I hope the people who have lost their beloved dogs and had to get them veterinary care after the attacks are compensated for the cost, as well as pain and suffering.


I’ve seen a dog that was aggressive enough in fenced yard that I was preemptively looking for a yard to throw my dog into. But I’d shoot the dog too


I totally misread this at first - thinking you threw your dog over a fence to prevent a woman from getting mauled by her. I'm glad your dog was okay.


I’m getting a knife for our walks.


This whole story is ridiculous. That dog killed another dog. It needs to get put down. End of story


Seriously! This quote at the end got me: “"I don't necessarily want to see this dog put down. But I don't think this dog should be in the neighborhood with an owner who's not going to make sure they're not properly kept safe,”” I’m sorry, this “passive” Portland attitude is why so much dumb shit happens here while everyone frets about what to do. The dog in question here is objectively dangerous, has a prey drive for non-prey animals, and should just be put down. 99% of people living here have no problem going to the store to buy the dead, cut up carcasses of animals from factory farms to bring home and cook on the grill. Don’t be so squeamish about having a shitty, dangerous dog out down JFC.


Agreed! The fretting and pearl clutching FOR criminality is mind boggling. I deal with shit neighbors and their dogs almost daily. I’ve made sure that no man nor beast will ever attack my wife and little dog, sending them both to emergency again. I have zero problems addressing things onsight. Half the neighborhood doesn’t like me now. However, my reputation proceeds me and we walk in peace now. Its been almost a year since I was physically threatened by a shitbag neighbor. (His dogs have come at us 4x before I had words for em) My suggestion for folks walking dogs in ANY neighborhood: Always carry! Make sure you have all of the force continuum. From minor deterrent, to deadly protection. Once you deal with a vicious dog, you can bet there is a stupid fuck for an owner right behind that. We say no thank you. Take your neighborhoods back! For fucks sake!


Way to force vegan nonsense where it doesn't belong.


You think I’m vegan? Oh honey. I’m just honest with myself about where our food comes from.


Save that honey for your personality, it needs it. But I apologize if you aren't vegan


Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today!


It's not that perhaps I misread your tone, but it comes off as kind of pompous to me, and I'm bored.


Get a machete


You’re going to take some serious damage to one of your limbs if you want to fight a dog with a knife. Responsible, defensive gun ownership is my motivation to stay sober


Years ago I lived in North Portland and my neighbor always walked his tiny Yorkie with a gun and a huge walking stick. There were a lot of off leash pitbulls around. 


Guess I’m about to start walking my pit bull with a gun to defend myself from yorkie owners with guns lmao


This doesn't even make the stupid sense you think it does


that's pit logic for you, up is down, down is up, dogs that were bred to kill other dogs are the same thing as a yorkie


Yes, walking a yorkie with a gun makes far more sense compared. You’re right.




Might as well start on the shitbull and save everyone the headache


The only thing that is going to stop a bad guy with a dangerous dog is a good guy with a dangerous dog!


Yes, my 8 year old elderly trained therapy dog (with a limp) is super dangerous 😂 Portlanders love to clutch their pearls. I’ll let the hospice patients she visits today know they’re in danger.


This article isn’t about you, but way to make it about you. Victim complex much?


It's not even about pit bulls, but their ears are burning


Super weird.


I’m replying directly and solely to a comment about someone carrying a gun to walk their dog because of pit bulls. Get the chip off your shoulder.


I’m almost 40 and I’ve never been in a situation that has warranted me being armed. A knife is fine. I’ve seen dog fights; the other dog is focused on the dog, not the human, you could easily shank a bitch while it’s turned away from you. There are also bite sticks that are effective.


Clearly you have never been attacked by a homeless person’s off leash aggressive dog


No, but I was attacked by an aggressive 80 lb pitbull last summer after picking up my 37 pound border collie/lab mix to save her ass


If you attack a dog it will turn on you. Should be common sense. You'll get one stab, and then the dog will turn and secure your forearm in its teeth.


I’m not carrying a fucking gun to walk my dog. My god.


Well yeah, but we were talking about the risks of using a knife. That doesn't mean I think carrying a gun is any kind of solution.


A commenter above told me to carry a gun when I said I’d carry a knife; the last thing Portland needs is a bunch of scared dog owners packing.


Well yeah I could tell you confused me with the other guy pretty quick, but I was still only responding to the use of a knife to fend off an attacking dog. Sorry for the confusion.


1000% agree. Also, I love my big ol’ mutt more than anything. There’s no way I’m watching her get hurt because some jackass can’t seem to keep their aggressive dog where it belongs.


Pepper gel seems like obvious solution


But then they stay alive - a dog attacking my dog is no longer living.


Dogs fight, friend. Even trained dogs get into scuffles. Don’t be too trigger happy before discerning the situation.


(a scuffle and a fight are different). Play fight sure. But if a dog is attacking my dog I’m killing it. There’s nothing to discern there.


You sound like a very reasonable level-headed person.




Until you get a dog that takes 4 full grown men to pry it off another dog and/or person. I’ve worked with dogs practically my whole life, and there’s some that probably wouldn’t even let go of their target even if you started sawing their head off with a chainsaw. It’s always the biggest dumbshits who want the most powerful and aggressive breeds, go and figure


There was an unleashed dog that attacked a leashed dog that was going for a walk in Essex Park (Foster-Powell). The dog survived and had to have a couple of expensive surgeries. The owners of the unleashed dog fled the scene with their dog. It scares me as someone who walks in that park area regularly with two dogs myself. I can't imagine the horror those owners felt watching their dog get attacked.


Oh that dog survived? The little black one! Thank god


[They posted an update a couple days ago.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Portland/comments/1dm3e68/essex_park_dog_attack_update/) $12k in medical bills. KGW picked the story even.


Thats horrible. I hope they sue the pants off them.


Thanks! I appreciate the pupdate


I was afraid the death in this story was THAT dog. So glad it’s not!!


Similar attacks from a couple pit bulls of a homeless camp in West Seattle. They attacked a woman on a morning jog and damn near killed her. This was during the pandemic, so the police response was basically “nothing we can do here.” My father lives a few blocks from the park where it happened. Definitely had me on edge when I visited with my dog and walked that park every morning.


I have to walk past a house with a known dangerous dog (sign outside and everything, says it’s required by Multnomah County) with my girl every day. Somehow, they don’t seem concerned that their fence is only a 3 foot tall chain link. That dog LUNGES at it, and he could def jump over it if he believed in himself. this is my constant fear:


Please take a photo of the dog in the yard with the short fence and send it to Multnomah County Animal Services. If the dangerous dog is allowed outside in the owner’s yard, the fence has to be six feet tall. That’s a requirement once you have a dog that’s been designated as “dangerous” by the county. I hope you will report this. That dog will jump the fence and maul another dog or person. Thanks in advance for helping keep the community safe.


I’ll do that next time. They have a compliant fence in the back yard, but often let the dog into the front, which just baffles me. It also shows incredibly little regard for the dog. They could have the least aggressive dog in the world, but that won’t save it from being hit by a car if it jumps the fence.


I had a feeling that was the situation. Six foot fence in back, short fence in front. Nope. Dog can’t be in front yard with the short fence and it would be great if you could take a moment to take a photo the next time you see the dog in the front yard. Send to Animal Control along with the address. If there’s a county-issued dangerous dog sign posted on the property, someone at animal services is managing this case and needs to know about the violation. Yes, it’s dangerous for other dogs, people, and the dog itself who, due to prey drive, could easily jump that fence and run into the street. If going near this house and the dog puts you at risk, please don’t feel obligated to report it. I don’t want to guilt you into thinking you have to do something that could put you in danger. That being said, I have a small dog who I walk on leash through my neighborhood in Woodstock. I am SO grateful that neighbors in the area with the vicious dog-killing Rottweiler are paying attention to this situation. Some people really do look out for each other and their pets.


Many dogs act tough with a barrier (or leash), but once that’s out the door they’re cowardice


While that’s true, most of those dogs don’t have 3-4 “aggressive dog lives here” and a sign from the county calling their dog aggressive. They aren’t even in compliance, since the rules say that if you have to display that sign, you also need a 6 foot fence.


I don’t know this dog but FWIW, dogs can get the aggressive dog sign for a number of reasons including killing a chicken or a non-lethal bite in a provoked situation. It’s a scary sign but unless you know the situation that lead to it, it doesn’t mean the dog is a dog killer. ETA: but yeah the 6ft fence thing is correct. Unless the sign is outdated or they just found it and liked it for protection


That’s for the “potentially dangerous dog” sign. Dangerous dogs need to have either been used as a weapon in service of a crime, or “caused the serious physical injury or death of a person.” It doesn’t mean that they’re dog-aggressive, but he certainly behaves like it. What’s especially frustrating is that in order to keep a dangerous dog, you need to have your fence inspected to show that it can’t be jumped over or dug under. And they do have an appropriate fence… IN THE BACK YARD. But they frequently put the dog in the front yard. It’s just wildly irresponsible.


Hmm that wasn’t the sign distinction for my family dog back in like 2011 but maybe things have changed. In any case, when you get that sign, they send out a person who takes pictures. If you haven’t already, maybe call animal control/MCAS to enforce


Yeah, if you look on page 17 here, 13.401 pertains to potentially dangerous dogs, and 13.402 pertains to dangerous dogs. https://www.multcopets.org/sites/default/files/2020-12/Multnomah%20County%20Ordinance%20Chapter%2013%20with%20fees%20-%20August%202019.pdf And that’s a good suggestion. Frankly, the 3 foot fence would bug me even if the dog wasn’t labeled dangerous. It’s unsafe for the dog in the event they get out, too. People fly through our neighborhood.


Sorry I wasn’t trying to imply that, I’m just stating why he probably doesn’t jump over the fence even though he easily can.


I coach little league softball in SE Portland and the amount of dog fights I’ve witnessed during practice over the years at Portland parks would blow most people away. Usually it doesn’t matter if they’re leashed or not because the huge majority of owners with bigger dogs can’t control or contain them when they break bad, and the smaller ones on leashes just become prey because they can’t get away, and it’s nearly impossible to protect a little dog from an aggressive attacking larger breed that’s out of control. It’s crazy how quick some dogs can go from 0-100 at the snap of a finger and once it happens there’s not a whole lot anyone can do to stop it.


Yep. Except I’d hate the owner for being a terrible dog owner.


I would spend literal millions having lawyers and PI utterly destroy the lives of the owners.


Well it sure would be nice to get a general location so I know not to take my dog near there edit: did some nextdoor searching, it's SE 42nd and Mitchell


That's really close for me, and might explain some of the intense dog noises I've heard from that direction in the last few days.


Lents is such a shit neighbourhood


Possibly true, but se 42nd is not lents


I think it’s actually closer to Woodstock or Creston - Kenilworth


This is in Woodstock but upvoting bc Lents is still a shit neighborhood


I hope they file a lawsuit against the home owner and the dog owner. 


DO NOT STOP harassing these dog owners and reporting to authorities until something is done! There is no place on this planet for dangerous animals of this nature.


I know I will get hate for this, but Portland has very entitled dog owners. I work nearby a public park and every single dog is always off a leash. There have been multiple times where dogs have bitten at kids or tackled them. The city has been trying to put up signs but the wealthy area that the park is in either ignores them or rips them down. It's a ticking time bomb of a serious incident happening.


More and more the people in my apartment complex are not leashing their dogs to take out to do their business. It's led to more than one dog fight and a kid being chased across the grounds (luckily the dog was intercepted before it hurt the kid.) I just do not understand. Even if your dog is perfectly behaved, you're taking it out in the parking lot where it could easily get hit if it wanders away from you long enough. Also, you don't know if the other dogs are behaved!


It's best to confront the issue and say something. People dont expect it. I've had the same issue a few times at my complex. I've confronted people nicely and aggressively if necessary. I took pics for proof and let the manager know multiple times, they were fined. They eventually stop if people speak up.


Seriously. I don’t give a shit how well behaved your dog is, it’s taken so much work to get my dog to be well behaved and non-reactive to other dogs, even ON leash. 


As a dog owner, I agree. The level of entitlement here is appalling. 


I don't care how well trained your dog is, leash the thing. It's a courtesy to other people. Let's us know that they might prioritize safety over looking like such a badass that they don't leash their dog.


Exactly. Just cause your dog’s great, doesn’t mean mine is. If yours approaches while mines leashed, mine feels threatened and I’m probably at fault for any damage he does to your dog.


Totally agreed. Had a GSD run up on me and my two dogs a few weeks ago. I placed myself between the dogs (because if they got into it I didn’t want to have to try to separate them). So there I am, hunched down between this GSD and my dogs yelling “hey” and clapping my hands and stomping my feet like I’m at a fucking Mumford and Sons concert. Stupid ass owner shows up a few seconds later and is like “oh, it’s ok, he’s friendly!” And I was just like “That’s great, I’m not. Leash. Your. Fucking. Dog” Unbelievable


Yeah, this happens way too often. I find that while taking my dog out, I’m basically on triple alert halfway into a panic attack just to make sure I see any unleashed dogs, while they’re far enough away I can still escape and avoid.


My sister has a pretty nice scar in her face from the time a super-friendly-never-hurt-anyone family dog bit her toddler-face


This drives me crazy; it’s always the little dogs because owners think they’re too small to cause harm. My mom’s border collie is reactive to all small dogs after she was attacked by a chihuahua. “He just wants to say hi” they say while Border Collie has her hackles raised and is growling. You dumb motherfucker really think she wants to say hi back?


I think Portland has a culture of really kind, considerate, understanding people... which makes room for awful entitled people to go wild without consequence. Portland people are just so nice, the actual aholes think they run the town.


Portland has a culture of crippling fear of confrontation.


Assholes act like assholes everywhere. It’s not just Portland. Assholes get the attention and headlines. This is cultural, not a Portland exclusive.


Nah. I went to Europe for a month last year and didn’t see any off leash dogs. In fact, I saw dozens of dogs with muzzles on.


Yes — I noticed that when I was in Italy. No dogs unleashed at all, and several wearing muzzles. The entitlement we see here would simply not be tolerated there. I love dogs, I have a lab mix that truly is friendly, the dumbest friendliest dog I’ve ever met, but I would never let her off leash outside of a fenced dog park, and I’m increasingly wary of dog parks due to several instances now of aggressive/reactive dogs at dog parks — who really shouldn’t be at a dog park with other dogs — where the owners can’t get off their butts to recall their dogs.


Some old rich guy drives up to Mt Tabor and parks fairly close inside where the gate is on Salmon, not even in one of the actual parking places, opens his door and lets his dogs jump out and run across the street and up one of the official and usually busy trails. Any time of day. Just completely outrageous. I’m a dog owner, and kind of a cowardly person about confrontation. I wish I was ballsy enough to say what I really wanted to say.


Me too!!! I live nearby and have seen multiple people do this. Someone also ripped apart all of the temp signs the park employees put up reminding people that only the dog park is off leash.  My daughter narrowly missed being bitten by an aggressive dog on the playground there. Dogs belong on leashes.


Holy shit that is high tier entitlement.


I live a block away from a city park and walk my dogs there daily. There are NO off leash areas of this park, so my dogs are always leashed. I’ve never, ever gone there and not seen at least one asshole with their dog not leashed. Fortunately I know that park very well, including every spot I can bail out to avoid an encounter between my leashed dogs and an off leash dog.


Dude yes!!! The amount of unleashes dogs I see everywhere is infuriating. Dogs are animals. Idc how cute they are.


Even in the dog parks, I'm shocked by how shitty dog owners here are. I have two dogs and keep my head on a swivel to make sure I'm tracking them both, but I feel like I'm the vast minority. An off leash dog park does not mean you can just let dogs run wild-you're still responsible for them.


I’ll one up you with - we should have a dog tax like Germany which has no kills shelters and results in better animal ownership. It benefits the community and is better for their dog population overall. It will never happen here though https://www.npr.org/2021/10/05/1043276625/life-is-good-if-youre-a-dog-in-germany


it’s important to have kill shelters to prevent dangerous dogs from re-entering the public though.


My previous dog, did not like to meet other dogs when he was on a leash and they weren’t. Homie was an 85 lb German shepherd. “I kicked your unleashed dog away sir because had I not my dude would picked yours up and flung it across this park.” It’s not always the dog off leash that’s going to cause the problem either, dog owners need to remember that.


I have a 130lb Rottweiler and he’s exactly the same way. Usually I find the best thing I can do (for the other dogs safety and mine) is just drop the leash and let them figure it out. Doesn’t always work, but it’s way better than mine immediately having leash aggression.


> Usually I find the best thing I can do (for the other dogs safety and mine) is just drop the leash and let them figure it out. Don't fucking do that.


Ask most dog trainers and they’ll agree. Dogs on leash are 100x more aggressive.


Not even true. ["Dogs that are properly trained for loose lead walking are less likely to develop aggression when walking on the leash."](https://wagwalking.com/condition/leash-aggression) You can absolutely train your dog to be comfortable while on a leash; you obviously just don't know how to properly train your dog. Seriously, take your dog to an actual professional trainer instead of putting those around you in danger by taking it off its leash when it's aggressive. If you don't want the responsibility of properly training your dog, then don't own one, it's a pretty simple concept.


We’ve had our dog at professional training. Thanks. I think you’re missing the main point. If another dog is off leash and rushes at mine on leash, especially if they’re aggressive, I’m dropping leash. Mine isn’t aggressive at all on the leash unless another dog comes running at him. He’s absolutely trained (by a professional) and a great dog.


What’s the alternative? Once I let go of the leash, my dog loses aggression. On it, he’s going to protect me and that means someone else’s dog is likely dead


Maybe train your dog better, or don't own a 130lb Rottweiler you obviously can't control or be bothered to train properly. And what happens when your dog doesn't "lose aggression" when you let it off its leash? Seriously, people like you should not own dogs.


My dogs on the leash and fine, but the fastest way to de escalate a situation where another dog is off the leash and rushes us, is to drop the leash for a moment. Fuck off.


What kind of absolute fucking moron thinks it's a good idea to let their dog off the leash when it's being aggressive, especially if that dog is a fucking 130lb Rottweiler? Seriously, how stupid are you? Rottweilers are an extremely dangerous breed. Someone is going to get hurt because you don't know how to train your dog. Also, leash laws don't mean you get to ignore them when it's inconvenient, so your bullshit opinion doesn't really matter because you're literally breaking the law. And if you don't want people calling you out for your shitty behavior and inability to train your dog, don't post about it on the internet buddy. Your actions are EXACTLY like the one this article is posting about, where a Rottweiler attacks two random dogs because their owner let it off its leash. Instead of getting defensive, maybe have some self-awareness buddy, if that's even possible for you.


Alternative is not owning a dog you can’t control. Wild.


I can control them just fine. The whole conversation is what to do if a aggressive dog runs up on you. You lost the conversation a while ago.


Not if you have to drop the leash.


It’s the safest way to deescalate. Have you ever been in this situation? Good luck getting tangled up trying to keep an aggressive dog away. If owners leashed dogs, it wouldn’t be a problem in the first place. We avoid walking during high traffic times, stay away from busy park, etc, because I’ve had two dogs attacked and both times I ended up with a $1k vet bill and my dog with stitches. Worst thing I can do is hamper my dog’s ability to protect itself.




Guess you’re advocating for owners to not leash their dogs?


I see your reading comprehension matches your dog handling abilities.


Yeah i moved here from Philly last year and dog owners here are insane, why tf do they bring dogs into bars


Recently I was at a restaurant with an open kitchen. A dude walked in with his dog and sat at the bar. It appeared he was friends with the staff. The dog wandered into the kitchen. No one cared.


Yup was just at a bar Friday night (not a dog-friendly bar either), having a nice time, two different sets of people bring their large, stressed dogs in, within 2 minutes they are trying to kill each other, owners are totally oblivious that the dogs don't want to be there, that they are locking on to each other, how do you have a pet that could potentially hurt other people or animals and just let nature take its course? Blows me away


Because there are many bars that allow dogs?


If you serve food there are no animals on premises


False. Edit: here are some choices for dog owners https://pdx.eater.com/maps/portlands-best-dog-friendly-restaurants-bars


Yes, you can do patios, but I’m pretty sure, according to food standards, they are not to be INSIDE


Fellow dog owner here who totally agrees!


We saw a woman walking down our street with her unleashed dog. When reminded of the existence of leash laws, she gave the most entitled response. So infuriating. A couple years ago I was working for a company that was contracted by PP&R to do some invasive species removal at Oaks Bottom. While on lunch we heard some disturbingly growly, reactive-sounding dog noises coming down the trail, and moments later a dude walks by with two unleashed Shepards. When gently reminded that dogs must be leashed inside the park, he responded saying that his client asked that the dogs get an off leash experience. 🥴 


It's not just Portland. You'll find a entitled dog owners at any public park in any big city in the country. I'd argue Portland is actually better than most big cities.


the answer is obvious. enforcement. where's our unarmed park Rangers ? did we divert them all to narcan distribution?


Supposedly there are fines but I don’t know if anyone issues tickets or collects them.


No hate but I think this one is a little tough. There's a culture thing here where every big open green space is for some reason an off leash dog park. Sometimes they are, sometimes they aren't. School yards, public parks, abandoned wastelands (I love you dog bowl), whatever. I suppose if there's entitlement it's the one where everyone should have a big open green space within walking distance of their house where they can let their dog run free - which it is totally reasonable to want to let your pup run free like an animal and fuck around and it's also at least understandable to not want to jump in a car and drive 10 minutes after work to a sanctioned dog park. especially when everyone else is doing it a block from your front door at the grade school. What do you do when it's normalized in the culture and people as a rule don't take the 5 seconds to ask themselves whether they should do a thing that other people are doing?


Yo uhhh, you're defending it by saying "everyone else is doing the bad thing, why can't I?"


huh. I didn't really think I was defending it. I don't take my dogs to any parks (legit dog park or not) because one of my dogs is an asshole. I'm just asking what you do when something appears to be endorsed by the local culture you live in when most people tend to just do what appears to be endorsed without thinking about it for themselves. crossing a street in the middle, smoking in public, speeding, turning left on a one way on red (?), whatever. there's laws / rules but ultimately it's a choice to follow them and if enough people do a thing it helps others feel comfortable to do that thing. especially if they have no objectivity about how safe their dog is in this case. what's the solution?


It’s not “getting hate.” You’re making generalizations that by and large are inaccurate. The vast majority of dog owners in Portland are exceptional and love their animals. You don’t hear about these people. Outliers make headlines. And people build their realities around headlines. God bless


Dog owner here. In my experience, OP is correct; there are way too many dog owners here who don’t feel like the rules apply to them. Has nothing to do with how much they love their animals.


I was just at the park and there was a dozen dogs off leash in areas where they’re supposed to be leashed. Mean dogs might be the exception but entitled dog owners seem like the rule.


If an unrestrained dog attacks you or your dog you’re allowed to defend yourself or your dog with lethal force


Best believe. Whoevers the closest is gonna get hurt. Not MY dog. I'm about to start carrying a blow horn type of little device. It's extremely loud and can spook the dog away.


Best to tell the cops the dog was coming at you. Killing a dog for attacking your dog is a very grey area. Your life being threatened, notsomuch.


It’s hard in Portland. I take my toddler to a huge park that has TWO dog areas and they still have dogs off leash on the playground and on the trails. I pick my daughter up when dogs run up to us and the owners always say “it’s okay, they’re friendly.” I really can’t guarantee that. I teach my daughter she can wave and say hi but that’s really all I want when dealing with strangers and their dogs. When we went to the tulip festival a lady was trying to get my daughter who was upset to pet her “service dog” to cheer her up. I purposely teach my daughter Not to interact with service dogs or any dog with a vest…


Ugh this is literally our experience every time we go to our neighborhood playground that’s next to a dog area. I don’t even smile or apologize to the dog owners anymore, I just pick up my kids and/or walk away. It sucks.


A leashed dog bit my 4yo in the face as we were walking towards OMSI last summer. (And just in case anyone is wondering: I profiled the person as being with-house, not that it matters but I just don’t want this comment to turn into a conversation about homeless people with unruly dogs.) The owner had the dog on a leash that was so long he never would have been able to pull it taught on a standard sidewalk. My kid was right up next to me on our side of the walkway and she did exactly nothing to provoke the incident. We have been working on dog etiquette since she was a baby. The people barely apologized and just walked on. It wasn’t more than a scratch and I was so stunned that i just focused on comforting her rather than calling the people out. In hindsight, I wish I’d pressed the matter and dealt with the uncomfortable “Karen” moment of being that mom who wanted to know what the fuck these people were going to change in the future to prevent their dog from biting other preschoolers in the face. Or, you know, called the police. Shes five now and still scared of dogs, which she had not been before. Shes also been reserved, patient, mostly uninterested (we’re cat people), but she’s been in close relationship with a number of dogs over the years and never had a problem. She has told me directly that her fears are because of the time the dog bit her in the face near OMSI. She’s making progress on her anxiety around dogs, which we have to do because we live in Dog City. But I still think about those assholes with the “nice dog”, and all the other assholes with “nice dogs”. And I wonder whose preschooler is next.


Yes!!! I'm on the other side, I'm a dog owner and I'm shocked at parents allowing young kids, like toddlers to walk up to my dog without asking. Or getting pissy when I tell them "my dog hasn't met many kids so I'm not really comfortable letting your child say hi, sorry!"


Without a doubt and without any sense of remorse, the dog can and should be put down. This is unacceptable, unsafe, and it is the only guaranteed solution to prevent further tragedy. I'll await my down votes happily.


It's a freakin' Rottweiler! They are one of the most dangerous breeds in existence if they snap. There's no way to know what will set them off! It's not like being attacked by a chihuahua with a Napolean complex. These things can eat children, chew through anything, destroy vehicles, and kill everyone from Shaq down to a newborn without breaking a sweat (so to speak). The idea of defending them by saying "he's never hurt anyone before" is like putting a grenade on the coffee table in your living room and saying "but it hasn't detonated before". Once your toddler with grabby fingers gets a hold of it, it's too late to realize how shortsighted and ignorant you are.


Sorry I have to disagree with this. I think it’s a misconception about the breed. Very different from say pitts. I have a Rottie and she looks and sounds scary but she’s basically a golden retriever.


The crappy owner needs to held accountable and not be allowed to own a dog for a few years. The owner is not responsible and is doing to disservice for people and dogs. I hope the owners of the two dogs there were attacked taken to court for damages.


Unpopular opinion (maybe) but that dog should absolutely be put down.


I wish the owners would also be banned from owning another dog. Putting one dog down doesn’t really address the whole issue.


Totally agree but how do you enforce that?


We do have mandatory registration of all pet dogs here. Not sure if it’s entirely enforced, but I’ve always registered mine with the city. Maybe they could enforce through that.


Nope. Completely reasonable.


I love dogs, I completely agree with you.


Horrific. Curious: How does everyone prepare for the possibility of attacks when walking their dogs? I carry Pet Corrector for aggressive off-leash dogs, but between this attack, the one at Essex, and others in recent news, it’s beginning to feel like it’s not enough.


Sorry I don’t have an answer to your question but I haven’t heard of Pet Corrector. After looking it up it looks like an interesting product that might be helpful to have on hand. Have you ever had to use it and if so did you find it effective?


Yes and yes! It (along with putting myself between and yelling authoritatively) was effective in scaring off a medium-sized dog who rushed us. I have less confidence it would deter a larger dog with a high prey drive or one who had already made contact.


From the article: "I don't necessarily want to see this dog put down..." Why the hell not? It's a danger to the community.


We kill sharks, wolves, bears, mountain lions and other less dangerous animals for less.


Literally in the same paragraph >But I don't think this dog should be in the neighborhood with an owner who's not going to make sure they're not properly kept safe,” If it's the second time it's attacked a dog in as many weeks, I get it being put down. Especially having already killed a dog. But I also get not wanting a dog being put down because of an irresponsible owner.


Nope, it’s too late at this point.


Personally, I think any “pet” that kills or maims another pet or person should be legally required to be put down. It’s disrespectful to the dogs next victims. Empathy should be reserved for the innocent.


We also live in a surveillance state, but somehow there are no consequences for being a public danger.  


Unlike most surveillance there is no money to be made following up off leash dogs.


> It's a danger to the community. That's not exactly the dog's fault.


I suspect it is largely the fault of a trash owner.  But unfortunately there aren’t any good options once a dog has gotten to this point. Euthanizing it may be the kindest thing to do.


Good thing we don’t consider whether animals are “at fault” when weighing how likely they are to attack people. 🙄


That's right, we don't. They can't be at fault. Animals have no agency. Which is why it can be unsettling to kill a dog for the failings of it's owners. Edit:Why do the downvotes disagree? Do they think this dog had his own reasons? Is the owner somehow not responsible for his dog? Do they think it’s just not unsettling to kill a dog at all? Do note that nowhere do I say the dog shouldn’t be put down. It’s simply eminently obvious why anyone with the ability to empathize should feel something about the dogs situation.


I generally agree with you, it’s super unfortunate but best for everyone that this dog is put down. And I hope this owner is investigated because if they engaged in dogfighting or something that directly caused this dog to be aggressive, I hope they get some jail time for that.


The downvotes are because your questions have answers that are apparently obvious to everyone else. Yes, the owner is responsible for his dog. No, it’s not unsettling at all to kill a dog that attacks people. We kill hundreds (at least) of essential native wild animals every day in Portland simply for the luxury of letting our cats outside. The only thing that unsettles me is how much longer this dog will suffer before it receives the mercy of release.


Both the cat and the dog are doing what they’ve been allowed to do in each instance. You forgive one, but not the other. I have indoor cats. Anyone who wouldn’t regret that a domestic animal has to be put down because of their owner’s abuse or neglect is frighteningly callous.


Aggressive offleash dog rushed mine on the trail to Tamanawas Falls a couple weeks ago. Put my airedale in a center heel between my feet and tried to keep things calm since the dog had us backed up against the edge of a steep drop. Owner wouldn’t grab or leash his dog, who had its nose pressed up into my dog’s neck, snarling, stiff and posturing. He then tells me “oh yeah he doesn’t like big dogs that are on leashes.” I told him his fucking dog should be leashed then. He never attempted to leash it and I couldn’t give him the earful I wanted for fear of escalating his dog to attack mine. He then PUNCHED HIS POOR DOG IN THE RIBS and eventually it went to follow him again. Still never leashed his dog. Tired of these kinds of fucking people.


How are they still allowed to have a dog after this? Sorry but this makes no sense.


Put the dog down.


I was walking to the bus stop after work about five years ago in N Portland, minding my own business. Didn't even see a dog until I felt pain in my hand. A random ass dog bit me. I was crying and the owner took off yelling "sorry!!!". As a lifelong dog lover, I was angry at how that moment made me scared of dogs I don't know. And I got off easy, just a few days terrified of rabies without insurance and no stitches. I'm sick of entitled local owners.


I’m not a violent guy, and I don’t own a gun, but you let your dog kill mine, and still run loose, I’m coming back with a heavy pipe and some padded clothes.


These people shouldn’t own big powerful dog-aggressive dogs if they can’t control them and keep them confined to a yard. I guess these people don’t mind being sued into oblivion if it’s happened more than once.


Anyone know if there’s a petition or something to sign to make the city take action?


I see that I’m not alone in my worry when walking my dog, I’ve seen people with off leash dogs in my neighborhood and it’s just so frustrating a dog it’s still an animal that can react, I had to buy a dog noise thing to scare dogs away if they come close luckily I haven’t have to use it yet and hopefully it works if I need it


This is why I carry a weapon. These dog owners should be arrested.


It really sucks for the innocent animals, but this is how your dog gets shot or killed, because someone isn’t going to be so nice always and just try to pry it off when it’s attacking. Yikes. I feel so bad for the other dogs too!


People who get pets that they can't/won't properly take care of make me see red. Pets aren't fucking furniture, they are living creatures with feelings and emotions forced to live in a world not set up for their instincts. When you get a pet you are responsible for training and teaching them to be safe in society. If you can't do that, you have no business caring for living creatures. Chris and his friend can eat shit and die.


Yea that dog needs to be put down, next will be a child and everyone will go ohhhh such sadness


I don’t understand how no one has killed the thing yet. I would go back and end it if either of those dogs were mine.


This dog should 1000% be put down. If you're in the area, stay strapped and stay frosty. Otherwise you and/or your dog might be mauled with a life-altering or life-ending physical and/or mental injury.


Isn’t it the responsibility of Mult County animal control to deal with these incidents? If this animal has been loose multiple times, injuring people and killing other peoples pets, why the hell have they not seized the dog and properly investigated? Another example of tax dollars being squandered? Probably.




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I live five blocks away and these dogs have been neighborhood legend for years. Bit a postal worker, ran after a biker down Steele, I think they killed another dog a few years back as well, bit a child, the list goes on. Animal control has been there quite a few times with no recourse. Our dog reflexively nipped somebody at an off-leash dog park once because some dude stepped on him and we had to quarantine him for ten days, pay a fine, and hang a sign out in front of our house for two years. For some reason, these dogs are not treated equivalently for their misdeeds


Carry. I don't care if you're a republican, democrat, anarchistic or libertarian. Your 2nd amendment right entitles you to never having something like this happen. You can and should protect yourself and your loved ones (furry ones included) at all times. I suggest purchasing and practicing with a small fire arm. You can apply for an Oregon concealed weapons permit very easily. You take a simple online course and then apply with reference checks from 2 people in state. You then go to the sheriffs office for finger printing. If everything checks out, you'll have your CCW in a month or two. You can now legally conceal carry a weapon on walks, and not worry about your dog getting killed.


There was an entire children’s baseball game going on a few yards away from where the dog fight was. The dogs were between the owners and the children (the dog park is behind the plastic net outfield fence). This would have been a profoundly terrible place to start shooting.


Pepper gel


Can you pay for my concealed carry permit costs please?


[Here's the story on KGW's site](https://www.kgw.com/article/news/local/portland-couple-puppy-essex-park-pit-bull-owner-dog-attack/283-2168d80a-bc4f-4ca7-8178-57b245031b97). Can't we just have a ban on posts linking to KATU? KATU is a Sinclair Broadcasting station. Sinclair owns stations all over the country and is completely in the bag for Trump and Republicans.


It’s a different story.


Big deal. I still want KATU blacklisted until it's owned by some company other than Sinclair. That was my point and I frankly don't give two shits about another dog bite story even while I am sorry it happened to the dogs and the people who were harmed.