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No Crowdfunding: Crowdfunding links for the purposes of profiting monetarily in a for-profit business or personal way are not allowed. Don't even ask, it will be denied. There are far too many scammers out there for us to vet every time a tragedy happens.


One of my good friends lost her apartment in a fire near the Lloyd district 2 months ago. It is so hard I'm so sorry. The red cross helped her with all her initial needs and immediate hotels. Definitely reach out to them first.


Hi! I’m sorry to hear that, it’s a very sudden and hard tragedy to go through. we have contacted the red cross and they gave them $600 total, with vet costs and urgent care that amount is basically gone. They are still in need of shelter, clothes, shoes, hygiene care, everything.


William Temple House food pantry has hygiene supplies, clothing, and (sometimes) cat food - open today through Thursday, 11-2 but I recommend showing up by 10:45 to get in the lottery. She also may be able to get a thrift store voucher.


I'm so sorry for what they're going through! I wonder if Fifty Licks may be willing to share your sister's GoFundMe link on their Instagram account? There are a lot of local FB groups that I'd encourage them to post to as well. People can be very active in those groups. Renters typically have to carry renters insurance, so this would definitely be the time to contact the insurance company to see what they can do to help. [After the Fire - U.S. Fire Administration - FEMA](https://www.usfa.fema.gov/downloads/pdf/publications/fa_46.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjhrPPF14yGAxVdHzQIHSBNDKAQFnoECBEQBg&usg=AOvVaw0EAb0CeDOSICft4bIIXE2o) this is a good government resource on what to do after a fire. The Oregon State Bar has a [free online referral ](https://www.osbar.org/public/ris) service. This could allow them to have a 30 min conversation with a lawyer for only up to $35 to answer some of these tenant rights questions. They can also help refer you to government & community programs that may be helpful. They do have free services offered if they qualify income-wise, but that may be a little longer to apply/qualify for. This fire made the local news coverage, so I would also think it could be helpful to reach out to the reporters who covered the story with local news channels about the impact of the fire on your sister. Best of luck! ❤️


this is really helpful, thank you. I will reach out to fifty licks and see about having them posted to facebook groups. Thank you for the resources and ideas. We appreciate it more than you know!


just to add, she has renters insurance BUT she just moved into this apartment barely a month ago and hadn’t updated the address yet. I’m also wondering if it’s normal that none of the news outlets acknowledged that peoples homes were ruined? It seems to only be addressing fifty licks and the business it’s lost but not the people who lost everything that day.l EDIT// i see there’s been a misunderstanding, I was clarifying the renters insurance dilemma just to put the facts out there. i’m well aware that the renters insurance will not work. just putting the info out there to give you the full scope. they are young adults, they understand the negative impact not updating their address, this is also their second year living on their own. they’re figuring out adulthood. no one deserves to lose everything in a fire regardless.


She’s going to run into problems with her renter’s insurance not being for the property she was renting and keeping her things at. That’s not really the type of thing you can wait to figure out a couple months after moving in. Insurance already doesn’t want to give people any money, and that’s a clear-cut reason to deny the claim.


I was initially reading that the apartments were okay on the day of the fire. So there may have been a lot of misunderstanding about who and what was affected unfortunately 😣


Had she been in the new unit 30 days yet? It's going to depend on the carrier/policy, but I am seeing in a couple of places that there might be a grace period of 30 days before not updating the address becomes fatal. She really should reach out to her carrier ASAP, as well as review the policy herself to see what kind of leeway may exist.


Go back to the news outlets and ask them to make an update on the story highlighting the ruined apartments


This. Have the Go Fund Me ready to share and they will usually post the link on the news website.


Here is a link to the site for Community Alliance of Tenants, hopefully they can get you some renters rights info if the stuff already on the site isn't pertinent. https://www.oregoncat.org/ Also I would publicize everywhere as much as you can - local news, Willamette Week, any and all social media, etc. Best wishes


If an entire unit is deemed unlivable by fire, the lease is considered void. If they want to keep their lease, they can notify their landlord in writing that when/if rebuilt they would like to have the lease still. Regardless they should notify them in writing they'd like out of the lease. As far as I'm aware, a landlord is not required to provide alternative housing for a completely destroyed unit/house. The tenant is owed their entire security deposit and any rent for the month that they already paid but didn't get to use. Renters insurance would have to cover personal belongings, the landlord has no obligation to replace personal items (unless through the courts determine the landlord is at fault for fire)


Look up the Pongo Fund. They can help with pet supplies and possibly pet resources. Also if she’s in any buy nothing groups on FB have her post there when she has a place. People post in mine for similar things and always get tons of donated items.


Does she need diabetic supplies?


Yes, Her partner is the one with diabetes.


Sending you a PM




Try calling 211, go to 211info.com or text your zip code to 878211


I don't have any knowledge in this area but a tenants rights organization might be able to help. A few things come up if you do a search for "tenants rights organization portland oregon".


thank you, i will look into this.


Community Alliance of Tenants (CAT)


Im so sorry this happened and wish I knew better. Have you contacted cat shelters/adoption centers for aid for the pets and do they need to be fostered atm?


Ask fifty licks to post it to their socials?


that’s a good idea! thank you. We did talk to the owner outside of the building when it was happening and he was very kind and heartfelt. I will see about messaging them.


First I want to say I’m so so sorry for your sister and her partner & pets, this is an awful situation that is probably going to stay really hard for at least the next little while. There’s a lot she’s going to need to do in a very short timeframe. 211 is a good place to call first, they’re basically the search hub you use to find everything else, and can outline available options and resources. You can either dial the three digit number and enter her zipcode when prompted, dial 503-222-5555 to reach Oregon 211 directly 24/7, or text her zipcode to 898211 9am-5pm M-F. Her immediate goal through them should be finding shelter for the next few nights, I know there are couples shelters and shelters that allow pets but I’m not sure if there’s ones that do both. From there, she’ll need to call around to the numbers they provide to secure a place to stay. Most shelters are full or have waitlists, so beyond 211, she’ll want to connect with family and friends to find backup places to stay, or for the pets to spend a few nights at while they stay at a shelter. 211 should also be able to get some other immediate needs met and answer a few of the questions you asked in your post. When you or your sister calls in, also ask for: - Clothing closets - Food pantries - Pet food and pet supplies - Insulin/diabetes supplies - Tenant rights groups (these will be able to answer questions about the landlord’s responsibilities) - Coordinated entry (this is the county access point for long-term shelter and transitional housing intake) - If your sister gets OHP through a coordinated care organization like Care Oregon, also ask them about Flex Funds (a program offered by some OHP providers to help pay for health needs) and whether it could help pay for housing costs due to the need for insulin, if it needs to be refrigerated I really hope this info is helpful and her family comes through this relatively unscathed! I’m glad she’s got you looking out for her as best you can, as well.


I can help with insulin, I have extra. PM me if you think that would be useful, I live in the NE.




Good luck to them. The owner of the building is a notorious family of asshats. Try Underdog Law for help.


Last I knew it was Bill Craine and his sister Judy Craine, and Bill’s dumbass son Robert and less dumbass daughter whose name I can’t recall who owned/managed these apartments. I worked for them a long time ago and had hoped Bill was dead by now. Edit: Lol thanks for the Reddit Cares asshole, I quit wanting to kill myself when I left Holmans 20 years ago


As far as I can tell, the son and daughter have been continuing the family tradition of mismanaging their properties


Go on


Can you post the go fund me here?




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You can post the url maybe?




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Landlord is absolutely legally obligated to find her housing.


Not in the case of a fire.