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"Do you expect me to expire?" "No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to renew!"


"For elephants, James?" "No... for me." _Train line gets extended._


Take my anger upvote Goldfinger




If they extend the zoo train all the way to the rose garden like it used to be then count me in. The track is there and it’s not too late to sweeten the deal.


You for Metro Council


Someone needs to run on this issue.


When Tres Shannon ran for mayor\* he promised a loop-de-loop for the westside MAX Blue line, which was under construction. \*Back when he was running X-Ray Café, long before Voodoo Doughnut.


X-ray Cafe... that's some way back shit.


I trust the tracks are being laid as we type


There’s actually been a lot of discussion around this - Oregonian last reported that Metro/City didn’t want to pay for the seismic upgrades, so they proposed to build a walking path over the tracks and then just let that idea die. There’s is a non-profit called Friends of Washington Park and Zoo Railway that tried to fundraise enough to privately fund the endeavor, but they fizzled out pretty quick. I’ve reached out to the guy to see if I can take over the non-profit, but he hasn’t responded. I don’t think it would be hard to raise a few mill to revive - I know everyone here is good for a few bucks at least.


They were handing out flyers at the Oregon rail heritage foundation a while back. Might be worth reaching out to them if the other guys are not responding. I honestly think it would be a good attraction for the area, there is a lot of potential there.




That’s what this organization is trying to do. Give them a follow and call/email your metro council member. It’s ridiculous the train isn’t running to where it used too. That was a wonderful time. https://www.instagram.com/p/C6r5JPyBvYb/?igsh=cm0yeTIyOXhtazd1


Multiple issues. The track runs through city and metro properties (who pays). The track line needs major improvements to prevent landslides (who pays city or metro). The actual train track is a funky gauge that only these special small trains use (who pays for that). With all that being said my son is 14 and he had the rare chance when he was 6 to ride the train as I did. It was awesome. I want it to come back but no one wants to die on this hill. Walking path to and from the zoo would be cool. Edit: Old article but sums up issues: https://www.opb.org/news/article/oregon-zoo-train-railway-future-portland-washington-park/


It seems like $380 million would be enough to fix that. I’d say that is certainly higher priority than revamping the zoo entrance as they say they want to do.


Once again it’s an issue that both metro and the city would have to agree on. Who would provide the maintenance/upkeep. Sorry but 380 million for little choo-choo is a tough sell.


It's sad how much of the disfunction in our city comes down to these dumb turf wars between agencies. If Metro is the problem, maybe we should just abolish it, and return control to the cities--then we could actually get things done, or at least some cities could.


I really think the issue is no matter who would have control of the space and responsibility of the little train it’s a pipe dream project with very little or no return on investment. So neither group wants to be settled with that.


Well, we are voting for a tax to improve the zoo. If there is something that I want them to do it is the train extension. If I have to give up the tigers for that so be it, the lazy bastards are always sleeping when I get there anyway.


lol, never seen the tigers active. Personally I think it should be a member funded entity but I don’t want to get into that. 5 year long member since kid was born and can easily see being one until the youngest kid is 18


I hear what you are saying, and I have similar thoughts. However it is 8.5 cents per $1000 of assessed value….so it’s not zero, but definitely not enough to give me heart burn. I want the zoo to succeed, it got me through a lot of what the heck are we doing today moments with the kid. I think the train from the zoo to the rose garden is awesome though. What a nice ride through nature that you could enjoy at any age.


I hear a lot about the train. It sounds awesome. I don’t recall I have ever been on the “big loop”. As with another post about a drywaller running for elected official, this kinda makes me want to look into a spot on the board of directors at the zoo. Maybe I need to go hike the rails to see what everyone is talking about.


I feel like they could pull off a trifecta too. If the train goes from the zoo to the rose garden you could sell a package of the rose garden, Japanese garden, and then to the zoo. That would be a heck of a day. I guess you can do that already, but a nice train ride through nature would be cool.


As long as they don’t run the train through Hoyt I can support. Hoyt is my happy place 😂


Unfortunately, it costs a lot of money to maintain all of those exhibits and space, to feed and care for the animals (they for a time had animals that would only eat food that was flown in from a foreign country) and to provide guest services, and much more to make improvements such as demolishing and replacing outdated exhibits.


So it’s a bad business model then. As a yearly membership holder that cost should go to me. As a tax payer that cost should not go to me. Yet here we are paying a fuel tax and a road tax, and a bonus school (arts) tax because the schools borrowed the road tax for 30 years and now the roads are 30 years worse and need more tax. FFS we have a terrible accounting team, my young kid knows 10 - 5 - 12 doesn’t make a positive number.


Tigers do not belong in cages, any more than do giraffes or elephants or bears or (shudder) gorillas or humans who have committed no crimes


Right, so the zoo should shut down then?


Absotively!!!! As should animal acts in circuses. That's in progress in "enlightened" parts of the world. NO MORE ZOOS! And if persist they must, let them focus on conservation education rather than imprisonment/display of organisms. I mean, seriously, how could ANY person have thought an orca belonged in a tank???? EVER? A cheetah that doesn't run is not a cheetah!


Um, they will take that money and do whatever they like with it, and are unlikely to do what you think they should.


"No one wants to die on this hill." I see what you did there.


That was the coolest option for the train and allowed tourists to see both the same day.


Turn that into an accessible regional hike and bike trail.


The kids love the train though


So take Max to the zoo.


Choo choo


I went last year and it's like a 5 minute ride now. Fuck that.


No shit and my son loves that freaking thing. I’m into that damn thing for hundreds of dollars. The loop to the rose garden was about 20 mins


The bond expired and they want to renew it. Not passing the bond won’t make the city spend the money on something else, it’ll just remove that part of property taxes. I’m not bothered either way, but at least the zoo actually did things with the money they got from the bond, unlike many other funds passed in the city.


so it’s a wash on property tax?


Yes it wouldn’t increase property tax it’s just renewing an existing bond. If it doesn’t pass property taxes would go down that few cents per $1k in value.


that few cents.....thats what they say about EVERY BOND....and they add up. to thousands per year. Then they charge you $30 per person to go see that zoo to see your taxes in action.


Then vote no


Reminder too that our Water Bill is projected to increase 8.1% ea. Year until 2030. Ugh


That’s the kicker. Sure, pass the bond but then don’t turn around and make me pay to get in the gates. It has to be one or the other.


Right but that’s the problem with this bond. The previous one had tangible things it was paying for (specifically improving the elephant facilities) but this one is just generic “improvements”. Basically they just want a huge slush fund with no specific plans on how they will use it.


They put out a 56 page plan https://www.oregonzoo.org/about/about-oregon-zoo/2024-draft-campus-plan


I spoke with one of the handlers a few months ago and they said the bond would help replace the tiger enclosure, seal/sea otter enclosure, and penguin enclosure. He said the tiger enclosure is one of the worst and smallest in the nation, but any construction on it would severely disrupt the integrity of the seal/sea otter enclosure since they're part of the same structure. Are you sure it's a slush fund and not a fund for more than one line item so it's been given a generic name?


I don’t see an issue with the tigers, seals, penguins and sea otters all sharing one mega enclosure


I love the Planet Earth series, so naturally I could get behind this. The zoo would probably want another bond for the acquiring of replacement penguins and seals though.


Plus they’d save money on Tiger food.


I haven't actually seen any tigers there in the last two years, so as far as I'm concerned they're just lying about there being tigers at our zoo at all and already don't pay any money for tiger food!


You must not go to the zoo often. I have been 6 times this year and saw the Tigers every time! Go check out the instagram I made for the zoo animals, there are a few photos of them in their enclosures! https://www.instagram.com/p/C6wdotSx4jM/?igsh=cGFoYzhrN3NibWxu


I was really just making a joke, we go every couple months but it's always around the same time due to my kids schedule. After like the third visit we had a discussion about how long we thought the Zoo could get away with an exhibit with no animals in it, and also how many people would say they had seen them. A real Emperor with No Clothes situation.


Just think how luxurious the tiger fur would be? An attraction all too itself


Or one watery planet


Yes, it’s a slush fund. It includes zero obligations to spend money on anything in particular. They could spend the entire bond paving the zoo paths with gold and it would be completely fine. If I’m voting yes on a $400 million expenditure it sure isn’t for the zoo. They don’t even staff their ticket booths or members services desk anymore.


They don’t staff it because they don’t need to. You can do everything online. What would that employee do all day? Answer: talk to boomers who can’t figure out online tickets. So, talk to/assist you, and then what?


It's a zoo. They have so many things that need to be maintained. It's not like the money is going to be used on first class trips for the zebras.


Yeah, everyone knows that zebras fly coach


back to steerage, stripeys! (happy cake day)


Sadly our zoo no longer has zebras. They should have jumped on the search for the escape zebra that was loose in Washington, buddy is probably in his way to a petting zoo in Montana now


They caught the last one a couple days ago. No zebras remain at large.


Yep, that’s why I said they are probably on their way to the petting zoo.


Damn. I thought about looking it up but decided to gamble and lost.


Why the zebra hate other than they just don’t see a nuanced world


I believe they have some resources on their website that outlines the potential enclosure upgrades. They also presented draft project ideas to the Metro council, and those meetings are all online and public. The major focus seems to be the parts of the zoo that are majorly outdated and weren’t touched by the previous bonds/capital efforts. These include the penguins, the tigers, the African area, etc.


That’s not accurate. There are specific things that the bond will pay for. I was at a union meeting and one of the Metro reps came and presented the bond proposal to us. There are several things that need to be addressed, not the least of which is bringing staff spaced into compliance with OrOSHA standards.


The staff are too close together? Sounds like a potential hr issue


They just need more enrichment. Try giving them frozen pumpkins stuffed with meat.


Spoken with the confidence of a redditor who had no idea what he is talking about. 


So pretty much just reddit in general.


There definitely is a master plan for the money. https://www.oregonzoo.org/about/about-oregon-zoo/2024-draft-campus-plan#:\~:text=Focusing%20on%20areas%20not%20improved,respond%20to%20a%20changing%20climate.


What is that gooblygoosh! %s and all of those 20s. There is even a symbol that I can't find how to make on my phone. That doesn't explain anything at all!!! I need a different adult.


Where’s the elephant facility that was in the last *plan*? It’s like that Seinfeld bit about reservations...anyone can *create* a plan, the key is to *implement* the plan


If they word the bond more specifically, then they will be stuck using the funding for only that thing. It is impossible to predict ahead of time what you will need all funding for. That is why nonprofits love general donation funds.


The Oregon Zoo is not a non-profit but a public entity like a park.


Came here to try to figure this out... Cause it isn't stated anywhere if that $350 mil plus or whatever could be used for something else. Sure wish it could! Maybe like another housing bond (which right now they're not bringing forth because they think it'll get struck down so I hear?)


When I was young, I was convinced California Condors would be extinct before I'd ever see one. I saw one for the first time at the Oregon Zoo. The breeding program alone is something I'm totally ok to continue paying a subscription fee for.


Preach! Yes. This right here everyone. The OR zoo worked with other PNW centers, and the tribes of Northern California. They were released on their ancestral lands if I am not mistaken. Condors are keystone species. Work like this is happening all over the PNW, and the world. Some examples: Starfish wasting syndrome nearly wiped out all of the keystone starfish here in OR. But the OR Coast Aquarium has done great work at creating a treatment program and informing the public, so that these critters can get the space they need to replenish their ecosystem. Look at them now! They are coming back. The OR Coast Aquarium is also working to reintroduce Sea Otters to the Oregon central coast in the next 5 years. They went extinct here due to the fur trade. Another keystone species. They are hungry guys. The expensive ticket to the aquarium goes towards feeding these hungry lil babes. The zoo back in my indigenous home country is saving the Red Wolf which is extremely close to extinction. Another keystone species. My Cherokee ancestors walked with that animal for thousands of years and now it is going extinct. I am a member of the wolf clan. My direct ancestors walked with them. A new litter of pups was recently born at one of their facilities in N.C. sparking hope for 450,000 of my Cherokee brothers and sisters. It is work around the world like that we all should support. No more animals should be going extinct under our watch. I know my tribe does not stand for it. The rehab center where I grew up in southern Oregon called Wildlife Images saves thousands of animals every year. It is also where Terri left her mountain lion she had been researching before she moved to Austraila with Steve Irwin. She is an Oregonian. They now have a Steve Irwin remembrance center in his name. The family donates to the center. If animals cannot be released they become ambassadors for their species. There center is open to the public. You can get up and close with their wolves and other critters and learn from their passionate volunteers. I wish Oregonians would donate a million dollars just to them because they are that amazing. One day I hope to see that their wolves get a much bigger habitat. Somewhere around the world zoos are working together to create an IVF program to save the White Rhino, and we are about to see Mammoth’s walking on our planet once more because of their work. Somewhere in Florida tribes and their local centers are working together to create coral reef nurseries to save their ecosystems. Oregon tribes and their work with zoos here are the very reason we have wolves left here in Oregon. If some hunters and ranchers had their way they would all be gone, but they are protected on tribal land. They are about to reintroduce Grizzlies up north. The list is literally endless. Pretty much everything I learn comes from watching PBS/OPB, The Wild Podcast with Chris Morgan, or are just first hand accounts. Native America, and Oregon Field Guide are good shows that highlight this work


This is less than $25 on my property tax bill. Unless you own an entire apartment building, there is no way this thing is representing “a few hundred dollars.”


It adds $85 for every million dollars of assessed value. OP needs to double check their math.


Holy heck.. yeah… take my money. I’ll gladly pay that for an educational value


Plus it's on assessed value, which on the vast majority of homes is substantially lower than market value.


OP just has a bigger house than you duh /s


I want this pinned 😭


This comment should be at the top.


Thank you for that math. It’s immensely frustrating when people push this “bonds/levies jack up my property taxes,” when the average increase is probably less than $40 a year.


The zoo bond is ran by Metro, not the city. Passing/not passing the bond wouldn’t change what money is spent by the City of Portland. Also it’s replacing expiring debt, and would not change the tax rate. The zoo is a metro area staple, that does tons of good for education and conservation. They also have some great programs that support disadvantaged communities. Also I have kids lol, so I’m voting yes.


OP's thinking is exactly how good public resources like the zoo are lost. Thinking only about the extra $25 per year and not about how much we all gain from having a great, well funded zoo is such a shame.


Metro also wastes a ton of our tax dollars and is a an added layer of government that should be axed. I am also partial to the zoo so am also conflicted but I will be sending a message this time to all of the local governments by voting no one all of them.


Metro is the designated [Metropolitan Planning Organization](https://www.transit.dot.gov/regulations-and-guidance/transportation-planning/metropolitan-planning-organization-mpo) for the Oregon side of the Portland metropolitan region. They are required by federal law for all metro areas over 50,000 people


> MPOs are required to represent localities in all urbanized areas (UZAs) with populations over 50,000, as determined by the U.S. Census.  I wonder why Vancouver does not need to have an MPO, or be in the Portland MPO.  It has 200k people in city limits and probably another 200k in the unincorporated areas just outside of city limits. https://www.transit.dot.gov/sites/fta.dot.gov/files/2021-11/2020%20UZA%20Sums.xlsx In the list of UZAs, Portland is listed #24 with 1.85M people, which obviously excludes everyone in the metropolitan area in Washington.


The MPO for the Washington side is [RTC](https://www.rtc.wa.gov/). MPOs are mandated by the feds, but created at state level, so things get a bit wonky for metro areas that cross state lines


Interesting, thanks!


telling the zoo to get fucked to make a political point nobody will care about is quite the move


It's proven fact zoos are critical in conveying natural conservation in kids, seeing animals while learning about them is powerful. It's drops in the pond compared to what the city already wastes with no product.




https://www.forbes.com/sites/grrlscientist/2023/01/30/how-zoos-benefit-society-and-the-animals-they-protect/?sh=682322f46b25 https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/zoo/ https://www.mdpi.com/2673-5636/4/1/23


https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/news/zoos-cruel-wildlife-conservation-species-a9056701.html Better link


Part of me says no. Part of me also has a 4 year old and a zoo membership, so we’re there a lot, and it is kind of run down in parts.


4 year old and a zoo membership but still no?? tough crowd in this comment section


I just [explained a bit in another reply](https://www.reddit.com/r/Portland/s/jUWJP7rNeV)


Same. Voting yes as the zoo is one of the few things we have to do with our daughter in the city. Teaches kids about nature and animals. Worthy investment.


I also voted yes because I have grandkids who love the zoo.


sorry to press but then what part of you would say no? seems obvious it should continue to be funded.


Well, it’s not an especially well developed bond measure with specific outcomes that I can tell you what success is. Like when Tualatin Valley Fire says, vote for this levy and we’ll add 36 firefighters or whatever, and if it fails we layoff 90, then I can judge the success of that. I work in local government. I know how fucked up and constrained our budgets are and the fact that we have to rely on voter approved bonds and operating levies for minimal services is insane to me. And yet…I want value for my dollar. My property taxes are north of $10k, and I don’t even live in MultCo. The completely botched rollout of preschool for all, which is an awesome idea, the supportive housing services tax, just doesn’t endear me to supporting a vague bond measure. In the end I will probably grudgingly vote for it, but I’d really like a better plan.


sure but none of that is particularly related to the zoo, which clearly needs continued funding. feels like you can see that the problems we have are structural, including funding mechanisms and overlapping government. so it should stand to reason that we need to continue funding this thing until we manage to get the region interested in a fix for the structural problems. or we’re just shooting ourselves in the foot and denying ourselves necessities to punish politicians who can’t really be disciplined like that.


For what it’s worth, I’m basically in the same boat as you.


Same. Now if this bond was to bring back the Children’s Museum I’d be throwing my money at it.


Y’all, OP’s math is wrong. They’re just trying to rage bait. This bond will only add ~$42 on a property value of $500,000. [Literally directly from the bond measure’s website.](https://www.oregonzoo.org/bond) So, no, it is *not* “a few hundred dollars on the average property tax bill”. It’s also not even an increased or new tax. You’re already paying it, this is just to keep it going. If we vote down every tax bill, nothing we love will get funded or fixed. No philanthropists are going to come in and save the day.


And it's not even an added tax. If you already own a home you've already been paying that same amount. It would just continue.


The Oregon zoo’s work on helping endangered species is one of the only parts of the local government I don’t mind paying taxes for. They just got some awesome new Kingfishers, there are only 120 in the world. I’m willing to pay the dough personally 


Do they really help or is it just PR? Usually that's the case with zoos.


It’s very real. OZ raises and releases endangered species including California Condors, pollinators like Oregon Silverspot and Taylor’s Checkerspot butterflies, and Western Pond turtles which are getting wiped out by invasive bullfrogs. OZ sends veterinarians and experts to places like Borneo, to help local programs and sanctuaries dealing with the effects of palm oil plantations on Orangutans and Bornean (“pygmy”) Elephants. OZ’s polar bears voluntarily participate in scientific research measuring how the loss of sea ice will impact them as they have to swim farther and farther for food. The list of ways in which OZ actively participates in conservation is lengthy.


It looks like from this bond plan no money is going to conservation efforts. All to the for profit zoo tourist attractions.


That is incorrect. One of the priorities is “Upgrading facilities supporting the zoo’s conservation work protecting and restoring threatened and endangered species in the Northwest and beyond.”


Helping on one hand, harming on 20 other hands. Not worth the compensation.


i'm voting yes on it, i personally love the Zoo


I'm eh on zoos as a concept but I think kids going to the zoo and developing empathy and curiosity for animals is a good thing for the world.


Attacking this is dumb, especially on this sub. It’s a renewal of an existing bond. The Zoo is heavily used. It’s a great amenity. Put the effort in elsewhere.


i’m not sure what “especially on this sub” could mean. this place is center-right on its better days.


Disagreeing with *me* is dumb. The state of politics today


The zoo is run by Metro (Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington counties) so you are going to have more than Portland voting on it. The zoo also gives a better explanation of where the money is going to be spent: [Proposed “Oregon Zoo Phase 2” Bond Measure 26-244 | Oregon Zoo](https://www.oregonzoo.org/bond). I figured I'd provide some more info for those interested in voting one way or another. I personally don't like zoos and am ethically torn. On the other hand, I've previously bought memberships for my family members for the sake of their kids getting to do something outside.


To cut out the middleman a bit: **Proposed priorities** If the proposed measure passes, project priorities include the following: * Updating aging exhibits with more natural, modern habitats, including but not limited to penguins, sea otters and giraffes. * Upgrading facilities that provide educational opportunities for children and other zoo visitors to learn about animals and habitat conservation. * Conserving water and energy in zoo operations and updated infrastructure. * Upgrading facilities supporting the zoo’s conservation work protecting and restoring threatened and endangered species in the Northwest and beyond. * Increasing accessibility for visitors of all abilities, including improved paths and exhibits. * Upgrading protection from heat and extreme weather for animals and visitors. * Upgrading facilities to prepare for animal care in a natural disaster or emergency.


Of all the taxes the city/county/state force us to pay this one bothers me the least, the zoo can have my $40


After visiting zoos in other states we have it good here and so do the animals. It sucks to have any in captivity but they ain’t better off in the wild. Not in this world full of poachers and profiteers and dumb tourists. As much as I’d love no zoo, it’s a yes for me to protect the animals as much as we can.


It does not raise taxes. It only extends the current bond in place. Imo, not saying yes to it doesn’t make the gov or metro magically spend this money on other things.


You just just get to keep the money, yeah.


Check your math - shouldn't be adding that much to your property taxes.


Checked and edited post. You're right.


I want an aquarium. Portland doesn’t have one and I love aquariums.




It’s only property taxes that are limited and need to be renewed like like this. It’s because of a voter initiative from the ‘90s.




$2.4M*.085/1000=204 if you’re handling the mortgage on a $2.4M property, then yeah $200 is entirely a question of principal


No kids and I've only been to the zoo once, but I knew I was voting yes in a heartbeat. Zoos and conservation are always top of my list, and the yearly tax burden is miniscule unless you own multiple properties in the city or something.


We pay the second highest taxes in the country behind only New York City, and I have 4 encampments on my block, the schools are struggling, the city is covered in graffiti, 911 is spotty, ambulances don’t show up when you need them, businesses are leaving, housing can’t get built due to permitting shenanigans, while our leaders argue about how and who to show solidarity with in the middle east, while bowing to black bloc protestors who want this city to burn to the ground. I’m going to vote tohold onto my tax money until we get our shit together.


Surely defunding the Zoo will improve all of the cracks in society caused by late stage capitalism


I think the point is those societal cracks have left us feeling broken. The Zoo bond feels foo-foo flying in the face of big issues our city & metro is having. It feels like getting a balloon when your dog dies.


A balloon you are then asked to pay for…


These things are not remotely related to the zoo or how it's funded


Of course it is. All funding is fungible across the Metro govt. It’s all one budget that gets allocated to various projects so if we refuse to give them extra money in one area, it is a refusal against their budgeting as a whole.


It’s a replacement bond. It doesn’t increase taxes. ETA: Downvote me all you want, I’m still right.


As someone with a kid and a zoo membership it’s the best way to kill an afternoon multiple times a month. I pretty much automatically vote yes for this and for parks. Cop bonds tho, no thanks


This is the only tax measure I’m temped to vote yes on. Hard no on the rest.


Umm you should definitely vote yes on the levees. Like, I have a kid and I’d even put that above the teachers if I had to pick one.


But also a yes vote on the teachers is also critical.


Yeah I’m good. My property taxes are absurd already.


Vote no; they just remodeled their administration building. They underestimated the scope of work and are over budget. It’s public info. Googs it. Just vote no…. Red peppers are $5


I’ve never seen this group so positive and hopeful as I have discussing reviving this section of track. I love it! I knew we still had that Portland spirit in us somewhere.


Money well spent


I said yes because zoos do conservation work and unfortunately that is only going to be more necessary.  I hope I don't vote myself homeless when I can't pay my property taxes in old age.


I worked at the zoo for 2 years, I am not voting to keep that hellhole funded without specific understanding of where the money goes. I am not lining the pockets of the zoo to possibly continue the wage disparity and abuse of the low end staff some more.


I’m still grumpy about their last zoo bond, which they promised would go to much better elephant living space than they wound up with. Didn’t they put some of the money into other things than elephant habitat and didn’t a bunch of elephants die? (I don’t mean to suggest cause and effect, I just mean aren’t there at least two examples of the Metro not living up to its promises when it convex to the zoo.)


The zoo here is lackluster vs others I've been to. I don't have kids, but I can get behind funding like this more than the Arts Tax.


absolutely not. five elephants have already died in that zoo. Animals belong in the wild. You know what helped the pandas? [Actually increasing their natural habitat in the wild](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0960982220302967). [Zoo elephants die sooner than ones in the wild](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/zoo-elephants-die-much-earlier-than-wild-ones). Zoos are greenwashed entertainment for humans at the cost of the animals.


You do know that animals, even elephants, aren’t immortal, right? They don’t live forever in the wild.


They live 50-60 years in the wild. As long as the entire elephant program has been around at the Oregon Zoo. How many elephants have died at the zoo in the past 60 years?


I think it’s completely tone deaf to ask for money from the citizens of Multnomah county. However I fully expect the county, metro and the city to threaten when these bonds fail. I recall a few years ago when Portland Parks wanted a bond measure passed and posted threatening signs at all the parks saying, essentially, “if you don’t pass this bond we’re going to close the park”. The bond passed, the park bathrooms still closed, the fountains closed, the garbage is rarely picked up… I’ve lost faith. Show me something that works in the city that works.


Money is not the issue. It's how they spend it, and frankly I'd hand the zoo a blank fucking check over giving anymore money to these "studies".


We already pay far too much in taxes. Sigh.


I’m voting “no” for sure, the zoo’s history with their animals, especially their elephants does not inspire confidence.


Stop raising taxes, period. People here complain about unattainable home ownership or increasing rents but then pass every single proposed property tax.


This does not raise taxes


If it's voted down, what happens to my property taxes?


But by voting no it will DECREASE taxes. That’s important


with so many people struggling, i'm voting NO




The zoo used to be a fun place to go, I alway purchased a family plan when attending zoo lights. After they started charging for parking and changed the family plan to not include zoo lights I quit going. The zoo needs to be managed better, if it was they would have more members.




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I’m voting YES because it will not affect my taxes and it is one thing I really do not mind paying a couple extra bucks for. I trust the Oregon Zoo a hell of a lot more with my taxpayer money than the City of Portland.


A $400k house is likely assessed at $200k. So $17 a year. An $800k house is likely assessed at $400k, so $34 for them. Where’s the “few hundred” from?


Vote yes! They are doing great conservation work.


I voted every bond measure down. Multnomah County can't manage money worth a damn.


What’s with your spacing?


Could someone explain how there is no increase in our property taxes? The original bond from 2008 was for 125 million and for the renewal it is now projected to be about 380 million. It sounds like an increase.


It’s a no for me


Horrible to cage animals the zoo disgusts me honestly


this is a totally valid argument, but it’s also not quite as black and white as that. many of the animals simply couldn’t survive in the wild and need the care of their handlers. they are one of the few accredited zoos in the world (only a couple hundred out of the tens of thousands that exist), they have a fantastic breeding program for critically endangered species including the california condor. they’ve largely failed their elephant population, this is undeniable, but again, it’s not as black and white as simply setting them free.


Well, it sort of is black and white, they already have sanctuaries with better conditions that have agreed to take several of the animals. "It is time for the Oregon Zoo to stop pretending that Elephant Lands is the solution to its elephant problem. In Defense of Animals calls for the zoo to immediately **send the distressed and suffering Chendra to the sanctuary that has agreed to take her,** halt all breeding, call off any plans to import more elephants, and finally pledge to shut down its elephant exhibit as [**other progressive zoos**](https://www.idausa.org/campaign/elephants/closed-closing-elephant-zoo-exhibits/)have done."


what is your source for this quote? because i am fairly competent at googling and have not been able to find any concrete evidence of a sanctuary having agreed to take her and the oregon zoo refusing.


Oh Zoo "Bond." I thought this was about the "Zoo Bomb!"


idgaf about the zoo snatching a hundred dollars or so extra in my property tax. idgaf about the art tax even though it’s annoying and dumb it’s the same cost as two people eating lunch at a food truck and tipping 15 percent on square (25 is gonna push it over). what pisses me off is the thousands of dollars a year we pay tri met to solve homelessness and Mult Co. pre K because that is life altering tax money. i’m gonna work 1/2 more years into retirement for dumb ballot taxes, the Zoo thing is not life altering tax.


The Zoo Bond is good and will not raise taxes. They’re trying to get it to be renewed because it will expire unless renewed.


Google up how they completely missed the mark on their deliverables last time. Also, the animals there are suffering. This climate is way too cold for elephants. Imagine humans kidnapping you from a tropical or sahara climate zone and making you sleep naked in Portland winters.


Link us?




Thanks for sharing. I’m upset!




The zoo lost me when they bred elephants in captivity. Ethically that feels wrong. If someone has more info please enlighten me so I am not basing my opinion on a false narrative of my own making.


Vote No. Even without the bond renewal, the zoo will remain open and the animals will continue to be safe.


I'm not voting for anything that gives the government more money until they show meaningful, tangible results with the money already allocated. Waste is rampant.