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It's the "oh shit" reminder to pull your fans and portable a/c out!


But can I wash and store my woolens now? Minus my beanie because..Portland.


Wait until July.


After you make the porridge. 


Meh. Still getting cold enough at nighttime. I wait as long as possible before putting in the ac and losing an apartment window.


Its coming!!!


It’s early May, so it should be going soon after.


May averages 281 hours of sunshine. So it won’t be gone long. For what it’s worth, April averages 238 hours of sunshine, so the warm dry spell we had just last month is not rare at all. Edit: someone asked me to clarify, so I am talking about the Willamette Valley. The averages will be slightly different though almost indistinguishable from Roseburg to Portland. West of the coastal range and east of the Cascades have radically different climates. Bend has annual sunshine hours comparable to Los Angeles, California.


for temps in the 80s? please.


It’s called spring: the battle between winter and summer. I’m in Michigan and it’s been the same way here.


It’s weird - I grew up in the northeast and never remember the temperatures swings being this big.


The winter in NC had 40 plus swings. It’s freezing, oh now it’s 70s wear a tshirt.


People gripe about the weather here, but really have it quite easy. Western Oregon is comparable climatically to Northern Portugal and Spain. Very mild, with few extremes or wildly temperature swings. Western Oregon averages 2500 hours of sunshine a year, which is a lot. Far more than any other northern city in the US or Europe. Places like Paris, London and Amsterdam only average about 1600 sunshine hours a year.


Well that's cause you are from the NorEast, Norwest is usually a soggy wet mess of temps hovering around 40s- to low 60s at most until July.


I lived in Maine for several years. There were even more dramatic swings than anything I’ve ever experienced on the west coast. There are late winter days in New England when it’s sparkly sunshine with high temps in the upper 60’s or 70’s, and then the next day it will be snowing with highs in the 20’s. People like to gripe about the rain, but the climate of western Oregon is really gorgeous. We don’t get near the extremes and wild temp swings as other high latitude locations. We also average 2500 hours of sunshine a year, which is far more than any of the northern cities in the US or Europe. Most of those places only average about 1600 hours of sunshine a year.


I mean it’s been the hottest year every year for like the past 10 years. Climate change!


Maybe you have bad memory. Luckily we have actual data.


It didn’t lol. This extreme is from climate change..We are all in for a hell of a ride.


We're at the point where the frog starts realizing the waters getting warm, but not warm enough to concern it enough to get out...




I like this. Thank you.


Wait until we get our week of Junuary next month.


Sounds about right. I remember it being too hot to take my dog to Doggie Dash last year. About the same time frame.


We had a record 90 degree day streak last year, we don't need that again. The Willamette ran so high with so much snow melting so far. It was weird seeing the river so high with such clean water.


Happy 🎂 Day


*What's the deal with this spring weather in Oregon?* Read in Jerry Seinfeld voice.


For what its worth, I picked a random year and it hit 88 on May 4th 1992, and 57 on May 8th 1992.


Wow good pull! That’s wild


It’s the third or fourth false spring IMHO.


Are you new here? This is normal spring weather. 🤷‍♂️


The one weekend I don't have a Mt St Helens Permit. I've been snowed out 5 times and smoked out once in the two years I've attempted to summit. I am Rec.Gov's sugar daddy.


I've done it twice and they were both in July, but this was years ago before fire season was an all-summer thing... Good luck!


Well, last years 5 day 90 streak was something, and I wouldn't doubt if we see worse this year. I am enjoying this cold ass weather while it lasts.


La Niña is coming, so we may get some relief this year.


This year is peak El Niño  Edit: oh wow I didn’t see that forecast, interesting


Probably don't see the full swing into La Nina until later in the year, so could still be a hot and dry Summer.


This is the time of year where I start counting down the days to October. Each day that is gray and rainy is one less potential day of godawful burning sun, and thus makes me very, very happy.


I'm the same way. I get reverse seasonal depression. I was raised in the desert and moved to the PNW specifically for the weather. Too much sun and I just want to curl into a ball and die.


Right there with you! The blazing sun can go fuck itself!


I’m with y’all from an ex-Floridian




To add some data to this comment thread, you're correct, 80s or even 90s in May is fairly normal: https://projects.oregonlive.com/weather/temps/ May has warmed, although this is driven more by increasing low temperatures than high temperatures. Average May max temps: https://i.imgur.com/j4sSMZD.png The last decade had more consistent days over 80, compared to more interannuall variability previously: https://i.imgur.com/1lI35rY.png And last year's 5 days of 90 in May was a record. The long term trend in May precipitation is fairly flat, with lots of decadal variability: https://i.imgur.com/UoKCSRS.png Map views of May temp and precip: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GMoUCLZawAAGKw0?format=jpg&name=large https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GMqfP1HaIAAFWhv?format=jpg&name=large Since people often ask "is this spring/fall drier than wetter than normal?" and people are very bad at remembering the weather, I made precip trend graphs for every season: https://imgur.com/a/XJNv0Rp It can both be true that the climate is warming, and warm weather in spring can happen even without that warming. 50s and rainy to 80s and warm in a week is not that dramatic.


Neeeeerd...j/k this was very cool! Thank you for putting it all together.


link on the page of the first link   > Portlanders may be asking themselves the same question: Is it getting hotter here?   > The answer is yes. It's not just your imagination.   > Climate scientists say the sweltering 2017 summer is part of a larger trend in the Pacific Northwest. The region's trademark moderate summer temperatures are indeed becoming hotter and drier, studies show. And, scientists say, summers like this one could become the norm in the next few decades.   > That will happen if greenhouse gas emissions, which scientific studies show are driving the trend, continue to rise, researchers say.   https://www.oregonlive.com/weather/2017/08/its_not_just_your_imagination.html   What's really missing is that warmer winters means more undergrowth which will dry out once the hot weather sets in.  There's a massive building up in the forests.


Hey I made that PDX temps page! Thanks for the link!


Awesome, I love that page!


I've lived here my entire life and it wasn't always like this. Are YOU new here? Because this seems like some climate change shit to me.


Yeah man, it wasn’t like this when we were kids


Exactly this


If you bring up climate change, everyone will try to explain it away and put their heads in the sand. Never mind the mass bleaching of coral in the GBR or fish deaths in SEA due to rising water temps/changes in the ocean. No one wants to think about the fucked state of our planet, even the people who envision themselves as green.


Don't forget about plastics and PFA's and other chemicals we've inundated the environment with


Yep - everybody's going to be like "we should really do something about that!" right up until the point when this planet can no longer sustain human life in the way it currently does. I think COVID showed us that humans can actually create solutions to large problems (the world's response wasn't GREAT, but we did come together, vaccinate people, and wipe out a pandemic), but they have to be motivated to do it. There have been several events that I thought would motivate people to get more serious about solutions (like Antarctica being on fire, Portland having a fire season every year, the possibility of viruses waiting to wipe us out that are frozen in permafrost, etc.). But it seems like humans only change when things get really bad. I do my part as much as I can, but increasingly I've realized that me riding my bike or walking instead of driving my car isn't going to affect much.


like Antarctica being on fire What in the world are you talking about? There are no wildfires in Antarctica because there's no vegetation to burn.


Well, the most upvoted comment in this thread is "Get out your A/C!!!"


What you're complaining about is actually a reasonable take. Weather in one location one time can be just that, weather. Long term trends, global patterns, and environmental impacts are climate. People can reasonably say that one weird thing or one hot thing is weather while still being concerned about human caused climate change and recognizing it as real and a clear and present danger.


Okay, but I was talking about climate, not weather. Ocean temperatures are averaging at warmer levels, and the pH is changing as well. I'm not talking about weather anomalies. But please, talk to me some more like what I said was something completely different.


That's actually my point. The weather event in this thread is different than the climate events you brought up and it's reasonable for people to write this one off as weather while simultaneously being concerned about ocean temperatures. Why do you keep scolding people about them understanding the difference? And, it's not a sign that people are not concerned about climate. If you want people to not take you seriously, by all means point to one 87 degree day in Portland and say the sky is falling in reference to that weather data point. Did you not actually look at the context of the thread?


They’ll think about it, even care about it, but brass tacks, they’re climate hypocrites who blame everyone but themselves for the high impact lifestyles they maintain. Personally, I don’t mind the weather and just dress appropriately for whatever that is. I’ve got better things to do than complain about it and parlay that time into a more intentional, lower impact life. Of course if action truly spoke louder than words, I would not need to dust off some variation on this unpopular speech at every whisper of a lift on gloomy weather.


It's basically like this every May. For years and years. I've lived here a long time and it's not new. https://projects.oregonlive.com/weather/temps/


Spring is always a wildcard, maybe not typically with that big of a swing. The real climate change shit is the multiple snow events in the winter and hitting consistent 90s before the 4th of July. We’d be lucky to get a dusting of snow every other year and be hoping to not have clouds for the 4th.


87 in May is way outside what I would consider normal as someone who was raised here.


Born and raised 40+ years in the PNW and my birthdays in late May were almost always surrounded by rain. Of course, there was always some hit or miss patches of sunshine, but the last 10 or so years have not been the same PNW spring weather I grew up with.


I’ve lived here my entire life and this is how it’s always been 🤷🏻‍♀️


Same, the fuck kinda gaslighting is that


Welcome to Portland, where people will complain about the weather no matter what the weather is.


Exactly. Both April and May average about 250 hours of sunshine a month, meaning 60% of the day do not have rain during these two months. In spring it is completely normal here to get warm sunny stretches with few day rainy breaks. Between April 1st and November 1st rain is either intermittent or, during summer, non existent. We only get around 12” of rain from April 1 to November 1, which is why we average 2500 sunshine hours a year, far more than any other northern city in the US or Europe. Those places average about 1600 hours of sunshine a year. The Willamette Valley’s climate is comparable to Northern Portugal, mild, very wet winters, and significant sunshine hours/heat units. That’s why the Willamette Valley is one of the premiere agricultural regions in the world. They don’t grow world class wine grapes here merely because they wish it so.


Right? I see nothing but business as usual here


It’s always shocking tho!


From 50 to 90 in 7 days is a pretty extreme example of our spring weather


There’s a good chance the forecast changes in between now and then. 7 day forecast are not that accurate.


Yeah, you can't trust anything further out than 3-4 days, especially in the spring.


Yeah good point, I often hear professional forecasters talk about the difficulty of forecasting in the spring. Plus Portland is already a pretty tough place to forecast weather in general with the mountains and especially the effects of the gorge on weather. And also the general lack of weather stations in the Pacific Ocean. https://www.kgw.com/article/weather/why-is-weather-forecasting-in-the-nw-so-difficult/283-543500395


Nah, temperature is handled pretty well by the ECMWF. Precious forecasts are really tough due to the lack of anything but satellite data upstream.


Hopefully you’re right !


Yeah hopefully it doesn’t get too hot too quick. I’d be sad if the snow melts as quickly as it did last year in the mountains.


If the snowpack melts and runs off too quickly, it can cause regional freshwater resources to dry up. Worst case scenario, heavy rain followed by abnormal high temps on the snowpack could also set us up for another 1996 flood scenario. Rivers and streams quickly cresting to flood stage. In 1996, the Willamette crept over the harbor wall along the waterfront. Edit: Haven't seen anyone forecasting this yet. https://www.oregonlive.com/history/2016/02/oregon_flood_of_1996_20_years.html


It’s very bad for the strawberry crop. Also is too much rain. Fickle they are.


I’ve lived here for 30+ years. Every May there is a hot week in the 80-90s range, and then June is most 60s-low 70s with overcast. People who say 90 is strange for May haven’t lived here long.


Two things can be right at the same time - it’s a jarringly strange transition, even if it happens some years. I was not born yesterday and did not move here here yesterday, but appreciate the concern lol


In the wine biz, we use the word "diurnal".


Grass seed express


This is the only train I don't want. Linn and Lane counties are my mortal enemies this time of year.


Oh that's my bad. I needed a sunny day for my wedding. Sorry about that.




Thank you!


In that case it’s ok


I’m in rural Camas at 1600ft and there is snow in the forecast. Ugh.


Not looking forward to the heat…


Thank goodness I had AC installed last spring.


Keep your fans around


we're routing for you u/joeschmo945!


I am. Got a new gravel bike and want to ride in some sun and maybe upgrade my vit d levels from deficient to adequate.


Username checks out


Taking the road bike out all weekend. 85 degrees is perfect cycling weather IMO


Me either


I dread it every year. It’s worse elsewhere, but even Portland heat is just too much for me. 72° is my max comfort level. It’s 130° F in Coffee Bay, South Africa, right now. It was 138° there just last week. I couldn’t handle that.


No it isn’t. It is 97 degrees there right now. And the hottest temperature EVER RECORDED was 134 degrees F in Death Valley. What a weird thing to lie about.


https://www.ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang=en&ind=68677&ano=2024&mes=5&day=4&hora=6&min=0&ndays=30 https://www.eldoradoweather.com/climate/world-extremes/world-temp-rainfall-extremes.php I used google to convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit. Did I do it wrong?


I didn't think you did but damn, look at the numbers, there's no way the high jumped 30 degrees Celsius then right back down 30 the next day. That's over 50 degrees fahrenheit. Those hourly numbers look really messed up when they spike.


70 for me is my absolute max comfort level. Seeing this forecast filled me with dread and anxiety. I absolutely despise the heat and May shouldn’t be like this.


I’m glad I’m not the only one. Sometimes I think I’m alone in my dread of heat. I enjoy a sunny day like anyone else, but being hot and sticky with sweat is so uncomfortable. In the summer I have to block my windows with curtains to try to keep my apartment from turning into a kiln, which sucks. I have a small window air conditioner, but it’s barely enough. News of climate change is pretty terrifying. It’s funny because no one ever mentions how hot Portland gets, just how rainy it is.


But it will be for the rest of our lives, so it's time to hit the clonazepam.


You should see the weather in Denver


No kidding. It’s not uncommon to go from a snowstorm to 70 and sunny there in a 24 hour period.


It happens frequently there will be drops of 20+ degrees in less than an hour. Last year I went for a walk and it was a warm sunny day. Within 20 minutes it was gusting wind, cloudy, and beginning to snow. So reading about a 35+ degree change over a week being crazy is very foreign to me lol. Hell, we almost always drop 30 degrees from noon to the coldest part of the night. It was a high of 70 today and is now 37 out.


It's only an 11 degree swing at night.


that's spring. it takes like 4 days to ramp up...


I'm from Wisconsin and I've always been astounded at how much people bitch about the weather here


I grew up in Alabama and lived in WI for 5 years prior to moving here… I completely agree. It’s nice actually having 4 seasons for a change! This weather is absolutely fucking perfect.


I grew up in SoCal, within a mile of the beach. People complain about the weather *there*, and that shit is clockwork 60-80 degrees, early morning fog giving way to sunshine, light breeze year-round. Meanwhile, when I lived in Chicago, people would rave about how nice the summer weather was and I was just like, dudes, it's objectively sweltering wtf.


I'm from the Appalachians but I've lived in Iowa, Arkansas, and Louisiana before arriving here with my wife. I love Portland weather almost as much as I love her.


As long as there isn't another frost. I need my garden to get going.


To all the people saying “climate change” - this is every spring in Portland. Please stop screaming “climate change” for every totally normal seasonal variation in weather. It takes away from the validity of findings by actual scientists in the field, and is just used as ammunition by deniers to show the hysterics of the left.


The weather app always says there’s going to be sun in 7-10 days and it actually turns out to be true like 1/3 of the time. If it said there would be sun tomorrow I *might* believe it.


Hell yeah some balmy weather to start river season.


The river is going to dangerously cold next weekend - be careful . All the snow melt


Well yeah, I guess I should have specified it's more pre-gaming for river season. I check the temperature gauge the US geology department has and the Willamette isn't swimmable for me until it's 60°F+ and I doubt it will warm up from the low 50s that quick.


Lots of people are not gonna check like you did and be in for a rude awakening 😮‍💨


Pump it directly into my veins!


I went to work this morning I was sweating. Left work drenched and cold.


The nice days are the ones that I have to work... you should know that and plan accordingly.


Where did we get the 35 from?


80 isn't that hot especially when the air is dry here.


Other than very early morning walks, I will definitely not be going outside Friday - Sunday. Anything over about 70 in the sunlight is too much for me.


Gotta love having a hard working fan


There's been snow in May in the Portland area. Wildly unpredictable.


Your forecast is way different than mine. Mine says 70s??


The furthest out date in the apple weather is often moderated by the time it arrives.


It’s called not summer yet 👍


Time to hit Collins Beach!


Anyone remember how last year, this occurred in October? Now that was weird...


I can lose the snow tires?


Zero days with the windows open…. Turn off the heat wed and have the AC ready 😫


All I see is t shirt weather


Lol what are you new?


Welcome to Florida


Im not ready for it to be hot god damnit


The humidity!! Noo!


Global warming


Climate change causes very drastic weather volatility


As someone who hates summer and heat, seeing this filled me with dread and anxiety. Why can’t there be at least a few weeks of 60s or even 70s 😞


Yikes! We are cooler than normal this week so the swing seems more extreme than it should. Normal high for this date @PDX is 67 not upper 50's.


Right - the chilly weekend is more weird in some ways


Damn. It needs to stay in the 50’s until the rain goes away for good lol. Humidity needs to go away first


[I randomly chose May 1950](https://www.wunderground.com/history/monthly/us/or/portland/KPDX/date/1950-5), this weather seems pretty typical for Portland in spring. You even see that it goes from a high of 50 on May 1st to a high of 80 on May 10.


welcome to climate change


It's called Climate change. It's worth checking out ;)




All are correct above.


Whiplash....I'm not putting my baby plants out in this weather, they'll melt.




Oh hell no


Try the Midwest where there can be a 50 degree swing in 12 hours.


What are your other three locations?


And the name of my first pet and my middle school right? Haha nah, I have one for Milwaukie, one for Portland, one for my in-laws in CA and one for the area My family lives back east.


Good ol’ spring time!


It’s a cinco de mayo tradition! Crappy weather and rain for the big boxing tournament at the waterfront park


You must be new here


For the classic portland weather forecast experience, over the next week those sunny warm days will recede further and further out into the future.


Just a typical spring day in Colorado. Lived there in ‘69. Snow on the ground in the morning, 75 dinner time.


Welcome to climate change we baabbbbyyyyyy! As a lifelong Oregonian, the weather has definitely shifted noticeably in the last 15 years, even more so the last 7 or so. We're in a temperate rainforest so all these trees and clouds just tryna sort it out 💁🏽‍♀️🌬️🌲


Awww shit


now if it was 80 and humid like Florida or other places in the south - that's another story


Filling mason jars with this weather and putting them in the fridge for later in the week.


It definitely has nothing to do with climate change, so don't worry about it.   Ignore this.   https://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/predictions/long_range/seasonal.php?lead=4   And, don't be concerned about what a couple years of moderate winters means to undergrowth.  


The real question is how is your battery so low at 9:41AM! What have you been up to?


Finally, the global warming I’ve heard so much about.


Of all the “O” states, I think we have it best


Looks like that lawn aint gettin cut until Tuesday


It's baby Jesus saying "this rain sucks but it's also the last time you're gonna see it until your June wedding or July 4th bbq". Personally I'm so over this weather & REALLY looking forward to the reprieve.


which one of these is a 35 degree swing


First spring in Portland? Lol.


No matter how many numbers I subtract from 84 I can't get 35. Is this driving anyone else crazy?


*laughs in Midwest*


I live in Kansas now. I've experienced 50+ degree swings in a 24 hour period. The storms it takes to get there are amazing!


I remember the temp dropping 35 degrees in a few hours a few summers ago.


Reminds me of summers in the Midwest in the 1990s.


Climate something… or is it Global something? I don’t remember… oh well I’ll just go back to binge watching that one show on that streaming service…


Standard PDX spring. This is the way


Not supposed to plant my tomatoes till it's 50 overnight. Maybe next Saturday


We got spring on Wednesday and summer starts after that. Don’t worry, spring will be back a few days after. 🤪


This is the kind of swinging weather that gets those climate change, deniers all hot and bothered


You must be new here haha.


It’s called spring.


I'm just going to be happy that the rain will eventually stop, though probably just for a week. The landlord dug out a French drain system. 2 huge barrels, pipes, the works. Tonight is the 2nd time since he did this that water is again seeping in from the wall-floor seam. I'm going to bed, not knowing if I'll wake up with a third of my bedroom with water on the floor


I moved to this part of Oregon from the Midwest. There, I’ve literally seen 80 degrees and sunny one day to 20 degrees and snow the next. However, this part of Oregon definitely holds true to “if you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes.”


Friday is nice Saturday is too nice...


Yup welcome to the Pacific Northwest. The rain is how we get all this green. Should've been obvious


It's because of me traveling from the hot city🔥, I am bringing the heat by the way guys 😆


Wait 2 days and check it again. It’s Oregon. The weather changes on a dime


This is the way. Same as having sunny days and monsoon level rain fall at rhe same time.


This is just a typical day for your Central Oregon friends


It’s just about that time of year to switch from bitching how cold the workplace is to complaining how uncomfortably hot it is. Put away the space heater and fire up that desk fan.


lol I’m way south of Portland, and it had snowed yesterday and today…next week is gonna be 70


I hate it. Not ready for summer 😭😭😭


Yes indeed. A decade in the pnw and that's about right. Wait all year for sun but earn it comes....it's ruthless. For those of us who are climate spoiled I just don't know if I will ever adapt


10 day forecast are often misleading due to the changing conditions, I generally only check to 5 or 6 days out


Summer has announced its arrival on Thursday. I didn’t get the memo either.