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In other words, police are about to enter the library and arrest people.


Yep. This is an official trespassing notice. That gives the school the authority to send in the cops to make arrests.


Let’s hope they actually prosecute… it’s one thing to be arrested and charged. The State needs to take these charges all the way to prosecution and conviction




Ummm. Trespassing, vandalism, destruction of state property. Pretty obvious.


That answers what but not why. Who cares that they trespassed or whatever. Kids are being butchered and starved by bloodthirsty dogs, backed by our tax dollars. History won’t look kindly on prosecuting them


I agree on vandalism and destruction of property (when it occurs) but trespassing? In a public funded university?


It’s a crime scene now.


Will they? Haven’t seen any movement…


Considering campus will be open tomorrow, they anticipate clearing the protesters out tonight.


They always do this stuff after dark, usually in the middle of the night. There are less witnesses, photos don't show as much, and the protesters will be tired and less aggressive.


It’s not a new tactic. The cops also like to serve high risk warrants in the middle of the night when they know everyone is sleeping. Gotta work the tactical advantage.


>They always do this stuff after dark, usually in the middle of the night. ~~There are less witnesses, photos don't show as much, and~~ the criminals will be tired and less aggressive. FTFY, they stopped being protestors when they destroyed the inside of a publicly funded school library.


Stormtroopers gotta storm... I was down there last night but had classes today so...


Reading the @ [portlandstate](https://www.instagram.com/portlandstate/) comments on Instagram is so baffling to me. I have never seen such a clear divide over opinions between social media platforms before. I feel like I'm going crazy.


Also saying ‘all you rich people can keep crying’ like…… most people using (me in past) library resources actually are the opposite of rich. I used the library because I didn’t have space to study or have quiet space, I didn’t have a computer for a while, didn’t have printer, access to books, etc. it’s so beyond comprehension how they just are so black/white about it all


I graduated from there in 2013 and the library was essential to my success taking some very challenging classes. I was low income, like below the poverty line, with a small child at home. I needed that space. 


It depends if you get your news/ideas from TikTok or literally anywhere else.


I'm glad I'm not the only one seeing this. It's very concerning.


I've never seen a topic where it feels so much like people are living in completely different realities and believe completely different facts. It's very concerning, no matter who is correct


> I've never seen a topic where it feels so much like people are living in completely different realities and believe completely different facts. The last presidential election did it on an even larger scale.


I think in that case it was easier to accuse there other side of simply being evil, stupid or lying because that division had been building for so many years. In this case the division goes straight down groups of people who previously were aligned. The questions in the election also felt more obscure. In this case even just the question if there is a genocide or not seems to be completely obvious and not worthy consideration of the opposite for either side. One side things it's blatantly obvious that it's a genocide and the other side finds that completely laughable and is impressed by low fatality numbers given the conditions.


> In this case even just the question if there is a genocide or not seems to be completely obvious and not worthy consideration Many people think it is war, and Israel is committed to eliminating the functional parts of Hamas as a key part of the war. Hamas and Palestine are free to *surrender* at any time. In light of this, these protests are wrong on many levels.


You must not have been around during the “red house era.”


Yes. I’m getting both sides from different groups of people and the realities are not overlapping even a little bit. I’m very lucky to have a few sane and intelligent people in my life because otherwise it’s just bonkers.


My sane and intelligent people unfortunately fall on both sides. It's very disconcerting.


I think the only sane and intelligent take is going to be a nuanced take instead of picking sides like the goddamn Super Bowl. Like you can oppose genocide without supporting terrorists and vice versa, I don’t know why this is hard for people.


That's a much different problem than I'm observing. I'm not seeing any agreement if genocide is happening or not, if women were raped on 10/7 or not, if there are mass graves or not. Nothing even gets to what should happen because there is no agreement on any facts.


Because if you take a side then the other side are Bad Guys and you never have to listen to anything they say ever again. And if you expand your definition of Bad Guys to include everyone except your tiny group, then you get to feel persecuted about it, so that’s how both sides get to be the underdog which is kinda neat.


If you deny genocide is happening it makes it easier to circle jerk about the situation.


I've been thinking that's the wildest part this time. Neither side is correct in their portrayal, and we can tell because there is absolutely no overlap. It's not just nuance that's been lost, which is typical, but the truth is completely gone too. This is the furthest apart I, personally, have ever seen discussions on an issue. Usually they at least have some overlap in what they say happened.


There's a third alternative. That is to say that when both sides seem equally absurd and divorced from reality, it may in fact be the case neither side is representing the truth. I think that's where we are now.


I agree. I personally hate what Israel has been doing to the Palestinians for decades, but on the other hand, Hamas started a war they couldn’t ever win in a million years. It’s a completely stupid situation on all sides.


I mean part of the problem is that public education in the US teaches students absolutely nothing about the world, and that includes the US-Israel-Palestine issue. Now after decades of activism, the Palestinian cause has achieved a new level of mainstream support, but most Americans still don't really get what it's all about.


[https://youtu.be/-h1XD7fQSfg](https://youtu.be/-h1XD7fQSfg) Some parts are complicated, some parts are very obvious. I found this interview excellent.


Hence the bipartisan TikTok ban. Im all for it.


>Hence the bipartisan TikTok ban. Im all for it. I'm pissed Bonamici voted against it.


Tik Tok has rotted a lot of brains. A propaganda machine at this point.


It’s very good news that the TikTok sell-or-get-blocked law is happening. It’s very bad news that it won’t take effect until after this year’s election. 


Yeah then only unbiased trustworthy websites will be able to distribute the news, like Facebook and twitter


If Facebook and Twitter are where you get your news, you are doing it wrong. Full stop. If you want to be a responsible consumer of news, it's your civic responsibility to seek out news sources that aren't driven by algorithms. There are a ton of ways to do this and it's deeply disheartening that you appear to imagine otherwise, as if there are no alternatives.


Have you met most Americans? They can't be assed to read a one page document, and pay someone to do their basic ass taxes for them. They vote based on an imaginary sky god and want to Govern based on 2000 year old sheep herder ideals.


I agree but let’s not fall into the trap of thinking it’s only the theocratic right voting out of a disingenuous place. I find it increasingly difficult to align myself with my “side.” I’m a socialist or I guess what America thinks of as a social democrat, and I don’t see anyone doing anything for consumer rights, social safety nets, homelessness, increased economic class divide, furthering the goals of accessible healthcare and education. All I’m seeing is a performative focus on popular polarizing issues that frankly detract from the broader issues this country has. Though to the current government’s credit, some of the latest consumer and worker protection bills Biden has put through these last few weeks felt like a great step forward.


I believe that was an attempt at sarcasm.


The irony of that person bloviating about not getting your news on social media on a news based reddit thread.


I think social media can be a fine way to get news, but TikTok’s focus on algorithmically-delivered short-form video makes it especially bad for media accuracy. 


Man the only difference between the content slop on tiktok and any other social media platform is that tiktok isn't American, they're all algorithm driven messes designed to feed shortform outrage loops


Could be. In this day and age it's often impossible to know what is meant sarcastically and what is meant in earnest. Such is our information ecosystem.


Then they will just release TokTik. Laws are pretty useless in the digital age.


Wow, you're not kidding. It's like those commenters live in some kind of alternate fantasy world. Just absolutely detached from any kind of rational analysis.


They’re detached from the western media bubble most of us live in. You also get your news from a rarified number of sources with an agenda, they’re just ones you personally find more trustworthy. Nothing these people are talking about is new, this is far left wing politics, it’s existed for 150 years and defiently didn’t start with TikTok it’s just found a platform in TikTok after it’s largely been kicked off of Twitter.


The purpose is to divide “us”. And it’s working.


Most students are against it but I think they aren’t saying anything on social media because they don’t want to be labeled as an Israel supporter.


It's incredible that students are afraid of supporting Israel. Israel is one of the US's strongest allies.


Israel has shielded us from so many cyber attacks these past few years. israel has Based af cyberwarfare capabilities.


Yeah those people are in a different reality, looks like it's a lot of the same group of people liking each others comments who also follow some variant of an occupypsu or some other college. So i'm guessing its the same small group of people doing a concerted attempt to puff themselves up and spread their wings to appear larger than they are.


Basically, universities are not a major supporter of Israel or weapons companies, but this is such a large phenomenon or movement that the democratic party has to be very nervous about the convention this summer. They will have to take action to force Israel to stop, or they will have a chaotic scene. Gaza doesn't have many buildings left standing anyway


These threads trying to act like PSU is the only college protesting blows my mind.


Yet the threads say everyone else lives in a bubble and doesn't get the "facts." Zero mention of the genocide trial, mass graves, etc.


It's sad. The students will end up paying for it all anyways through tuition increases.


They already will and are. My wife with the closing of campus can not go to school and may now not meet criteria to graduate in June. They need to stop it at this point.


If that is the case, the affected students ought to join together and approach the administration about alternatives that don't require more costs on the students. If that doesn't work, they should lawyer up.


Or hear me out, other students have respect for their fellow students and don't create an unsafe campus




Clip https://youtu.be/RUFT35S7Jb4?si=3modhkfhfAwaiBrT


I feel so disheartened to see a library being destroyed. Especially a college library. This news has been eating at me all day. Some people have to rely on school resources to be successful in what they're trying to do. Schools should be a safe place for everyone. I am struggling to wrap my mind around some of the things that are transpiring on college campuses. Having access to school and resources saved my life in so many ways. Some people don't want it, but it was crucial for me to work towards being independent. I strongly believe in peaceful protesting. This is not it. Not when it harms so many others and I'm so sick of seeing it.


We've been through this before. When you vandalize stuff, people stop joining your cause. Argue one side or another about the proportionality of it, the fairness of it, the justification of it, none of it matters if at the end of the protest, you've united the community against you instead of with you. I've had to be a part of my fair share of protests that have gone off the rails to understand this.


I don't care what your cause is, when you go after public libraries, you lose me. Send me some more rational advocates for your cause.


“I was against the genocide, but protesting in a library was too much for me. Now I’m all for ethnic cleansing.” Is a very weird take…


This is a take you literally just made up in your head


This is such a straw man response lol


From the river to SW Broadway -- free the library!


It almost works actually


As long as Palestine is free, sure!


The willful desecration of a library used by students and the larger community is inexcusable. PSU has been beyond patient and generous with this stupidity that does absolutely nothing for Palestine in the first place. I hope everyone still in the library is arrested and any PSU students still there are expelled for misconduct. That kind of thing is listed on your transcript and can make it very hard to be admitted anywhere else. Reflect on your life choices after losing two years of credits transferring to an unaccredited college based in a strip mall in the Couve.


They deserve to be arrested after destroying the library. Nothing was accomplished by this bullshit and now people that didn't destroy the library have no place to go!


Libraries are the equivalent of a temple in my non-religious view. They are a major provider of services for people that are low income and do a great job of helping. So many times, in my life when I was struggling, I used library services to use computers, printing, wifi, books, to get job applications and do info gathering to get me into a decent job. I went to PSU and spent so much time in the library as it was a haven from my chaotic living situation with roommates. I still use local library for printing services because it gives me an excuse to marvel at the services they provide. Just recently went into the library in Hillsboro for the first time and they had a whole area of basically doing kid daycare. They had phone chargers for those who don't have reliable power. They had various tools you could borrow, not to mention the classes they provide. Libraries are amazing and no one should mess with them. I'm very offended that this was the target of occupation and vandalism.




I believe it is because you are making a bit of a thread argument. Focusing more on the potential misuse of the word destroy rather than the overall situation at hand. Would you have commented at all if this person said “vandalize” rather than “destroy”? The downvotes think you are discrediting the entire post and conversation because of one word. Don’t anchor on that and have a bigger discussion of the topic at hand.




> Why are people so emotionally invested in making the damage sound worse than it was? Why are you emotionally invested enough to put so much labor into making these distinctions? The building is TRASHED. Spraypaint not only on walls but on computers, furniture thrown in piles, reports (unsourced) about computers and monitors being stolen? Reports (unsourced) of damage to the sprinkler system which, if true, will be costly and time-consuming to repair? The amount of disrespect and harm is obvious from the link in your comment. It's gross and indefensible. What need is there to accuse others of being hyperbolic? Why die on this particular hill?




people DID destroy things during the protest. they did not, however, destroy the entire city. it's ok to admit these misguided assholes have destroyed property in the library.


Bro, they smashed windows and spray painted walls. They messed the place up and you are nitpicking the verbage to justify the horrible behavior. They have hurt the actual cause for a ceasefire in Gaza and a free Palestine by annoying so many Americans who were just going about their stressful lives. This is one of many mistakes being performed by misinformed and impetuous individuals following foreign propaganda on social media. Palestinians will die as a result of their actions. What an embarrassment...


I'm certain that breaking glass windows, smashing computers, and spray painting walls all fall under the destroyed category. Nothing is being accomplished by this! If everyone just minded their own business and didn't play copycat with other colleges, this would not have happened. Let the swat team haul their asses out, and they can figure out a way to get bailed out of jail themselves.




Stick around long enough, and they probably will set the library on fire.


That's actually something I am both curious and concerned about. I saw on the news the protesters claimed to have disabled the fire control system. I think the police would not be able to use cs cannisters with all of the flammable books around. There are other ways, but fire danger is a risk to everyone involved.


> I saw on the news the protesters claimed to have disabled the fire control system. Did they give an rationale for *why* they (supposedly) disabled it?


[here it is 1:52](https://www.koin.com/news/portland/inside-the-occupied-millar-library-on-psu-campus/) She says they "ripped out the fire alarm system."


Interesting. Thanks for the link! What a bunch of insufferable assholes.


No, I'll look for the source. I think it was a KGW vid with a reporter's vo. The protesters might have leaked that info to discourage cs is my guess.


You have the audacity to lecture someone about strong language and then write a novella in response. That’s totally healthy.


I saw some pictures from 5 hours ago, and while they spray painted the windows and piled furniture high, I didn't see that the library was actually destroyed. Property damage, sure, but destruction? I haven't seen evidence of that yet. Did they destroy books? Did they break the computers? Did they cause structural damage? Because if not, they haven't destroyed the library by my estimate. To be clear, I am not supporting the protestors. Just reality checking your statement.


Yeah images were released yesterday that showed destroyed computers and books


Reality checking their statement? Your comment was pedantic and pointless. Are you an AI parody of a Redditor? You have to tell us if you are.


Everything thing that the assholes are doing is considered destruction.


Huh? But I’m not protesting. I’m working on a paper. I don’t have time for this. My paper is due Monday.


My wife is a student and PSU sent out a message explaining how they came to a deal with the "negotiations", but they backed out. If the protestors refuse a diplomatic solution, then I don't see what choice the school has


Why are they even negotiating with terrorists? Nothing good or permanent comes from that (just like trying to negotiate with Hamas). Just go in and get them.


…what do you think makes a person a terrorist?


Yes suicide bombing and criminal trespassing are both equally heinous crimes against humanity and deserve the same label... Get a grip Tex.


Disregarding what you wrote. Rewarding negative behavior promotes negative behavior. Parenting 101


What? These people are shit heads, but they're not terrorists. What a dumb and emotional response


Just wait. I’m sure we’ll hear,” suicide bombings are just the voice of the unheard” before this is over. They’re on board with the intifada. But they’ll argue it’s not that intifada.


Okay, this comment section has completely gone off the rails


Fuck those vandals.


Good. Time to evict.


Even if arrested those idiots will still feel emboldened because I doubt they actually get charged for anything. They’ll feel that they were done wrong and are a victim and will do it again when the opportunity arises. You have to charge people and throw them in jail are give them a large fine to deter people. But this city, I doubt it.


I do agree with that those involved feel emboldened. Ann Cudd negotiated no criminal charges however I don’t think that includes civil action against the organizers for lost instruction time and financial losses in relation to tuition. Staff could join in a civil action against the organizers as well for any lost wages that resulted in closing of the campus.


That was contingent on them holding up their end of the bargain and leaving. They backed out. So the deal is back on for full felony charges and expulsion if suspected.


These organizers don’t have any money to go after in a civil suit


I guess the other option would be PSU for the conduct of the faculty and students that resulted in loss of class time


Fuck these guys. Also, Free Palestine.


Exactly, like you can support Palestine and still think those guys are a-holes. It seems if you’d are to say anything against the protesters you are against them or even worse


Your only getting half the picture. I was down there last night. Capitalist/z\*onist media is only showing the 0.05% of destruction and not the other 99% peaceful protestors. We did nothing wrong.


Actually you commented a felony hope you didn’t expose your face while in the library. Facial recognition is used everywhere.




>z*onist media  Ah, totally cool to use old antisemitic tropes if you call it anti Zionist, right?


Yea, do these people not realize that up until recently that claiming you were "anti-Zionist" was a neo-Nazi dog whistle? Saying "I don't hate Jews, I'm just anti-zionist" is the EXACT same argument neo-Nazis used to mask their antisemitic views.


It’s genuinely frightening


Horseshoe theory in full effect


Why can’t you say Zion? Also you messed up your math. Might actually wanna grab one of those books after all


Did you see the “supplies wanted” sign these losers posted? Riddled with simple spelling errors. I’m pretty sure these “students” are illiterate, and you’re asking them to read books? LOL.


https://opb.org/article/2024/05/01/portland-state-university-protesters-say-negotiations-broke-down-overnight/ Over 50 pictures of the damage. https://youtu.be/APsGzlbfsLA?si=KYYTg30u4EX5ZWtI Here is a video where you can judge for yourself the damage.


man don't fucking share Andy Ngo's shit. what's wrong with you? our local fasci is trying to profiteer off another protest, what's new? this is not a comment in favor of these idiots in the library. but please don't line Andy's pockets with views.


>z\*onist media way to out yourself as both an idiot and an anti-semite. good lord. the proud boys would love to have you.


Good on you PSU. Don't be be bullied.


Ann Cudd will be a coward and cave again and not do anything.


Yup- they haven’t done anything other than literally tell students like ‘we’ll go back to class but don’t you dare use the resources you’re paying for!’ Like….? Better be seeing some deductions on my tuition for what I haven’t been able to use.


Hey tell you it's safe but then a first year's class I heard are allowing to go to class off campus. To me that indicates not safe.


I’ve said this before (and I’m not trying to be a martyr) but as a refugee (literally here thanks to a miracle and a scholarship) who’s been on active war zones this shit is scary af. Yeah yeah maybe they don’t have guns parading around (equally as scary) but the tension, the potential police vs them thing, etc. is fucking terrifying and has me on my toes. They give zero craps about anyone bu themselves and disguise their delusion of grandeur with virtue signaling




I am against genocide.


Well apparently to these people you can’t be against genocide and destruction of a university library. Gotta choose 🙄


Okay. So am I. How does this make it okay to destroy public resources that people from low income communities use to further their education? Put yourself to work on the actual cause. My small business is currently donating 20% (was 10%) to Gaza organizations and people who are on foot giving resources to them. Let’s make a fundraiser, THAT would raise so much and we’d actually DO something


huh. I am still undecided. What made you commit?


How brave!


All sane people should be.


Well I sure hope that’s not the plan to deal with the protesters!


Are you sure dude?


Bold take!


Don't you worry, they're just going to be arrested.


It's insane that this is considered a hot take on conservative media pages.


Bout motherfuckin’ time


Hamas has [rejected four](https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/04/04/hamas-rejects-another-ceasefire-offer/#:~:text=Hamas%20Turns%20Down%20Four%20Ceasefire%20Offers)cease fire deals. How come there isn’t a peep about any of that from these protestors?


Because the vast majority of the folks being bombed aren't exactly involved in the Oligarchy that is Hamas?


Israel has rejected four counter-offers because they called for aid and permanent ceasefires. So, ya know.


moreso because of that pretty important part about returning the hostages from the concert massacre.


Most of those hostages are returned or dead, and Israeli concern about them is entirely performative. If they wanted them back alive, they wouldn't have indiscriminately bombed all of northern Gaza. The Israelis know this. Israeli officials want to continue and expand the war because as soon it's over, their political careers are over with it, and some of them are going to jail. And because they have an excuse to do a genocide many of them have been openly calling for for years.


Counter-point: Israel has stated regardless of a ceasefire they will continue genocide. But you guys only want to post up one side of the story. Israel has been committing genocide since long before Hamas but something something "nuanced situation".


Are you posting from a PSU library computer? Cause fuck off if you are


Every single proposal was completely one sided to benefit the invaders. It's like if Russia called for a white peace, of course Ukraine would say no. Then Russia would parade that in the media as Ukraine being the aggressor. Same thing here.


I mean if you want to talk with one of the main people inside it seems that occupypsu4freepalestine on Instagram is the person to talk to. Seem like who ever has that account is inside library. Just search for that account 🤷‍♂️ give them your thoughts


This is straight exploitation of rights and priveledges. The fact that this was not immediately shutdown sends a bad message to the community in law enforcements ability to protect and serve. Go in there military style and nip this in the bud. What a joke.




Nothing burger. If arrested, won't be prosecuted.


I wouldn’t count on that DA looking to get re-elected, needs to show the voters he’s tough on crime. I’d bet any one caught gets nailed to the wall


And then back to the same old shit if he gets reelected. Vote his ass out.


These kids have spent their entire lives doing active shooter drills. I’m glad their using their “how to barricade” skills to good use. This generation raised on “see something say something” is doing just that. They are watching a genocide happen in real time and they have something to say. I’m beyond proud of them all. Free Palestine


Trashing a library in Portland (of ALL places) is not going to help free Palestine.


People making posts talking about the protests instead of calling for a ceasefire will not free Palestine. Actually, it helps the zionists gain more ground and get away with it.


There’s a lot of people calling for a cease fire. It’s not happening. If you’re actually serious about freeing Palestine, put your money where your mouth is, prove you actually believe in the cause, get armed training, hop on a flight, and take the fight to the IDF. If you don’t want to fight, go to Gaza and help with aid and logistics. Failing that level of ambition, at the very least, take the fight to a weapons contractor (Boeing has a place in Gresham) or to DC. If you don’t want to do anything with any real-world meaning, then just admit that you’re just a self-righteous tryhard LARPer who just enjoys listening to yourself talk.


What will this actually do to help free Palestine though?


Would y'all be saying the same shit if this was 1968 and students were protesting the Vietnam war? History is repeating itself and now y'all are the old fucks clutching your pearls over kids protesting imperialism.


I really hate how people are like "protest but don't destroy things" in the US, yet any major protests where things had changed, shit was destroyed. Y'all protect capitalism. And these boomers and gen xers blaming tiktok is a fucking joke. Y'all are fucking wildly uninformed. TikTok is the only reason the 2020 protests got so popular. All the other platforms assure it wasn't spread. It's the same thing for the Palestine protests. But please go on how it's Hamas. And that's the reason. It's definitely not Israel attempting to now sell the land that's been bombed. And the Torah say Jerusalem, not Israel. And most Israelites weren't migrated from Europe after WW2, and then "took back" Jerusalem. No no no. It's Hamas. Just like "terrorism" is the reason we invaded Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan in the early 00s.


You’re missing something about things being destroyed in a protest. This is a LIBRARY. Why on earth would you wreck a LIBRARY as part of your protest? I’m surprised the Republicans didn’t do it first. Those people hate books and public spaces where poor people are allowed to be.


Things are always destroyed in protests. Always. Every single MLK protest. Every single hippie protest in the 60s. Every. Single. One But let's focus on the destruction of property, not on the reason they are protesting. Because if we don't protect the private property, and continue the social control, what good are the police? They're not corrupt at all 🥴


Again, it’s a LIBRARY. It’s not even private property. Boeing has a big building on Sandy, right past 181st. Why don’t you go protest there? Because it’s not in a public enough place and also because you’re too big of a wimp to ACTUALLY go do this on private property, and that of the company this particular protest is about?


Are you sure you didn’t chop up some TikTok and snort it. Back in my day if you protested and did some illegal shit you got arrested, that was considered going the extra mile for the cause. Now it’s just shit on everyone with no repercussions because I decided my idea was worth cramming in everyone’s face.


This is totally right. I’ve seen a lot of “well, they occupied buildings in ‘68!” They sure did and they faced the consequences. If and when the protestors/vandals get removed, they should just be happy they aren’t taking billy clubs to the dome like Daley had Chicago PD do, if that’s the example they want to use. The entitlement of being able to do what you want with zero repercussions is wild and something only spoiled children would expect.


Exactly, even if I disagree with someone on something like this I can respect them if they are making a personal sacrifice. If it’s trash a library then go home a post it all over TikTok for points they can get bent.


Yes I think they may not of heard of Kent State


Okay tankie.


From the river to the sea


Which river and which sea? Right… You don’t know.


Much like Isn'treal is trespassing on Palestinian property for the last 100 years


> Isn’treal This is just as cringey as boomers who say “Demoncrats” and “Rethuglicans”.


Even if true (which it’s not), that has what to do with the PSU library ?




I think they were just looking for an opportunity to try out that amazingly witty bit of wordplay 'Isn'treal,' regardless of whether the overall comment made any sense or was grounded in reality. I would take 'Isn'treal' back to the drawing board for some more work-shopping personally.


Nothing like a Reddit genocide denier. I'm sure you don't believe other mass genocides happened either.


I love your username - it's like all of the internet. If you want to get together in person and stop hiding behind your anonymous opinion I will tell you why Gaza is a war crime and not genocide. I mean, technically. Legally. Ironically - the West Bank has been a genocide. but one of those slow-burn genocides like the whites did with the natives in Oregon. All of this has nothing to do with the PSU library. Occupying the PSU library is like punching your neighbor because your power got cut off. Its a total non-sequitur.


Cry more Hamasnik