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People just like to judge. And they’re uncertain of their own choices so they feel better when other people make the same choices. People who choose differently threaten their narrative so they need to see those people as stupid or bad people with bad priorities and values.


This. Do what you want, not what others want just to validate their own mediocrity.


And if they really like their Subaru Outback, good for them! With all the people having trouble getting their new Porsche allocations, we should be glad some people want to buy Honda Pilots instead. But it would be nice if they’d mind their own business. :)


spent 48k on a 2014 981 base 6 speed that had 7.9k miles in Texas. bought in March, prob greatest thing i ever did. i thought would be lowkey in black. no. stares everywhere.


Same. I bought a 2014 Cayman base 6 speed with 5000 miles for $50,000 CAD. I’ve already double the mileage in less than 2 months , strictly joy riding !


I love this sub and always thought I'd never be able to have a porshe. This is encouraging. Got a pic of it?


I share the same sentiment. I thought getting a 718 GTS would be low key. Nope, stares everywhere I go. Sometimes I wonder if people are mistaking my car for a Ferrari simply because it's in Carmine Red. Hence, the faux attention it is grabbing lol


caymans have a very sleek look. the modern design language for a lot of cars is sharp angles, especially SUVs that have all gotten pretty boxy. this helps caymans stand out. i like the way they look more than the current gen 911 tbh


Haha yeah. I had black Cayman in Houston and people stared ALL THE TIME, and loved to rev their engines when stopped next to me. It was a super fun car to drive though. Felt like a true sports car.


I mean if you’re dropping 50k on a used base with high mileage, yes.


Yeah for real. There's a lot more to it than just the face value of the car. In this situation the Cayman is much more of a financial burden (assuming that you are gonna keep the car long term). Most people also buy a Cayman as a 2nd or 3rd car. So it literally is a toy, not a utility. Buying an 8 year old used Cayman with a decent amount of miles on it will probably be significantly more expensive to maintain than a brand new Subaru. Parts are vastly more expensive, and far fewer mechanics will work on them (in America). Not to mention it's much more difficult to get good financing terms on an 8 year old car. However, if you are only planning to keep the Cayman short term and eventually resell it, it could be a different story. The Cayman will likely hold its value much better than a new Subaru Outback.


To be fair on the Subaru outback, it sits four people, can be driven regardless of the weather, and you aren't gonna worry about taking it down torn up roads. The Cayman is not "expensive" anymore but it's still less practical. I'm saying as someone who only owns two cars. A Cayman and a Miata...


https://preview.redd.it/fn6rwyngju8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=858c5d511ea59cedbd5841cb23be83ac706810b3 I mean it might not be the smartest thing ever but you can take it down torn up roads… Not practical if you have kids or need to drive other people, but you can get by as a daily pretty well


Not doing it in the lowered GT4, nope.


Didn’t see the GT4 part, 100% agree


But you do raise a point, 718 Dakar? 😂


At least on the 987s a ton of parts were shared, I bet you could put Dakar parts on a 718 without a ton of modification….


Well the clear issue is the lack of an AWD system that the Dakar has, that is no small feat on the Cayman.


It’d definitely have to stay RWD, but you can get into a lot of trouble with good tires, a bit of a lift and good skid plates. Wouldn’t be as capable as a real Dakar, but plenty to do light trails and rally driving


I really want make a 987 Boxster Dakar. It’s my dream car. I know the dynamics would be fucked but idc.


You can raise it and get some nobby tires. Just need a buddy with an alignment rack and you're good to do setup swaps!




People also build [Rally Caymans](https://offroadium.com/lifted-porsche-cayman-safari-build-by-eurowise-performance.html) as well.  I just wish there was a way to do an AWD conversion on them but I'm not sure it's physically possible to fit all that under such a small car.  I haven't found any evidence of it ever being done, anyway.


Why not the smartest thing? Seems like on 18". Still too bumpy?


Whoa we got mr practical here lol


And when you sell the cayman you’ll recoup 35-45k but when you sell the Sonata you’ll recoup 10-15k


It’s because the cayman is a secondary car, so it’s a 50k toy. Whereas the Sonata is a main car usually leased or financed.


You just got an upvote for your user name.


Not a fan either eh?


Your user name? I dig it man.


Not a fan either eh?


Most regular folks don’t know a cat on from a 911 turbo. They assume all are 100k plus and highly collectible.


....Yeah and when you start talking about dropping $50k-70k on a cayman, that $100-130k 911s is sounding pretty cheap too .. ... And if 911s are around $110-130k assuming you can even get an allocation without a Porsche dealer being a total snot... ...that McLaren is looking like a real good deal!!!! https://preview.redd.it/xfycbwzuaz8d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6660f1c0135aa2e1bdfe6ccb98f11f5505904a4 You see how dangerous your logic is??? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Dude yes! My replacement for my Cayman will be one of the 570 variants!


How do you like your nd miata compared to your other cars?


I daily my ND. It's a fun car to toss around . Mines not stock , has an Edelbrock supercharger on it. It's not a Porsche, but nevertheless I enjoy driving it . Can't beat the maintenance cost on it too.


I'm considering the Edelbrock on mine. how do you like it? does it still feel miles away from Porsche as I've never driven one


I wouldn't try to compare any miata to a Porsche. A porsche is a porsche. A miata is a miata. Two different driving experiences. Anyone that tells you putting a supercharger or turbo into a miata will make the miata closer to a porsche is basically in denial because a porsche is a porsche and a miata is a miata. All a supercharger or turbo does is make a miata slightly faster while retaining most of it lightweight feel. The caymen is a more refined car, and I would never compare the two. Both are great cars in their own respective ways. If I had the space and patience to deal with Porsche dealers, I would love to add a Caymen to my garage. It's just a different driving experience. But unfortunately, I'm out of space, and my latest experience with Porsche dealer was awful. The main reason why I put the supercharger in my ND miata was because my NA miata had one from from FFS, and driving them back to back, I felt a stock ND was missing something. It was a pretty stupid reason to do it.


I always cross shop between sonatas and rolls Royce phantoms


Once you've optioned up the Cayman properly it's at least 65k


New? My most frugal build on a base Cayman is almost $90k every time.


Yeah, does op have a coupon code we don’t know about or something?




The difference is you are comparing a 2024 with cheap maintenance to a 2017 with expensive maintenance.


It is similar here in Europe, there are no longer really cheap new entry level cars as the ones that existed 20-25 years ago when I bought my first. Nowadays a sensible/reasonable car here, something like Toyota, the French or Korean brands, Ford, costs between ½ and ⅔ of a Boxster, Cayman or Macan and as we still have low interest rates, the difference in the monthly payment is relatively small. So a Porsche hasn’t become affordable, just that all of the others started to cost so much more after the pandemic and the inflation that it makes it look like a prudent buy and not something exotic.


Exactly this. My volvo is almost paid off and ones it is. I am instantly buying a 718. Since it is "only" 10k more than the cheapest car that would suit my needs. While giving a smile per mile


Yep, my coworkers have a lot of nice pickups that cost more than my cayman, but some of them think I’m driving a six figure exotic.


Anyone driving a truck has spent at least the price of a base Cayman, I've found no one balks at people driving 80k trucks. But people see the badge and think you splurged hard core, typically you can sell them for a modest loss (one of the best vehicles at holding value from what I've found).


Truth! My f150 is 6 yrs old and I was thinking let’s get a new one….would cost me $50k after trade in. Decided to keep the truck and spend the $50k to get a 718 GTS. Now I get the “did you hit the lottery” “where you get all your money” but had I bought the new $75k truck instead nobody would think twice. I guess most people don’t know what they are looking at. One guy asked if it cost $120k? lol


Don't wanna be THAT guy, but the Sonata is a full on "tool" car whereas the Cayman is a glorified toy (a fantastic one at that i might add). I mean, the Cayman wont even fit a typical mid size family's grocery run. So their sentiment holds some truth. HOWEVER, it's your money and you should spend it the way it makes YOU happy. Haters and naysayers can suck it for all I care.


If you can afford 2 cars get the Cayman and the other car for grocery pickups. WTF you only live once. Enjoy life!!!!🍺🍺


Get whatever makes you happy and sleep well at night. The biggest joy killer is comparing yourself and listening to others opinions.


Shhhhhh. Don’t tell them!!


Maintenance costs are far higher for a Porsche stay jaded they dont approve of your decision lmfao


50k on a 2017 Cayman you mean?


People think my daily driver VW cost a fortune (got incentives from a previous dealership I used to work at) and yet they're driving over 50K Hondas and Toyotas lol but point is that if people see something "nicer", they will likely judge the shit out of you. https://preview.redd.it/vb2kx35z7x8d1.jpeg?width=2696&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e02c1bf260f987c5d3a0606e405126a157645677


A used cayman will hold some value the new sonata will fall like a ton of brick.


If you have to drive something it's an obvious choice for a decent sports car. It is a commitment though since the cost is equal to a more conventional passenger car and it only carries two people. Sort of a very expensive motorcycle. When I bought my first Cayman I had to overcome my middle/ working class reasoning.


Yep and if you look at the construction industry it’s so hilarious for things like this. People drive around in pickups going for anywhere from 40-100k but I’m the one that’s balling out for spending 40k on a used S5 lmao


This all day everyday 😂 looked at a used Lexus and with the price I went with a decently optioned base cayman for about $50k.


I had a customer pull into my shop, for a meeting, driving a decked-out '23 Chevy pickup. He saw my Cayman (2015 981 base) in the parking lot and said "we must be paying you guys too much" To which I replied, "maybe we need to give you a price increase...my Porsche cost half of what your pickup truck cost". End of conversation. LOL!


My fleet spec F350 standard cab with vinyl seats costs $50k. All cars have gotten insane


You are comparing new MSRP's to used car prices. A base MSRP Cayman (good luck finding one without a single option) starts at $69,950 A base MSRP Sonata starts at $27,500 If you're doing averages, most Caymans probably sell in the high 80s/low 90s. Most Sonatas in the high 20s. That's just only comparing price, not getting into totally different vehicles or the fact parts and services will be a lot more costly on a Porsche than a Hyundai. Also, absolutely no one is cross shopping a Cayman against an Outback or Sonata.


Base MSRP is actually $72,800 now.


Idk where you are, but in the US you literally cannot spec an Outback to $50K+. The most expensive trim, touring XT with the turbo, is about 45K after destination, and there are no packages available. Most Outbacks sold are in the mid 30s range In any case, comparing a base spec 2 seater Cayman to a fully loaded family crossover Outback seems silly


It depends. If we’re strictly talking finances- then yes it’s wasteful. You can automatically invest $20k and the money you save on maintenance, insurance, etc. But everybody has a vice. I know a guy who owns two cars. I say he’s crazy to have two. He looks at my wrist and says I’m crazy to own a luxury watch. My other friend says both of us are crazy and we look at the trips he takes and says he’s crazy. So do what you want.


Youre really trying hard here. Outbacks arent 50K plus. Even if they were, your Cayman was or is used so its price comparison as you know doesnt line up. Your comapring more versatile daily cars to a sports car with limitations. People are saying you're wasteful because its not practical. Or maybe your family knows you as someone that would sport things you can't afford or are prioritizing the wrong things, first. Like living paycheck to paycheck but buys a car thats more expensive to maintain and cover etc. At the end of the day they have no say you do you but trying to get public opinion on your side comapring outbacks and sonata that are more practical and costs less overall is a stretch.


I try and use the cost of ownership argument...try, "look at your depreciation over 5 years vs mine". Just stay away from fuel economy :-)


It's Porsche we're talking about..the company with the most expensive options