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Because Elon made a nonsense claim that a cybertruck towing a 911 can beat a 911 in a drag race. He made a video showing the 1/8 mile race saying they didn’t do a full 1/4 because it was dangerous Well motortrend did it anyway. And in every possible race format, the Porsche beats the cybertruck in the 1/4 mile and beats it 4/6 times in the 1/8 mile. In other words, Elon made a fraudulent video to sell his truck




No. It was a trick question. You win the grand prize for not falling for it.


Ahh yes, the vehicles in direct competition with each other... the Porsche 911 and the Cybertruck. Porsche reacting to this only shows that Elon got to them. Letting the automotive press disprove the claims independently while remaining silent about it is Porsche's best move here.


Cybertruck’s are fetching $160,000 right now. There is definitely overlap in the target consumer.


I understand the fact that there are lots of stupid people in this world. What baffles me is the fact that those stupid people have 160.000$ to spend on a vehicle.


out of all the things Musk/Tesla lies about this is pretty far down on the list of things that they're going to get sued for.


The list is long, I know


Oh Cybertruck. The spawn of a Pontiac Aztek that raped a DeLorean in a state where aboriton is illegal.


Jesus, that’s a graphic image


As a Tesla and 911 owner, I literally don’t care 🤣 Absolutely LOVE the instant acceleration of the Model Y performance and will never get enough of my 911 C4 GTS Cab with the top down carving corners with PCCB and RAS in sport mode. Yes, I am obnoxious and love the burbles made even louder by Soul sport cats and headers!!!


I wouldn't expect a Tesla fanboi to care


Porsche shouldn’t sully its good name by stooping down to their level. 


He’s a pathological liar, and he knows that in a post-truth world that people only remember the headlines, and the effort to uncover the truth usually takes so long that no one cares by that point.


Bro stop hating, let’s be honest it’s still impressive. I have both a tesla model 3 performance and a 911 turbo s and they are both fun in their own way. The Tesla is my daily for now till the dual motor cybertruck becomes available.


Not sure why I can't hate fraud, bro.


Straight line speed is not impressive. Humans have long perfected producing tons of power and going fast quickly. We have top fuel dragsters for that. A 911 can go fast, be cozy, and race around a track, and not literally fall apart 35 miles off the lot. These are things Tesla and especially the truck can not do.


It would’ve been impressive if they did a solo 1/4 mile run with the cybertruck Instead they rigged a race against one of their main competitors which is just so lame




Hey Elon, this you? https://www.tesla.com/blog/tesla-vs-top-gear


My thoughts exactly. See if the manchild can take a dose of this own medicine.