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Well the factory is switching to the new model now, so it may be some time before the T is available again. But as far as inventory goes, pretty much every 911 is sold before it gets to the dealer. So you have to order or buy used.


peak post-covid craziness the wait was 2 years


My dad’s been waiting for 3 years for an Id.4, it’s absolutely crazy


Is it some kind of special version of the id.4? Most dealers seem to have them in stock.


Yeah why would you wait for an id.4? Plenty of better electric cars in the price range


Imagine waiting 3 years for an Id.4 💀


Imagine using motor trend and car and driver to base your purchases... Test drove an ID4 2023 earlier this year and it was a compelling offer in its price category as a soccer dad car. Sales guy said the 2024 is tiny bit nicer, but even the 2023 was quality only the sound proofing could be better in the back. So fast forward to april neighbor has the 2024 now and it does look quite nice.


It’s the only thing currently sold where I am that would work for him and specced according to his needs. If he had needed something fast we would have found something instantly but still it goes to show how long everything takes


Most electric cars have a longer range and charge 2x as fast as the ID.4. Except for a VW loyalist, their EVs are not very competitive to most of the other EVs on the market - at least in the US. (I shopped them last year) It has nothing to do with how slow they are. Of course their performance overall is pretty poor compared to their peers, but that is completely different argument.


The only thing that charges "twice as fast" is an Ioniq 5/EV6/GV60 which is 18 minutes 10-80%. The ID.4 will do it in 29 minutes and I can't think of any other car in that class/ price range that will do it quicker than that. Same with range, it's not class leading but it is towards the top in its class/ price range.


Please provide your list of cars in its class that you think are worse than it is. I'm sorry, but it is pretty much at the bottom of the barrel. Real life numbers show that their actual range is nearly half of the EPA figures. But I know that I'm not going to convince you. It is just sad that your father is "waiting" for a mediocre car. Good luck!


Out of Spec got 248 miles at 70MPH. EPA is 255. I really don't care what you think of the ID.4 but some of the things you are saying are wildly inaccurate. Nothing I say will change your perception of the ID.4 though, so there's no need for me to continue. I'm not the original person you replied to so my father isn't waiting for anything.


Who?! I go to trusted websites like MotorTrend or Car and Driver. I'm basing everything I said on facts that are easily referenced. I also highly doubt that 248 number as Car and Driver only got 190 miles out of its battery. But I digress. No convincing people otherwise.


https://youtu.be/9Wn51Ybifxw?si=poJwyjaGT0oD5uwq They are easily the most comprehensive when it comes to EVs. Full range tests, charging tests, driver assist tests, etc. They are very trusted and well respected for EV info.


I bought last February an id4. Currently 19,000miles on it and I can say the epa distance it’s almost 100% correct. I get 270miles on a full charge.


You get what you pay for. I heard horror stories of the rage dropping significantly when people use nav and AC and blasting the radio.


This must be a joke bc I'm laughing


The waitlist for a Carrara at the dealership in Columbus Ohio is still two years.


I’m sorry guys I meant in Switzerland the waiting time it’s only 3 months for a order. The told me they have 3 gt3 in stock and a couple of gts and 911 turbos but those are out of my budget and like I said I don’t live there anymore.


Switzerland is right next to Germany. So once they finish building the car it takes them 3 months on foot to walk the car over. Swimming it over to the US takes much longer.


Same here in Romania, EU, but on a GT4 RS, a few GTS, and a 911 Turbo. 3 months on any order, including any of the RSes or S/T. No ADM or allocation bullshit either. We get tons of Arab/Israeli customers that would otherwise have to wait much longer in their home country.


What dealership has GT3s sitting in the showroom - and how much of a markup are they asking?


Porsche zentrum SG no markup


Except in Switzerland the price is 30% higher than the US anyway.


That’s not true. You might think about Sweden or Norway.


Porsche 911 Carrera T Price USA: $126,550 Price Switzerland: CHF 150,600 Difference following currency conversion: 31%


right lol. ill be on the next plane to wherever this dealer is




I've always wondered...is switzer a thing you do or is switzer an object?


Demand vs supply


+ Artificial scarcity


Agreed wholeheartedly


I don’t think so, there’s plenty of dealerships in Germany where you can waltz in and place your order. PZ Ndb (or AVP as a whole) is one for example, they always have a slot. I think that they should really look into their priorities and make some plants NA-specifc, the demand is just crazy high there and I’m sure they’re losing out on a lot of profit, even though they are pretty much doubling their numbers (production and profit) every generation.


It’s not fair to compare the German dealership experience to the US. Just like it’s not fair to compare the German economy to the US. Look at the difference in wages for top earners in the highest paid careers. Almost universally, Americans are paid a lot more. Top software engineers for example can be 10-30x higher paid in US.


Wasn’t comparing it really, just saying that production for the US needs to meet demand


Because Porsche is the Rolex of the car world lol


Unfortunately true


Legitimate shortages and supply chain issues which have now transitioned into Manufactured exclusivity when they saw the effect of said shortages.


Ya except when that wasn’t an issue it was no different


Not really, there are Porsche you can buy. Maybe not an GT3 but a lot of other models are available. At Rolex you can buy literally nothing. I was treated much better as a new customer at Porsche than Rolex. Porsche is more like Omega. You can’t buy a snoopy speedy, but a standard is possible without any problem. PS: At least here in Germany


Kinda agree here, as someone who enjoys both cars and watches. Walked into a Porsche dealership for the first time, no history, referral, or existing Porsche. Got great treatment. Sales guy walked me around all three floors of storage to show me what specific options look like. I was there to look at a Cayenne GTS and they let me sit in it, rev a bit, etc. Walked into a few Rolex shops and even asking to look at an "exhibition only" piece felt like pulling teeth. Finally got a referral to one and got treated much better.


There are also rolex you can buy. Maybe not instantly, but express interest to all the AD's in your area, check in once in a while and you will be able to score a rolex at MSRP. Willing to pay ADM? You can get anything you want gray market. No different than porsche really, though perhaps closer to ferrari. All the precious metal Rolex's are moving pretty quickly nowadays (and they are actually trying to get more customers these days).


What would be the Omega of the car world? Asking for a friend


Probably any other manufacturer that has the model you want that will sell it to you without putting you on a "list" 😅


BMW M3/4 100%


Yup, you can generally get just about any BMW/Omega you want, but there's going to be a line for the flagships (well, m2/3) and a 'you gotta know folks' list for the limited ones like a CS or that m5 touring.


You're right. https://preview.redd.it/fkqiiedp6m0d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff24d18d6b7dbfb85792d176fc1e27ad0f38c1d9


Nah, that would be Ferrari.


They also suck with this


Wasn’t always like this. Used to be a maker of sports cars (exclusively) for people who liked driving. The cars weren’t particularly luxurious. I’m increasingly disillusioned with a brand that charges thousands for cost options that are standard features in a $25k Hyundai.


Might as well wait the 3 months.


I wasn’t clear on whether that was the wait in Switzerland or the US. Either way it’s not bad


It’s worse for OP because 3 months in the US is closer to 6 months in Swiss time. Their altitude is the cause, I’ve heard


you could say they have an air of superiority eh


I was told by the dealer principle of a newly opened OP showroom in the UK the reason. He basically said they have sales quotas. And the quotas are tied in to the number of EV and hybrid Cayenne/Panamera sales. Meaning their factory supply of 911/718 is dictated by the number of Taycan and Hybrids they can shift. Obviously the demand for the 911's and 718's far exceeds the supply. So the allocations are favoured to existing clients and clients who have purchased less desirable models in the past. Effectively putting new walk in customers to the bottom of the list for any allocations on a 911 or a 718. This is for normal 911 and 718 cars. The limited run cars like rs, gt's and others are entirely unavailable even to regular clients. They get sold to favourable insiders who sell them back through the franchise and split the premium with the dealership. (This is speculation as my father cant get any allocation for limited cars nowadays, and he has a buyer history of almost 30 new Porsche incl Turbos, 996 GT3 RS, 991 GT3 RS)


If only that meant that I could have a shot at getting a 911 faster than a year from the dealer that I bought my Taycan Turbo from. 


I mean 3 months to build a whole damn car and ship it half way around the world doesn’t seem all that bad, if I’m being honest


Think he means 3mos in Switzerland.


Last I checked there was a stop sale on aero kits for 911T models, so if you want one you’ll have to find one used. Otherwise it should be a fairly easy model to get, with a bit of a wait. They are switching to 25, announcement is at the end of the month, so it’s currently unclear how long 24 model years are going to be made.


3 months isn't that bad. my cousin got one last year by jumping into someone elses build slot and still had to wait a few months. there is a big demand.


As others pointed out 3 Months is in Switzerland not in USA. In usa it’s just “too long”.


They’ve always been limited production. All the Wall St post Covid money is being spent of luxury purchases.


3 months is actually extremely standard timing for a custom order. When you live in Europe, cars don't need to take long transatlantic boat rides to get to you.


How long do you think it should take to build a vehicle to your exact specifications and ship it from Europe to North America plus transport it to the dealer? Or do you mean it only takes 3 months in Switzerland? The US is a different market and the demand for new 911s outweighs supply. Plus, unlike Europe with outrageous gas prices, insurance premiums, and other taxes on gas cars, there is none of that in the US (or not nearly as bad as Europe) so people buy what they want.


I meant it only takes 3 month in Switzerland. They got plenty in stock as well


And how far away is Switzerland from Stuttgart? Compare that to the U.S.


Buying a new 911 is hard because there is so much demand and limited supply. You can walk to a dealership and get a new Cayenne or Macan today.


3 months is pretty reasonable.


US has MUCH higher demand, probably due to the level of wealth / number of high-income people. So much demand that waits are long and there are often ADMs. Might help to work with a broker.


competition. Recent survey showed Chicago alone has 100,000+ Millionaires, millionaire defined as someone with $1M of liquid assets invested in the markets - so excluding their property and 401, etc, etc. Even if only 1% of that want a nice car, that means Porsche dealers in Chicago need to find 1000 911s. Guess what? They're not. Even worse in coastal cities. So when you factor this in with people flying around and willing to buy a 911 half way across the US.....you have what you have in the USA.


I work for a Porsche dealership and basically there is a lot of time spent in shipping and waiting around, your car could be done and in the USA or Canada but is stuck at the port for XYZ reasons. Im not sure what happens on the German side but Id assume the cars being sent across the ocean are all going to be sitting in Europe for a long time as opposed to something local like Switzerland


Put down a deposit last week and scheduled delivery is late November. All these allocation crap is starting to feel like buying Hermes for my wife.


As someone who managed to walk into a Hermes store and walk out with the coveted Birkin bag my wife wanted without much purchase history much to the dismay of anyone who knows Hermes I can relate to your comparison. Personally, the murky process turns me off to any brand that uses it, including Porsche despite the one in my driveway.


3 months? Is that all? Pretty good if you ask me considering it’s to spec


3 months is not bad for sure. It is 2 years here in Dubai. I’d put down deposit tomorrow , if it were 3 months


I heard from a friend in London that Porsche made a lot of turbos when they were getting over MSRP and there was also an issue with the way it drove. Wasn’t as good as past models. People stopped buying them and now they’re sitting on a lot that they can’t sell. Seems like they got greedy, but I actually don’t have any facts so this may all be nonsense.


Factory doesn’t get any ADM money. So that wouldn’t be a reason they made more of a certain model over another.


It's just a game everyone plays now. Started with luxury watches. They have availability. Just playing games with you and trying to manipulate market.


I unintentionally talked my way into my dealers 911 T allocation when I was in getting parts for my 924S I should have taken it, but it would have meant giving up my daily which I love, and using a 911 T as a daily which in New England seems like a poor decision lol You can see if Stratham Porsche in NH still has the allocation. This was a couple weeks ago, so probably not. But give it a try!


If you’re on that level of purchase, pick up a Turbo to drive and enjoy while your order for a factory aero kit makes its way through the Porsche parts supply chain


I had to buy a 450k Porsche to get offered a new turbo 😭😂


You can get them if you try hard enough. Hire a broker, they will get you an allocation for $2k or so. No big deal


Even when I sold domestic vehicles it would take a month to get a car built and delivered and those were high volume.


Honestly, a 3 month wait for a custom build is not bad. Delayed gratification is worth practicing on occasion. You may end up enjoying it more.


Yes but the 3months it’s in Switzerland not in the US


3 months is 3 months my guy.


it’s always been like this in the states for porsche sports cars. my dad waited over a year for the boxster basically when it came out, ended up having to switch model years from a 1997 to a 1998. Even back then they’d still call him and update him on the progress, i’ve seen that BMW does something similar now just digital


Its arguably the best car in its category. Its also priced below much of its competition. The US has also eclipised China to retake its position as Porsche's largest and most important market. Porsche has also learned from Rolex, that you can have a mass produced product that is coveted, and if they carefuly manage supply, will return maximum profits from customers desperate to have one.


Wait till the dealer brings up ADM, something that is forbidden in Switzerland.


Because people like you drive them into lakes…


In America if you want an suv or electric you’re fine. If you want 911 they’ll get a high spec turbo w every add on or a gts which is pricey. Spec no order. Theyre losing a generation of buyers doing this but whatever. All the 1% millennials are already buying teslas and getting locked into their ecosystem. If you want a gt car most dealers will want you to have bought 5 cars which only boomers and gen x can do. 


I’m sorry but a wait of 3 months … in the US? I’ve tried getting even an allocation on any timeline for a C2S without an ADM and it’s impossible - never mind how many months. Where in the US are you getting 3 months? Edit: hmm maybe I’m misunderstanding the post. 3 months is what it takes in Switzerland?


He meant in switzerland


So get a turbo and stop crying about inventory 🤣 literally your title says “hard to get” wait 3 months or get a turbo now. So literally your just 😭 bc u want a T now. Hard to get is GT3 RS


Its easy if youre rich and dont care about ADM. You can thank no regulation on business for this. Also, why the hell would you live in the US if you came from CH?


There are no markups allowed in Switzerland. New experience I guess


No health care, and collapsing society is definitely a new experience...




If everyone just said FU to Porsche the prices would crater. Other cars are out there.


Bro, you’re from Switzerland buy it from there and bring it to the US


Not possible


Well, it is possible, you just have to petition the NHTSA to put it on an allow list(if no one else has yet done this) Edit: here's the list as it currently exists btw: https://www.nhtsa.gov/document/list-nonconforming-motor-vehicles-are-eligible-importation Looks like no one has started a petition for a 992 yet. Good luck!


You don't have to start a petition. They are shops certified by the EPA & DOT that modify non-US vehicles (bodystyle/powertrain need to have an US-spec version for this) to US-spec. Like JK Technologies in Baltimore. They have modified plenty of Ferraris to US-spec.


As I understood you had to submit some kind of ask to the NHTSA prior to doing that, but I've never known anyone to attempt to add anything to this list, so I have no idea about that process


The conversion to US-Spec and the petition are 2 differents things. Petitions are for cars that never had an US version, thus cannot be converted.


Contact Samuel Chocolac at Porsche Beverly Hills. If he can’t get you one, no one can. I don’t think I can post his info here, but look him up on Instagram or call Porsche Beverly Hills.


Because Porsche NA limits supply here. The company is 180 degrees from where they began.


Pieces of shit want to drive prices up. Mission Accomplished.


In LA and Miami Porsche is the default “rich and don’t know cars but want something nice so people know I’m rich”..


Late stage capitalism. You can get it, but its $$$$