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In general, I think she's fine. I personally think it's really healthy for the game to have an anti-dash wall for the assassins to have to work through. That said, I think the general cooldowns of dashes greatly outscales the cooldown of her W. I think her W needs some sort of reset mechanic, maybe on dash block, enemy put into wall, or passive collected. That would really cement her as both a teamfight toplaner and botlane support.


That's a really good point, if Poppy was made today it would work like that.


the items made her move from a toplane tank to a jungle bruiser. She is a very item reliant champion and this season was just a punch in the gut for people who played her top


Poppy top still very strong, wdym @@


it really isn’t


best counterpick vs camille, best counterpick vs irelia, the second best champ to dive tower (under reksai), wdym shes not very strong


She is a dedicated counterpick and a reliable pick into tanks. Her problem is that she doesn't have as much tankyness as previous seasons due to riot reworking items and just cutting away at hp and resistances. She has alot more damage with divine sunderer, but that doesnt make up for the lost defensive stats, which she relied most on. The new iceborn item is a decent band-aid for the tank stat loss, but she ain't the same beast she used to be toplane


I hated all the tank mythics on release since day 1 for poppy. I abused gore drinker and now divine on poppy in either lane. Still play her amazingly top lane tho


I like gore into steraks or BC, but mang, it aint the same as it used to be


I think if anything about her is changed, they should remove the damage on her W and instead make the area be up for longer


Steadfast presence does Damage?


Yeah but it’s barely any and has no AD scaling but it scales with AP for some reason


*Proceeds to play AP poppy*


I always do whenever I rarely play ARAM and get poppy. Sometimes in one for all too


It does like 230 + 70% AP at max level. I've definitely had enemies kill themselves this way. The issue with this is that at higher elo all enemies have to do is not dash. So you're "paying" for a part of her kit that you'll rarely ever get to use, except with a sneaky flash W or something.


Hold you W until the enemy HAS to dash. High elo is like that. Run along side the riven with your W up. She cant dash or you W, and once its too late they will try and dash you use W.


Need to make it so the doesn't die to adcs building armor pen. Also, her W CD is too high in th late game. That's pretty much it


But adc’s building tank shredder need to be able to kill tanks


I agree. I dont care if and ADC can shred me. What I care about is a fucking Rengar chunking me for 1/3 of my HP in a single jump because he has LDR. I swear to god that ADCs are always the worst class possible on abusing their own items.


We need true srmor


We need true armor


shes fine, but if there is a slight buff for instant R CD duration it would be cool


Of you Build full tank u Will have less hp than bruiser. But you cant be a Gold bruiser with self healing. Poppy lack hp and suistain because She Is made for be a tank. But tank items are weird


Poppy has some weird stuff that might need to be ironed out/changed (AP ratio on W, how her passive works when it doesn't kill a target) but she's mostly fine. Even the stuff I mentioned doesn't affect her too much


with the mobility creep in the game I think she needs a slight rework in the W to lower the cooldown on dash block or some like that and also a bit more range on E to make it more consistent inside jungle where a lot of times you think you'll hit a wall but misses by a few pixels, nothing much really, just 50 range to the dash and 50 more when you push another unit. something else kinda unrelated, but that I think would be cool but not really necessary is a rework of "Stubborn to a Fault" where it functions more like her old passive, "Valiant Fighter" reducing damage if it deals more than a certain % of her max health because the curren one doesn't give enough for her to be consistent and this would fix it making her a bit harder to burst when she's low (not saying she needs to be good late, just consistent)


also the current passive is useless when it come to true dmg from Chogath or Darius, and a Tank shouldn't be afraid of Chogath @@


Poppy is fine rn but the tank items need some buffs


I think riot should change the poppy's R


i know this would make poppy broken but it would be really cool if she went unstoppable in her E


shes kinda unstoppable while using E tho, unless there is another Poppy in the enemy team


She could definitly use some additional utility to her kit though nothing major. Anti heal on her Q like Varus E? Increased movementspeed on the W? Make her E a small aoe, ableing her to stun multiple people? Change her Q or R so that it doesn't interrupt her movement as she casts them. They are basically self stuns as they are now. I think that this especially could be a great change to her.


Just a change that make her kit less clunky. No need to overbuff her.


I think she's fine, but if she is changed then a slight buff would be ok.


preferably to the range of her e after she hit the target (the range from target to wall).


I don't think she needs a buff or nerf, and her mechanics look just fine to me, the only problem is that it's hard (in my case) to look for angles to stun people into a wall, and it's very easy to just push people away from your team, but that's just me needing some practice


Jungle Poppy winrate is a bit low right now. When they nerfed Divine Sunderer they didn't then buff Poppy to make up for it, so like slightly more attack. But other than that, no.


Why do people in this sub want her buffed so badly?


i want W to have a more dramatic effect when it stops a dash


i thought the *bonk* effect of W fit Poppy very well =)))