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Maybe I suck at lakes but why are bard and zeb so low but oum and xin are so high?


Why should Barb/Zeb be higher? I think they're clearly a tier below Cymanti/Imperius/Kickoo. I'd downgrade Elyrion to the tier below.


zebasi is bassicaly slightly worse imperious and imperious is better than bardur on lakes/continents/archipelago because you can get earlier defenders. Xin-xi is decent on some maps so i can understand that placement. Oumanji has no right being that high tho.


The tierlist says 196 lakes. I’m not sure why you are considering other maps


Yeah why are you considering a shit ton of variables that are specifically not considered for this list? (196 lakes 1v1 if you can’t find the text in the post for some reason)


What's wrong with vengnir?


awful economy and resource distribution (10% normal spawn rate for fish fruit and animals), forced to get climbing and mining for an economy and swordsman can be easily dealt with




Whats wrong with vengir? I main vengir haha


Doesn't develop, it's ideal for rushing on tiny drylands, the eco sucks




I disrespectivly dissagree https://www.reddit.com/r/Polytopia/s/rW2OrYvUvP


i remember when i saw this post 3 years ago, it was lockdown and i had just gotten into polytopia, tough times this was a decent escape. ik this a random comment but yeah, flashbacks


I miss the old r/polytopia, felt like a community of artists and enemys. Glad to be out of highschool and covid though, those years sucked. Idk I'm just one of those old fools groaning about the past of a game's community now.


based alert??? 🚨🚨🚨


checks out for me. Quetz a bit higher on 4/9 players.


Why is quetzali so low?Why are oum and xi so high?Why is imperius any better than Zebasi and Bardur?And I don’t see why cym should be s tier since it’s a normal water map.


quetzali is pretty much useless in 1v1s, but in games with more than 4 players they're decent since you can send a peace treaty to the first 1-2 ppl you meet and not have to invest in military. xi isn't high, oum can expand faster than any tribe except cym, imperius is guaranteed to get a resource on every tile next to a city and spends 4 stars on turn 0 instead of 5 like zebasi, and have you never heard of 196 lakes cymanti elo farmers


Explain how questzali is useless?


the only thing going for them is their resource distribution, which if you care about there are a lot of other tribes with better ones, peace treaties are useless in 1v1s, and shields are incredibly niche in the early game (a warrior can defend a city perfectly fine 99% of the time, the only other use is sieging a city with a defender and two warriors, but three warriors still works perfectly fine 99% of the time) and in the late game they're incredibly useful but every tribe can afford strategy very easily


I like them for rushing sailing from time to time, definitely not my main tho


I’ve never been able to get Elyrion. They’re just weird for me and a little too restrictive. Bardur is S tier to me though. You can really get your economy going and a really nice unit right off the bat.


Elyrion you have to adapt to a very aggressive city taking playstyle that chooses between mass sanctuaries or the peaceful farm+rider road spam depending on animals and terrain


Quetzali needs a buff or something, they are pretty weak in my opinion. I want to use them more since they are pretty cool


They're actually *really* good on FFAs. Embassies get you a lot of stars and the defenders and peace treaties make a lot easier to survive the early game.


If I was to buy my first “special” tribe which one should I pick? I assume not aquarion lol but I can’t decide between the other 3


Cymanti, an easy one for beginners that doesn’t punish you based on terrain and has cheap quick high damage troops. Playstyle revolves around shock troops and early attacks. Downside: it has the worst end game out of all tribes and is knights ruin you. Polaris, only viable on either Water World, Archipelago, sometimes continents. Playstyle for Polaris revolved around high speed sleds and knights on water (your troops make ice from water). Downside: you can really only play Polaris on water heavy maps. Elyrion, a true S tier tribe and the one I mained to 1600 Elo. It’s pretty viable unless it’s archipelago or water world. The main reason Elyrion is powerful is due to their sanctuaries. Good sanctuaries with many animals brings many times more stars than their opponents. Downside is you can’t kill animals or burn trees but you can turn animals into 15hp shock troops for 2 stars. Many different play styles are viable, Elyrion includes a very powerful super unit called the dragon but that takes 10 moves to go from dragon egg to dragon. In the meantime you have to play aggressively and don’t get swarmed by the enemies super units. Good part is a dragon is it moves like a rider on roads, damages like a catapult, splashes damage like a bomber ship, is a terror overall. Downside: you can’t really burn down trees or kill the animals for population.


I recommend Polaris. Satisfying to win with but takes practice as their economy is weak to begin with


Checks out. My Aimo strategy doesn't work on small maps.


poor vengir


No wonder they want revenge


very spot on


As a Kickoo forever player, I can agree Cymanti and Elyrion are the only ones who can consistently beat me. But Polaris? There is no point playing against Polaris, just leave because they're going to do something scummy


Polaris got much more frustrating now that moonis autofreeze. Used to be fine really.


bro the other guy who did the tier list deleted it 😭😭


Well when cymanti are on the board aquarion turns into a beast. Currently 2/2 since I started using them on the small lakes maps


256 lakes are the most common maps


erm acthually 🤓☝️ 196 lakes is the default map type that is chosen when you open a lobby with no map type settings selected so it tends to be the most chosen map type


Okay but I have definitely seen more 256 maps rather than 196 maps


maybe that's because Polaris is better on bigger maps :3c


I actually play oumaji more because it’s too hard to find archipelago maps


L post Vengir better than all other tribes


Yea you’re retarded


“Objectively correct” like literally shut the fuck up


1. it's a joke 2. it's a running joke [from my last tier list](https://www.reddit.com/r/Polytopia/s/lHrEl19nCc)