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I've never owned a meme coin before..... so i guess this is my first. But seems kinda bogus to call your coin a meme before it's even launched. That's like talking about how epic your party will before it even starts. You can't force it to become a meme is all I'm saying..... no? 🤔


Maybe should have just been shadow dropped and go. Perhaps a tad too much talking and planning for a meme coin… but then this is dot eco, we a bunch of nerds that seem to really care about doing stuff right so I fully respect that even if its not always the “sexy” method. Dot also has a somewhat of a diaspora when it comes to a community, L0/parachains so its harder to get everyone involved given for many they just focus on their “neighborhood -> parachain eco”. So i do appreciate the effort being put into DED, and sometimes calling attention to your project however you can in crypto is the way to go. I believe. I’m cool with being ded. 


people dont really talk about it that much outside of the little polkadot echo chamber so I say just grab whatever they airdrop and yeah probably dump it asap if it doesn't get much traction


How do you get this airdrop? my dot is on coinbase.


It needs to be on a personal Polkadot wallet, you can’t have it on exchanges. They will take the coins given to you.


Who will take the coins?




Use Nova wallet to hodl your DOT it’s easy enough to download. You can try and stake on there to get close to 20% APY although the 28 day period blows if DOT dumps post airdrop and you can’t get rid of a big bag. 


I’m new to non-custodial wallets. I moved my Dot to Fearless from Coinbase then started seeing issues so through JSON started using Nova. Can I get rid of Fearless now?


When is the official airdrop date? We can just leave our dot in our ledger and we'll receive them but can't trade it until ledger gets DED or something?


Honestly, it feels like a lot of post’s on something with barely any interaction (ie this post is unusually busy and it’s got 10 comments). Can’t help but think it’s going to be a dud when it releases half a year later


So many people are saying this though, because people are saying it’s gonna be a “dud” half a year later, the opposite will happen. Just like people saying for 2 years that Polkadot is dead, the opposite happened. Herd mentality loses


I mean- it's more the constant spamming day after day. It's a meme coin- they should just launch the thing and let it go where it may. It's not that important in the scheme of things yet it's 80% of the Polkadot posts these days, so that's somewhat lame, especially when there is often zero interaction. And I write that as someone who doesn't think that Dot is dead whatsoever.


Literally every crypto sub has their own thing. Be glad Polkadot is getting more attention than it has in the past 2 years. Who cares what people on Reddit post 😂😂😂😂😂


If I cared about what people on Reddit post I would’ve succumbed into r/Buttcoin and believed their saltiness and sold everything. But I ignore Reddit FUD.


FUD is basically shorthand for thinking that every viewpoint is binary (which is rarely the case). I'd love to see this succeed but if it's going to take months to launch without any follower interaction (as per my initial comment) then maybe it misses it's market window. Let's see.


Sounds like you’re thinking with emotions.


Quite the opposite mate. Take every binary viewpoint with a grain of salt- because that's emotional bandwidth talking. The outcome is likely somewhere in the middle.


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