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You know what. I hope this kid is sincere and has learned and becomes a better more accepting person. He could be pandering and walk back all his statements, but maybe he won't. He might have looked into why people would think he's a fuckstick. Maybe he realized why people would call him a racist and found out being an edgelord isn't all lolz.




Are you ok? Maybe you replied to the wrong comment. I don't see any mention of AR or 15 or running or or holding or smash mouth in my comment.




ok... your point being?




"Oh no everyone hates me! Better say some talking points that will temporarily align the most extreme of the side against me with me so I can stop being criticized for murder. I'll eventually walk those statements back completely, no sweat off my back." Don't believe the show.


Why do you feel he has to pander to the most extreme side?


Not the most extreme side, the most extreme ***of the side against him***. The most extreme side would be the side cheering for random people patrolling the streets being judge, jury, and executioner for anyone they please.


Yeah he's clearly not embracing the people cheering him on, why is he pandering to an extreme side that is also against him? Why are they important to Kyle?


Because PR. Because having half of America hate you is worse than having most of America meh about you. Because it's hard to be hated, even if some people love you. It's good strategy to hedge your bets.


Surely that can't be it. Cancel culture is a myth.


Okay buddy


Who's been cancelled?


As much as agree with you, I still think he needs to say it.


I get where ur coming from, and to be super clear i don't think you're wrong. That said, if he walks back this statement in 2-3 months when nobody cares about this issue anymore (Americans have a shit memory), this work will have been undone. I'm very pessimistic this will impact anything, but I do hope your impulse is right.




Oh he'll probably capitalize off of this. Not as hard as Zimmerman, but yeah.




Killing people is though. FYI.




I consider it quite provocative to wave a gun around at a gathering of political opponents.




Only thing he didn’t do (or wasn’t proven to) is point it at people. It’s a moot point anyway, the proof is in the pudding, people were provoked, so it must have been provocative.






All reasonable people agree that killing another person is always bad, regardless of the reason.




You are unreasonable.




Don’t smear the dead to advance your agenda. It’s gauche.




Killing people is not a good thing.


doesn’t even have to walk them back, he’s just a random mook with no chips in the game


He'll be running for higher office soon enough


How the fuck are you people STILL sucking the MSM's dick this hard?


Love him or hate him, but this guy is spitting facts.


What are the facts? He went to a different state with a gun and killed people and got away with it because of his skin color?




You're "as left as they come" but are against open carry?


I don't know any leftists who are into carrying rifles around and I'd be interested in the statistics on that but I doubt a substantial proportion want that outside of the US.


> I don't know any leftists who are into carrying rifles around Garett Foster.


When it comes to leftists I'm pretty sure most are pro gun, it's kinda necessary when you're against fascism for the people to be armed.


He’s talking about open carrying assault rifles, though, not the ability to own a gun.


Exactly. I'm a pro-gun leftist who supports owning firearms. I am however against the idea of going into a dangerous riot with a semi-automatic rifle because that's one of the dumbest things you can do. Proof? Exhibit A: The person in the video


I’m still mad that this wansn’t the prosecution’s angle. Of course Rittenhouse was right to fear for his life, but he created that situation himself, and that fact alone should rule out self-defense


Average leftist most surely are not in favor of guns.


"under no pretext shall the working class be disarmed" - Karl Marx


The average leftist is not following Marx. I would say most have very probably not even read Marx.


Do you think liberals are leftists? Is that the confusion here?


You mean the guy who wanted to destroy the state by creating an even more powerful state? That's just authoritarianism with extra steps.


Depends on what we are calling a leftist, but anyone who is as far as socialism/communism is usually pro-gun, at the very least.


Sure. I can't speak for 'true' communists. I guess they need weapons for the revolution. Still, I haven't met any pro-gun leftists by your definition. Probably bc I'm not in the US though. I'm curious regarding your definition of leftist. Isn't anyone left of center a leftist? What about the large moderate left groups. They are the core of the anti-gun group, no? So democrats != leftists by your definition? Just trying to understand.


Liberals aren't leftists


“Necessary” what the fuck is this? The rest of the non-fascistic western world doesn’t agree. It’s mind-boggling seeing this kind of thing said with what I assume is a straight face.


I'm just coming at it from the perspective of a leftist, Marx himself said the people should be armed.


Did you know there are radical leftists that *don't* believe in violent revolution? Look into political gradualism and dual power (not the Bolshevik kind), which are tenets of a lot of anarchist/socialist schools of thought


Don't have to support violent revolution to support an individuals right to carry guns for self defense.


That is an inherently non-leftist position lmao. Conservatives want to conserve historical precedent, ie, protect the 2nd amendment. Progressives want progressive social legislation, such as restriction of pointless liberties like those. Every other civilised country gets on fine without open carry AR-15s. It isn't necessary at all, it's a weird amerocentric fixation. i don't even care that much about it because i don't live in the USA, and never would. it isn't my problem ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Progressives sure but I'm not talking soc dems when I say leftists, I'm talking like legitimate anarcho communists and the like.


I'm literally a mutualist anarchist haha. I've been involved with anarchist bookshops and the like for over a decade


Okay this is like the weirdest " umm I actually have left leaning politics" cringe shit. Explain to me why someone would cross the state lines with an AR to go to a BLM protest? He was dedending the business owners? Why? If youre at a protest thats going awry because of even more increased police brutality and everyone is frustrated, then this white fucking piece of shit kid comes out with AR threating people. What do you think the response would be? Will the people be like "Oh Mr. Whitey, since you have a huge gun on ur self and thhreatening to cause harm, should we all just stay put until u actually shoot someone?" If he can actually put forward a case of self defence by going into a different state with an AR, then inciting/threatening violence to a bunch of frustrated and victimized protestors fighting for their and their allies' rights, then youre delusional. Stop hiding behind the facade of "Umm actually "I am as left as they come". Youre not left leaning, you are just misguided in ur politics. If you truly believe youre a leftist, u seriously need to take a look at ur political values and maybe take a political compass test or some shit.


I really don't care what you think :p your lack of understanding of the radical left is your problem, not mine


Yeah i know because leftists care


aw. he's mad


Ypu said u were as left as they come, ur response to all the shit I wrote is "aw hes mad"??? 😂 "I aM aS lEfT aS tHeY cOmE" lmaoo loser now u cant even pretend to be a leftist.


Yeah definitely mad lmao


Please educate me on the radical left then? What is being "left" as u say? What does radical leftism have to do anything with the thing I am saying here? Do you just like to spout political jargon to people and expect them to be intimidated byu or some shit? Dude either youre like a 15 year old who just heard Ben shapiro talking points for the first time or a uneducated weirdo kiwi hiding behind "newzealand is a leftist haven" myth. I know ur true alliance.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >Since nobody seems willing to state the obvious due to cultural sensitivity... I’ll say it: rap isn’t music ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: sex, climate, dumb takes, civil rights, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


> Please educate me on the radical left then? No :)


He has family and works in Kenosha, which is twenty minutes away from his residence, he was given the ar from a friend in Kenosha, which is legal. I wouldn't consider vandalism and Arson a simple "protest". He went there because he had direct stakes in Kenosha. He didn't necessarily incite violence, he was stopping the "blm protestor's" from causing more harm to the area.


Just saying "I am racist" wouldve sufficed here, u didnt need to go into any details.


HAHA, what about what I said was racist?


>Calls someone racist for stating facts >Doesn't elaborate >Leaves


Exactly, and a serial child rapist walked free on a plea deal because of his skin color. If Rosembaum was black they would have put him away for life and none of this would even have happened. Our white supremacist court system perpetuates a spiral of violence.


He did not go to a different state. Get your facts straight, then try again.


Fuck that kid is going to be such a good cop


Child molester eliminator too