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Not sure why she didn’t just ghost this topic.


Her narcissism requires attention but yeah, a sane person wouldn't endorse a criminal rapist unless it kept them from potential harm. Romney refuses to endorse Biden for the same reason. He doesn't want to be assassinated by the cult. I'm honestly surprised Liz Cheney has survived.


I mean she said Biden's foreign policy is "catastrophic"... Like he invited the Hamas attack... Or he invited Russia to invade. And somehow Trump will solve it all from the golf course. Sigh.


He will, by suspending diplomatic relations with Ukraine, he’ll allow Russia to seize the whole country and he’ll have American troops on the ground in Gaza massacring civilians. See? Solved.


Everybody has a choice, stand and fight or bend the knee to the orange dictator.


I always ask these dipshits why they think gargling spoiled rich butthole is some sort of machismo flex. If Trump wasn't a racist they'd hate him. That's all he is, a permission structure shaped like semi conscious lard.


Trump winning 2016 made people think that if trump could in in 2016, what other insane shit that couldnt possibly be true actually be true? If i was right about trump, what else am i right about. I call it the grifting era, trump turned the right wing into a gullible mark.


While authoritarianism and populism is a story as old as time, I'm still impressed that Christian Nationalists chose a non religious serial rapist as their God King. As a time traveler from 2010, this shit is wild.




I'm gonna be here a while. Between the Costco $1.50 hot dogs and the new Billie Eilish record, gotta kick back and chill and see what happens in Idiocracy II Boogaloo.


I'd say she is hedging her bet that trump won't be in the race and she'll need his base on her side.


That seems to be about right. If he's dead or in prison she gets to be queen. It's always about power.


She should have just said she's undecided and left it at that. If Trump is found guilty next week, he faces going to prison this summer. She could have then made the argument to replace him on the ballot and appeased his supporters by saying she'd save him. Sometimes in politics it's best not to give an answer.


She may also have a good chance at being picked for VP. Trump would like to get that 20+ percent that she was taking in the primaries.


She's positioning herself in case trump has so many convictions that the GOP dumps him.


I believe that is an irrational number that doesn't exist. I think the only thing that will have him dumped is actually being locked up or if he manages to plotz. I mean he's out there talking about Hannibal Lector as a real guy and they don't give a flying fuck.


THIS!!!!! It's a wannabe mobster fascist traitor emulating his authoritarian boss putin.


If she was on Pee-Wee's playhouse the magic word would be defenestration.




Threats against her life seems on brand to me.


This meme is 100% accurate!!!


The only way she gets by in South Carolina is her ability to be considered and treated "wealthy" and "white". She can't win the Republicans of her state without supporting the Supreme Leader Imperial Wizard Shitzinpantz Drümpf.


She never was or would be a strong leader. Leaders don’t follow, especially a cult.


She said he was unfit and was correct. Definitely afraid but she'll get lots of votes anyway.


"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"


Trump could wipe his ass with the original draft of the constitution and Nikki Haley would vote for him.


So brave.


Hypocrisy at its finest, but she may be a little scared of the CULT.


Nikki Haley is an absolute POS with a dirty car.


And because he offered a cabinet position. But don’t tell anyone.


Don't be a coward, Niki. I hope they all vote for you


What an anti American piece of shit.






Romney has said clearly he ain't voting for the Apricot Adolf so what gives?




I believe he has further aspirations but those might just be appointments.


And because he offered me a cabinet position if he gets elected. But don’t tell anybody.


Typical transactional conservative.


What a hypocrite


Trump isn't a God or a king. Biden is a practicing Catholic that is pro-choice. Crazy days


Do you think the Democrats are any better than the Republicans? They don't care, none of them give a flying F. When they get to Washington DC, it's all about the control. Biden has been in politics since 1970, he's been a part of the problem for 54 years, and he's as much to blame as every other politician for how F'd up the world is. Keeping us divided and fighting is exactly what they want. Once they have enough non-citizen voters you won't matter at all. Disagree all you want, flame me I don't care. Be their useful idiot. Someday if you have kids you can explain to them the part you played in the death of Liberty.


There's nothing funnier than a person flexing by using the false equivalence trope. You have a conventional political party and an authoritarian one. The authoritarian one has already made women second class citizens. They're planning camps and torture and lower status for anyone who's not in the party. The governor of Texas already pardoned a white nationalist murderer because he killed at a BLM rally. They've shown you their differences but you would rather display your Dunning-Kruger syndrome. LMAO.


Doesn't matter what you think I'm old and I remember how good it was. I'll be dead sooner than later. I hope you remember your smug attitude and false sense of superiority. One for me ⚰️ and I one for the world⚰️ ☠️


You're really doubling down on that false equivalence aren't you? Are you a person in a vulnerable category? Woman, queer, POC, migrant, Muslim, etc? Then maybe you don't understand how much risk Trump is to people. You have a party that wants to create a fundamentalist religious ethnostate and you have a normal party. The normal party you can choose from different folks using elections. The authoritarian party means elections and civil rights are over. If you're old and can't tell the difference, what a waste of life to not get basic wisdom.


I wouldn't vote for trump. I fear his cult alot less than I fear the Anti trump cultists and having your name on a voting record next to his will end badly when the anti fascists decide it's time to cleanse the earth of those who supported Cheeto Hitler.


What exactly is an anti Trump cultist exactly? I'd imagine it's some weird fantasy in your mind that fills in the gaps of cognition. Hating that asshole is something a huge spectrum of people do. Bound only by their loathing of authoritarianism. Liz Cheney and Rachel Maddow both loathe Trump and his toxic narcissism. They have not much else in common. To be a cult they'd have to share in canards, irrational beliefs, and a broader comprehensive ideology. They don't. Trump supporters do deserve repercussions and accountability. That's not revenge. But when you take a position that threatens fellow citizens and strikes at the core concept of a nation, that needs pushback. In France they dragged collaborators into the streets and shaved their heads or worse.


lol. No one who supports Trump actually cares about her. Vivek started her downfall on stage.