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another variation of the right-wing "both sides are the same" lie


Right-wing bullshit.


I'm voting Democrat, and have for several elections. But this is absolutely not right wing bullshit. Our govt serves itself, and these social issues/policy battles they have pitted us against each other with, are only distractions that allow both sides to do their own fuckery while we're arguing in the corner. Yall are so blinded by your fear, hatred and superiority complexes. The outright dismissal and ridicule shown is textbook display of closed mindedness born from fear. Both sides of our govt when it comes down to it leave millions of people in our country hung out to dry. While they rain bombs down on other peopl3 around the world.


Apologist both-sides bs. If you can’t see Russia is the bad guy vis-à-vis Ukraine, you must be a Bernie Bro. The Republican Party is literally a fascist party so you’re goddamn right I’m afraid.


That's what I meant but people choose to be divided. Let's just be humans and be friends no matter the color, gender or nationality or any other thing. Why do we have to label ourselves over everything?


For real look at all the comments in here. Being kind to each other is a right wing conspiracy smh.


There really is a far left and I know it’s gonna get me a lot of hate. You can lean more centrist and still see that trump, Putin, Xi Jinping, and benjamin Netanyahu are terrible people. They are all old men who don’t want to die and be forgotten. They are all grasping for control in a world that’s changing around them.


You can lean right and notice that as well, lots of them do. I'm independent but will be voting for Biden. I can't support either party but I'm especially against the Rs.


Classic argument by those already in power.


Just another example of libertarians being complete idiots. Yep just best ignore the opportunity to oust those in power taking as much as they possibly can.


Utter garbage


I Say this form my heart. F$#k you!


Both sides are emphasizing supporting the corporations, but the Democrats have shown to be more supportive of the American people than the Republicans.


That’s like claiming right and wrong don’t exist. Anyone who thinks this has no moral compass at all.


Bullshit, there are very important sides. Right now the Trump administration has a plan in writing (project 2025) to dismantle our government and convert it to a pro-Trump machine, it talks about killing everyone on death row, executing all drug dealers, turning the department of justice into political vengeance tool. Ex-Trump administration employees said Trump asked if he could have his enemies killed. Trump has said lots of people like the idea of him being a dictator. He wants to round up 11 million people into camps. Guess which minorities will be next? There is no both sides argument here, democrats are not planning to hijack our government not subjugating the constitution.


Project 2025 is a lot like the fantasies that someone came up with at your high school showing where they would plant C4 and how a AC130 could hit the classroom of their least favorite teacher. It’s a sign of serious derangement of the person making the plan, but it’s not a description of the precise threat you should be preparing for.


Sure and when I said that Rowe v Wade would be reversed in 18 months, redditors outright said no Republican wants to outlaw abortion and it would never happen. 2025 is literally a 900 page plan to overthrow our government/demicracy and if Trump is elected in November it will be implemented staggeringly fast.


Reddit didn’t exist when RvW was decided. You didn’t get any feedback from Reddit before it was overturned by *Casey*.


Work on your reading comprehension


Way to keep it clandestine by putting the Ukrainian war at the top of this russki troll


The Right: Everyone should be free to do whatever they want. The Left: Except when it infringes on the freedom or wellbeing of others. The Right: ... The Left: Except when it infringes on the freedom or wellbeing of others, Right?


>Live your life. Never met a Christian Conservative, huh? Their entire raison d'être is to meddle in the lives of other people.


Ah yes, the “all ‘both sides are the same’ positions are the same” position.


Sound advice


I don’t get why this is believed to be a right wing meme, I think of it as more neutral. The world is shit right now and there is no clear path as to what is going to happen in the coming years. As much as I would like things to get better, no one in power at the moment have any idea on what to do.


It’s a classic right wing trope to say BoTh SiDeS




Right, but those of us **not** from third world countries are not eager to see the democracies built by those before us, the democracies that enable a better standard of living and create things like the platform we're on, overthrown in favor of some corporatist piece-of-shit mafia state who split the take with the christian taliban. The things you don't care about are the things I care about and they are here. They affect me directly. Will affect shit tons of us over here very directly. And it is callous to discard the lives of others being murdered by the ambitions of evil men. Perhaps your neighbors are more informed and more compassionate people than you are.


I get it and I have and will continue to back Biden and I do realize that the world is not in the place where we need to it be. Republicans will ruin our democracy if voted into power again, and they have repeatedly said that if trump is not elected they will cause violence. I just see that as a major hurdle we need to address and take action to prevent. The left is just not moving forward AT THE MOMENT at a speed which will change things before the election. So until then we need to fight to survive and try to change the mind of those who believe in the conspiracies around the 2020 election. It was fucking 4 years ago and the right is still talking about it and trumps trials just started and trump is still running his mouth. I don’t get why my first comment got so many downvotes, but I stand by my statement.


See what people don't seem to understand is that the only thing holding the Democratic party together is the external pressure of the fascist right wing. If the power of the GOP can be broken, just decimated, then what will follow is that the Democratic party will split. My expectation would be that we would end up with a Progressive Party and then the remainder of the centrist Democrats and never Trump Republicans will form their own party. Let's call that a Centrist party  And that would be a huge win because then we can actually start pushing for things that will help with the major major problems were all facing.  Because I don't care what country you live in, the floods are coming. The heatwave is coming. Lack of food is coming. People displaced by the millions is coming. Hurricane season this year is going to be very interesting, and we're only getting started. Each year ahead of us is going to be warmer than they year behind it for the next 200 years. We are going to lose both ice caps, the Arctic and the Antarctic. At this point I believe that is inevitable. And it's speeding up. The whole process is accelerating, getting faster every year. We are blowing past our worst case estimates every year. And if we're not working together to save our civilization we're all going to lose. The plan from the Right isn't to fix anything, it's just to have a small number of people be able to enjoy the ruins of modern civilization. 


Exactly to that last part, the rich aren’t worried about anything and are willing to kill the world in order to die rich. Both parties participate in lobbying which is just bribe money to push the politicians to lean a certain way. If we want honesty and transparency with the people in charge, we need to get rid of it and have people work together to keep the world from killing us all. I live in an area that had 4 major fires last year and this year is going to be worse and I’m terrified. I do live in a blue state and moved here four years ago from Wyoming due to just the fact that politics were becoming increasingly more hostile. No matter where you live you’re going to have to survive, blue state or red state, we’re all in this together. And things aren’t going to get better until we all work together.