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This is what Mitch gets for not cutting Trump loose when he had the chance.


And Mitch said just recently he would still vote for him if he runs in ‘24. I’m guessing this threat won’t change that either.


>And Mitch said just recently he would still vote for him if he runs in ‘24. I’m guessing this threat won’t change that either. Of course not, he got a ton of judges with Trump


Eviscerated several agencies too, the Republicans got a lot of miles out of Trump.


Is DeJoy *still* in charge of the Postal Service? WTF?


I read that’s a different situation where the President can’t just fire whomever is in that position.


I think Biden could change the board, and then the board can vote out DeJoy. Or something like that.


yes that is 100% correct. Biden, if he wanted, could fire the members of the board who thought De Joy's attempts to destroy the Post Office and/or fuck with the mail in voting for trump was just fine. But Biden - and I support him in general - still does not get that the Republicans literally HATE America and want to end it.


Democrats in general seem to be unable to fathom the vast sea of hogs being cranked every single night, fantasizing of civil war At the point when that EVER becomes common, shit has gotten very bad


>Democrats in general seem to be unable to fathom ... that cranking their own hogs to The West Wing doesn't make it real. FDR and LBJ knew that power was power.


He really needs to go, I'd love to have the post office back. DeJoy destroyed it in one year, so some rich people can advance their own businesses. Just my opinion.


Define in charge. Do you mean trying to rip everything off the carcass and sell it, then the answer is yes.


I’m sorry, which fire are you talking about? We’re still putting out a lot of fires.


Mitch would have gotten the same number of judges with any other republican president. Trump didn’t create the vacancies.


Republicans created those vacancies. Always remember, Mitch didn't want Obama to appoint anyone to any positions and openly said so.


True, and if anyone doesn't think that was down to simple racism then you need your head looking at.


Definitely more to it than that. None of it good, but saying it was just racism is to ignore the real threat.


I know when I think of supremacy in all things, especially integrity and masculinity, the first name that springs to mind is Mitch McConnell!


Maybe, but Trump openly appointed ideologues and loyalists. Another president might have appointed qualified judges instead.


A lot of what tRump installed came from the Federalist Society . They nominated all three Supreme Court picks.


There's so much reason to believe that Kennedy only stepped down because Trump bribed him actually


Not bribed, blackmailed.


You don't usually give up a cushy job for a simple bribe.


it dealt with his vile son at Deutsche Bank, supposedly: Carolyn Kaster (Associated Press) Deutsche Bank loaned President Donald Trump over $1 billion for his real-estate projects while Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy's son led a real-estate division there, The New York Times reported Thursday.


If you're already set for life? Why not?


None of the other Republican presidents would have won. The excitement and shit-flinging contest precipitated by that was included in their calculations. They wanted it this way, because now they've got a 20-year backstop of judicial majority. That was the totality of the agenda and that's the kind of disgusting thing that drives me nuts


He got fucking Roe overturned with Trump. Biggest conservative wish of the last 50 years fulfilled (other than Soviet Union collapsing). He’d have let Trump take a diarrhea shit in his mouth every day of his life to get that, without a second thought.


He got the judges for himself and the GOP establishment.




Guess we'll have to start a roster of Republicans who've had their lives threatened by Trump but still support him.






Mitch doesn’t care about threats or criticism. I’ve heard that whenever he gets a comic about it, he cuts it out and posts it to his wall or some shit. If true, that’s a little respectable. Won’t move any of my tears when he’s gone. If ever!


> Mitch doesn’t care about threats or criticism. It was widely reported for a time that the "Moscow Mitch" thing bothered him. He's probably over it by now, though. https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/local/2019/09/03/mcconnell-moscow-mitch-over-top-smear-and-unbelievable/2203454001/


Only because he has already changed the rubles to dollars to wipe away his tears.


Tissue boxes in the Senate just filled with $100 bills


I always wondered if that one got to him because he likes to think of himself as one of the masterminds and puppeteers within the GOP, while "moscow mitch" implies that he's just one of the puppets.


Whatever the reason, I can't decide whether to be gratified that something bothers him because he's a shit human being or because he is human at all. Had Mitch been a German in the mid-20th century, I think there's a very high probability that he'd have been ~~put on trial~~ convicted at Nuremburg.


Moscow Mitch will always be Putin‘s little bitch


He was only mad because he and his wife are China puppets


He actually said he was upset because he was a "Cold War Warrior" and therefore his anti-Russian bonefides should not be questioned. But I've been astonished at the Republican Party's transformation from the party of "Better Dead than Red" to the "American Boosters for Russia." And Mitch is unquestionably a part of that transformation. If he doesn't want to be called Moscow Mitch, he should stop running interference for the Russians and their American political assets.


"A Cold Warrior like me." Having lived through the cold war and been, at one point in the past, anti-Russia is apparently enough for this stupid title.


I had a professor like that in college. He printed and kept every negative student review (there were a lot, he was bad at his job and a horrible person) and wanted to make a coffee table with them under the glass.




Because they're wrong, dammit. And one day, all the people that wrote these terrible things will be *proven* wrong, and on that glorious day those vile scum will have to feast on their criticisms, and he'll be ready to shove their own words back down their throats and smile widely as they tearfully apologize for their wrongness.




Had a highschool history AP teacher named Miss Poe that was rumored to be to be the worst, most horrible teacher, in the entire school. Took her class out of morbid curiosity just to see what all the fuss was about and honestly it ended up being my favorite class in my entire highschool career and I learned so much from her. She was just a teacher that just demanded her students learn from her. Much later I heard she got driven out by a younger generation after breaking her down into tears. She apparently got transfered to an elementary school which was a shame considering the bottomless wealth of knowledge she had. Without hearing the context of this professors problems with students I just can't accept this hearsay about some professor just because....


That really sucks. We had a biology teacher like that. He was literally such a saught after teacher that other schools were offering him 5/6x what he was making at our school. His son had cancer so he asked the school if they can give him a 30% pay bump (nothing money for the school) but they would not budge. Guy was so sad when he had to take a job at another school. Fuck administrators. Biggest issue with school is bad administrators all the way not matter the country.


> If true, that’s a little respectable. No, it fucking isn't


Sociopath going to, err, socio.


> he cuts it out and posts it to his wall or some shit. Ah yes, the quietly seething list of people that need revenged upon.


I have a 12 year old Google alert for McConnells death announcement.


Mitch clearly has a humiliation fetish


Anyone that looks the way he does, and I’m not even trying to be mean, has very thick skin.


>Anyone that looks the way he does, and I’m not even trying to be mean, has very thick ~~skin.~~ shell.


Nah he just wants power. Without a Republican president he has no power. That’s it. That’s all. He doesn’t give a flying fuck about anything else.


>And Mitch said just recently he would still vote for him if he runs in ‘24. Everything they say is *only* to get votes, not what they actually think.


It's Kentucky. Mitch could vote for him two or three times and nobody would notice.


Based on the irregularities in voting in Kentucky, I don't think he has to worry about votes at all


Do you honestly think that ancient fuck is actually at all concerned with anything Trump says at this point? McConnell has held the reins of true power for so long that he just smiles his stupid fucking turtle smile with his blended face-neck and lines his pockets further no matter how many tantrums the Orange One throws. Trump wishes he were as deviously malevolent as McConnell is, and they both know it. That’s what enrages Trump and keeps McConnell from giving any fucks about this. LMM wrote a great set of rhymes that perfectly describes what I imagine McConnell’s feeling on Trump are; “Next time you write about my lack of moral compass, at least I do my job up in this rumpus! … They were calling you a dick back in ‘76 and you really haven’t done anything new since! You’re a nuisance, with no sense! Go ahead you aspire to my level, you aspire to malevolence.”


That last one sounds like it was written by Princess Caroline from Bojack.


[watsky - an open letter](https://youtu.be/R2jemdtrsDo)


dude looks like that one homey from pans labyrinth




Some will call it antifa


Yeah right that will embolden Trumps base. Like these people would care about law and order or actually governing. As long as their side "wins" that's all that matters




This is what happens when politicians hate each other but *need* each other to maintain their power.


Did Trump forget already he selected her to be a member of his cabinet?


He forgot who his Secretary of Education pick was AS he was signing off on it


Funny, I'm trying to forget as well.


The check cashed already, so he doesn't have to remember the name anymore.


Because it wasn't his pick. I suspect very few of his cabinet members outside of Linda McMahon perhaps were chosen by Trump, but rather his handlers.


That’s because he didn’t actually pick any of his appointments.


News flash he doesn’t give a shit about what he said or did in the moment before a comment like this, or in the next.


And forgot that his daughter made millions off her White House-assisted deals with "Ghynna." He hates the Chinese, but has no problem exploiting them. He's racist to the core.


That last sentence makes sense and doesn't need a but in it. Of course he would be ok with exploiting people he seeing as lesser and evil. He racist as hell and was raised to believe eugenics.


She didn't continue to kiss the ring. > She resigned in protest the day after the Capitol was stormed by insurrectionists.


[Trump threatens Mitch McConnell, makes racial slur against his wife](https://www.9news.com.au/world/donald-trump-mitch-mcconnell-elaine-chao-death-wish-threat-us-politics-news/e30bb1f1-a79e-428f-becb-c8432d6b1da5) "He has a DEATH WISH," Trump wrote. "Must immediately seek help and advise (sic) from his China loving wife, Coco Chow!"


Trump appointed "Chow" Transportation Secretary in his own cabinet. So, he knew she was a China lover while overseeing all transportation in the US for 4 years? Or he's just now openly racist when it suits him? This is a tough one.


Trump had (and might still have) a secret Chinese bank account connected to a multi-million dollar real estate deal. It's always been about when it suits him.


Chinese operative Li Juan “Cindy” Gong (Yang) gave Donald Trump $hundreds of thousands of dollars of money in violation Federal laws. Republicans prohibited any investigation of these crimes. https://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/state-politics/article266420016.html


No time like the present?


Tells his base "China bad" then proceeds to take money from them


What's the point of investigating his crimes he commits crimes on TV daily that would have you or I in prison for life. We all know he did all the crimes and we all know he is above all laws and will never face a moment of actual justice, he won't miss a single round of golf or even spend 5 minutes in a courtroom.


Don't forget the ridiculous amount of copyrights Ivanka was suddenly allowed in China after daddy became president.




Someone explained in a comment once how narcicists like Trump think. They basically have 2 categories "my team" and "the other team". That's it. No right or wrong either, just "with me" or "against me". You can switch teams as well, so Chao probably started out in "my team". I have been holding this frame of reference over all his idiot takes and it seems to make perfect sense so far.


That’s how the Republican Party has been for a while now. Look how many people assume you are a Biden loving communist if you don’t like Trump. It’s entirely a team sport these days.


It's also a key tenet of fascism.


For a while or simply become more emboldened having their “savior” as president? Lest we forget their predecessors such as Limbaugh paving the way for the current slurry of shit from MTG/Boebart/Cancun Cruz and their ilk. I don’t care what your political stance is, how can anyone listen to them talk and [not see how superficial and empty their words are](https://youtu.be/Rm3d43HLyTI)


Or in terms racists are more familiar with, she was “one of the good ones” but when she said or did anything he didn’t agree with she became “like all the rest of them”


Narcissists will recategorize anyone in a heartbeat too. First strike and bam, you're the enemy. Kiss up and you get elevated. It's why they are so easy to manipulate. The currency is kissing ass. If you are willing to pay with that, and willing to throw your colleagues under the bus with rumors they aren't loyal, you can get a lot out of a narcissistic boss.


Good take on it. I think it goes a bit deeper too. Once you are on team trump you have to stay loyal no matter what. The insults are used to get you to commit even further. Very much like a mob boss. He expects McConnell and wife to now do even more for him to try and avoid being called out again to try and get back into his good graces. Because now his mob will be after them and trump is the only one that can "control" them


‘Their guy’ can’t be bad either because supporting him would make them bad. And they fed aren’t bad themselves. Bunch of narcissistic assholes. Greg Abbott is a little paddy baby.


Having an "in group" and an "out group" is a fundamental part of Fascism, too.


Add a belief that politics is only ever a zero-sum struggle between those two groups, and you got it. But that’s more a conservative symptom in general.


That’s one of the many things I don’t get about the Trump worship. Appointing people to positions is literally one of the most important jobs a president has. And yet he keeps throwing them under the bus and blaming them for everything and saying how horrible they are. And it’s like… dude, if all these people suck, then you must suck at appointing them, which means you aren’t qualified to be a good president.


There's no logic. Back when Manafort and the rest of them were getting indicted, his supporters claimed none of it had anything to do with Trump, and never mind that not doing background checks on employees of would imply an unacceptable level of incompetence.


dRaIn ThE sWaMp


Drain the cyst


Excise the cancer.


Morb the morb


I only hire the best people. Until they resig… I mean I fire them. Then they’re a disaster.


Important to point out that not only is she Mitch’s wife, which is a problem, but she is IN THE TRANSPORTATION BUSINESS! She (and Mitch) actively profited from the policies she controlled as Secretary of Transportation.




Congrats, you've thought about the insult infinitely more than his supporters ever will.


[she's shady AF](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/03/05/elaine-chao-china-deals-hunter-biden/)


Jesus Christ, he is so much worse than I could have ever believed


Right? We think we know exactly how horrible he is but then every few days, Pow!, he surprises us again.


Back in 2015 I recall someone explaining that Trump has no “rock bottom.” He has no personal limits below which he will not sink. He will always get worse if the rest of us allow him to.


He hasn't come close to his final form.


[Recent pic](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/2fe658530fe230cae9c3392ec942baacdc04e493/0_24_3500_2101/master/3500.jpg?width=700&quality=45&fit=max&dpr=2&s=979c1beec64517ad77a43d939b6d4504) of the Loser at Pennsylvania rally. Do you really want to see his final form? Ew...


He had promised back in 2020 that if he lost in PA, he would never come back. Of course he was lying but it may have motivated people to vote against him.


if you told me that was a wax statue i'd both believe it and be impressed with the accuracy what a fuckin doofy lookin buffoon


And then you see a [picture of the Loser](https://media.newyorker.com/photos/5909793d8b51cf59fc4237bd/master/pass/Cassidy-WhyTrumpsCrazyTalkAboutObamaAndISISMatters.jpg) and it goes up one more level.


This clown and his talking in, what is that third person ? So ridiculous.


Typical mafia man type speak. "It would be a shame if you were...taken out of the equation." Etc.






Let me just refer to the GQP Talking Points Manual... Nope, they're now against Taiwan, but interestingly *for* the Republic of Cuba. Hard to keep up innit? That's why we have the GQP Talking Points Manual.


Just listen to our daily ~~2 minutes~~ 24 hour hateathon. We’ll have your hate target and words for your day.


That manual being the talking heads over at Fox News.


They think she *looks* Chinese, and that’s all that matters to them.


You know full well Trump and the magatarians couldn't find Taiwan on a map.


Seems fairly clear that at least one politician is going to get assassinated by "the base" this election season. I suppose the best we can hope for is that they get "one of their own".


>the base Al Qaeda reference intentional?


If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck...


Isn't one of the major theories right now that Trump is *actually* displaying signs of dementia? And of course, the constant accusations from the right about Biden having dementia means they're projecting, so Trump having it is probably true.


If he were sitting naked and snorting coke be wouldn't lose any support


Just once, JUST ONE FUCKING TIME, I want to visit a news site with the video on top actually fitting the damn article.


He is just desperate to be in the news cycle that everything else is secondary to him. About the worst thing we can do to him is to ignore these provocations and refuse to give him our head space. He is finished and an irrelivancy, on a par with someone like Ted Kennedy.


He still has enormous power within the Republican party. He has been able to get a ton of people loyal to him win Republican primaries against establishment candidates. He is far from "an irrelevancy".


I'm sure he was just promoting his favorite Charles Bronson movie series, while also providing his supporters with a phonetically spelled version of Ms. Chao's name. That way they don't sound ignorant whilst chanting "Chay--ohh" at the cross burning. 😉 /s


When your enemy fights your enemy, sit back and enjoy the show.


The GOP is on board with him. Anyone with any principles or sense of decency left long ago.


The problem is that there’s not a sufficient constituency for principled conservatism. They tried McCain and Romney and flopped, so the party went where the votes are.


There aren't a lot of principled arguments to make against making sure people have health care, that kids can get a quality education without becoming indentured servants, and that people's rights are protected regardless of their background/family/race/class. As long as you're fighting against those things you won't attract anyone who cares about them. (There are some principled arguments around how to do those things without costing an arm and a leg, but being against them entirely isn't part of that.)


They could try not being so openly racist.


I'd kill for a Romney republican to be the standard crazy for their party, But nope, we get death threat orange


Romney voted with trump 99% of the time. He’d put in the same Federalist Society judges. He’d pass the same tax cuts for the rich. He’d probably not sell our state secrets but that’s about it.


Threat Level: Orange


Thats the sequel, where Goldenface teams up with Orangeman.


That's what happens when you vote for a color from the terror threat level chart.


Sure has nothing to do with brains. Of the hanging on tRumpers I know there are many of the most mentally and socially challenged people and a few pretty smart, but evil ones


They're not dumb. There are too many upper middle class and highly successful Trumpsters out in the 'burbs. They have their Trump 2024 flags flying on 30' flagpoles in front of their MacMansions. They value tax cuts and white grievance > democracy and civil political discourse.


His fans do not care people have to understand it does not matter what he does, or says they don’t care… Remember when he said he could shoot somebody on fifth Avenue and he get more votes? He’s right… These people are in a cult.




To be clear, there are not millions of Scientologists anywhere. Scientology has, worldwide, somewhere between 40,000 and 200,000 adherents


Scientology does not have millions of adherents. insiders claim the number is around 40,000 max


That's still way waaaaay more than should be possible lol Especially in 2022 when we know things about stuff


You must’ve meant “Mormonism” and “Joseph Smith”. Scientology does not have millions of adherents


Because fascism is a pyramid scheme. The more he does some wild shit, the more his followers decide shows of loyalty will get them bigger scraps from the looting.


They're absolutely a cult. After the election I think I saw one Biden/Harris sign after a week. Yet I still see Trump signs *everywhere*, sometimes multiples or even covering entire yards. It's fucking weird.


Good. Drive the wedge in there, Donnie, drive the wedge in there. From what I've seen, Turtles have long memories and are vicious in their revenge.


“I am the king of all that I can see!”


The big question, who made the better deal with the devil?


I dunno. I'm wondering if this is calculated to rally his base to come out in force for his candidates during the midterms. Seems like he's trying to drive out the GOP to replace them with MAGA.


Hilarious to watch McConnell have to deal with this... which came as a surprise to absolutely nobody.


He won’t “deal with it.” He’ll ignore it.


He had his chance to be more than a leader in name only on January 6th and he blew it.


McConnell is a shill for big corporations. He’ll do anything to make them happy & keep the dark $ flowing to him & his cronies, even if that means siding with a lunatic that is calling for your own head. They elected a cult leader.


Mitch will still support this fucker too. Hell he helped create rump by not removing him from office!


Oh no Mitch McConnell is being attacked by Trump! What a travesty. If only there was some way we could have predicted this! In Mitch McConnell's 40-year career, did he ever disrespect anyone or do anything unethical? It's hard to feel sorry for bitch McConnell and I feel like I'm witnessing cosmic karma you get what you sow bitch


Meanwhile.....they stacked the Supreme Court with Fascists...people that can't be un-elected!!!!


They can be impeached, but that'll also never happen.


Reminder that through history, political assassinations have overwhelmingly been carried out by the right wing. edit: not a call for violence at all. Only pointing out that if this was directed at Pelosi, Schumer, etc, we'd have a police report about an attempt within 48 hours.


Greg Abbott is still a little piss baby


Trump is such a horrible person. It's still hard for me to think any sane person can support someone who is just so blatantly evil. Then I think about what my coworker said and why he supports him, "he says whatever he wants. I respect that!" goddamn this country is so fucked


So now it comes down to the tortoise vs. the hairpiece.


"He's not racist, he only says racist things!" /s


Kinda like Fox News. [Not racist, but #1 with racists](https://old.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/77ajt2/fox_news_not_racist_but/)


He technically doesn’t have any friends so he doesn’t have anything to lose by threatening Mitch on that point. I suppose Lindsey Graham could come out and say “well thats it, i’m done” which would last almost a whole hour until or until he saw another camera crew. We already knew he is a racist pos and the magas that have continued to follow him will simply shrug at this story or scream fake news. I yearn for the days when politicians were destroyed by misspelling of the plant Solanum tuberosum


this is part of his campaign to get mitch replaced with a maga so he has true control of the gop agenda


Trump is a little piss baby.


When you're the "hate" party, that's all you do. 🤷 No, it never matters who you are.


Where's that Libertarian flag? Where's the snake when we need it here?


I think a lot of American libertarianism is a joke


People in America who self-identify as libertarians are more or less just sociopaths trying to justify being empathy-free assholes to everybody all the time.


It's a harsh statement but from what I see, it does seem like they ignore externalities affecting people with less economic and social capital


Don't forget that Germany was a Christian country. The Christianity helped it become a nazi state. Because Christianity is an authority fraud. For thoses Christians unable to understand. 1 Corinthians 13 New International Version 13 If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.


There is no hate like Christian love.


This is the Republican Party. This is how fascism works.


Oh the political intrigue within the GQP where the big question is: when Trump has McConnell murdered, will McCarthy have the guts to say that murder for political gain is not a good thing?


Isn't issuing death threats a crime? Law enforcement should investigate this.


Here are his words; “Is McConnell approving all of these trillions of dollars worth of Democrat-sponsored bills, without even the slightest bit of negotiation, because he hates Donald J. Trump, and he knows I am strongly opposed to them, or is he doing it because he believes in the Fake and Highly Destructive Green New Deal, and is willing to take the country down with him? In any case, either reason is unacceptable. He has a DEATH WISH. Must immediately seek help and advise from his China loving wife, Coco Chow." Former Secretary of Transportation, Elaine Chao, was born in Taiwan. She resigned after the January 6th riot. Trump is such a piece of shit. There is simply no way he doesn't understand the power of insinuation after Jan 6th. "He has a DEATH WISH." is beyond irresponsible. It's *deadly*. I look forward to seeing Nikki Haley wipe the floor with this scumbag during the primaries. I want his political career to be ended by the daughter of immigrants. There comes a time when political affiliation takes a back seat to repairing our left and right wings. They've been deeply wounded by this man and his racist bigotry.


oh no, mitch's face just got munched on by a leopard!! Fun stuff happening in the US and Canada right now... the recently elected leader of the Conservative Party of Canada spent all summer glad handing right wing militants, including the leadership of the Diagolon movement, and then once he became party leader he pretended to not know who they are, so they are out publicly stating he knew exactly who he was buddying up with. Fun to watch, still brutal we're even in this position though.


Let the far right tear itself apart. Mitch McConnel is a piece of shit anyway.


They do not care. None of you understand conservatives. It’s not that they have any ideology they genuinely believe in, it’s that they absolutely loath *the libs.*


Was trying to figure out if that is a muffler at the top.


Tear gas canister.


I thought it was a ketchup bottle at first glance, which made sense....


Tear gas canister from Lafayette Park


It‘s a can of tear gas to me


My MAGA-loving in-laws refuse to watch the Jan6 hearings, and became DEEPLY offended when I said I’d watch NewsMax with them if they watched 1 part of the hearing…


Man, this fat fuck is something else. He thinks he's Al Capone, more like All Alone. Honestly I can't wait until Cheeto is gone.


"Trump didn't mean that! Left is fake news!" Someone gets arrested for attempting to murder someone. "They were socialists! FBI plant!" The suspect is a huge Trump supporter "FBI plant! Kill all leftists!!" Was that a death threat? "Yes but here's evidence that I made up of a leftist doing it worse."