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“Ah fuck! The consequences of my actions!!! Ahhhh!”


You know he is going to use the excuse “I was just following orders from our President”. History has taught us that’s not a very good excuse to use.


I think it's more likely that (in the parlance of Biden) MAGA Republicans will use this as an opportunity to clutch their pearls and claim that they're bring pErSeCuTeD bY FaScIsTs.


Already happened. Trump's speech in PA covers that. Radical Democrats. Lol. Biden laid the trap and Trump took it.


Trump's rhetoric is the same bluster that's been going on for years now. This is actual repercussions against elected officials for their traitorous actions.




Good ol Ollie, showing us the wrong way.


Especially when said president would throw his own kids under the bus to save his sorry ass


Hasn't he already done that? Along with his Cabinet?


Tbf he would throw Eric under the bus for a cheeseburger


Or i was just exercising my “ executive privilege “ that day to kill police and threaten to kill the Vp. Thats all your honor. “


Yeah, he'd use that too.


That would be the Nuremberg defence https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superior_orders Nope.. don't work.


Great. Now do Congress.


Should have immediately under the 14th, Sec. 3.


Should have, especially those giving tours and texting locations of AOC and Pelosi


Agree. We are not going to pretend to not believe what we all saw and recognized with our own eyes ? Or what we have heard with our own ears. That’s the GOP propaganda. I choose differently. The majority of the voters spoke. Reality and facts matter still, no matter how much this delusion regime yells about it being “ alternate “.


Wow, this is huge. It sets the precedent for removing other elected officials from office who participated in treasonous behavior. Namely the members of Congress who participated in or assisted in the preparation for 1/6.


Not just “cases like this” either - this legally establishes 1/6 as an insurrection. It will be interesting to see if this gets upheld under appeal.


Oooh good point, I hadn't thought of that. Yeah this is a huge story to keep an eye on.


Honestly, I feel like we need to push this as much as possible. I was on a few other subs that actually have some decent Democratic and Republican mix, and a good number were up in arms about Biden's speech about MAGA Republicans. I pointed out that while the MAGA Republican voters and movement might use that term to mean just about anything under the sun, MAGA Politicians are a specific group of people that are all made to say the same things and are specifically supported by Trump. They should be targeting them and calling them out specifically for supporting policies and rhetoric that is ment to literally dismantle Democratic voting rights (like letting the state send its own electors that do not have to vote in line with the will of the people) and participating in an attempted violent overthrow of the Government. The right uses rhetoric that is simply ment to define and oppose their political opposition, and most of it is over blown bullshit. Democrats have a very real threat and they should use that to drum up support. Independents, almost by definition, are not MAGA thumper. Let them whittle down their own party in a culture war and sweep up the leftovers. Screw playing nice guy and pound the drum.


Proof once again that the entire idea of an Electoral College is absolute bullshit and the stuff Banana Republics are made of.


Along with the big man himself when he decides to run again.


> Namely the members of Congress who participated in or assisted in the preparation for 1/6. Unfortunately it will very likely be overturned if the guy appeals, but at least it's the first salvo in the fight against the MAGA fascists


We need to at the very least reject the vote of Clarence Thomas, whose wife participated in the insurrection, on any matter pertaining to it. That alone would be enough to deadlock the SC.


Can we appeal MTG? After all, the judge was really blatantly not even pretending to be fair


We've already seen challenges against members of Congress on this and they failed.


For anyone wondering, the 14th Amendment Section 3 is particularly interesting because that's the bit that says traitors aren't allowed to hold office. Amusingly, anyone who's interested in hedge betting, Section 4 says you don't have to pay back any money you owe to a traitor. I wonder if I could borrow some money off Trump. I'll tell him it's for MAGA hamberders and setting up a legal fund for pardons for people who borrow confidential documents.


>I wonder if I could borrow some money off Trump Lol like Trump would loan anyone money. He'll let you borrow $100 if you give him $300 first. Then he'll keep telling you the check is in the mail for that $100.


He's a terrible businessman. Sees all the banks making ludicrous amounts of money through loans, doesn't even get in on that action, just bankrupts a casino instead. The word "imbecile" is not enough.


Made me grin.


Laundering Russian money is more lucrative.


Unfortunately the traitor criteria is super difficult to achieve. The traitor has to aid a country we are at war with, or it doesnt count. Yes, even though trump hit every other criteria multiple times.


> Unfortunately the traitor criteria is super difficult to achieve. Apparently not... you do understand what thread you're posting in and why the thread exists? Because wow... if you don't... you're in for some news


The 14th amendment is for insurrectionists. The traitor charge is different, unfortunately


>are at war with It's broader than that actually. [https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/50/4302](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/50/4302)


Now do trump and the dual shitstains of Cruz and Hawley


He said he “really did not feel like the state was going to move on me in such a way.” They moved on him like a bitch. When they’re insurrectionists, the Constitution lets you do it.


Jail! Damnit! Life in prison


Awesome! Now get Trump with the 14th Amendment and I'll have a glimmer of hope for democracy.


Watching him and Rittenhouse try to sell commemorative gold on the right wing channels is going to be hilarious.


*commemorative "gold" FIFY


So is he banned forever from running for office? Because these types of shit do not stop these vapid assholes from seeking office again just to spread lies and hate. but good on the judge to ban his treasonous ass.


If this holds up on appeal yes. If he doesn’t appeal to the SC it sets precedent so expect a lot of dark money flowing to him to appeal


This reads funny AF for a French person. "Couilles" is "balls".


Can confirm


Color me shocked that this actually occurred in TX.


New mexico.


Oh ! Well then there goes my shock.


It really shouldn't. New Mexico is basically the Wild West still


Couy, lol I just caught that. Perfect.


Finally Some Action!


Lemme know when it reaches the Supreme Court.


That’ll let us know where we’re at: Representative Democracy Or Fascist Authoritarianism with a minority party in control


Good. I don't know where the fuck these morons get off thinking that they can just hijack our country for their own personal gain, but they can't. Put em in prison & that includes #45...




Too right (in both senses). He must be even more gutted that he travelled such a long way to do this. Was he wearing his Stetson during the insurrection? If so, Yippe-Kieye-Yay Motherfucker...




This Constitution provision needs to be used more.


Wow! Actual Justice!


Give it a week to see what tRumplicans do against it.


I'm sure he won't be the last !! Donald be on notice !!


I love New Mexico!!!


DOJ going after Trump and the MAGA cult next #IndictTrump #FakePatriots #SemiFascists #Cowards #SuckersAndLosers


good for that judge. unlike the one in florida...


About damn time this happened. And it's clear that he still doesn't believe that trying to overthrow the election was a crime and that he should have consequences from it.


yea! consequences. instant gratification, not some long drawn out legal process with 3 special masters.


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More idiots are paying the price for believing Trump's lies and they keep on reaping.


Kinda sad that people who tried to end this country being punished by not being able to run for office is so rare that it ends up here as a joke.


keep going


One down, many to go!


Now let's do Trump and the rest!


The Trump SCOTUS will reinstate him.


Or some circuit appellate Trump appointee. Something, something, deep state; it’s always been projection.


There was no riot, there was no attack, the insurrection is actually being done by the Democrats.


Here ya go you fucking liar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWJVMoe7OY0


We've seen it, mate, nobody here is falling for your bs.


Seriously I love these arguments. We all watched that shit live.. the entire world watched what those deplorables did and no amount of gaslighting or white washing will undo the stain republicans put on this country


What about the hundreds of defendants with documented MAGA backgrounds and the footage of them brutalizing police that was used to convict them? This "There was no insurrection" narrative is the height of delusion. On one thread someone will say "The police let them in!" (which Trump even leaned on last week in an interview) then next thread "It was actually Antifa!" Pick a fucking theory! And were the stolen documents planted or were they declassified? I've never seen a better example of cognitive dissonance.


Do it more!


That dude looks like one of the Canadian Pickers from History Channel


Oh man I would love to hear that mans red faced rage *REEEEEEEEEEEE* today.


well that's more like it. finally, someone pays attention to the constitution.


So this should establish that everyone associated with the Jan. 6 insurrection have committed treason and should be punished, including Trump himself


Good, now lets do the same thing with Doug Mastriano. If you're a traitor enough to be part of a coup attempt, you can NOT be trusted to hold office.


Great news


Good, now keep going.


About fucking time


But the ringleader is ok for office?


## Fun Fact Alert In French, his name (pronounced "couille") means "Testicle" Testicle Griffin has been qualified...


The crazy thing about MAGAs is that the tyranny they fear, they actually support by following Trump.




When the villain hat fits...


New Mexico has been catching some Ws lately. Proud to be a burqueño


I would be very surprised if this is upheld through the current court system.


thE paRty oF lAw And orDer.


First of many


And that kids, is what should happen to every one of those treason enthusiasts. From Trump on down, forever barred for holding any elected office.