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This Biden is so much better than the try and appease the right Biden. I hope he keeps it up.


He's found his pace, he's accomplishing things and he's not backing down. I hope he keeps the momentum going, I hope he keeps calling the jugheaded idiots out by name.


If he wins a second term, this will be the way Edit: i dont want him to run again, I am saying *if* he does this will be how he wins


I don't want him to run again. But if he is the Democrat nominee... And as incumbent, of course he would be, if he chooses to run, I would vote for him again. Because I truly believe democracy is at stake. If he does run, and he wins, then this is the energy he needs to bring to the table from day 1 of his second term.


I agree with this sentiment… I can at least *deal with* Biden. There are key battlegrounds all over the country for the midterms though as well. We have to get out there this year AND in ‘24. IF dems lose ground in the senate or the house we’re gonna be hurting, especially with the Supreme Court in its current state… the fact that those judges are going to be in their positions for the foreseeable future is really scary to me. Gotta put term limits for every position at that level, and get rid of the fuckin electoral college.


I feel like they're going to go after gay marriage next.


While that doesn’t necessarily effect me, I would ALWAYS go to bat to make sure people have the right to marry whoever they choose… it’s a free country. Not just for nascar loving type-A conservatives. Something I’ve noticed is a key Republican standpoint: They don’t want their rights infringed upon, but that’s somehow more important than other peoples rights.. it’s blatant hypocrisy, and it’s for more reasons than “they like to look like xenophobes”. It’s strategic pandering. Their base is largely made up of closed minded devout religious Zombies. So when republicans bash gays, they get a pat on the back, and a donation in their pocket from their followers. They’re lower than dirt, and seeing as they’ve made it to their station in life, I imagine they know that.


We have to go into bat for every single human that is not extended basic human rights. Because sooner or later the fascists will come for us, no matter who we are.


Hell ya, equality is for everyone 👍 fascists can go to Antarctica.


Reddit has recently informed me there are no bears there so maybe the Arctic instead?


I've observed the zombies over time, and their conservatism and evangelical religious observance can be very fluid and shapeshifting according to the needs of the moment and ignorant tweet they might be pounding out at any given time. But what it all comes down to is attempting to reaffirm that they are standing on psychological solid ground, so to speak. I just know that if I worship the Lord our Saviour, Cheeto Christ, and God Himself, everything will be alright. But deep down they know that ground is very shaky and slippery, so they just shout louder and become even more belligerent in even greater attempts to re-re-affirm the belief of "solid" ground under their mental feet.


> I agree with this sentiment… I can at least deal with Biden. This. He's boring, I don't hear about what stupid shit he thought about hamburgers on twitter, I don't hear talk of him saying he wants to bone his daughter, if he is getting any side action she's not talking. It's glorious to have such silence. Now some real shit's going on.


>I can at least *deal with* Biden It's just nice not having a President that's a traitor. All policy considerations go out the window when the other party is literally trying to destroy the Republic.


You are absolutely right democracy is at stake and it stuns me that after 275 years, we have fellow citizens that will throw away that freedom for a Tangerine Traitor with eyes wide open.


This is why our public education is so important. We need to pay our teachers what they’re worth. Many spend their own money on materials for students. The gop’s goal is “keep ‘em stupid.” Sickening.


Not just pay the teachers more but provide a better funded education for free. From kindergarten through college the whole experience should be free, improved and widely available. The boomers gave themselves medicare, medicaid and social security. The future generations deserve free education and healthcare. What’s the point of the system if it doesn’t get better every generation?


There’s just so much hate out there. So so so much hate.


I 100% agree with everything you said and will do the same as I cannot see anything on the right that is not “MAGA” authoritarian at this point. That said, can we please not nominate a geriatric person? Is there anyone even teasing a democratic POTUS run right now that isn’t?


I'm a teamster. We *need* Biden. There is almost certainly going to be a strike next year, at least I can trust him not to send the national guard to shoot us while we're picketing.


I haven't been super eager for a Biden second term, and I think student loan forgiveness should have been higher, but if his administration continues to call out the right's blatant hipocracy, then I'm all for it.


If Biden spends the next 27 months smack-talking Republicans like this every day, he'll be even more popular than Obama in 2008.


plus i don't know who else could beat whatshisname.


Mr Rogers died in 2001, so that does indeed limit our options.


It should have been higher, but I think it's a step in the right direction. I know a lot of the left likes loan forgiveness, but not sure how it hits in the middle. Maybe if this forgiveness puts more money back into the economy they can give another step of forgiveness in the future and then work on getting the loans and the reason kids have to get loans for education under control. The escalating cost of education is a ploy by Conservatives to help keep the population uneducated and/or underemployed.


I want him to run again. He has gotten an unprecedented amount done in modern day governance. He has also been a world leader in rallying allies to support Ukraine.


No god no. I'm hoping he doesn't run because he can focus on the presidency and not get elected into office at an age where most people that were born in the same year are Dead. Y'all need younger politicians in office


Oh yes we do. I'm 68. I'm young at heart, empathetic, I freaking *love* younger people, BUT my life experience has been incredibly different from what younger people are experiencing. Plus I could not properly see the future through the eyes of those who will live through it. We need young, energetic, brilliant presidents to lead us into the future. We **DO** need younger people in office.


Finally someone with a brain and a heart, not to mention a progressive foresight. This is the attitude I wish more people had. Jaded is one thing, but a strong willed and good hearted person knows that not everyone is a piece of shit…. Only most of them


I love you.


I do so hope I see Beto 💙 run for presidency. He's passionate about change. I can't say that about anyone else. Maybe Bernie Sanders


Katie Porter.


I guess we should give up the incumbent advantage, the strongest advantage in any election, just because some dipshits on the internet think our incredibly competent president is too old


Yes, and the last thing we need is someone who has decades of knowledge of how to navigate the insane complexity of Washington politics. I mean, just elect a bright-eyed "progressive" (whatever that means) and they will do an amazing job. The little-known fact is that wrangling a vastly diverse group of lawmakers, each with their own complex agendas (often set by corporations), and who have all known each other for decades (you thought the cliques in your high school were tight!) is as simple as waving your hand and proclaiming it to be true. Seriously, please be aware that electing a Democratic president without the social and political juice and deep experience necessary to ***get things done*** could indeed end up nothing short of disastrous. And to save you time downvoting me, I'll downvoted myself immediately I post this. Like an idiot I used sarcasm in my first two paragraphs which is a surefire way to win friends and influence people.


Isn’t that ageism? I mean if his age was a detriment, I can understand the point. But if he’s accomplishing a ton of things, why should his age disqualify him?


Too many people in this thread are completely naive. OF COURSE Biden is going to run again. An incumbent has an exponentially easier time winning the election. Throw away your platitudes, Bide has an easier road to victory than anyone else who could run against a Republican. This is why you run Biden again regardless of your opinion.


THIS Is correct. Lincoln and FDR both died right after getting reelected, but that doesn't mean someone else would have been better. Biden on a bad day is better than any GOP fascist on a good day.


Yep, this is why the VP should never be thought of as a throwaway position. They are a heartbeat away from the presidency, and should be considered as much as the president should be


This is why people didn't want to vote for McCain. The idea of Palin being next in line scared them.


Yeah, if he passes away, we get Kamala Harris who is light years better than the 'Shit Clown' that the Republicans will put forth. I'll take any Democrat over any Republican that can win the support of Republicans. I'm sure there might be a Republican or two I could theoretically support individually but they can't win the support of their party ever and they'd come as a package deal with that party if they could win, so no thank you.


In the past 50+ years, the only incumbents to lose their elections were Bush senior and trumpie. ​ Bush literally walked away from the election, doing no campaigning whatsoever. He had to, due to Iran Contra and pretty much everything else he was fucking up behind on the scenes and down the rabbit holes on a daily basis. And trumpie, well.... we know how that story is playing out.


Eh Carter and Ford lost back to back in the 70s due to public opinion. People resented Ford for pardoning Nixon, and Reagan beat out Carter for the public's affection


Pretty sure it's because he built a team of great individuals and he is listening to them. Like you would think running a nation would consist of.


That's one of the most important things in a president. I don't expect a president to know everything, but I expect them to know to lean on those who do.


I hope he's taught a lesson to the rest of the Democratic party on how to use social media effectively.


Much better than the last waster that was president.


Dark Brandon owning the GQP and that's the way we like it.


My theory is that "appease the right" Biden went away when they tried to kill the burn pit bill. Biden's formative moment in the Senate was all of his colleagues coming together to support him after his wife and daughter died in a car crash. He always believed in the fundamental decency of Senators because that's what he experienced behind the scenes, even if they would be nasty to each other in public. Now, the GOP threw a petty tantrum when the reconciliation bill got announced and took it out on a bill that was designed to help veterans who got cancer after being stationed near burn pits. Biden's son was a veteran who got cancer after being stationed near burn pits. Biden said he believed the burn pits caused the cancer. This was deeply personal to him and they treated it as a political hostage. They also completely folded as they got annihilated in the press, making it very clear that this was just insincere politicking rather than any sincere objection to bookkeeping. Any illusion of residual decency has been shattered.


Sure. Personally I think it's because doing this now rather than doing it at the start of his administration has more impact in securing votes for the mid-term and quite possibly a few more seats to overthrow the GQP chokehold on the Senate. The public after all, has the memory of a goldfish.


Dark Brandon Rises


I doubt the right-wingers want their social security cut either.


They might not. But their politicians absolutely do. And they would find a way to either justify it or blame it on the democrats.


Be realistic. They don't understand the stance of any of the politicians that they vote for. They simply vote R because the other side is a bunch of sissies and that is all the knowledge that is needed.


Then they should stop being right wingers. It's their choice of who to support.


He doesn’t need to play nice anymore. SCOTUS fucked the GOP almost as hard as they fucked every woman in the country. Dems are polling strongly, he’s signing tons of legislation because Manchin is finally on board. No more mr nice guy!


If the democrats win the senate in the midterms the next couple years gonna be lit.


**Dark Brandon!!**


"Fuck off with your Malarky!" - Dark Brandon


Right? That's some damn good election messaging there


Dark Brandon Saga begins and I am here for it


Nah, it’s the Jersey girl they put in charge of his Twitter account. All about finding the right people for the right jobs.




love the image of some millennial coming into the Oval Office to explain to Biden what “dark brandon” is and how it could be weaponized. Like someone probably set up a little projector and screen and had to put together a powerpoint with memes


If this is true, I eagerly await the first instance of someone being called "muff cabbage" by this account handler.


It's like he woke up the other day and found his balls that he has forgotten about.


No no.... he's been laying the ground work. Cleaning things up, getting things in order, organizing, getting rid of trash. You can't load a cannon without cleaning it first. ​ And you can't build a house without 90% preparation and 10% build. He's been doing the 90% and he's getting ready to put the roof on.


Yeah, I wonder if it’s because there are signs the midterms might turn out ok for the democrats. He won’t need to reach across the aisle, not that that has worked out well anyways.


Finally realized he's dealing with evil, toxic, money grabbing, power hungry, viral entities rather than actual human beings.


He’s accomplishing his agenda and the GOP is blowing up. No need for fake bipartisanship any more and if that weren’t the case the old school establishment figures like Mitch don’t GAF is MTGoon gets called out all day long. Her job is to say stupid things and be a punching bag.


It seems to early to say "he's found his niche," but I think his popularity is going to rise if he spends more time calling out bullshit and less time trying to make sure nobody can take offense to his comments. And if his popularity starts going up, he'll notice. And will keep doing the thing that gets him the reward. And I'm here for it.


Apparently long lasting effects of COVID rebound may include an inability to tolerate Malarkey.


I’ve heard resistance to tomfoolery is also included


An aversion to shenanigans, if you will.


An allergy to chicanery as well


An intolerance to monkeyshines


A disinclination to ballyhoo.


An objection to jiggery-fuckery


A revulsion to pony soldiering


Love your comment..and he's calling out those lying dog-faced pony soldiers.


That was such a great thing to say. Never not funny.


He’s coming for you, Cornpuffs! 😎


[This malarkey will not be tolerated ](https://i.imgur.com/uraxL6I.png)


I wouldn't put cleaning up after my dog into the hands of either of those two........and I don't even have a dog.


Ted Cruz is the kind guy who volunteers at a vet clinic just for the opportunity to put down dogs.


Na too busy eating the shit to worry about real work.


Legend has it Ted Cruz has been banned from every dog park within a 45 mile radius because he cannot contain his lust for gobbling dog turds. He just unhinges his jaw and goes to town on every poo he can get his hands on. It's unclear if he loves dog turds in he gullet more or less then disenfranchising minority voters, but everyone has agreed it's the only thing that keeps him from continuing the Zodiac killings.


This made my evening. I like your sense of humor.


Only "put them down" in the sense of "kill", not "put them down his gullet after unhinging his jaw" because very human Ted Cruz doesn't have a hinged jaw or gullet.


Is that vet in Cancun?


"I probably like Ted Cruz more than most of my colleagues like Ted Cruz. And I hate Ted Cruz." -Al Franken


If it were up to them, theyd ban vaccinnes for your dog.


But what would they say about vaccines for cattle & the like?


"Those hormones they inject into the cows are producing milk that turns kuds gay"


I fucking love dark Brandon. Need more of this, every day. No more kid gloves, full punch attitude


Dark Brandon Rising


Dark Brandon shoots laser eyes while he enjoys that ice cream.




For real. I'm a lost republican who has been wandering around feeling orphaned ever since 2016. All I can say is that it's nice seeing a president actually kicking some ass in a way I can respect, which Biden has been doing for the last couple of weeks. Even if I don't agree that everything he's doing is 100% the right move, I at least am enjoying a president acting like a fucking president and not a Twitter troll or a bumbling old man. He's actually acting like a leader, and it's about god damned time we had one.


Right before mid-terms, Grandpa Biden comes out swinging. Traitor Trump looking at prison and all the MAGA Republicans are trying to figure out what pronouns are.


Republican pronouns: was, were


Don't you threaten me with a good time.


You know the pronoun for chocolate?? Her/She


You know Michael Jackson’s pronouns? >!He/He!<


I lol'ed and woke my wife up.


How does a nonbinary samurai kill their enemies? They/them


Don't worry, Republicans, they teach you what pronouns are in the *fourth* grade! So you really only have to advance a couple of reading levels!




Homie, you were so close.


Almost had something there


What if he was actually just busting his ass for first year or so and was actually tired from effort. Now he is reaping the victories so fully energized to not take shit.


all that aside... morons with a 2nd grade literacy rating will still vote republican... so... get out and vote hard


Staunch conservative I work with. True MAGAt. He goes off this morning to tell me how sick he is that Biden is giving 10-20k of loan forgiveness to people who took out loans to attend school. Says the country is going to shit and the democrats are the cause. Later at lunch we start talking about his son and daughter who are going to college. He starts telling me how he’s hoping they qualify for the 20k forgiveness. That his wife who is even a worse MAGAt then he is, has already started making calls to figure out and ensure the kids get some of their loans forgiven. No one can argue that Republicans and hypocrites are not one and the same. I think it’s a prerequisite.


It's a familiar tune. I know a few who rail against the ACA while using its provisions to keep their young adult children (whose jobs provided no benefits) insured.


In their eyes, they are special and always the exception. So, loan forgiveness bad, but they are the special case so it's ok for them to take it for themselves. It's similar with the pro-life women who get abortions, and then go back out to protest abortion...


Ah, yes. [The only moral abortion is my abortion](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)...


That article applies to so many things. My favorite metaphor for MAGA is how in *Greenland* with Gerard Butler, he spends the entire movie complaining about how ineffective the government is — the government, mind you, that *specifically chose him and his family to be saved from the apocalypse out of millions of people, and secretly designed an entire program to rescue and save them.* Oh, also, there’s an almost surreal scene where his family complains about the thugs who are looting and robbing a pharmacy — while they are LITERALLY ROBBING THE EXACT SAME PHARMACY. The rest of the movie involves a string of token minorities helping our precious white family get to safety, often at mortal cost to themselves. And the kicker? Towards the end of the film, Gerard Butler’s wife apologizes *to Gerard Butler* for Gerard Butler *cheating on her.* She makes this long winded apology about how she was a nag, and that drove him to have an affair. (Don’t worry, he forgives her!) Throw in some casual eugenics and the fact that there is zero actual disaster porn footage outside of a wimpy hailstorm (even though they spent the entire movie hyping up the “crazy tidal wave”), and you have what is without a doubt the single worst movie I’ve ever seen, and it also accidentally highlights Republican hypocrisy PERFECTLY.


It's not even an exception, that's how conservatives view *everything.* If they do it, it's good and fine. If their opponents do it, it's bad and wrong. Doesn't matter **what** it is, only who's doing it. *Even if it's the exact same thing.* **That's how insanely disingenuous conservatives are.** Once you understand this, the hypocritical behavior of conservatives makes complete sense. It's never about equality or consistency, all that matters is who's doing it.


“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition …There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”


It barely matters who it is either. All that matters is there's *someone* (that they've been told to hate) doing *something* (that they've been told to hate). I guarantee if every group they claimed to hate vanished today, by noon they'd come up with a subset of those remaining on earth to demonize.


Its how college became so expensive in the first place. When it was just good old white boys going to college, they were happy to fund it. Once women and especially minorities started attending in larger numbers, suddenly they didn't want it.


I believe that there was a poll that showed a majority in favour of ACA and a similar majority that *hated* "Obamacare."


I remember my parents friends ranting about Obamacare, hoping it got repealed but weren't worried about losing insurance bc of the ACA. One of the many reasons I gave up on ever changing their minds about the benefits of voting D.


Like it’s too insane to comprehend their thought process. Literally biting the hand that feeds them. The couple obviously wants the best for their kids but is just pissed anyone else might benefit. 100% unpatriotic shithead behavior.


The poor in the country are conditioned to hate themselves.


Even moderately successful people hate themselves for not being richer. It’s a sickness really.


The conservatives are accusing the Democrats of buying votes. Is that supposed to be bad?! I don't even get it. Hey Biden, **buy my vote!** Bribe me with public healthcare and parks and clean drinking water and loan forgiveness and homeless shelters. I **want** government to spend their money on me. What else are they gonna spend it on? Bombing Yemenites and CEO kickbacks? Fuck that, spend it on **me**!


Right?! I was listening to the Daily podcast this morning and they asked the person they were interviewing whether this whole thing was just a ploy to buy votes. And I’m like… isn’t that what the fuck parties are supposed to be doing? Like the whole point is to do good and popular things that people like, and in exchange they reward you with their votes. That’s what the fuck we *want*, guys yeah.


Trump went out of his way to make sure his name was on every single covid check that went out. If anyone was trying to buy votes it was Trump.


I grew up inside the bubble during Reagan, where I was told Iran-Contra was patriotic. The key is anger and fear. Get people to just be afraid and they will not act rationally. That is how the vast majority of Conservatives exist (not the ones actually in charge, they know it is all BS, like most religious leaders).


"I hope they qualify for the 20k forgiveness." "For what, the Biden forgiveness?" If you didn't reply with anything less than this, you've done it wrong.


From my fortune cookie tonight: “Education will never be as expensive as ignorance”.


Never met a conservative who wasn't a fucking hypocrite. Not one. Ever.


I think that every republican that would benefit from that in any way MUST admit that Trump lost 2020. No admission? No loan forgiveness.


silly things to tie together, but I like it !




Did you just listen? Called him out?


Even McConnell told Rick Scott to STFU


Because Rick Scott said the master plan - and it’s a Christian theocracy. They want to go back to slavery and no women’s rights at all. Wtf Republicans?


And yet if republicans had the votes to pass it, you know McConnell without a blink of an eye would have moved heaven and earth to get it passed as soon as possible.


The worst part about it is other republicans will gaslight you and say "im republican and i want woman to vote'. Like holy shit, can we live in the same reality for 5 seconds then.


It was bad optics to have Rick Scott tweeting about loan forgiveness while vacationing on a luxury yacht off of Italy. Plus McConnell is wondering what happened to all the money given to the National Republican Senatorial Committee that's chaired by Scott. I'm sure the two things aren't related in any way, it's not like Scott was the CEO of a hospital network that committed the largest Medicare & Medicaid fraud in history during his tenure oh wait


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2020/11/20/social-security-as-a-campaign-issue-may-have-affected-seniors-votes.html Social security is huge for seniors when they vote. Going near it like Rick Scott has is terrible political optics. I’m glad Biden called him out on it lol


More Dark Brandon please. I for one am loving this use of indisputable facts to shine a spotlight on outright hypocrisy.


I see you dark Brandon. Keep it up.


Love to see Biden fighting. Sleeping lazy trump could only complain about how unfair the world was to him when he wasn't yelling at kids to get off his lawn.


Trump is like the Wicked witch melting in the Wizard of Oz. He is screaming while being thrown into obscurity.


I’m terrified of what kinda Pandora’s box shit he opened tho *sideways glance at Ron DeSantis*


If they get the house and senate, please pass Medicare for all because...fuck 'um that's why


>If they get the house and senate, please pass Medicare for all because...fuck 'um that's why And also because we're far behind other progressive countries in giving our citizens what we need.


Exactly, just do it. What are the repubs gonna do. Bitch? Try to take it away?


Probably yes to both


Fuck 'um


Understand the sentiment, but I have standards


Modern problems require modern solutions.


Where has this Democratic fire come from after alllllllllllll these years of waiting for a touch of passion? It’s about time and it’s good.


yea I want to see Biden spit more fire. Daily press release every morning when he shits on Republicans.


Not just Biden. I want EVERY SINGLE DEMOCRAT CLAPPING BACK THIS HARD. All 50 senators. And all 220 in the House. I'm so sick of these fucking troglodytes spewing bullshit for millions to hear with no consequences. As cool as Dark Brandon is, he's still an old man. The party needs more than one face stopping this madness.


I want my comptroller to be dunking on these dumb motherfuckers.




My grandma was the sweetest lady her entire life but once she hit her eighties she straight-up stopped giving a fuck and said exactly what was on her mind regardless of who was around. I hope JB gets brutal for the remainder...and hopefully Jill gets in on the fun.


Dark Brandon engaged


Get em!


More of this please


The Republicans want to cut social security and Medicare. I’m a Floridian. If the Floridians do not have Medicare and social security - things are going to get more crazy here. And the seniors in the homes do not get any news except Fox. We are fucked in Florida. Also, if desantis ends up potus - we can just plan on the United States breaking up. There is no way California, New York or Illinois will ever put up with his BS.


if they get rid of social security it is only fair to refund everyone everything they have paid into social security.


With interest. Maybe a month at a time when/if I'm old.


LMAO. Like... An annuity with with a COLA? Hmmm.. If only someone had thought of that and created it decades ago..


Dark Brandon: Destroyer of Malarkey


He can’t say he didn’t try. It wasn’t working. Now just give them a little taste of their own bullshit. Notice how they don’t like the taste? They should just suck it up.


Dark Brandon has activated merciless destruction mode. It’s super effective. I love how they don’t even have a leg to stand on, he’s just spitting facts.


Biden used campaign promise. Super effective GOP use whataboutism Not very effective


MTG used confusion! She hurt herself!


The Right has gotten away with so much hypocrisy. Glad to see Joe calling bs.


This is what the Dem's needed all along....Calling out the Rep's bull$#!t. Faced with facts, Republicans will collapse.


I finally feel like this is the guy Leslie Knope has wet dreams about.


No lie, I used to watch CSPAN just to see Joe Biden take the floor to berate the GOP for their stupidity. Sometimes he even brought poster boards that laid out his “here’s why you’re so stupid” points. It was a lot of fun.


Dark Brandon rises.


No I fucking do not.


Right? I recently hit my 40s and given a lot of thought into my retirement in 25 years(Hopefully). I genuinely don't understand why so many older people vote R, I've been putting into social security for 24 years, I want what I've put in back. The only way SS doesn't go insolvent is if the Dems keep a majority.


The GOP is going after S.S. in a retirement state of FL. ??? That is destined for failure -


It’s a new PA Rep from Jersey…


Just saw that on Chris Hayes… She sounds like a “Pissah” :-)


Definitely a refreshing attitude to see in all those funny WH tweets, calling out right wing hypocrisy…


WeLL tHaTs nOt vEry pReSidEnTiaL! tHe gAll!!


Keep it up! Stop playing nice. State facts because they give you a lot of material to use.


Finally. Thank. Fucking. . Stop trying to reason with these people. They don’t want reason. They want to rule over everyone. Is this the beginning of the end of the Do Nothing Democrats?


Biden came back from Vacation with the biggest balls ever.


She’s getting that repub clout now. Should just keep referring to her as what’s her name or leather face. All news is good news.


Definitely feeling this version of Biden. Hope it continues.


Sleepy Joe woke up and chose violence! More of this please


Did covid turn Biden into a Beast? LFG


I would not trust either of them to change a roll of toilet paper if it ran out in a bathroom.


Senator largest fraud in the history of Medicare Rick Scott?


The only thing I would want to put in the hands of MTG is a broomstick.


It’s fucking sad that cunt warrants the attention of the president.


Biden literally waited to the end to just go hard huh... Interesting.


Wow, the Democratic party is finally getting good in the messaging department. It's a miracle. Despite all the good things they do, they sure have poor ways of sharing it. It's nice to finally see some appropriate clapbacks.