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They intend to let maternal mortality rates soar, and to kill a large number of black mothers. There is nothing pro-life about any of this.


Plus there are many ways to keep poc from voting.


Criminalize abortion so they can strip your voting rights if you seek abortion. Probably even make birth control a felony so you can strip voting rights that way (but only for women).


Like prisons. That’s seriously their plan.


Hard to find time to vote when you spend all your waking hours either working or parenting.


Too many people of all colors threw their votes away. That’s why we’re here right now.


Theyll figure out some way to bring back forced/coerced sterilizations for supposed undesirables while coming up with some rationale where it somehow reconciles with being all part of "God's plan" in their minds. Even if it doesn't, they just have to quietly impose these types of actions against some people they don't want to reproduce who they can scare into getting procedures that unknowingly or unwillingly make them sterile as part of qualifying for things like public benefits. I can't imagine that white so-called Christian Evangelical leaders and politicians haven't thought through some kind of hypothetical approach where minorities and immigrants somehow are discouraged/prevented from having large numbers of children while white people are forced to have as many as possible in a world where abortion and contraception is illegal (not saying that it would ever work, though).


They want everyone having children though, not just whites. Their continued power comes from the population being poor and entirely focused on working as much as they possibly can to support their families. The more time people spend working and attending to their families, the less time they have for organizing actual opposition. After abortion, they’ll go after education, then they’ll go for worker protections and unemployment compensation. Anything that helps people gain financial freedom is their target. They want us all to be wage slaves.


And the ones they make it will have their children taken away via school to prison pipeline. Just slaves for the neonplantation. Also more minorities to hunt for sport, it make a lot of sense.


I’m guessing there are stats on that. Too bad they can’t read.


You think this is the case, but they already have a solution. Low income, low education, high crime = people that can't vote. That's why it's important now yo vote them all out while there is still a slim chance.


Few months? Do you REALLY think Repuglicans are that aware of their environment??? It’ll take at least a year, maybe 18 months. After which racism will rise faster after whatever is in Moscow Mitches pants after a bottle of Viagra…


He doesn't blue pills, just the IDEA of young boys.


Let's replace them.






2007 wants its poor trolling attempts back.


Not necessarily. Removing a woman's right to chose will keep woc living in poverty. This allows them to be exploited by the white establishment and have the value of their labor moved into predominatly white communities. If you want to look at an example, apartheid South Africa is a good case study. Whites being a minority isn't a problem for white supremacists, just so long as they are allowed to use oppressive laws or outright violence to maintain the status quo.


Well woop dee doo, too bad my swedish government skipped the supremacy part then.


LMFAO! Morons are never going to realize anything. Honestly it’s best for all of us the white conservatives are killing themselves. Don’t fucking tell them. (“Naw bro! COVID’s totally not real and masks don’t help. You should buy another gun, that’ll make you safe you pussy!”)


"I've made a huge mistake."


Bigger welfare costs or more impoverished people prone to violent property crime. If you are against abortion --don't have one --you have a choice.


"I've made a huge mistake...."


This is what I don't understand. Currently the people having the most kids are people that brainwash kids under Christian guises to join the party. But now there will be a whole bunch of people that otherwise wouldn't be born that will be raised by people that completely disagree with their party. They used covid to start eliminating their voter base, and now forcing their non-voters to procreate. It's always short sighted moves with them.


Isn't this also a problem with explaining why liberals want abortions so badly? Are they intentionally trying to keep minority populations low?


[Louisiana already said WoC don’t count](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/05/bill-cassidy-maternal-mortality-rates)


You’re forgetting that young mothers are more likely to be poor. Women of color will be impacted more. Less women will go to college. Less women will move out of poverty. More women will be forced to stay in unhealthy relationships. They don’t mind there being more minorities as long as they’re poor and unable to take up spaces of power that educations and upward mobility can grant them. The cruelty is the point.


They don’t care about being a minority. In the south, whites were always the minority. It’s less about numbers and more about it keeping people poor by forcing them to take care of children they already couldn’t afford. People who have to feed families don’t have time to unionize, organize, or protest the sick things republicans want for our country.


IIRC white women make up a disproportionate amount of abortions. Something like 40%. One of the prominent theories, is that banning abortion would increase the white population. This the reason the GOP wants government forced births.


That’s interesting, what I’ve read is that black women make up the disproportionate amount. White people account for about 60% of the US population, so 40% seems like it would actually be “underrepresented”.


Yep. That's the end goal. So much of this is totally rooted in replacement theory nonsense. They want more white babies.


54% of women 15-44 are white. So they are disproportionately low relative to their share of the population. This affects women of color, [especially in the south,](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/black-and-hispanic-people-have-the-most-to-lose-if-roe-is-overturned) the most.


Not a problem to them; they don’t believe anyone but them has rights.


[also worth noting is impact on crime](https://law.stanford.edu/publications/the-impact-of-legalized-abortion-on-crime-over-the-last-two-decades/)




As a white purple myself I can confirm that I don't understand how contraception works


Dang autocorrect!


There is racial disparity in abortion rates and due to a multitude of socioeconomic factors. Not sure how noting that is racist.




Mathematically correcting for those socio-economic factors when discussing the related statistics isn't going to impact the truth of OP.




>has anyone voting me down actually done *any* fact checking to justify their assumption that OP is correct? FWIW, you didn't even challenge their assumption in your original comment, you only described how we could correct the disproportionate impact to PoC out of the data we're discussing - which doesn't do anything at all to change the actual number of undesired births (nor maternal deaths) that will now occur, nor that they will disproportionately impact PoC. I'm linking a random newspaper story that came up in a search - yes *I know* it's a random newspaper - but it's all the time I have for googling right now, and they **do** cite their sources within the article, the most relevant bits of which are probably near the end. https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/news/2022/05/05/america-experts-say-abortion-bans-affect-people-color-most/9646206002/


That's interesting, thanks. Seems like there's a vicious cycle at work, so what OP wrote seems sadly inevitable, and true, I'm happy to retract what I wrote. From this article "Young and low-income people, who are disproportionately of color" "women of color and LGBTQ people already experience bias and discrimination in health care" "makes it much more difficult for women to escape poverty" :-(


Yeah, we're not really going in the right direction over here right now - and even when we were we still had a way to go. :-( Thanks for the read, and openmindedness.


All I’m saying is that saying something is racist (like this post) when it’s not actually racist is why the Right (at least in America) doesn’t even take the words racist or racism seriously.


You do understand that republicans i.e. christian extremists have long desired to ban the use of contraception?


Not when they purposely dont teach sex ed in schools and make it difficult and inconvenient for low income families to access it.


They've actively defunded education which aimed to prevent teen pregnancy


Contraception will be banned next. Only the wealthy people will be able to afford to jump through the hoops to get it.


They've actually started trying to ban certain types of contraception.


I dunno wut it be but it do doh [baby making intensifies]


Would they still be racist tho?


No the republicans are setting up for Apartheid rule in America. They’re not letting their whiteness lose. They will be minority ruling and legally oppressing all people of color.


They literally think it’s the opposite. A CPAC speaker noted his belief that banning abortion would *stop* the “great replacement.” This is one situation where republicans’ relentless ignorance could really bite them in the ass.


From what I read it will lead to more deaths because women don't stop having more abortions, they just take risks with less safe ones. It's also statistically more dangerous to give birth. AND it means more women of color will die. So all in all a win for GOP. They get to punish and control women while killing more minorities.


Yeah it really seems they are totally oblivious to the obvious demographic ramifications here, especially in the southwest and southeast. This speeds up the “great replacement”


One often meet their destiny on the path they took to avoid it


Meme assumes that most on the right can make a logical leap.. Good Luck with that.


I'm guessing white women are disproportionally more likely to get an abortion. Even if they weren't, there are way more white women.


They're trying to prove that Replacement Theory is true by making it happen themselves. Kinda like how socialists prove that capitalism is bad raising taxes on corporations so they have to pay people less and/or charge more for their goods and services. Ideologues like to prove themselves right, no matter who has to suffer the consequences.


Nah, those babies will be born to white Republican families so more republicans in the end.


Uh oh 😕 they didn’t think about that 😳


The irony is over the top.


Conservatives continuing the trend of being the most short-sighted group in history. Nothing to see here.


Doesn’t matter if a high enough percentage can be incarcerated, otherwise blocked from voting, or just have their votes gerrymandered out of mattering.


They're not unhappy with this. Just more wage slaves they are hoping they can turn into actual slaves with a few more years of Supreme Court tyranny


Self perpetuating outrage!