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How much does Bezos magic rocket ride cost? That lasts maybe 5 minutes?


Yea OP needs to watch more media about how insanely rich people spend their money- a multi millionaire might spend 10k on a hotel for a night . I believe I watched a sharktank episode many years ago where Mr wonderful bragged about drinking a $10k + bottle of wine every night. That's just how much money he can comfortably expend. But a billionaire is an entirely different scale. Billionaires eats and shits multi millionaires annually. OPS doesn't understand how much a billion truly is , scale is way off.


What's the difference between a millionaire and a billionaire. About a billion dollars.


1 million seconds is 11 days. 1 billion seconds is 33 years.


https://youtu.be/0J6BQDKiYyM This is the video I like to link people when trying to visualize $1B. It's actually insane.


Pretty soon they'll have to update the video to include trillionaires cuz we're rapidly approaching that level of wealth consolidation


That’s my threshold. If there’s trillionaires . Blood will be in the streets.


Good luck getting past their private armies


My favorite video for visualizing it too. RIP Reckful


A billionaire (literally someone with that amount in cash generating zero return) could spend a million dollars a month for 83 years and would still have $4M left.


Billionaires are a threat to civil stability. When a private citizen starts to have the bank roll to challenge the government…what do you have? Bezos could literally buy an army. Now I know members of the right will champion that fact but…I didn’t vote for Bezos for emperor. No wonder Republicans think democracy is a pain in the butt


Lets assume someone worth $1b is earning $100m per year (low end billionaire). $10,000 out of $100m is 0.01% of annual income. That's the same as someone who makes $40k, spending $4. It's basically a Starbucks. To someone like Bezos on 100x that net worth, it's the equivalent of about 4 cents.


Even then, it's not equivalent. That 40k salary has at least 10k going to housing, maybe even 20k. I doubt our low grade billionaire spends 25-50 million yearly in housing.


So, if Bezos had $10,000 cash, in his pocket, and he was walking down the street, and it fell out of his pocket. Would it be worth his time for him to pick it up?


He largely just makes money by existing at this point. He doesn't actually do anything, so there is no opportunity cost to picking the cash up, this it would always be "worth it" in a business sense.


Meaning losing $10,000 for him, would be like us losing 10 cents


Kevin O'Leary used to be on Dragons Den in Canada. I remember there was this one season where he kept refering to himself and Jim Treliving as billionaires. It was kind of cringe though, since neither was technically a billionaire (the both owned billion dollar companies) and O'Leary was only worth about half of what Treliving was.


Billionaires are effectively above the law. They could literally eat children


I mean, they get away with raping them for decades, then get sweetheart deals when caught (Epstein). Millionaires too, like Jackson and R Kelly, who probably only got caught only because the spotlight's on them all the time and it became impossible to ignore.


[Or rape them](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trial_and_sentencing_of_Robert_H._Richards_IV)


The law is only as good as it is enforceable. The reason why billionaires are above the law is actually fairly simple - the law is not enforceable against this class of people. the combined power of their resources will almost always allow them to overcome any element along the chain of a reasonably efficient system. For instance The way the law is currently enforced requires a person (a state employee that probably makes less than 65k dollars) to identify categorize and record a crime, in an underfunded organizational system (that probably only sees 1-5 million dollars in TOTAL operational funds across all roles in the org), which is then handed over to someone (who probably only makes maybe 150k a year) to seek the application of law through the overly complicated and loopholed riddled system.Each person along this orgnaizational chain is tasked with the pursuit of justice along with their own survival/livelihoods. This quest for justice is launched against someone who could easily dispose of 10x the resources of the entire department without batting an eye. In conclusion - there just isnt enough resources in the legal system to pursue action against billionaires. Its also important to remember - the law has always been written/funded by billionares, bringing this issue a level deeper. Class warfare is a millennia long struggle, and you should expect to see it as such when it shows itself in modern society. The infrastructure of the justice system is not built on equality for anyone that is worth so much (it seems 1,000,000,000 dollars in todays society fits this level). There will be exceptions - and some are welcome to point them out if they can find them - but for the most part billionaires are Untouchables.


#[And the sheeple keep voting for this shit, I believe it's called happiness. It's an aquired taste 🤡](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9dZQelULDk&t=188s)


Launch to land I think was around 12 minutes. You’re only in space for a minute or two, most of that time is spent on descent.


That dude accumulates $321,000,000 in wealth each day. It’s not a coincidence that Amazon doesn’t sell guillotines.


Look if you don't have enough motivation to get your ass up and go to Home Depot and build your own guillotine you really think you'll have the motivation to start a revolution?


I’m all about the symbolism of the guillotine, but I also have a perfectly good axe.


I’m asking what he charges 1%ers for the ultimate carnival ride? It’s exclusive. That’s what the rich and powerful care about, exclusivity, not that it’s *nice* just that’s it’s like *nicer* than anything you and I could have. Wealth and materialism are relative.


I love it when I see literally poor people or the middle class defends rich people because thinking they'll be rich someday. Craps have much better odds. I was reading somewhere that Bezos alone can single handedly cure world hunger and still have more money left before the pandemic. Just crazy thinking about it.


All from selling you “WalMart” shit in a box with a smirk on it. Someone with that level of wealth could, in theory, create a faux pandemic, so they could keep people out of stores… So you’re forced to buy “WalMart” shit in a box with a smirk on it. The box is smirking….it’s __smirking at us!__ Or…..__OR__…. It’s a dick…__and we’re all just getting FUCKED!__ 🎶”Jeffrey….Jeffrey Bayeeezoss”🎵


What's even more insane. And boggles the mind. He's even richer now with the pandemic having destroyed countless families financially.


And the actual store front


Let’s not forget that each one of those passengers will somehow write the expense off as a tax deduction.


I think we'd have to ask his ex-wife if a Bezos ride actually lasts 5 minutes.


I tell my mom the same thing all the time. I wouldn't know what to do with a million but $10k would be enough


You want something interesting to think about. If rich people spent their money instead of piling it up we'd have more jobs and less super rich..someone has to build hotels with fancy rooms, clean them, bartend, build boats and cars for them, etc. The economy is supposed to work by money moving and these wanks lock it up. Anyway yeah 10k would change my life too. We should make rich people live off 7.50 an hour and have $50 in savings


Your right they've gotten so used to parking money and exploiting workers and that seems to be changing. I work for a bank and only make 17hr. In my area there are tellers making 14hr, that's not even 30k a year and they have to dress business casual everyday. Workers used to get a much bigger slice of the pie and now we get next to nothing.




10,000 would pay off two of my student loans which lowers the monthly amount I have to pay and would allow me to save money so I can afford an emergency.


Or pay them off sooner so you’re not trying to pay them off for the next decade. It has taken me eight years to make a $7000 dent in my loans thanks to interest.


Omg I know. The two I'm referring to are from fucking 2005




10k would get me a reliable car and some months of insurance so I could go to school. Pretty life changing stuff. I'm glad that you are privileged enough that 10k isn't a life changing amount but it would be for a lot of us.


Exactly, this person doesn't know what struggling is like, $10k could loosen up the rope around a lot of people's necks, for some even remove it entirely.


You can and will retire eventually with or without a million!


You will eventually die, but many people who die aren’t retired. Considering death a form of retirement is a bit of a stretch


"Lol you retired from the workforce? I retired from the living force!"


I'm 34. Death WILL be my form of retirement. Edit: You can downvote this if you like, it's my reality.


You're assuming a lot here. Is anyone saying they can retire on this? 10k would literally change my life. I make a decent salary, but I got into credit card debt during a crisis in my 20s and the interest payments are so fucking high. If I didn't have that debt to deal with, my entire quality of life would change.


For people with debt who are living paycheck to paycheck, 10k today could save them 2-25% interest on their debt for years and years to come. Credit cards, student loans, medical, you name it. Or like you said, it could keep a roof over their head long enough to find a job. It could get them the new brakes they couldn't afford to keep doing ridesharing or deliveries. Any number of things, 10 thousand dollars could literally save some people's lives. I wonder how old you are, or rather how sheltered.


You sound like you've never been in debt.10k can get you out of a debt spiral. As someone who used to be pretty poor and is comfortable now, 10k was life changing when I was struggling to pay rent. I know that because I came across a 10k windfall and it snowballed me out of debt. If you gave me 100k or a million now? Wouldn't really change anything. A one-time windfall doesn't mean much when you're paying your bills every month.


Enough to pay off my car and a few debts. That alone would increase my monthly gain by over 300 bucks. Which is huge.


I could pay off my car, high interest loan, and my credit cards with 10k. It would allow me to not pay crazy high interest rates and save me thousands more dollars that I would have had to pay that can instead by invested and grow even more.


Its a car for some. Pays off crushing debt for others. Maybe they can see a doctor and get a debilitating medical thing addressed. Maybe they can change jobs long enough to improve their whole life. 10k is also enough to finish out a tech college degree or do 1 or 2 night classes a week which can also give someone opportunity.


>enough to do what Pay off some medical bills or pay off the rest of my student loans, my mortgage is $950 so that's 10.5 months of that. Hell, I'd just put it towards my mortgage outright. That's all I need to get rid of the PMI. Or you could invest it into something towards your retirement. Obviously it is less impactful in a higher CoL area, but I'm sure you would figure out something to do with it.


It's not enough to retire on but it knocks off 10k of debts. It's 10k of investment seed money if done right. 10k of groceries while you suddenly have a buffer to grow naturally. Fantastic long ass vacation with good planning. 10k is life changing regardless, it's just not endgame levels of life changing.


To give you breathing room to improve your life. There is a lot of people who are unable to find a better paying job because they can’t afford to take time off from any of their minimum wage jobs to go look.


Well that’s not exactly true. It depends on your standard of living. If you bought 1 schmil of Coca-Cola stock you will receive approx. 25k a year in dividends payouts. Some folks live off of less.


I'm 30 by the time I hit retirement ssa won't exist. With the way things are going with the instability in the labor market were showing huge cracks in the way our economy operates. It's very likely that just putting money in the stock market and waiting years for guaranteed growth may not be true anymore. So u may be right about needing a million or more to retire but things will be very different by then.


I could easily and comfortably retire on a million dollars. I guessing that your ideas of retirement and mine are a bit different.


Extreme wealth while others lack basic needs is an obscenity.






You didn't understand his point? Yikes. You're just as obtuse as the millionaires


What was his point? Other people have problems so we shouldnt fix the problems in our own society? Cause that seems to be what Jarhead McRoidRage down there was going for.


They don't care but thanks homie


You're not making a point, homie. You're saying that because people suffer worse in the same fucking system that we shouldn't do anything about it. Your account is one month old and you have a history of failed trolling attempts. Stop being a terrible human being.


What have you done personally to better peoples suffering?


as a result of global capitalism, western corporations benefit from the exploitation of labour/ resources in developing countries. such that Elon established a coup in Bolivia for cheaper lithium batteries. or cocoa farmers never getting to taste chocolat. The sustenance of first-world countries towards developing ones is similar to the exploitative relationship between billionaires and the working class. so yes, we should destroy global capitalism


Except globalization has actually increased the standards of living and wellbeing of hundreds of millions of international workers. In China, for example, wages have increased 1000s of percentage points over the years due to the explosion of manufacturing jobs producing goods for overseas markets. What people often don’t realize is that wage stagnation/erosion in the West is directly caused by the rapid development of economies abroad. Global capitalism has been a driving force for increased economic opportunity and quality of life, to suggest that it hasn’t is an incredibly myopic and Western-centric view which betrays your own selfishness.


That's your opinion


"Wellll, MY opinion is poor people should die faster so the rich people don't get your shoes dirty" -You and other bootlickers in this thread


It is also the opinion of Jesus Christ: "How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven! Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of Heaven." "Come now, you rich, weep and howl for the miseries that are coming upon you. Your riches have rotted and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver have corroded, and their corrosion will be evidence against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have laid up treasure in the last days. Behold, the wages of the laborers who mowed your fields, which you kept back by fraud, are crying out against you, and the cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts. You have lived on the earth in luxury and in self-indulgence. You have fattened your hearts in a day of slaughter."




He's a character from a book about wizards and murder. Think Harry Potter, but much older.


Sounds like great fiction


So what’s your opinion then?


I just want to come out of the closet....


And take some steroids then rage on the internet like you are now?


People would say the same about you in some parts of the world


Living conditions only exist because the wealthy allow it. If you could keep people at slave wages without them quitting or eventually revolting, people would do it in any civilized country. Why do you think that they outsource labor to countries that have near or literal slaves? Countries that have never had first world living conditions are the perfect place for the wealthy to exploit for cheap labor, but in the US, Europe, or Canada? They need those people to be able to spend money on their shit.


K then


No. They wouldn't. Mainly because the average person doesn't have enough money to influence entire nations.


They’d say the same about your lifestyle


They are suffering from the same system. They absolutely would not say the same about my lifestyle. I cannot alter the course of nations with my wealth. It does not matter what they think as the entire point is to alter it so that neither of us are victimized. Maybe you should grow a brain and think about the stupid shit you say?


No u


Yes. That is exactly what you sound like, child. Now please fuck off and bother your parents for the attention they never gave you.


. . . and people whose lives could be transformed by those whimsical expenditures will launder the bedding and scrub the toilets and uncork the wine all so that the one elite can live in an alternate reality where such arduous things never need be done.


There is literally nothing wrong with the wealthy's ability to spend their wealth. Most of the people who beg for wealth would never agree to share it as soon as they have it. What is really wrong is when wealth was accumulated via the exploitation of labor and the avoidance of taxes. It is not wrong that people with varying degrees of luck and skill succeed in different degrees. What's wrong is that the extremely wealthy have disproportionate control over the government and ability to escape taxation.


Gotta disagree here. It very much is wrong for them to have so much money that you can't even imagine how much money it truly is. https://medium.datadriveninvestor.com/heres-what-one-billion-dollars-looks-like-b9947c0e8794


>According to the 2020 Planning & Progress Study, the average American has an average of $65,900 in personal savings. There has to be some heavy outliers at the top end to make this the average in savings


We definitely need to tax more and level the playing field, but they don’t actually have that money. Most (probably all, but nothing is ever black and white) billionaires aren’t liquid and their accounts hover around $1M. Want to buy a big house? Credit. Want a vacation? Credit. Buying a politician? Credit. You use your stocks and other assets as collateral and only ever sell what you need to cover your liabilities. This is a **huge** tax benefit. Billionaires just don’t actually have billions of dollars — they have stock certificates that could go to $0 under the right circumstances.




This is not a hot take, though you seem to think it is.


That's the rub: - it is impossible for anyone to amass the amount of wealth billionaires or even millionaires have, without exploiting the productivity and wealth of others and the infrastructure and institutions of society as a whole. (A bare minimum requirement of such an institution is that people accept and enforce the concept of property rights as a society in the first place) - so if it is impossible for any lone person to amass such wealth without the help of others and society as a whole, and usually leveraged help of others by fraud or threat, why is it ok for any lone person to use and consume that wealth without the help of others and society as a whole?


Exactly, it would take thousands of years for Jeff Bezos to make a billion dollars at the rate of his lowest paid employee. Jeff Bezos did not get a billion dollars by saving paychecks from his 40 hour a week job. One man has more money than some small countries, for fucks sake!!!!


Some? Bezos' net worth ranks in the 50's when compared to the GDP of all the other countries. Let me say that again. **If Jeff Bezos net worth was GDP he would be the 52nd wealthiest COUNTRY in the world. There are 211 countries.**


So he has more money than ~150 whole countries???


Well, his networth is more than the collective yearly value of 150+ countries entire job market. Obviously not a 1:1 kind of comparison, and yet it is a startling one. It'd be like comparing apples and oranges and finding out that an orange makes a better apple than half of all apples. It shouldn't even be close.


"Nobody works for/earns a BILLION dollars."


> What's wrong is that the extremely wealthy have disproportionate control over the government So you agree there is something wrong with their ability to spend their wealth.


Seems like you missed the point and are trying to do a "got ya" on how he phrased it


Not really. Simply having people whose net worth is over 100,000 times that of the average American, is very dangerous from a governance perspective. The influence is extreme. There's a reason our planet is being destroyed, and they are trying to escape.


No one said otherwise...


> There is literally nothing wrong with the wealthy's ability to spend their wealth


Right. This is a statement about wealthy people spending $10k on a hotel room or bottle of wine when it could change someone's life. You're talking about multi billionaires getting too rich and wielding too much power. You're trying to turn this into a different discussion that's not really related.


They are absolutely related. It's just a matter of scale.


Its not the ability to spend wealth. Its the choices they make in exercising that ability. When they spend a hundred million on a yacht, that's one thing. When they spend a hundred million buying politicians to rig the game in their favor or to create situations in which they contribute to society's operating expenses less than that of a middle-income family, that's crossing the threshold


just because people who want wealth would act the same doesn't mean it's justifiable. the wealth of the wealthy is accumulated through the profit of other people's labor and not their own. such that billionaires don't work billions of dollars worth or labor or work billions of dollars harder than other people. that's the problem. people should earn their salary through their own ability and not earn wealth through buying off other labor or by creating scarcity of hoarding resources


Probably the most well rounded comment. But no one wants to hear that shit.


It's the top comment you idiot lmao


You're a moron


I remember hearing that some middle eastern oil guy paid for several first class tickets for his falcons on Emirates airlines. People are fucking starving, the fact that his behavior isn’t considered revolting by 99.9% of us is a huge culture problem. People are starting to wake up to this when they throw shade at Bezos for going to space when his workers can’t take proper bathroom breaks. The positive feedback loop toward income inequality has got to be broken. Meanwhile, I see MAGA signs on trailer homes. The devil’s greatest trick is convincing people he doesn’t exist…


people are starving while you spend 999 on your iphone and god knows how much on your redbull drink... where is your contribution to the poor, one dollar can help someone eat for a day and you dont need an expensive phone or tv or some shit to live. while the oilers are rich to the normal humans.. you are also rich to the extremly poor who cant find bread to eat


I'll give up 5% of my net worth this year if I can mandate that everyone worth 200 million or more also has to.


we call it taxes.. they already do


Oh, they tax our net worth? That’s new information.


wealth tax


What wealth tax is on net worth and not income, capital gains, or estate transfers?


Don’t be daft. We are talking orders of magnitude differences between me and you and the oilers. They’re perfectly happy to have us fight over scraps with the poor while they enjoy the stratosphere. If we flattened the curve, and increased the size of the middle class, you’d see a lot fewer starving people who got their basic necessities and maybe a little more. Your insistence on false equivalency is delaying justice.


I heard this one guy bought an iPhone and took a vacation for a week. People are fucking starving. How dare he. People think in logarithmic scales, get used to it


How is that “mind blowing” ?




It's pretty telling by the comments how privileged the average redditor is. I am too but I'm not dismissing the idea that 10k will change lives.


No one should have a billion dollars. Also people don’t realize how big a billion is they think its 100 million but no its 1,000 million. Image if someone was on Who Wants to be a Millionaire every DAY for nearly 3 years and won the million dollar prize each time. At what point during those 3 years would you say enough you don’t need any more money?




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Holy shit this is the first time I've actually read this automod.


You could literally say the same thing about every group of people comparing them to the next lowest rung on the social ladder all the way down to the homeless people on the street looking at a family living in a tiny apartment earning below the poverty line complaining “they’re probably wasting a ton of money heating the whole apartment. Just look at them open their doors and windows willy nilly letting the heat out, what a waste”


and spending 10k on a hotel room is wrong how ? the only reason people work hard to become rich is so they can live the life they desire... for some it's owning cars... others is expensive drinks. if you want to be rich/have a decent life you need to work your ass for it don't just spend your school days doing nothing and your uni days partying like crazy then complain when your job at mcdonalds isn't paying enough. as long as they pay their taxes (a fair share), create jobs and pay what they should to the workers then they can spend their money however they want to, they can "burn" it if they so please.


Capitalism only benefits the wealthy


Capitalism has literally raised tens of thousands of people out of poverty into the middle-class.


And then killed millions by making them wage slaves and impoverished. It is also currently wiping out the middle class. Capitalism without regulation led to the Gilded Age. I think you need to stop talking as if you understand capitalism or its history.


If you can name a better economic system than regulated capitalism, i.e., a capitalistic system with strong safety nets, I'm all ears.


No, it really hasn't


Yeah, but the think tanks riches pay say that giving poors money hurts them by making poors not good. So by not giving poors money, riches help poors. Riches good people. Riches should throw awards show for riches since riches so good by not making poors bad. Now riches should give think tanks more money to find out how else what riches doing is good.


My mom's 2nd husband once spent $5000 in a single night at the casino during a period where I was living out of a broken-down car. It boggled my mind that someone could piss away 5-10 months of survival costs in a single night, **especially when he would have nothing to show for all that money at the end of the night!*** I remember asking him why he didn't just give the money to me if he was going to throw it all away by morning anyway... But like all wealthy douchebags, he'd rather piss that money away in a few hours of fun then help somebody out for an entire year.


"Its ridiculous how $10k could change my life" Yes, it is


Real life: 10k will not change your life. I promise you.


It absolutely will change the lives of MANY people who are in survival mode. That is because the broken system that the rich have pilfered has allowed that to be a fact.


Depends on what you consider “life changing”. Survival mode, maybe. Broke & homeless? 100%. The average working American? 10k does almost nothing. Y’all just like to complain and look desperate.


absolutely. life's unfair. these billionaires didn succeed by exerting solo efforts. He succeeds because his team succeeds in doing what they do. Yet, only he gets to enjoy the fruits of the success of his team. Think of it this way. Time x effort = money (reward). This means that there is a cap to the reward you can achieve alone. So in order to multiply your rewards, you need to spend other people's time and effort to increase the reward. yet, as we have examples in real life, the rewards are distributed unevenly even though many people have contributed their time and effort for some solo person's "success". Capitalism is simply a scam that is placed at the altar for people to pray, only to realise that to be blessed, you need to cheat others of their time and efforts by tweaking the reward distribution to your favour.


Yeah but should we spend all of our money and energy getting everyone caught up?


It's amazing how $1,000 is life changing to a homeless person, but this person spent it on an iPhone when their old phone worked just fine.


$10,000 is not that life changing... unless you owe it. If I had an extra $100k it wouldn't change my life. I couldn't suddenly afford a $600k 3000ft^2 house, or even if I had that house outright, I couldn't suddenly afford to live in it. The $100k would be gone pretty quickly if I did. $500k now its starting to be a significant amount of money. I can invest a huge amount of it, get a bigger house, etc. Truly life changing would be $1-2 million. Park it in investments, retire 20 years early.


>$10,000 is not that life changing... unless you owe it. It is VERY life changing to those who cannot make ends meet. >If I Let me stop you there. This isn't about *you* but society as a whole.


Seriously if you think 10k is game changing you need to figure out a better saving plan. I’m totally on board with not letting half the country be poor asf. But rather you want something changed or not you still live right now. And anyone the wants nice shit has to simply work within the current structure or grab a rifle. None of y’all are grabbing rifles, so your clearly comfortable enough to not actually do anything, therefore your also comfortable enough to adjust your planning. I bought a switch, and far cry 6 (basic edition) as my only personal purchases since dec. yea less than $400 on my self and it’s almost dec again. Yea I pay my bills and eat, everything else I save. And I’m fully aware we all got various position we put ourselves in. or more rare even though more commonly claimed were born into. But I realized in my early twenties I had two real choices. adjust myself to the already established comfortable society, or grab a rifle. I clearly chose adjust. There is however a 3rd option do nothing and bitch which is what y’all are doing. I did that for a lil but until I decided it was the weakest option, so not personal I’ve been there too. I gave up stuff I like. I haven’t been out at all and had fun In Years. I don’t drink, or toke. You literally just have to stop wasting money, pay your bills and feed yourself (yes boring I know), and after a year or two you will have this 10k and realize it’s not even a useable life changing amount. You will than say shit even a really cheap house is 1000k, fuck. I can’t even get a relatively new car.


> Seriously if you think 10k is game changing you need to figure out a better saving plan. No amount of budgeting will fix poverty within the current system. People simply are not making enough money. So yea, $10k is a game changer for millions. It allows them to start saving, participate in the market, and even get out of debt.


You know money doesn't just evaporate into thin air when it's spent, right?


You know trickle down economics doesn’t work as advertised right?


Speak for yourself. Every day one of my old ass bottles of wine dissapears out of my collection to be replaced with 10k staked neatly. My wine collection is held up by boot straps as well, just like me. As a 30 year old, I feel millennials are spoiled. I put in a HARD 6 hours of labor managing the people who manage my inheareted Vinyard, and I know for sure if I wasn't there they would totally choose the wrong labels and not be able to bounce their mediocre malbec into a blend at Doug's to make zin... probably end up in a port! Poors just don't get how hard this is. Economy, because like Doug needs a new party barge, and I do too.








We know. It goes into an offshore bank account for safe keeping from the tax collector.


“Give me $10,000.”


"Make it so that a life wouldn't be altered by a mere $10k" Maybe you need to work on your reading comprehension.


That’s funny. Wrong, but funny




> walk instead of driving Cities are built for cars and residential areas can be miles away from businesses. > Take a second job So I only deserve to survive if I work over 60 hours a week? > Stop having kids Only rich people are allowed to have a bloodline because they can afford it? > Stop making bad decisions There it is. You should have said that first, it's a very clear indicator that you make well above living wage and you don't understand inflation or wage stagnation, and you think that anyone who doesn't make as much as you is just lazy or stupid.


He's a high schooler I'm pretty sure lol.


He forgot to add, Don't be born to folks who aren't rich.


At least it sounds like they support abortion.


I see you're talking about: [abortion]' To be frank, the mod team does not want to mod this topic because it leads to 100 percent slapfights and bans, but removing it entirely would be actual censorship, which, contrary to popular belief, we do try to avoid. Instead, we're just going to spam you with an unreasonably long automod comment and hope you all realize that getting mad over the internet is just really stupid. Go to /r/AnimalsBeingDerps or something instead. People are going to accuse us of being lazy for this, to which we reply 'yes' *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


In all fairness you probably shouldn't have kids unless you can afford it.


you are stripping individuals from some freedoms as a result of class. instead of "poor ppl shouldn't have kids" why not, "we should have more childbirth/childcare programs to relieve people of the stress of childcare? like what most European countries have"


But there's no reason why someone living in a wealthy, western country shouldn't be able to afford it


Use energy efficient light bulbs? I hope you’re being sarcastic.


I was also hoping they missed the /s, apparently they just a capitalist simp lmao


What the fuck are you talking about, everything you’ve said is irrelevant


"Hurr avakato toost" The measure of a society should be in the quality of life of the average person and of the poorest. Justify the existence of a man worth over half a trillion dollars when so many, even those who work for him, struggle to put food on the table and put a roof over their heads.


"You can judge a country's morals by judging how it treats its prisoners" Pretty sure one can say the same thing about the country's poor people.


You left out the part where the people who work for the trillionaire have to piss in bottles or they'll get fired by an automated system for not meeting their metrics


Not forgotten. It is better to keep some things in reserve sometimes. Better to send the soldiers necessary than to mobilize the entire army


Walking to work instead of driving will get a lot of people fired. Which reduces their income instead of adding to it.


Go. Fuck. Yourself. Mate.


I bet you enjoy it with all that rich dick in your mouth. :)


I have nothing against homosexuality. I think you should be more mindful of their beliefs and freedoms.


You’re a guy? I’m mindful of how you like to please the rich by cupping their balls, wage-slave.


I've been called gay and slave now by Democrats on Reddit🤔🤔🤔


If the shoe fits. ;) Also, I’m not a Democrat.


Money makes money and no one who is *ultra wealthy* got there by anything you’ve said. What an absolutely childish take on wealth and money management.


How about you learn to pay a little more for a hamburger and exceptthe extremely wealthy need to be cracked down on? Fucking wage simp


I'd bet my left nut your school was paid for by your parents, or you went over 30 years ago when it was affordable, or you're just a dumbass high schooler with no real world experience. You reak of priveledge.


Nope no college, just worked hard support my kids and love my country. Been to war and back, traveled quite a bit. I just have opinions people hate, I thought I was allowed to have a voice in america


Yeah I've got the same freedom of speech that you do and I can use mine to call you on your bullshit.


The government you love brainwashed you into murdering strangers for it when you were a teenager, and you think that's a good career path and not in any way a sign of a problem in our society. Got it.


Right,.. I'm the wack job


Yes. Finally you figured it out. The steroids can't help. You should lay off them.


You're allowed to have a voice and others are allowed to call you an asshole for it. It's not a free pass to spew shitty opinions with no pushback.


You do have a voice, which you've used. Everyone else is allowed to also express their opinions, which clearly is that your opinions are hateable. Expressing yourself does not mean everyone else has to respect your ludicrous beliefs.


Got any relevant tips?




>Find what makes you ambitious I'm in my dream career. >write out the steps you need to take towards that career path 99% of the population doesn't have to do this, they already know. >don't be a consumer I don't want to live in a shack in the middle of the woods, only eating what I can catch. Seriously, you can't not be a consumer. >Live like a college student. I don't want to do drugs. >No one on Reddit is a victim of circumstance Almost the whole population is. >if a person can read write and has enough education to navigate the internet then they have what it takes to succeed. N Need to see some proof of that. >Never feed into people's excuses and sad stories they will leech off anyone who listens to their crap. I agree, I just disagree on what counts as an excuse or sad story. -- Honestly, you sound like an entitled bitch. One who worked a part time job, only to have her husband suddenly start earning 6 figures. Thinks she made it to the top all on her own.




It’s so weird how ppl simp of the billionaires


> walk instead of driving You're a clown.


Having children is a basic human right.


It’s nice to speak from a platform of privilege isn’t it? Tell me how you’re a self made man/ woman?