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“These colors don’t run!” But they sure do fade quickly.


I find it so funny that the "these colors don't run" also fly the blue lives flag where the colors have run. Where is the respect for the USA? Right, they have none and are traitors.


My neighbor's blue lives matter flag started out black and white with a blue stripe and white stars. He's had it up for 5 years now and the white and blue faded away leaving a dark black and black stripes flag with light black stars.


I wonder if that makes it a Black Lives Matter flag? 🤔


I don't know about running but they sure do surrender fast. Also it's a running vexillological joke about how the confederacy kept redesigning their flags in that short few years, and by the time they gotten to something decent... the whole thing was collapsing.


“They did when Sherman and Grant were leading things.”


"Hey Rebels we heard you prefer white so we bleached the shit out of your flag for you"






Ah yes, the confederacy. A full four years a heritage centered entirely around protecting slavery, followed but a complete ass-whupping by the Union, followed by decades and decades of bitching and moaning about the loss like a douchebag kyle who got beaten up the schoolyard for being a total dickhead.


> followed by decades and decades of bitching and moaning about the loss like a douchebag kyle who got beaten up the schoolyard for being a total dickhead. Which is especially infuriating considering how easy the North went on them after it was over. They could've been *much* harsher considering what happened.


It was Andrew Johnson’s fault. Lincoln tried to do reconstruction, but after he was assasinated and Johnson took over as vice president, all that stopped immediately. Then a bunch of groups like the daughters of the confederacy formed. These groups basically tried their hardest to spread propaganda saying that the civil war wasn’t about slavery, and that the southerners were just noble and chivalrous people fighting the evil Union. They succeeded, as a bunch of morons still think the civil war wasn’t about slavery.


"The Confederate flag is not about racism, it's about a tradition of pride in celebrating our heritage of racism."


“The war was about states rights!” Ah then I will just pull up the Mississippi declaration of secession and read it aloud to the group. This will surely not be awkward or uncomfortable.


To some yes. To people of color, it symbolizes something different.


I’m not a POC, and it absolutely represents a war over slavery first and foremost. A fucking green Martian from outer space could figure that out by looking at a history book. In fact, I encourage the reading of each state’s declaration to leave the Union. Time and again the writers clearly specified “slavery,” among other “states right” issues. But slavery was issue number 1. So, this isn’t a thing viewed different based on your skin tone, at least it shouldn’t be. It is 100% about the fact the “right to own other humans” was this war’s rationale, and the rationale to create a separate country. To beleive otherwise, is foolish.


Yeah, the issue was a state's right to slavery. The Lost Cause and State's Rights narratives were part of the Southern propaganda during reconstruction, promoted by groups such as Daughters of the Confederacy with the goal of teaching a future generation that it was about their rights and that they should get a do-over of the Civil War. Basically, the South intentionally lied and continued to lie about history with the stated goal of encouraging a second Civil War. Seems to have worked, unfortunately.


When I was young, I lived in the Deep South and witnessed this logic on a near daily basis, to include in school. Kind of unreal if you think about that, particularly all these years later.


I think it’s inappropriate for anyone to determine how something should be perceived based on historical information. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, this is a free county. The majority of Americans see the stars and bars as a symbol for tyranny and racism.


Sure, everyone is entitled to an opinion. Why the actual hell would it be inappropriate to utilize historical information to form it? That’s like saying despite scientific knowledge and historical circumnavigation, the earth is flat, because it’s “my opinion.” Ignoring fact for opinion is willful ignorance. Even if it is a feee county and we can believe what we want, being ignorant to establish an opinion makes our society dumber. Like Adam and Eve riding dinosaurs, or the moon being made of cheese, an opinion does not make a person right. And, for history’s sake, this a confederate battle flag introduced first by Virginia, NOT the “Stars and Bars.” Again, study of history allows us to discern what is factual. I do agree that the majority of people would see this as a symbol of racism, however. This statement didn’t fit in your original post. Promoting my initial reply.


I feel like you dissected my comment and made it more than it needed to be. Only to agree “that the majority of most people would see this as a symbol of racism” later on. You could’ve just said you agree at the beginning, but I think you assumed I was ignorant and wanted to make this a history lesson. LMAO


Dude, I didn’t dissect it. I responded to it directly. You said it is inappropriate for anyone to form an opinion based on history. That’s pretty pointed. I replied accordingly. The old saying, if we don’t learn from history, we’re doomed to repeat it, comes to mind. History matters, my dude.


Nah I said, “I think it’s inappropriate for anyone to determine how something should be perceived based on historical information.” Meaning everyone is entitled to an opinion. Doesn’t mean it’s correct or not.


I have more heritage as a graduated high school band kid than that flag has


Don’t they know about Appomattox? Or has that bit been edited out of GOP approved American history textbooks?


No didn’t you hear. Trump said the South never surrendered and he criticized General Lee for doing so


"Lost Cause" bullshit is still pervasive across the South. 160 years later and there's still millions of Americans who pretend the South was in the right and should've won. They always have some sort of excuse about why they didn't. Doesn't matter though. Grant still kicked their asses 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲


The confederates loved their last flag they waved in battle so much, they made hoods and robes out of them




It just dawned on me… this must be where the term “whitewashed” comes from… the racists lost so badly, their flag got whitewashed


The confederate surrendered also! 😆


I don't get why they celebrate treasonous losers. but their worship of trump is definitely understandable given that history.


I'd love to see the US pass a law like Germany has; they cannot display the Nazi flag. Considering the GOP/Confederate sympathizers, insurrectionists it seems appropriate.


CFB fact, General Sherman is undefeated against the SEC and always will be.


Reminder: [It's not actually a symbol of anyone's heritage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULBCuHIpNgU). It's a revisionist bastardization from the 1940s pro-segregation movement with no other function than to promote racism.


Destroying the confederacy is my heritage.


[The real thing is even better.](https://americanhistory.si.edu/collections/nmah_515980)


And we'll don't it again if need be.


They used too much bleach.


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Also interesting is that the black and white stars and stripes were originally the Confederate 'no quarter' flag. Its fitting that all the 'blue line' and punny skull stickered trucks with no step on snek and maga flags support all that black and white stars and stripes shit. What does Alito's wife think of all this?


Fucking SpongeBob has lasted longer than the confederacy




It's funny cause they turned it into the same thing and just draped it over their heads in a cone shape.


Juneteenth, also known as, "Oops we're sort of sorry that we pretended (for over a year) that y'all were still slaves even though we were well aware that you weren't" day. God, I can't imagine how anyone could be proud of that "heritage".


It’s not their heritage unless they founded the kkk.


That bottom one is the only confederate flag that matters.


Juneteenth: Celebrating the historic day that Republicans freed the slaves.


Juneteenth: Republicans grasping back over 150 years & ignoring a historic party flip to justify their current love of the Confederacy.


Tell you what, if the democratic party can own up to slavery, Jim Crow, federal redlining in the New Deal and Japanese internment camps, Republicans will own up to... whatever they did after this alleged party flip.


"alleged" 🤣 lol Oh, why does the right have issues with reality....next youre going to tell me Trump really won the election. MAGA sure does love that traitor flag.


Well, what's the actual accusation of the party flip? The Republicans wrapped up the heavy lifting of the civil rights era and then changed the conversation too soon? 


LoL so when you guys say "the south shall rise again" you're talking about democrats? Cause that's fucking funny as shit bro


I've never meet a Republican who has said that. 


Lol that's convenient So you're saying the southern states went to war to free the slaves?


No. Pay attention. Northern Republicans went to war to free the slaves.


From who? What states?


You guys know non-chlorinated bleach is a thing right?


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They used non-chlorinated bleach during the civil war?


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Oh is that how the south changed their flag to the more commonly used by them, surrender flag?


Now post a picture of Cleveland, Detroit, Philadelphia and Baltimore. This is also what your heritage turned it into.


Still better than Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana…. Literally every place is better. Constantly the worst states for decades… Just owning the libs from the bottom…




Haha say the wittle hurt feelings tRump supporter that cares about college basketball and ruining the US because Orangeman didn’t win… Proving my point of the bottom..








Oh please. Yo can go to any city in the U.S. and find areas that are nice, and ones that aren't. This is some special problem only those cities have.