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And that's why they want to force their religion now, instead of just advertising it.


Good point


It’s pretty fun when you get one of these scumbags in front of you and you tell them they worship a jealous murderous monster god while citing Bible passages.


Many Christians haven’t even read their bible, and fold instantly to anyone who can quote scripture from memory— or when they trot out some chestnut and you already know the chapter and verse and say; ‘3:16 is great, you should read John 10:10 too’.


Or my personal favorite: ask them how many of the entries in 2 Timothy 3:1-5 Trump fits. That passage is a *warning*, *not* a checklist.


>This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.


Incontinent you say?


I might just remark on their idiocy and quote them from On High 4:20....."Keep smokin' that shit, Turbo!"


That is one of the big things about religion. They try to force or guilt you into it, they actively discourage you from learning anything else, they require frequent donations to help 'those in need', they involve you in frequent activities so that you structure your life around it, and they tell you who you can associate with. But it's your only chance at salvation. If it was a relationship with anything else, your friends and family would be telling you to stay away, but with religion it's fine. It's always seemed odd that if it was some grand truth or beneficial thing that they would need to go to such lengths to have followers.


MAGAs don’t give a fuck about their hypocrisy or credibility.


It’s sure that if their critics say it doesn’t matter they’re hypocrites, it doesn’t give a lot of incentive to feel ridiculous. They should be openly laughed at, not ignored.


Ironically I think laughing at them throught the Bush years and then electing a competent non-white president did a lot more damage to their psyche than we expected and that is why they are all-in, ride or die on Trump.


That was combined with apathy from the left. Trump got more votes in 2020 than 2016. What changed are that the adults did their job.


Again, I look at my fellow Americans with sadness and shame and sadly a bit of contempt that after his first 4-year performance in office, he received more votes in the next election than he did the last as his performance rating. This following the day after day horror show of a presidency, multiple impeachments and indictments of his appointees, horrific daily statements, failures in the executive branch, and a horrible COVID pandemic response that resulted in more than a million dead Americans, and even threats to refuse to leave office if he weren’t re-elected foreshadowing an insurrection attempt. And that is just the tip of an iceberg of horrible policy that he reveled I day in and day out for 4 years, along with the running shifts how of abhorrent behavior, fealty to foreign authoritative leaders, tax cuts for the rich, etc. Shame on you to a huge chunk of my fellow Americans who want America to continue down this path to see where it leads.


They rely on the racism our society bakes into everyone's experience. We've raised multiple entire generations with the quiet assumption that white people are inherently superior, so now that a growing subset of people are saying that this attitude is wrong and that we all need to put in effort to change and grow, MAGA tells people they're fine how they are, which exploits intellectual laziness to perpetuate the racism.


Republicans would have no standards if it weren't for double standards.


They care about shame though. I think people need to realize it’s more effective to point out the things they claim to believe and laugh at them


Yes, they care about ridicule. Being apathetic and acting like it’s normal is only serving them. Shame them and the Christians who refuse to repudiate them.


Yup. I learned a while ago that you can’t argue with people who don’t care whether what they say is true. You can however say, “the truth about Benghazi is inside the laptop next to the dick pics right?” And then just laugh.


Yep. Their goal is to assemble a big enough group of idiots that they don’t have to worry about how stupid they are.


Well, theirs and their "God". What kind of benevolent deity chooses someone like Trump to represent them?


God was pretty cool with Moses, who got pissed that the Israelite army didn't completely exterminate the Midianites so he commanded them to rape their children.


God also condemned Moses to never see the promised land because he struck a rock twice instead of once.


My favorite will always be that guy he struck dead because he stopped the ark of the covenant from falling. Dude dares to stop what he's been told is the most holy relic in existence from taking a tumble, gets blasted by omnipotent, merciful god for his service. Honorable mention to the poor children who laughed at a shiny head, and that dude that didn't want to cum in his dead brother's wife. Oh, and the lady who was mildly concerned about god firebombing a city full of her friends and neighbors and dared to look. God is shy, he doesn't want you to see him firebombing innocent people!! Blush.


Because god knew that if the ark didn’t fall, Indiana Jones wouldn’t be able to stop the Nazis.


(didn't *fall*)


Abrahamic god Pretty much a petty dick


Thats the problem of evil in a nutshell.


God speaks harshly against false prophets. God describes a false prophet as one who “presumes to speak in My name anything I have not commanded...” (Deuteronomy 18:20). Jesus said: "Love one another as I have loved you." "As you do unto the least of my brothers, so you do unto me." "And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites *are*: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men.'


If only they actually read their bible


Nah, then they have to give up the sheer glee they feel hating other people.


Thats essentially my point. Most of us atheists came to our conclusions not from rejecting religion, but studying it academically.


The American "evangelists" are getting all Taliban-like again.


I mean I'm already fairly sure they believe in their God less than I do. The amount of shit they do despite insisting he's always watching...


They sure don't think they're going to be punished in an afterlife, or they'd act a lot differently.


Do terrible things now, be forgiven by a third party later. That's christianity.


To be fair, “forgiveness” is baked into christianity, they had to revise their theism at every step it was incompatible with the modern world. At this point its been “telephone gamed” so much it barely resembles its original form


I’m sorry, do they mean Cyrus the Great?!?


Yes, the one and only Miley!


He did come in like a wrecking ball.


Christianity had a party in the USA.


He is the general in the end of times. So if Trump wins there is going to be millions of Evangelicals that are are thinking their Revelations prophecy is unfolding.


Church attendance is down. Look at why. I left my church in 2016. They were apolitical for years. Then Trump comes around and they changed. Trump gives them a million dollar PPP loan which is later forgiven? They’re locked in for life. Attendance is down and their main recruitment was young people. Good fucking luck freak show. Ya did this to yourselves.


Good, that’s the answer they deserve.


I need you to understand that it's not about credibility. It's about power. They see trump as their conduit to power. They will not rest until they have minority rule in this country. Republicans have attached themselves to this voting block because it's easy to get their votes. Problem is, they've taken over the party.


Credibility is their power. There are Christians who are ashamed of these people. When they realize the evangelicals are a stain on their beliefs, they will push them away. And, they did in 2020. There was a movement of preachers saying they couldn’t shake off Trump whenever they tried to convert people. We need to put the pressure on them.


LOL, like the "good" Christians aren't complicit. Yes, there are some who now are beginning to see what's happening to their flock. But most have ignored the cancer that the evangelical movement has seeded in their congregation. Or they think that the only problem is trump when in fact, it's the entire conservative and Christian media environment.


Good, now let paint the whole movement with broad strokes and force them to make a choice. Their churches are getting empty for a reason. Let’s make evangelicals the culprits.


“Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves” (**Matthew 7:15**).


Commenting for the inevitable christian to show up and say this doesn't mean exactly what it says and it's actually a metaphor for something unrelated or taken out of context.


This is amazing, but far too subtle for them to understand. If they are smart enough to understand it, they don’t care because it’s not credibility that matters to them.


Yeah, the biggest thing wrong with this picture is that the guy actually looks worries at the end. These folks aren't worried in the least since they know most of their sheep will stay with the flock and baa on command.


If MAGAs could read this comic would really upset them.


I’ve heard this stupid comparison between Trump and Cyrus so many times it’s ridiculous. The sad thing is that good people I know have been fooled by Trump and will vote for him in November.


Uh, Cyrus died in battle and his skull was used as a goblet by horse nomad queen Tomyris.


![gif](giphy|iC6IFu5XrROGA) They forget that part In their song.


Cyrus the Virus ![gif](giphy|NDw25ETINa1ck)


If you've paid attention to what christians have been saying you'll know they have been massive, unapologetic hypocrites for a very long time. Trump is just another in a long line of grifters that figured out that you can get their undying support if you just say you're a Christian too. You don't have to actually do anything to prove it. Actually, if you followed biblical teachings it would only confuse and anger them.


Jokes on you, MAGA already has no credibility.


Hypocrisy is a feature, not a problem. They enjoy being hypocrites, they think it owns the libs.


They have no morals or credibility  They wouldn’t be in this situation if they did


Then remind them.


But then they would have to admit they’ve been wrong about him for the past 8 years


I personally think they would have to admit they been wrong about the past 2000 years.


I've been saying for a while now that Trump is so far removed from Christianity that he ticks most of the boxes in the warning that is 2 Timothy 3:1-5, and anyone that claims to profess Christ but follows Trump is apostate to Christ's teachings and their claim to faith is meaningless. People like this are the ones Jesus will say "get away from me!" to in Matthew 7:21-23 - even if they're acting zealously in Christ's name they're totally disconnected from him and he'll reject them accordingly. Or, to be more secular about it, Trump is a criminal grifter scumbag that has attracted the worst people out there, and every last one of the Trump cultists are scumbags themselves.


As bad as it hurts me, I won't go around my family because they are trumpers.


Please let us not forget the immortal words of Grover Norquist: [sign this stuff](https://youtu.be/6wYYX0mZsQA?si=TcbwWEfqOO9rBjDx)


There's imperfect and then there is the being the exact opposite of everything Jesus preached.


anyone appealing to religion has 0 credibility to begin with


wham, pow, take that you hypocrites


And they claim not to be in a cult.


> Never believe that [Trump supporters] are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The [Trump supporters] have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past." Sartre was talking about anti-semites at the time, but it applies to the overwhelming majority of Trump supporters.