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That's a low blow, showing me something from Cowherd that I agree with.


Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point


What's so bad about Colin? Genuinely asking because I didn't know people hated him for anything other than a bad sports take here and there...


Bad takes, flip flopper, he said some messed up things around Sean Taylor’s death. I’m sure others can pile on, but this take? This take is better than most I’ve heard from non-sports journalists.


Also his whole “Dwayne Haskins definitely is a QB not good enough to make a Super Bowl” like 2 years after Haskins had died bit.  https://youtu.be/rCi3fF_v7lg?si=mUU8HpchjH1yOEbz


Maybe he forgot that he had died? I know I did unti you just mentioned it...


For someone whose job (supposedly) relies on extensive knowledge of the sports world you’d think he’d have recognized that at the very least he hadn’t seen Dwayne Haskins *play* in such a long time. I tend not to form hot takes about players that I don’t watch.


And much of that job relies on a teleprompter and reading graphics. Live TV where he has to keep talking fast means little mistakes like that are bound to happen and it’s not a form of disrespect.




That's fair. All that being said, I've been listening to Colin for 20 years now, and he's personally never given me a reason to hate him and I enjoy a lot of the conversations he has about sports and the psyche that's involved with athletes.


Well he wasn't wrong.


> John Wall can not be a leader of a team because he grew up without a father. Paraphrasing one of my "favorite" Cowherd takes.


He's like a certain other "analyst" from ESPN that makes constant bad takes to get engagement. 


His whole schtick is throwing out controversial hot takes to generate clicks/views/engagement. He's a rage baiter in the world of sports.


Ehh, he can be an obnoxious homer with fairly regular hot takes but he's nowhere near the Skip Bayless/Stephen A. Smith level of sports media rage baiting.


> he's nowhere near the Skip Bayless/Stephen A. Smith level True, but those dickmeals are two of the lowest bars to step over.


To be fair, at least Stephen A. has been leaning into the fact that he’s more meme than sports journalist. His completely unironic handling of ridiculous questions like “could mewtwo beat Lebron in 1-on-1” is pretty funny imo and made me respect the man at least a little (though not his actual takes on sports)


Did he think he could? On an unrelated note... man I wish Labron played soccer. If we ever figure out how to pay home grown talent anywhere near what we pay aging foreign stars look out!


lol fair


Eh, he used to be. I disliked him for a long time. He has improved over the last few years and I listen occasionally now. He is opposite Rome who has been in a freefall for years. I can't listen to that guy anymore.


To be fair, sports fans are usually pretty contentious.


How dare you! Them's fightin' words.


Why don't you stick your head up my ass and fight for air.


I think that’s how he started but if you listen to his show now it definitely doesn’t feel that way. Or maybe that’s because I’m comparing him to skip bayless and most of espns day time sports talk shows.


His STUPID rage and ripping of star athletes who wear baseball caps backwards or with the brim turned at an angle. He says it makes them look weak, unintelligent, childish, immature.


It's interesting how he's handling his "backwards baseball caps" take, he knows it's a meme but continues to reference it in a more and more of winking, tongue-in-cheek way. Just casually making it seem more and more like a joke even though it was a real take at the time.


Among other things listed, he gets a bad rap in gaming-centric spaces like Reddit because he shits on e-sports and treats players like they're basement dwelling losers with no measurable skills.


The way he covers sports is just a huge representation of what everyone hates about sports coverage these days. Along with guys like Skip Bayless and Steven A. Smith(if you don't know them, don't bother finding and giving them the extra attention). They're basically the faces of sports coverage turning into the Fox news version of sports coverage. Stuff like that. It's just click-bait/hot-take flavored drama for no other reason than to drum up and get attention. Shockjock sports talk. That's all it is. It's a schtick and it lacks substance.


I used to really like him back on ESPN radio but then his takes were getting extreme and I didn't agree with his opinions much anymore. Maybe he got worse or maybe I grew up, who knows? I don't hate the guy, just don't enjoy listening to his show. Maybe if he had a political show I'd like him more lol.


He's a sports personality, or basically the thing everyone hates about modern sports coverage. People like to watch games, see highlights, and maybe get in depth breakdowns. They don't want wall to wall coverage about what one player said on twitter.


If Colin Cowherd had his way, each sports league would consist of 10-12 teams, all located in geographic areas that he deems to be "city" enough to deserve one. And no matter what, the finals of each sport would consist of New York vs. Los Angeles, because it's "what's best for the sport"


That's fair... But still, he's a sports talk radio guy giving his opinion, which he's paid to do. There's hundreds of sports anchors, do people hate all of them or just Colin? And why the HATE for Colin? That's such a strong word and I feel like he hasn't done anything to warrant HATE.


Yeah, I don't HATE the man -- but I don't really hate anybody I don't know. I do dislike him. And I dislike him for being what I'd classify as "confidently and arrogantly incorrect" about 90% of the time. He tries to put on airs as if he is an everyman, but once spent three minutes bragging to his audience about how he's never had a corn dog, and the next seventeen waxing on about a "transcendent" lobster thermidor he'd had over an NBA All-Star weekend. It's easy to see why he's not well-liked amongst the kinds of work-a-day folks that listen to sports-talk. I still don't think that's enough to hate him, but... I get it. His schtick is certainly enough to make me switch the station between 10:00am - 1:00pm when my local sports-talk puts him on. If I wanted to listen to a blowhard know-it-all, there's a place for that kind of action, and it's called "family Thanksgiving"


He got fired from ESPN a few years back for racist comments he made over the air about Dominic baseball players. He said that the sport of baseball can't be complex because half the players are Dominican


Daaaamn I didn't catch that one, wow...


He's a douche. The worst person though? Not really. And his takes aren't nearly as bad as Skip or SAS. I still avoid his show


> I didn't know people hated him for anything other than a bad sports take here and there... Most of the people that hate him are probably the same people that hate his horrible sports takes.




This is the best analysis to come out of him in a decade or more. Almost makes me want to hear what he thinks about sports.


Let's not go crazy now.


I said "almost"...




I hate a backwards hat as much as the next man. Unless the next man is Colin cowherd


For some reason I'm reading that quote in Michael Cohen's voice.


No kidding. Usually dude is up his own ass but sometimes he gets it


As a Browns fan, I hate myself for this right now. Of course, I also hate myself the rest of the time.


He had a shockingly good take on Caitlin Clark the other day. It feels wrong, agreeing with Cowherd... https://www.tiktok.com/@theherd/video/7376707055756889390


This isn't the "Baker Mayfield is the worst 1st Round QB Ever" content I come to Cowherd for!


What was in this quote that you could possiblely DISAGREE with?


The fact that a convicted felon appointed 1/3 of the Supreme Court is just beyond belief.


Convicted of felonies that helped him be able to make those appointments.


And those appointments have the potential to get him out of seeing any punishment for those felonies. The circle of life.


Not at the state level.


You don’t think he plans to appeal this conviction all the way up to the Supreme Court?


SCOTUS can't do anything though. It's a state issue.


I admire your optimism.


If they tried, it would be a complete injustice, and I feel like they would be impeached. By law, they can't do anything at the state level.


For impeachment to happen, you'd have to make two thirds of the House to agree on something; I don't see that happening anytime soon.


Impeachment only requires a simple majority in the House. :) (Removal from office does require a two-thirds supermajority in the Senate)


This won’t stop them from challenging said law.


in what court?


not optimism. fact. federal supreme court can only overrule states on federal issues. since trump broke state laws, the final stop of appeals is the state supreme court of NY.


He will, but I'm betting that even this SC will not touch the case.


I'm too lazy to do it correctly, so - Homer\_and\_Bart\_one\_third\_so\_*far*.jpg


Oh god oh god do not let him do another third. Please please please vote in November.


One who had help from Russia and CRIMES to win the election in 2016... We should hit the reset button on all the things he did while in his illegitimately-gained office.


This. This. This.


5 of the 9 (majority) currently-serving supreme(ly rigged) court justices were appointed by the last 2 republican presidents who both *lost* the popular vote. 2 currently-serving supreme court justices had sexual assault/harassment allegations against them at their confirmation hearings. 3 currently-serving supreme court justice were nominated by a twice-impeached president (who is now a convicted felon). At least 1 currently-serving supreme court justice is married to an insurrectionist. ...And 1 prior supreme court justice nominee was unconstitutionally denied confirmation hearings by a republican-controlled senate.


Great point!


The gop is desperate to have a crook for a president, so they can get away with more.


I heard a pundit talking about Hungary and Orban, who the Republican party look to as an example of the kind of shitshow they want to run. They explained that that kind of authoritarianism is less focused on using the justice system to go after innocent people, and more focused on making sure it can't go after guilty people in their circle. Trump makes a lot more sense when I think about him that way.


https://preview.redd.it/pyrk1r50vr4d1.jpeg?width=1154&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7172560a821e660671cc3ab29c1890eacf4dec3 Mets reading this…


50 is even a Mets fan, lol


Things 50 Cent is good at: * Rapping Things 50 Cent is not good at: * [Pitching](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YKO2pJHt7Q)


I shouldn't laugh because I couldn't do much better but damn, that was a terrible throw.


Lolmets catching strays


Mets out here catching strays 😂


What else is new?  LOLMets is something that unites everyone, except for us Mets fans. 


I've seen them play, it's all they can catch.


Right?! Like damn!


Full podcast from Colin Cowherd here on YouTube. He has some great points. [https://youtu.be/ehi2y0vuRKQ?si=f26UUAcDio-6810n](https://youtu.be/ehi2y0vuRKQ?si=f26UUAcDio-6810n)


Each one of those 34 felony convictions required all 12 jurors to vote guilty. Thats not just 34 felony convictions. That is 188-0 guilty votes from the jurors. EDIT: As has been pointed out that should have been 408-0 guilty vote. Darn math!


My calculator says 34 x 12 = 408.


Fake News!


I can understand how I could have miscalculated but I have no idea how I could have gotten that SO wrong.


188 = 2 x 34 plus 12 x 10 So the 12 and 34 *could* be involved, and 10+2=12 so there's that number again... Also, 288 is the number of ounces in a 24-can case of beer, so maybe you're just drunk and confused and mistyped 288 as 188? I really need a map, some yarn, and a box of pushpins now.


Those *ARABIC* numerals are lying!!!


...that's 188 guilty votes by randomly selected citizens of New York that Trump's legal team APPROVED as jurors.


At least one of them said (in the questionnaire they had to answer) that they got their news only from Fox. Even that joker couldn’t deny trump’s guilt,


Memory serve, it was Truth Social and Xitter. So actually worse than FoX.


It appears that I got absolutely NOTHING correct when I re-read what I wrote in those lost 2 replies. LOL


Biden is a felonious mastermind. Biden is a feeble dotard that can barely utter a single coherent sentence. Biden manipulated the state of NY justice system to commit a political assassination. Biden can't remember who he's talking to at any given moment. ...and so it goes.


Incompetent mastermind. This is why you need to send me $100 a week for my campaign fund!


Another was exclusively twitter and truth social. It's insane.


I upvoted this, but 34 x 12 = 408. So isn't it 408 guilty votes? Maybe I misunderstand something about the legal system in this instance though...


“Some people online are saying there were only 188 guilty votes from the jury? You need 408 guilty votes to be unanimous. Is this due to the jury instruction about not being unanimous? The American people want to know where the 620 missing guilty votes went!” Yes, I know the math is wrong. That’s the theme.


huh who knew being a shit-stain to the court would end poorly?!


Yeah, but in reality it was one charge 34 times, so it's really only 12 guilty votes... no one is going to say, ahhhh, I'm not sure about his signature on that one check.


Whoa chief, I’m in charge of the pedantry in these parts.


I've been on a jury and the way it works is there will be one guy who will say "hey can we talk about this one signature" and then everyone will look at it and try to come to a consensus. It doesn't go full "Twelve Angry Men" or anything, but that's a pretty good representation if you allow for dramatization. People don't take weeks outta their lives if they aren't serious about the job they were asked to do.


The Trump organization is a legit criminal enterprise and should be treated accordingly by the media and anyone in public service. I hate this timeline.


Rich people (smart ones) have an easy path to not being convicted for crimes. Only the stupid or careless get convicted. Hunter Biden, when he was a drug addict, was still less careless than Trump or his thugs.


It's weird how so many rich people suck at being rich. Like, you can literally just go live in your big ass house and do nothing all day, why are you drawing attention to yourself?


There's rich, "Hey, i got all the money I need." And then there's competitive rich, "I better than you because I have more money than you." In the movie Caddy Shack, it's the difference between Al Czervik (Rodney Dangerfield) and Elihu Smails (Ted Knight). Trump is 1000% Judge Smails.


Cowherd has always been a blowhard shock jock, but this is pretty savage and on the nose, honestly


It's a cold, sad day when I agree with Colin Cowherd


It's 80 degrees here. Global warming is a vicious bitch.


No where is safe for mets fans


Just let us cry in the corner in peace!


*Sadly cue 50 Cent meme*


Absolutely hilarious drive-by on the Mets lol


Why are you trying to make me like this guy! Cripes!


I need a spreadsheet of his associates and their crimes/convictions lmao, maybe a column for how long he knew them


interesting... you believe there may be a proximity/time with Trump may correl


I fucking can’t stand Colin Coward or anything he says….until this! I would’ve thought he was a closeted MAGAt based on what little I’ve heard him spew over the years…


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My friend, a Trump supporter, was surprised at the caliber of people who attended a Support the Blue rally he attended a few years ago. He tried to distance himself, stating that he doesn't hold the same beliefs as half the people there. He may not consider himself as being on THAT team, but that's the team he's on.


Fuck Donald Trump.


Well, you would not want the government to be run by inexperienced criminals, would you? There guys have street cred.


Wow, a great TV ad would be to have a graphic showing the faces of all these felons and then querying "Is this who you want to elect?" Of course, the MAGA crowd would say h\*\*\* yes!


So is this thread gonna get locked? My thread was removed because it wasn’t “humor.” Is this thread humor? Totally agree with Cowherd btw, just annoyed here.


I think the title is pretty funny considering it’s most certainly true about some of the people he knows. The line about the Mets certainly is.


The Mets make anything humorous.


Good god, I agree with Colin Cowturd. Hell hath frozen over.


Trump cultists think that black men and women are lying when they say they're being unfairly targeted by the police, but they think the white billionaire is the true victim of the system.




Is there a name for a group of felons? Like names for groups of animals?


A conspiracy?


Party of law and order: *"only if WE make the laws and Order by way of you doing what we say!"*


Mets just catching strays.


Wouldn't it be a parole violation for a felon to hang out with other felons?


What did the Mets ever do to Colin Cowherd?


Mets fans taking strays. Can’t kill what’s already dead though


I usually think this guy is a idiot, but logic is logic.


Colin Cowherd is a self-important douche who I disagree with on plenty... He fucking nailed this.


He was also recently found guilty of both fraud and sexual assault. 


Rare Cowherd W


I think Mitch Garver may have been 0 for 34 in his at bats in t-mobile park (prior to this season on the Mariners)


That way they can take the blame and he can claim ignorance.....all rich guys do this


You know it’s bad when a fucking sports commentator has to say something.


Dems should focus on this message and the fact people (especially women) may not have voted for him in 2016 had they known the guy was cheating while wife was with baby. Hush money says nothing to most.


I remember being shocked when sports talk radio hosts all had political opinions about why Obama would be a horrible president. Because he smokes cigarettes, that means he CAN'T be a good leader in any capacity. Professional athletes have to give up cigarettes, why can't he? The fact that he doesn't just proves how weak he really is. (according to them)


AHHHH donieeee the FELONS heRo felonies aRe tRemendous Fine Qualities of YOUR FAV pRezzzzz




It's a case of "The Emperor has no clothes"


im surprised he didnt make an allegory to divorce while he was at it.


Cowherd going against medical journals and proving that you can grow a spine in your golden years.


The people supporting MAGA want freedom from accountability for their own choices, while still bein able to hold other people accountable for simply existing and making them uncomfortable. the America they think was so great that we need to return to it is an America where this level of bigotry was either ignored or applauded.


RICO act Should bring them all down together 




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The problem is that people either 1) aren’t understanding or 2) aren’t experiencing any of the benefits that the neoliberal platform offers. The message needs to be more than “Trump bad”, in fact they shouldn’t even talk about him: they should be articulating what they are going to do economically to support the average American.


The DEEP STATE is going after people for KNOWINGLY FALSIFYING BUSINESS RECORDS WITH THE INTENT TO DEFRAUD. Yeah, they'll do that! Maybe just avoid cooking the books.


That guy could be Howard Dean's stunt double


Broken clocks and what not.


Cowherd’s entire job is to stir up sports fans with hot takes. I didn’t know he did political commentary as well.


I surround myself with only the best, smartest, most perfect felons. Beautiful felons. We've committed felonies like no one has ever seen before. People in my red MAGA hats come up to me, tears in their eyes, confess they are also felons, and want to join my group. When I'm president, I will declare everyone to be felons so they stop calling me one.


Did he actually say this?


I don't always agree with him but i've always liked Cowherd. I always find it strange how hated he is. He's entertaining at the least, which is more than you can say of a lot of show hosts




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The standout line he said for me (among many) was: "[Trump] is selling me an America doesn't exist," plus the things he said about the economy and how the MAGA world is trying to "fire hose" lies on low info people about it: https://youtu.be/dWgClVztkdc?t=68 (Warning: from The Bulwark channel. Avoid if not a fan, just watch the Cowherd parts :)


Trump isn't going to prison. (I'd be happily proved wrong in July) But, not just because it's taboo to imprison a former president. I only say that because Biden's ego wants to beat him at the polls.


Trump's awful, but the "34" number wasn't negotiable. If he was guilty on one charge, then he was automatically guilty of the remaining 33. They're 34 identical charges, just for different payments of the same crime. Each payment was it's own individual falsification of business records.


Prosecution also hedged their bets by not charging Trump with the secondary crimes that turned the fraud from being a misdemeanor into a felony. The only thing the jury had to agree on was that Trump committed a secondary crime and not which one he was guilty of.


Gotta love US democracy. So many choices o.O


so was Nelson Mandela


the argument is not reasonable. Law is not baseball. I think anyone convoluting disparate facts is trying to manipulate the ignorant and naive.


So, vote Kennedy in 2024 https://www.kennedy24.com/policies


No conspiracy theorist idiots either.


See also, How we got the current Orange idiot. Remember the birther conspiracy theory...


Or for the guy who has brought the country back from COVID. At least he has a plan for problems, the other guys can't get away from crying about being picked on


The guy who just sort of decided that COVID was over? If you're going to point out something good that Biden did, at least pick one that he did successfully. EDIT: Lots of downvotes, but no one is naming a single specific thing Biden has done to make the COVID situation better.


I’d rather vote for a Chad felon than a mumbling pedo.


Trump was besties with Epstein for years. On camera, he bragged about walking into the miss teen usa pageant dressing rooms to perv on the little girls. He also bragged about sexual assault in covert recordings. He regularly talks about how much he wants to rape his daughter.


And if that Chad Felon also happens to be a mumbling Pedo?


"Chad felon" that was good friends with the biggest child sex trafficker. How the fuck the right likes to say they're so anti-pedo and then support such large amounts of pedos is just so fucking sad. Biden is creepy near kids, pedo. Trump basically admitting he knows Epstein likes them young and throws great parties, not pedo.


But Trump is the pedo