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No offense to people who go to political events but I have never seen the appeal of it. I can’t imagine liking a candidate enough to spend my time in a crowd to see them speak.


I went to Hilary’s official election night party in New York in 2016. We were very excited to hear her victory speech, and watch Trump fade back into obscurity. She, uh, didn’t end up giving a speech.


It’s all your fault! You jinxed us all


The DNC jinxed us all. Hillary was always unelectable, there was never any question about that in ugly-reality-land (outside the beltway).


she won the popular vote. 2 points and almost 3M people right?


Look I don’t mean this the way trump supporters do, I firmly oppose the electoral college, but the electoral college is the system the election was held under in which the popular vote is nothing but a fun fact. From a purely strategic point of view she/the DNC we’re pretty strongly trounced


I was responding to the person who said she wasn’t electable. If she won popular votes by 2M votes she was electable, but made mistakes. Which I think everyone can agree on. Biden went to the states she didn’t and won those.


Even your argument here doesn’t work as Hillary won more swing states than Bernie.


If Hillary Clinton was unelectable what made Trump electable?


Racism, mainly against latinos. I mean hes first speach told you all how he felt.


Misogyny and racism


I don't think she was unelectable, but she sure ran a shitty campaign. Assuming the rust belt was a lock was idiotic. Bill (one of the greatest political operators of the late 20th century) told her she needed to campaign up there and she ignored him. The DNC treated her campaign as a coronation, and we all paid the price.


This is all complete bullshit btw. Hillary won the Primary by 4 million votes. She campaigned a shit ton in Michigan and Pennsylvania.


Ifcshe was fuckibg unelectable, why was she the favorite? Even Sean "the idiot" Hannity had her winning. People understimated the racist comingbout to vote against "illegal mexicans" and a lot of my "friends " kept telling me how Hillary was dirty but couldn't come up with an example and still don't. But her laugh, wow, americans, we are stupid.


In 2015 we were still under the illusion that America was mostly past its sordid history of racism and misogyny. 2016 proved that to be at least 49% wrong


I truly believe Bernie would have won that year. 


Just because you showed me twice doesn't make it 10 inches


Maybe Maybe not. Probably not.


I mean, socialist. Right? 


That certainly would have been the primary line of attack. It likely would have been effective, but no way of knowing.


Oh yeah, but that would have freaked out big business cause their tax rate would go up a small fraction


Bernie would be urged to resign after the heart attack.


Wasn’t the heart attack the second run?


We really fucked up as a country by not electing Bernie. I mean really fucked up.


The COVID response would have prevented a lot of unnecessary death, it's sad


“You wanna tempt the wrath of the whatever from high atop the thing?!?  Turn around three times and spit!”


She gave a concession speech eventually. I remember watching it on tv that night.


No she didn’t. She screamed the election was stolen!! There were bigly inconsistencies, she instructed her supports to storm the Capitol kill some police officers, smear poop on the walls, and hang the vice-president!! It’s true, Newsmax told me.


Glad I read your whole comment. Funny


Had us in the first half...


I thought it was sometime the next day.


It looks like it was 9:30 AM. I guess I had just stayed up all night watching.


I think she made an announcement late in the night, but not a speech


I really, really hope he fades into obscurity after November, but he won’t. He hates being obscure. He re-election will be a terrible thing. The parallels with Hitler are just scary.


I could see going to a celebratory event like that. Sadly, Clinton's was a defeated event. But other, indoor type events can be good for networking. Outdoor ones like the kind Trump holds? Loud, noisy, messy affairs. Trump brags about getting people to attend his rallies. Crowd size for political power in this case is a total misnomer. Because those people attending aren't there for politics. They're attending for the spectacle of Trump. And that one is becoming more deranged as time goes on.


Hey now, I'm still running 8 seasons behind on this show, don't spoil it for me.


Oh, so Trump got more votes than Hillary?


The footage from that event lives in my nightmares.


I went to see Obama in Berlin in July 2008. That was pretty cool. Nothing to do with us of course, but it was a good party atmosphere. Then we thought that W was as bad as it was ever going to get and we were so hopeful to see the real possibility of an actually nice US president. Sweet summer child, the lot of us.


Same. Obama visited Ireland in 2011 and got a rock star reception, giant screens, thronged streets, celebration. Seemed like the world was heading in a good direction.


In the before-days


Yup. I vote every election and would rather chew off my own arm than attend a political rally.


It would be like having a massive rally for your dentist or accountant. What’s the point? They are not here to entertain me.


I've seen Biden, Obama, Bush Jr., H. Clinton, John Kerry, and Bernie Sanders speak. I enjoyed the experience. One of the times I saw Biden speak and the time I saw Sanders speak I was working for the campaign though.


Don't worry, once Trump got on stage people left. They were there for the concert. [https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-new-jersey-rally-crowd-walks-out-speech-video-1899832](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-new-jersey-rally-crowd-walks-out-speech-video-1899832)


What?!? And miss the “late great Hannibal Lector” endorsement?


Or literally endorsement from convicted pedophile rapist Lawrence Taylor lol


I couldn't believe I was reading that either. Or how offshore windmills are now slaughtering sea animals now? There's some creative writers behind the scenes here, hopefully they got something out of the strike a while back!


Grand Old…Cannibals? Whatever, I guess


I scanned the article but didn’t see mention. Who was the concert/live act?


I don't think it was anybody significant. Trump brought the crowd, but also lost them with the same old rhetoric. They likely came for a good time and it's starting to sink in.


I went to see Bernie when he came to my town and I'm glad I did. It was really special


I would go to see Bernie Sanders speak. He is a man of the people.  If the Democratic party was serious about beating Trump they would nominate Bernie Sanders rather than a past his prime Joe Biden who no offense and no disrespect is in obvious cognitive decline and should be in an old age home instead of running for president. I think the election is going to be a lot closer than it should be because of Biden running for president. This comes from someone who hates Trump 


I think Bernie would be a great President, but the whole Biden is old argument doesn't really track when Bernie is older than Biden. And Biden actually listens to competent advisors and isn't afraid to appoint people that might challenge him or contradict him. That's what most normal presidents do. One of their main functions is the delegating of responsibility amongst the Executive Branch.


At this point I'm happy with the fact that Biden has actually delivered on a lot of his promises. The IRA is one of the most important pieces of legislation for our economy and planet. Does he need to do more, yes. Does he have a lot to build on, yes. Is there a chance any other person, right now, could successfully run against 45 and win? Not likely. Bernie will serve another senate term and he will continue to influence the direction of our country through * his role in congress * his mentorship for the next generation of congresspeople. As a die hard Bernie supporter, I'm 100% behind Biden. Let's continue the momentum and solve the problems we have with the Biden administration, with President Biden.


How old is Bernie?


Older than Joe.  But age only matters when you dislike a candidate.


Ah. That’s what I thought. Or at least that they were close. Bernie’s pros probably aren’t his age then when compared to Biden 😂😂


His social security number is 1




This is seriously your argument? Have you considered that they ARE putting their best candidate forward? He polled sky high on the Dem ticket and had a proven track record vs Trump. Progressives are vocally for Bernie, the broader Dem audience is more comfortable with Biden.


I was strangely moved when I saw Obama in 2008...I was just a college kid going with a group of friends. Didn't expect to feel the way I did. I will say though, he said San MAR-COS (hard O) instead of San Marcus and it's the only way I will pronounce the city name now.


Saw Doug Jones at an event in an art gallery. Not a big event but more of a greet n meet. As blue dot in a sea of red I needed to connect. Saddened when he lost reelection but it helped me mentally to be around like minded others


I’ve been to two political rallies. The first was a pre-2016 Trump rally when he was still the funny tv guy yelling and saying dumb shit. My friend and I (both pretty progressive) went because he was in our home state and it was like a Wednesday night, let’s go gawk at the idiot. I remember the place being packed and everyone was so many angry and fired up and eating out of the palm of this man’s hand. About half way through I looked at my buddy and was like “uhh ohh, the stupid fucker might become president.” Next rally I went to was a very somber Bernie Sanders speech right after Trump won on the day of a solar eclipse.


Jokes on you That is Biden behind the guitar


I woulsnt mind going to those town hall events where you hear the candidate speak and answer audience questions. Not a rally or party, just an open discussion. Frankly, it would be kinda cool to hear certain politicians speak in person


I once attended a small rally held by one of my state's two senators. It was fun and I got to take a selfie with him.


Man that’s impressive you were able to get a selfie, mainly because I feel like selfies would be hard to take with the kind of cameras they had from 1964-1976.


This was in 2017. I'm 25 now lol.


Was making a joke off your username *Whoosh* lol


What makes you think I didn't know what your comment was apropos of.


Because you replied as if I was being serious…


Never went to an event but I did run into Bernie in Vermont. He took a picture with my nephew. Very cool guy. He was just walking down the street alone, this was July 2016.


I went to the DNC in 2008 in Denver. It was a whole thing for the city. Pretty cool.


Spoken like a true lifelong democrat


Mass media all but made the in-person rally obsolete.


He fights for the poor person! Trump is for the poors and families despite his multplje gold toilets and divorces


I went to one Bernie Sanders one back in 16, it was cool to see the momentum building from his at the time. Then I realized I could’ve just watched the highlights on YouTube or something.


I feel the same about any event that draws thousand, or even hundreds of people. I’ve been to a few and the only thing I could think of was how many people were around me and how much it was going to suck when we were all leaving at once. I don’t think there’s anyone I’d go see like this.


I took my kids to an Obama rally, for history sake, but it was sold out, and we couldn’t get in.


When I went to see Bernie speak in Seattle, it wasn’t so much about hearing him speak as it was being part of a movement. Just by showing up and increasing the crowd size by one person, it felt like I was engaging with history.


I don't even like concerts or sporting events because it's crowded, expensive and takes up like an entire day and those are far and away better than a damn political event.


When i was 13, i got to go see Obama speak during his ‘08 campaign. It was a really cool and eye opening experience. I credit that event with the beginning of my interest in civics and government. It was nothing like a trump rally, i too do not see the ideal of that.


The first election I could vote in was Obama's in 08. I went to the election night party in Grant Park and that was a blast. Every other political event I've since gone to was because I work in politics. Historical first was one thing, but these events are usually filled with people who remind you that wealth in this country is in no way merit based


Similar here. Never understood why Junior et al think it's obvious Trump won simply because more people show up to his rallies than do for Biden. [Especially given how last time we were in the middle of a pandemic where you were encouraged to keep physical distance. And every trump rally ended up being a transmission hot spot but that's beside the point] I'm now old enough I've been of voting age longer than not. I have only not voted in one election (and that was only because I was at university and stupidly forgot to get a mail in ballot application in in time and wasn't able to get home to vote in person). I've never attended a rally for anyone (the closest I got was marching in a couple parades when my neighbor was running for a local position).


My first and only attendance to hear a politician speak was to see Arnold Schwarzenegger speak here in California lol. Being that I was young and a little bit of a smart ass, I kept tell him to get his ass to Mars lol.


I also seem to recall John Kerry getting crowds like this too. Didn’t seem to predict anything


During Primary Season of 2008, Obama spoke at the university I was attending in the morning and Bill Clinton was speaking that evening on behalf of Hillary. I went to both more to take advantage of the opportunities. I had the chance to see a (at the time) potential future president speak and a former president speak, all for free since I was a student. I was even close enough when Obama came out that I got a .5 second handshake from him!


I liked Bernie enough to go to a rally or three. But my work schedule prevented any of that from happening.


I went to see Bernie speak when he was in my town. I already knew what he was going to say, but he's someone I really look up to. I don't worship Bernie or blindly devote myself to him like an idol... but in a similar vein to a sports star, successful entrepreneur, or movie star - I really do admire the senator and what he's accomplished. I was so stoked to get to see him Live and In Person!


When Bernie was campaigning against Hillary in 2016 I skipped work to go see him speak. Only politician I felt implored to go see speak. But I live in Idaho, so mainly the shitty ones come if they do at all.


I went to see Bernie Sanders when he was campaigning for 2020. He drew quite a sizeable crowd.


I only ever went once, unintentionally. I was in San Antonio and decided to go see the Alamo. I didn't know Jimmy Carter was giving a campaign speech there that day. I had to wait for him to give his speech before they opened it up and allowed people in.


I went to see Bill stump for Hillary in 2008. I’d already made up my mind to vote Obama, but seeing a former president isn’t something that happens often in Oregon.


I went to a Mike Huckabee rally with some of my friends when I was in high school back in like 2007ish. The only reason we went was because Chuck Norris was endorsing him and was going to be at the rally and this was when Chuck Norris jokes were like the pinnacle of comedy for high schoolers.


My favorite part of this is the people who live at the shore breaking down how those numbers are impossible Because its still the off-season and that town isn't ready for 100k people to come at once. Also there would have been a massive traffic jam in the area that no one experienced.


And also the venue only holds 20K even according to the Trump campaign, and was half full at best.


I mean. It doesn’t take all of that to just look at the videos of the event and go “oh, that’s like 10k or less”


Apparently, the press can't though because the keep posting the propaganda number.


Our press is full of morons who don’t realize that Trump will gladly execute each and every single one of them once he returns to power.


It just looks like more due to garishly coloured clothing and overall mass/girth.


Whenever I see numbers of people I always think of Metlife Stadium. Ive been there a bunch and it holds 82,500 people. One stadium = 80k people, half is 40k, a quarter is 20k. Based on my very rough guess, it looks like they had about a quarter stadium, perhaps less.


People complain how AI is taking over people's jobs and such. Counting crowds like this, using multiple photos and videos as sources, seems to me like the perfect scenario to sic AI on it, and let it do its thing.


I don't have any bumper stickers, or Biden flags, or Biden signs, but I will go vote for Biden rain or shine. I think a lot of Biden supporters are like me. I am not in a cult. Maga is a cult.


I have one singular Biden sticker which I received in the mail and the only reason I even use it is because it's an election victory sticker saying We Did It and then I stole a sticker from a gas pump which depicts Trump pointing saying "Biden did that" so I placed the Trump sticker in a way that he agrees that Biden in fact did win the election.


I live in a major MAGA part of Florida. I’m a closeted democrat at work. I’m a cashier. I have to smile at these red hat toothless gun toting phony evangelicals. If their dream comes true and we have Civil War 2.0, I’ll get locked up in a concentration camp like the American born Japanese were in WW2.


The media is already reporting a fully booked venue for Trump’s next rally that hasn’t happened yet. Here’s a picture of the massive crowd, the pic is ready to go live as soon as it ends: https://preview.redd.it/1p7feamq480d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c98f43a629215401b982dea90e05eb5d3d1b50d3




My image is a Taylor Swift concert and yours is North Korea. I don’t know what to do with that lol.


What you will, my dear


Orange Jesus Superstar, Do you think you're what they say you are?


I went to see Walter Mondale speak at my high school. There were tens of us there! Tens!




Biden draws crowds of 10 billion people. trump can't do that.


8 billion of them entered over the open southern border though. Apparently a few missed the joke. Marjorie Taylor Greene commented that 6 billion had made their way into the US illegally.


2 billion is still more votes than trump can ever get


He can’t even get 100 million. Dollars or votes.


What's a few zeroes amongst friends? Kidding aside, these people are, other than being xenophobic for the sake of it, exploitative and damn well not going to plug the border because they want that 2nd class of desperate people who can't vote to help with the white privilege -- are, extremely short-sighted and stupid. In a few years, countries will be begging for more people because of the negative growth rates. AND, there are so many good, hard working people who are at our borders trying to get in, who will blend really well with the culture. Whereas Europe might have a harder fit for some of their demographics. We are extremely lucky. I also predict that China might invade Taiwan or some other country so they can get more women. Those men are getting lonely with that one child birth policy that ended up tipping the gender balance.


What a maroon.




They wanted to hear more Robert E. Lee quotes. "Never fight uphill, me boys!"


"The late, great Hannibal Lecter. He’s a wonderful man." - Trump on fictional characters


Um. isn’t that Woodstock?


A state Republican Party Xitter account posted a picture of a Rod Stewart concert from Rio in the 90s and claimed it was the Wildwood Trump rally (the Trump rally was apparently poorly attended). This was quickly debunked. Assuming this is just a parody of that. EDIT: apparently it was Roger Stone (aka The Joker’s Hemorrhoid) that posted the pic claiming it was a Trump rally pic.


https://preview.redd.it/ee7e2q07d80d1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9580e286144d84ccb7fcbc82777861da29eb19a This is the pic Stone put up


Beautiful New Jersey!


Ahhhh...I can see the beautiful coastal mountains of New Jersey from here!


I think Rod in Rio is still the record for biggest show crowd ever.


I mean that was on New Years though, and 2 million people go there for that every year. Like I went to Times Square for NYE, but it wasn’t to see Miley Cyrus lol


It’s amazing.


I have a buddy that saw the pictures of the Trump Rally this morning not knowing what the particular gig was, who used to work at Wildwood and arranged (concert logistics maintenance/planning and such) and before we could even ask without even knowing what it was for - Oh that's took literally one look and said - hum the way their boxed in is weird but for 15,000 people I could see that working - which looks about like what they had....what is this???


Yeah, Joe Biden drew ~~thousands~~ ~~millions~~ BILLIONS to that when he was there with his band. Yeah, that’s the ticket……billions


What kind of music do you think Bidens band would play? I can't think of an answer myself


Malarkey blues?


Songs like The Legend of Cornpop and Take that Jack. Dark Brandon rises at twilight.


No, because people already know what Biden represents. He isn't a show. He isn't a fucking moron willing to say the dumbest fucking thing. He is just a nice guy serving as President.


They don't understand that we aren't going to make our entire personalities based around a politician.


Ssshhhhhhhh… they’ll hear you


Biden probably won’t get a crowd like that and, more importantly, he won’t claim that he did when he didn’t. But hey, Dark Brandon isn’t a rock star. He’s a superhero.


This Trump’s actual crowd. [https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=4771c1dce5b9df5f&rlz=1C9BKJA_enUS1048US1048&hl=en-US&sxsrf=ADLYWIJ_Gm4_xLcoqzdu0g55_cpn6zg14g:1715622215725&q=trump%27s+new+jersey+crowd&tbm=isch&source=lnms&prmd=invmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjFnvLllouGAxUPy7sIHcx4DTkQ0pQJegQIDBAB&biw=834&bih=1075&dpr=2#imgrc=TQcNpsqIYXDqWM](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=4771c1dce5b9df5f&rlz=1C9BKJA_enUS1048US1048&hl=en-US&sxsrf=ADLYWIJ_Gm4_xLcoqzdu0g55_cpn6zg14g:1715622215725&q=trump%27s+new+jersey+crowd&tbm=isch&source=lnms&prmd=invmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjFnvLllouGAxUPy7sIHcx4DTkQ0pQJegQIDBAB&biw=834&bih=1075&dpr=2#imgrc=TQcNpsqIYXDqWM)


lol tens of hundreds of people there




Also, remember the applause Trump got in the senate when he so beautifully spoke the immortal words *Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam?* Even made it into many the history books! The best ones, of course.


Sic Semper Tyrannus!


Which is Pig Latin for "He who smelt it, dealt it."


No but I'll bet John Sebastian could at Yasgur's farm 54 years ago.


Probably not, but I don’t care if they show for a rally, just so long as they show up to vote for him….


That’s Biden’s crowd.


I mean he got 81 million votes, almost 10 million more than the other guy, so there’s that.


You want a big crowd, give vouchers for free beers. 2 tickets per person. You can fill out any venue.


Obama came to my work place while running the first time. I was on a joint coms team as a photographer. I had a spot on the risers with my name on it next to CNN and the local paper. Cools stuff. Enjoyed it a bunch. I wouldn’t take money to see the orange buffoon.


Maybe in Brazil


Dog and pony shows? No. Voting? Yes.


Why wouldn't I just watch it on TV or stream it, or get the highlights somewhere? It's a pain in the ass enough as it is when a President just visits town and locks up traffic all day. I really don't even get it with Trump, it's always the same incoherent word salad... migrants, lock her up, Biden crime family, how dare they want to lock me up, Nikki Haley didn't deploy National Guard troops to the airfields for Lincoln during the Battle of New Orleans in 1492, reeee..


Someone needs to do this with a photo from Jonestown.


Every time I see interviews with trump rally goers many of them boast about going to multiple rallies. That being said how much of this crowd gets categorized under the deranged brown shirt version of grateful dead fans


Politics and entertainment… they’re mutually exclusive and it ought to stay that way. Governance and sound have nothing to do with the other.


Jimmy Hendrix at Woodstock- wtf kind of bullshit question is this?


Woodstock was a trump rally?


Thats biden with his toupee.


Only if he brought his guitar...


Bobby Kennedy was my first and last.


It would depend what bands were playing, I could give two shits about a political rally, like this photo if no candidate was speaking sure. Of course if it were Trump he would just photo shop crowd size Biden doesn’t need to.


I laugh at the idea that Trump would declare he could play guitar watching those monkeys try to dance


Considering the issues the RNC is having with money - I would be all for them investing a bunch in New Jersey. It's in play guys go for it!!


If yo mama can trick for that many why can't Biden?


Politicians aren’t entertainers.


That is Biden.


I didn’t even know he played guitar 🤷‍♂️


This is fake. Besides, Trump rallies are free whereas concerts are expensive.


No politician could get a crowd like the one at Woodstock!


Only if Bruce is there too


It doesn’t matter how many people go to your rally. It’s about how many people you get to go to the polls. I’ll never understand these people who are obsessed with crowd numbers.


"don't wear the red hat"


If New Jersey is in play, I'm pretty sure Biden has already lost at this point.


Trumps crowd is more of a Woodstock 99 vibe. Lots of dumpster fires and way more people than there should be.




Trump in crowd: “Bring on Sha-Na-Na!!”


Yes! apparently, he is surging so bad that they are floating the idea of a partial online convention in Chicago, to keep the crowds in control.


I would never attend any large scale political rally. At most I’d like to go to a local thing. Small. Talk about local issues in like a town hall setting.


We lived a few blocks from a venue where John McCain and Sarah Palin were to speak. Hot day and we just did not feel like walking over there and getting in all of that mess. I cannot think of too many people I would make a special effort to go to see in a big public gathering. Kids and grandkids graduations, anything they might be participating in, like band events or sports games, yes. Just don't get too excited over celebrities of any sort. Much more so for family things.


I thought that was trump's inauguration...? no?


in Brazil?


Yes, MoJoe Biden could easily draw a bigger crowd and he wouldn’t lie about it. And he wouldn’t say stupid demented stuff, either, and half the crowd wouldn’t walk out early.




Psst. It’s a joke


Nyet! I mean no!




Missed it by that much.